Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1925)
O K B G O jr. ^foUTELL’EM JU ST Occ w a d TbM A Isu n t at bw rn -M Ol««n«<l H U m Q t y u d N « *h tw rh a a d an 9. A R R IV E D T. Townsend returned the lat ter part of last week from California where he has been visiting. Casper Payne and wife, Mr. and Mm. Ralph Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mumau. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fin- I ley, Mrs. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Finley, Forres Mumau, J. H. Tabor, ; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoffman, Mrs. ! W. B. Beasley, Mrs. Jim Beebe, Mrs. i Earl Beebe, Ida Belle Beebe and Mr. ' and Mrs. Wm. Ogden, composed a party that motored to Nolln Sun- ' day evening to attend the revival meetings which are being conducted there by the United Brethren. The New Arch Support Shoe for Ladies COME IN AND SEE THEM J* I o ò t » h Willard Felthouse returned Mon- ! day from a business trip to Port land. s h o u ld p à k td C Carl McNaught Is spending a few days in Portland attending to busi ness. The New Shades u be. i n r r e . n T c o i n © 14 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glascow of Ir rigon, were Hermiston visitors Mon- day. Mr. Glascow Is one of the , p 4. board of directors for the West Ex- * OREGON WEEKLY * , tension Irrigation district and has * INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ’’’ recently returned from Denver w here' > < he attended a meeting composed of 1 ” * * * * ♦ ♦ ^ * * * * ♦ * P ❖ delegates from the various govern- North Bend New of K#|. inent projects. Mr. Glascow stated zer bospial, costing $59,000, gives that after seeing other section,, of so bed„ tota, capaclty laree8t prl. the country he Is very well satisfied vate hospital In Oregon. with the Umatilla project. .in., SILK HOSE are also Grants Pass— Eight surveyors be H. W. Grim, one of the largest gin work on Caves highway, to be ¡melon growers of Irrigon and deputy ! followed by survey on uncompleted sheriff of Morrow county, was a Redwoods highway. Eight cottages Hermiston visitor Tuesday, to be built at Oregon Caves resort. here W. J. Warner and E. P. Dodd left Monday night for Salem where they wlll attend the sessions of the legis- lature. Otto C. Pierce j — Lane county sawmills cut 360,000,- 000 feet of lumber In 1924; larger (record predicted for 1925. Blsohp Remington and Archdeacon Albany— Creamery association re Goldie will visit Hermiston Tuesday, ports $289,842.83 business for year . February 3. ending November 30. Butter pro duction was 608,124 pounds, with Beginning February 1st our barber I 526,380 for 1923. Association is 30 shops will close at 7 o'clock sharp, years old with 110 members. except Saturday. W. M. Shaar, Cert Mullens. Dundee— Cracking of six tons of cull walnuts employed 22 women for Mrs. F. B. Pennock, who is serious two months. Crop all sold and paid ly 111 at her home southwest of for. H - s '‘’A i ; d il town, Is but little Improved. Bend-—Building oprations for 1924 E. E. Garrett who has property totaled $706,643, with 404 permits, Interests here, was up from Wasco 350 for new houses. on Tuesday. K I N G S L E Y S IN C . H E R M IS T O N 'S ^ d e b is H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N O S E R V IC E " Tütn-A-Lum News Linn county will have $120,000 Free with a cash purchase of $5.1for markct roadg durlng 1925 and or more from stock, one gold filled will Improve Albany-CorvalllB road, brooch. W. H. Ogden. Brownsvlle-Lebanon unit and Albany Lebanon link. Jens Skovbo has been to Portland and Salem In the interest of bee laws that are before the legislature. — there’s no time like the present . . . to bring In your building troubles. -—try our plan service for a good spring building tonle there',, nothing better. Medford— Commercial Discount Corporation, $100,000 capital, form ed to handle Investment business. Mrs. C. C. Lambert of Umatilla, has returned home with her one Crown-Willamette paper mills year old baby Who has been confined company sartg reforestation south of to the Hayden hospital in this city. Astoria, planting 100,000 spruce seedlings for 1925. First big prl Harry McMillen Is acting as chief vate reforestation In Oregon. of police and water superintendent while H. A. Pankow the regular cop Astoria— Custom house receipts | Is testing out the new well on the were $64,020.44 for first ten months butte. Harry hasn't any badge to of 1924, and only $56,097.56 for all ! prove he Is a real "bull” but Pan- of 1923. Ocean vessels entering at kow’s dog Is following him ar.d this Astoria were 1818 for ten months he claims constitutes the emblem of of 1924 and 1727 for all of 1923. his office. T u m -A -L u m Lum ber Co. R. A . Brownton, Mgr. Oregon has 5000 productive in From January 29th to February dustries with a total Investment of 10th, $2.60 Nyal Hot Water Bottle, $400,000,000. Business last year for $1.69. Guaranteed two years. reached $350.000,000 and furnished Mitchell Drug Co., Hermiston, Ore. employment to 75,000 workers. Clay Embry, of Lewiston, Idaho, Oregon has 50,200 farms, 79 per spent a few days here the first of cent of which are operated by their the week visiting his father. J. T. owners. Embry. Tinware, 30 per cent off. f t (' Î 4 Dishes, 33 1-3 per cent off. RADIO--4 tube, complete with loud speaker, tubes and batteries, $95.00. SAPPERS’ INC. The Three Basic Principles in the Construction o f Cole's Original Hot Blast Heaters First. The patented Air Tight construction giving parfect control over the fire, and preventing the escape up the chimney of heat and unburned fuel gases, giving perfect combustion of all the fuel. . Second. The all-steel sensitive radiating surface which radi ates all the heat Into the room and givee a sizzling heat. Third. The patented Top Hot Blast Draft which oxidizes and turns Into heat the valuable gas, half of the fuel, allowing noth ing to waste. Thee three basic principles entering Into all Cole's Hot Blast Heaters make them world famous for fuel economy and perfect control and radiation of heat. We now have a complete stock of Cole’s Heaters and if yon are in the market for a heater it w ill be to your advantage to inves tigate the merits of the Cole’s H ot Blast before buying a cheap er Heater. Oregon Hdwe. & Implement C o. ’ THE WINCHESTER STORE We Carry a Large Stock of GENUINE FORD f t KNERR’S REPAIR SHOP NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of James Alexander Craig Thom, Deceased. Notjce is hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of James Alexander Craig Thom, deceased, and ha8 qualified as the law directs All persons having claims against said estate are require;! to present the same to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my. attorney, in Hermis ton, Oregon, with proper vouchers within six month8 from the date hereof. Dated this 8th day of January, 1925. John M. Thom, 18-5tc Administrator. The Shop That's Always r Subscribe for The Herald--$2.00 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Baja FOR SALE 9 1 J LADIES AID SOCIETIES A Ford touring car, V in ta g e o f seventeen K now s it*8 “ stu ff,” A n d guaranteed w ta . ed. A n A d am G ood T im er, W ill m ak e it sell, H as a durn good m otor, A n d w ill go like h --- Can raise large money easily and quickly for any special purpise. One Ladies Club raised nearly $1,000; others have raised In the hundreds. This Is done by the use of the Lad les Aid Cook Book prepared for you as If originally made for you exclu sively. Full particulars how to raise the money and sample copy of book sent prepaid for only 50 cents In stamps. Ready to operate right now. Only one society to handle In any community at (one time. Be the first to get this. Cut this out and send with your letter to the Ladies Aid Dept., Illinois State Reg -a ister, Dept. B-70, Springfield, Illi nois. Mention this paper. F E B R U A R Y 14 « « j 4« a i K » V alentine a Pearson’s Garage Day Make so m e child lap p y b y sending valentine. We la v e a large selec- ion to ch oose from at l c 2 c 3 c 5 c and up to $1 A lso en - graved valentines cards and envelopes 10c and 15c. S el ect your valentine early Glassware, 331 -3 per cent off. Furniture, 40 per cent off. COLE’S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST HEATERS Harrrlsburg— City council and the a "The Lost Battalion” will be at a the Playhouse Friday, February 6> »«ighway commission will unite a one day only, under the auspices of 'n DaT'11® program, a the Hermiston Post of the American Fire losses for Oregon outside of Legion. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ b Portland totaled $108,000 during Twenty-five per cent discount on December. ladles' rings. This is a real bar Corvallis built 31 blocks of street gain; come and see. W. H. Ogden. paving during 1924 costing $129,- The Christian Science services are 000. held in rooms next to the Auditorium every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday Mill City— Logging camps ready ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ school at 10:15. All are cordially to resume work after several weeks' Invited to attend. Wednesday eve- shut down, nlng meeting first Wednesday each month. Eugene — Ordinances presented ■4fr $25,000 garbage Incinerator and SCHOOL CHILDREN OF LOWER $10.000 repairs for city hall. ♦ GRADES WILL GIVE OPERETTA Silverton— Plans lor new city hall On February 7 at 8:15 o'clock., at call for $20,000 two story building. the high school auditorium an In teresting program Is to be given, Hood River— Apple Growers' as consisting o an operetta by the low sociation malls out $300.000 as the Making friends wilh a policeman er grades, "The Toy Shop.” and gecond payment, making $700,000 will help you In a pinch. ♦ some . additional dancing ahd musical , . ,, . - . , * alr,,adv pald for (ru(t and supplies numbers. A brief synopsis of the . . .. _ Let us help you decide what you , ... . advanced worth $800,000 more. operetta Is as folio»a; In the first want to get for dinner- scene the fairies called together by ! their leader Puck, meet at midnight Vortland-Contract let for work We carry everything that Is Good In the month of May and plan to B0<'“ 00 «* CondonThlrty- in the line of MEATS— and you never Mile road in Gilliam county for $97,- vlslt a certain toy shop. The ______ take a chance when your purchases sec- ond scene shows the fairies In the 551®' are made here. Come In! toy shop. They admlrn the dolla Oakland -Slate highway conimls. and set the alarm off. The dolls awaken and entertain the falrlea. '"Ion let* $42.000 contract for over- I After their frolic together the clock head railroad crossing here. •trikes five and the doll„ are forced " to go hack to sleep, the fairies to Hood River- Oregon-Washington R- E. MITCHFLL PRESCRIP JOHN ELLIS. PROP. TION DRUCGIST leave and all Is qutel again In th** Telephone Company spent $8,000 on j o y shop. | local plant during Phone 101 Hermiston, Ore. Another Ruduction To Close Out J I A « Graniteware, 30 per cent off. HOIKS Notice la hereby given and directed to all freeholders, legal votera and assessment payers within the West- land Irrigation District In Ummatllla and Morrow eountlee, Oregon, and to all persons interested In said dis trict that H. J. Bean. J. M. Prlndle and R. G. Attebury. directors of said district, have by petition commenced a special proceeding In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County for the purpose of having a judicial examination and judgment of the Court as to the regularity of the proceedings In con nection with the organization of said district and aH to the regularity and legality of the proceedings of the board of directors of said district and of said district In the Inclusion of landg within the boundaries of said district and in the authorization of a contract with the United States, and as to the validity of said con tract, and the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of said Court, has en tered an order therein setting Tues day, the 3rd day of February, 1926 at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. as the time and the Circuit Court Room In the Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place fbr hearing said petition. This notice Is Issued pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 30th day of December, 1924, and said notice shall be served upon all parties In interest by publication thereon for at least once a week for three suc cessive weeks In the Hermiston Her ald, a newspaper of general circula tion published In Hermiston, Uma tilla County, Oregon, and the first publication thereof shall be made In the Issue of said newspaper dated January 1. 1925, and the last pub lication thereof shall be made In the Issue of .«aid newspaper dated Janu ary 22, 1925. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, thie 30th day of December, 1924. R. T. BROWN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. 17-4tc 9188 •••>■ ;>a a > LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES « ♦ ♦ V ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1924.^» \ M itchell D rug Co ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ CITY MEAT MARKET ♦