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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1925)
©he Wrrnwhm Wrath VOL. XIX <■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■---------------------------------■ NOTICE HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 4. 1925 REBEKAHS SCORE HIT WITH DANCE FATS AND LEANS GAME ENDS IN TIE the quota of the local post for the endowment fund to be used to take eare of the widows and orphans of ex-service men. The local post takes thl».«cans of sincerely thanking all those who helped make the game a success. No. 39 PIANO RECITAL WESTON MEN BUY SPECIAL SERVICE The music pupils of Mrs. Harvey were presented In their an PROJECT DAIRY COWS B. nual Rees spring IS NOW ASSURED recital on Tuesday eve- The dance given Monday night by Sunbeam Rebekah lodge w i) a de Advertising copy and all : nlng, June 2, at the home of Mr. cided success both socially end fin items intended for publi ¡and Mrs. E. P. Dodd. Following Is ancially. The ball was profusely cation in the current is decorated with flowers, purple and BOTH SIDES SWEAT THROUGH C. W. TILDEN FURNISHES CHOICE ,h « program; ARRANGEMENT IS COMPLETED Trio, Polonaise Milltalre In A Major, sue of The Herald should green, the lodge colors being used SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT NINE FURIOUS FRAMES YOUNG STOCK TO DAIRYMEN FOR REFRIGERATOR CAR Chopin, throughout. reach thia office not later COMMISSION REPORT Elizabeth Straw, Jane Warner, Shir- j . A novel feature Introduced by the than 4 P. M. Wednesday ley Brownson. decorating committee was an orches afternoon. Following Is a report at-oordlng Sixteen Jerseys and Ten Guernseys Morning song.................................Behr W ill Be Run From Rieth to Portland tra box composed of a lattice screen Fats Claim Seqrekeeper Was Bribed to districts or localities of seasonal of asparagus ferns and pink roses. Irish Melody ...................Teadltlonal Please Bear Thia in Mind Giving Two Rons to Leans That are Sold for the Lump Sum Once Every Week. Special De employment eondltions In Oregon:« Betty Ralph The stage was also beautlfuly decor, Portland— Due to curtailment of Of >2,000.00. Were N ot Earned. Duet, Gipsy dance..........Mendelssohn with ferns and wild flowers. mand Has Developed in W est ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ated log production along Columbia river By the dance Monday night the Louise Imrie and Betty Ralph End of The Connty. several falling and bucking crews Ariette .........................................Rogers Rebekahg have earned a reputation The Weston district has launched of knowing how to put on an en A number of curious and memen laid off. Labor turnover in lumber Margaret Felthouse joyable dance. Music was furnished to gathering people were on hand Industry has decreased. Portland Into a career of dairying as a re Petite Mazurka ........... Topellmtkofs Arrangements 'were completed by Payant’s orchestra of Pendleton. Memorial day to witness the base painters are on strike for Increase sult of a couple of trips taken to The Tie That Binds.............. . Lampe Monday by Mr. Purdy, traveling of wages and five day week. Calls Florence Udey The dancing of Mrs. Callahan’s pup the west end of the county by a Valec Grotesque ........ Noellck frelght and l« « * » * er agent of the ils consisting of an Oriental solo ball game between the Leans and coming In for seasonal workers with group of men interested in dairy Union Pacific System, and Fred Ben the Fats on the Hermiston diamond. available help to fill demand, dance by Jane Warner, an acrobat Marian Henderson nion and Geo. C. Baer whereby a re cattle. The first trip was aaken ic dance by Isabele Oodd, Margaret They were curious because they did Vocal solo, It Is Enough, from Elijah, Corvallis—Neither shortage or frigerator car will be run from LEGION HOLD EXERCISES AT THE Waterman, Charlotte Ralph and Max not believe any of the participants surplus of workers here. No har early last week In the company of Mendelssohn, ine Avery, was an added attraction would last out nine innings. They vest in progress nor will there be County Agent Bennion, and on Fri Mr. Lyndon Barnett, accompanied by Rteth to Portland ouce every week. LEGION THEATRE The car will accommodate producers and was greatly enjoyed by those were memento gathering tor the for some time to come. Indications day seven of the Weston men went Margaret Waterman prolucte as well v e g e ta b le veow era A present. reason that they wanted a souvenir point to ample supply to fill local to the C. W. Tilden place where they ¡Notturno ....................................... Nevln of dairy and poultry purchased 2« head of producing Pol,chinel|e ...................Rachmaninoff a ," t j and veK'tab1« growers. A o t the remains when the old war needs. special demand for the service has E ring Squad Marches to Cemetery AMERICAN LEGION CONVEN horses finally went to pieces and Eugene— Strong demand for effi lock, 16 Jerseys and 10 Guernseys. ' Elizabeth Straw developed In the west end of the give up the ghost. But were they cient help In sawmills and logging The lump sum price paid for the 1 Valse Caprice ........................Newland TION, PRINEVILLE, JUNE 25-27 W here Graves are Decorated disappointed? Well, we’ll tell the camps— turnover has been heavy. 26 head was >2000, and following ¡Song of the Lark ........ Utschalkowsky county. The day of the week on which the car will start has not yet and Short Service Held. " Isabelle ‘ '• Dodd The Crook county poet of Prine army and navy or any other branch Continued demand for dairy and the purchase the cows were auction been determined, but the service will of the service that they were. Bar Roee In the Bud ..................... Foester farm help, also building construct ville has made eaborate plans of en- ed off to the Weston men with the be Inaugurated within a short time, terainment for the annual conven ing seven or eight substitute play ion and street workers. understanding that any money above Can’t You Hear Me Callin’ Caroline Mr. Baer said. Hermiston observed Memorial day tion of the American Legion, June ers who went In for those who ...................................................... Roma Gresham—-Slight shortage of the purchase price paid at the auc started the contest all of them fin workers. Gooseberry and straw tion was to be returned to thebuy- Mr. Lynden Barnett, accompanied n a manner fitting and proper. The ¡5-26-27. SIX TESTED COW HERD by Margaret Waterman. Department Commander George ished the nine Innings and to show berry harvest starting. Can prob ers on a percentage basis. The ar *. merlran Legion sponsored a pro MAXE UNUSUAL AVERAGE that they still retained their girl ably use 50 extra hands. Griffith will open the session Thurs rangement permitted the buyers to gram at the Legion theatre that drew Hillsboro— There Is a surplus of select the cows they preferred In CITY RECORDER’S day morning, June 25, promptly at ish lofter and frisklncss, went one a large and appreciative audience. nine o'clock and the business ses frame better and made It ten before workers In practically all Industries Produce More Than Herd Number competition with their fellow buy OFFICE IS MOVED in g Thirteen. At sunrise Old Glory was run up at sions will be held each morning they quit. And those who did go Harvest of strawberry cop In pro ers. half mast and unfurled to the brseze. thereafter. At the same time, in out declared It was not front Charlie gress with sufficient local labor to The office of city recorder has The Weston men who purchased The six cow herds that led all oth The exercises at the theatre was separate quarters, Mrs, Rena Palmer, horses or a run down feeling but handle. the cattle included Frank Greer, been moved from Kellogg Motor Co. -eheduled for ten o’clock and long state president of the Woman’s Aux simply because they did not believe Hood River— Surplus of workers In Bob Blomgren, Emery Staggs, Geo. to the building occupied by Wm. Og ers In (he four small cow testing beforel this hour peopUs .begin to iliary, will bring the meeting of the In hogging the whole game and not practically all industries. Straw Winn, Claude Price, L. I. O’Hara and den’s jewelry store. Water rentals units In Lincoln county last year av gather at the Movie to honor the women to order and the same pro giving the other fellow a chance to berry harvest is now In progress. Ross King. All of them have land should be paid at the new location. eraged 339 pounds of buttertat anif returned 8102.25 profit over feed memory of those who had paid the cedure of business will be folowed “do his onions.” They are truthful Indications at present time do not In the foothill district and ont on cost, while the least profitable herd, men and In spite of them panting p^int to any shortage. uprcme sacrifice for home and coun thereafter by them. the bench land. Farmers on the with 13 cows, averaged 195 pounds La Grande— There is a surplus of mountain land have also displayed | try. The calendar of entertainment like a Ford climbing a hill on a of (at that sold for 852.59 more than A few minutes after ten o'clock reads like a railroad time table, all cylinder and a half and the fact workers in all Industries. No har a keen Interest in the dairy busi r n n i i C T l A i r i n |h l C08t ° r ieed’ accord,n6 t0 a summary a squad of eight men with a color hours of the day being occupied with that they had to crawl to the bench vest In progress at this time. ness. As a result of the purchase of j bearer and bugler marched to the some special event. The opening day on their hands and knees, no doubt Marshfield—Wills on fivjb-day the Guerseys, a movemeti Is on foot | ¡cultural agent. theatre and stacked their guns. The will see the staging of the mammoth were telling the truth. The field week basis with less men being em to stablish a Guersey bull association. _____ --------- The owner of the first herd made front seats had been reserved for free barbecue at noon. The after ing and all .around playing of the ployed in camps. Construction work The bank at Weston has agreed to | them and they filed Into their re noon will be occupied by the Rodeo teams was uncanny. Balls knocked furnishing work for nearly all of contribute one-half of he purchase j LOCALS ANNEX SEVEN RUNS IN ns much from his six cows as the owner of the last herd- made from 13. spective places. which will be repeated every day un. out into the field that looked like those who do not find work In the price of two of the best Guersey bulls The five high herds averaged 318 Rev. Sedgwick, pastor of the Bap til the close of convention. Thurs sure two and three base hits— were. mills or camps. that can be bought, one for the foot FI k ST INNING pounds of butterfat and made a pro tist church, opened the services with day .evening the ladies will hold Grounders knocked to the infielders McMinnville— There is no short hill land and one for the mountain fit above feed cost of 394.04 per ani a prayer after which a quartette their annual reception and the men that was coming straight for them age of help at this time. Harvest land. There already are two good i mal. The five low herds averaged sang the Battle Hymn of theRepubllc will hold forth at the business f e t seemed in some manner to evade of goose be r ie s and strawberries Is bulls in that part of the county, one Boardman Loses to Umatilla, Sts 207 pounds of butterfat that return their gloves and making a half cir now In progress. Present Indica at Athena and another at Helix. Visa Ruth Bensel was next on the ing of the 40 et 8. ’d a profit over feed of 358.03 per field and Boardman Tied F .r prcpram Her reading was a plea tions point to a surplus of workers. Early Friday morning a buckaroo cle, go around them. Of he 26 cows purchased all but animal. The highest individual pro At the beginning of the ninth made by a Texas legislature for the breakfast followed by business ses Medford— Medford’s location on five were either two or three years Second W ith Hermiston ducer was a grade Holstein that gave child of a soldier of the Texas war sions and then the huge parade. the fats claimed the score was 9 the Pacific highway brings an amaz old, and all xcept a few are now pro 8541 pounds of milk containing 432 In Cellar. for Independence^ Miss B^snUel The Legion stag- party will be stag to 7. But when they came In for ing number of migratory workers ducing milk. The others will fresh pounds of fat. endowed with unusual talents along ed Ftlday evening, coincident with their halt of the Inning the score here. Thinning of pears will start en within a short time. The 32 herds that were tested av- Standing of Teams. ♦» Is Vne and rendered the selection the giving of the Past Presidents keeper said nothing doing and de In probably a week or ten day^and Mr. Tilden decreased his herd be w . L. Pct. ¡eraged 6659 pounds of milk and 268 clared it a tie 9 to 9. The fats give it appears as though local help can cause of the tact that he recently ¡i a .very realistic manner. Parley banquet by the Auxiliary. Umatilla ............................ 5 .625 pounds of butterfat. This work was Rev, J. K. Mumau, pastor of the g The drum corps competitive drill this explanation of the two runs handle this work. purchased some land of his own and Stanfield .......................... 4 .500 carried on in the lower Siletz, Ta- Free Methodist church, was the is scheduled for Saturday afternoon being added to the leans tallys. Pendleton— Supply and demand is will move on the place within a .500! chats, Beaver Creek and Mountain peaker for the occasion. He eulog preceding the finals of all Rodeo They claim one of the leans owed about evenly balanced hi this vicin Miort time. His new place will not Boardman .......................... 4 Hermiston ..... 3 .375 Dell communities and marked the ized the men who fought In the events. The 40 et 8 wreck remains the scorekeeper a debt of four bits ity. Alfalfa haying will commence accommodate as many cows as ho (lrst systematic butterfat testing In wars of this country and stated that as the final feature for Saturday that had been of long standing. Said about June 1. baa been running. His herd bull Hermiston V credited with an Lincoln county. Only seven herds we owe to them a deb of gratitude night and should bring the con lean promised to pay the debt and Roseburg— Surplus of workers In was grand champion for three years for by their sacrifices we are able vention to a fitting close. In addi two Whle Owls was passed to the all lines. Green prunes and Bart at the Hermiston Dairy and Hog other win lri^ the percentage col fell below the 225 pound arbitrary umn by taking the game from Stan standard of production set by dairy !•> pn’oy peace and liberty and can tion to the special features enumer man with the score book to bind the lett pears first crop to bo harvest Show. field Sunday with a 7 to 6 score. men an a mark toward which all the r nvrlly proclaim citizenship of the ated above, there will be dancing bargain. This was responsible for the ed with plenty of local help to take ----------------------------\ Hermiston won the game In the dairy herds of the county should : test nation of the earth. “When levery night, special street stunts, tie score. The fats were good sports care of all needs. RECEPTION GIVEN RESIDENTS first Inning making seven runs In strive. I see the boys of the Civil, Spanish- and hundreds of cowboys, cowgirls and agred to play an extra frame. Salem— No surplus of local work- As a direct result of the testing, WHO WILL LEAVE HERE SOON the first frame and falling to an American, or World war on the and Indians taking part In wild west But It waa useless, all had tighten 'ers. Inquiries received concerning nex another tally during the rest a total of 30 "boarder” cows were streets,” he said, “I feet like taking events of all kinds, on the streets ed up except the scorekeeper and fruit pickers. Considerable ac disposed of. Most of them went to A reception was given In honor of the contest. off my hat to them, for It Is you as well as at the Rodeo grounds. neither side could annex a tally. tivity anticipated with the begin Bob Woodard, first maa up, hit 'he butcher. v. ho are the saviors of our country, ► At this juncture the umpire, who ning of Jstrawbery harvest which of Rev. J. K. Mumau and wife and Note.— If -you do not test your safe. Jim Todd followed suit and Wm. Ogden and wife last Saturday our homes and our liberties.” Rev, THIEF CAUGHT HERE had been called everything but what will be about June 1. Mumau held the attention of his at the Wm. Ogden ranch. About Bob went to second. Dave Mtttles-1 cows you do not know what they are his parents had named him, took a The Dalles— Farm labor and de IS TURNED LOOSE dorf caught one on the beak and doing for you. audience thoughout the address and hand. He walked up to the plate mand about even. Cannery started thirty petople were present. H. K. DEAN. Rev. J. K. Mumau will leave soon Bob came home with Jim parked a number of comments to the effect A tourist caught here a few weeks and declared the game a tie and or May 20; haying about June 1 and that It was one of the best ever de ago by Nightwatchman Illsley steal- dered the players to'cease firing on fruit picking about June 5th to the for Spokane. At the last conference on third. Carl Voyen hit safe and A Short Vacation livered on a like occasion in this 1 ing gaa from a car owned by Leo account of wet grounds. The fats 10th, with plenty of available help of the “Free Methodist church he Jim romped across the plate with Recently a wreck of a Ford drew was elected district elder Hnd will Dava on third. Hurly caught an city. W. L. Hamm In his usual 1 Hurley, and sentenced to^Sixty days had perspired freely and this inter to handle the crops. C. H. Gram, Chairman Seasonal make Spokane his headquarters for offering to his liking and slammed up to a local service station. It’s ’ easing manner rendered a violin | in jai| an(j assessed a fine of >50, mingled with the tears of the leans the district over which he presides. it out. The hall was fielded anil occupants were two old people, a iolo, ’ Ju.t Before the Battle Mo- : ha8 peen turned loose by the authorl- had made the diamond slippery and Employment Commission. Wm. Ogden has purchased a thrown to first too high for the first ,nan and a woman. While they unsafe for action. ther.” Raymond Crowder read the 1 tjes nfter serving a month of the hareman to get his hands on. Dave [ werc waiting to fill their tank with The Legion realized aHput 864 O. E. Ryder has traded his house chicken ranch at Mt. Vernon, Wash ceremony from the American Legionl sentence. and Carl came home on the over- j ;.aB One of the rear tires blew out from the receipts of the game. The J ington, and will move soon to his and lot here for a lease on a thirty ritual. The quartette composed of According to reports the man pro throw. Chub Longhorn cracked with a report similar to a cannon, Crowder, Waterman, Barnett and cured a lawyer In Pendleton who money will go towards making up acre farm near Stanfield. new home. ¡one out and by means of an error j The old man surveyed the wrecked Martin sang two more numbers, af got him out of jail on the grounds ¡.reached second. Herschel Hlaltt casing then said to his wife who ter which Rev. Sedgswick pronounced ! 0{ jjim being sentenced on Sunday, placed n nice safe blngle and H u r - wa8 i„ the car, "Well mother, I guess the benediction. J. M. Biggs, post the passing of sentence on thia day ly and Longhorn lame home. B o b |our vacation Is over.” "We Inten- commander of the local Legion post, being illegal. Woodard lilt and Hiatt came In. ¡^ed to make It short hut this blame - as in charge of the services. After getting out of jail the than The boys had batted around. There y re ¡,nf, (t shorter than we ’ 'ter the exercises at the theatre returned here for his car that had was one down at the time of the tanned.” II explained that tfcfy e trip to the cemetery was made. been stored In a local garage and merry-go-round and the next two )„8t i,aj ene,jgh money to take them Mr. Barry, father of L. H. Barry of left Immediately for Walla Walla. men were thrown ont at first. , 80n ,n Idaho, and was unable this city, and Mr. Parsons, two Civil Stanfield threatened In their half to buy a new tire. Some time dur- war veterans, attended the exercises. ROGERS-BENSEL of the first but a double play, | ng the day he managed to get hold Mr. Barry and Eber Mossie, a veter Voyen to Mlttlesdorf to Hiatt spoil-¡of ojd casing and with this re an of the Spanish-American war. Zona Bensel. daughter of Mr. and ed heir chance. In the second In- ,,mc(| the Journey. mached with the squad to the cem Mrs. A. E. Bensel, who live near this ! nlng Stanfield scored on an over- j —_____ _________ _ city, was marrrled recently to Mr. etery. throw to second. Up until the Students Receive E ight Grad© short service : Fay Rogers of Bridgeport, Oregon, At the cemetery , sixth nothing exciting happened ) Diplomas was held after which the firing squad The bride la a graduate of the Her- In this Inning Charlie Hoskins. Stan. Eighth grade diplomas In Uma- fired three volleys over the soldiers’ miston high school and Is well | field's catcher, knocked a three tm a county number 240, acordlng graves. Lawrence Winslow blew known here. The bride and groom bagger scoring two men ahead of to the lists that have been compiled will make their home at Bridgeport. taps. j him. Hermiston tightened up and by Supt. J. A. Yeager, Students of Thus- did Hemiston pay tribute the playing of airtight ball pre the Hermiston districts to receive to the heroes of many a bloody bat SDIMONS-McKEEN vented Charley from scoring. diplomas are as follows: Hermis tlefield and weary march and the In the eighth Stanfield made two ton No. 8— Ralph Shafer. Hermis memory of whom will always be en- Miss Bertha McKeen, daughter of more runs making the score 7 to ton No. 14—Leland Gould. Dick Up- shrluetrt« every true American heart Mrs H. A. McKeen. of this city, i 5 at this frame. In 8tanfleld’s half iham. Edna May Wisner. Clarence as long as this nation shall exist. was married Monday, May 25. to 4 of the ninth a Stanfield man cross- Graham, Leo Earnhart, Ruth B. Mr. James Simmons at Coquille. The score was now 7 Kaiser, Edith Sales, Jewel Smith. J í L va : ta 6 ’ wlt”h nil The bride Is a graduate of the local E. R. CROCKER ACCEPTS man on third, and two Lorene Lomax, Anna Gaither, Doro high school and was teaching at I down. Stanfield Stanflel had high hopes thy Hitt. Ruth ensel. Hermiston ASSIGN MEN"!' i Coquille at the time of her mar- of bringing the m«n on third In and ¡No. m — Marda Hannan, Kathrya --------- rlage. The bride and groom are lying the score, but Woodard, who j Rogers, Emmett Rogers, Walther E. B- Crocker, Associate Engineer , visiting at present at the home of , was hurling for Hermiston, struck o n , In the Bureau of Reclamation, left the bride's mother in this city. out »he next batter. Bob pitched Hermiston on the evening of June _______________ Baptist church services—Sunday. good ball and a good deal of credit on the Milk river Investigations. 1 Methodist Episcopal church— Is duo him. for It waa largely by June 7. Bible school al 10 A. M. An International treaty governs the gUBday, Jane 7. Morning wnteh his pitching that the locals were Sermon at 11 by the pastor, subject adjudication of waters of Milk river followed by breakfast at 8 A. M. "Making Friends with Mammon.” able to »In the contest. and Mr. Croeker will be associated All young folks Invited. Sunday) In a hard fought game Umatilla Service at 8 P. M. A. Segsworth, with the engineers of the Canadian school al 18. Morning worship at won from (Boardman last, Sunday. pastor. government In determining the b est^ n . Epworth League. 7 P. M. Illus- (This plac.-s Umatilla In first place uae of the water for Irrigation de- (rated lecture 8. Weekly prayer Jens Skovbo left today with » with Stanfield and Boardman tied velopmeat. Hla headquarters will and bible study Thursday evening I for second place. Hermiston Is truck load of honey for the Portland he at JUHa, Montana. at I p'cock. Henry T< market. 'etlll in the cellar. ; I MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED HERE HERMISTON WINS rnuM u I ANNtLU pr,p ,ed by J-R Beck’ c°unty a»ri- ----------- L. D e s e rte d . -