ggB M W T O J H E R A L D , H E R M IS T O N , O RBO O X urn ran mss LOCAL ARD PEB8ORAL ■ BREVITIES ■ TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS W e take this m easure to thank you for your patronage (luring the past year and back of our wish for your Happy New Year will be our earnest effort to serve you during the comings ¡¿season. May you have an overflowing measure of happiness and prosperity throughout the com ing year Otto C. Pierce K I N G S L E Y S IN C . H E R M IS T O N 'S H O U S E O F D U A L IT Y A N D B K R V IC U " The Umatilla Is carrying flood waters sad Is higher than It has i Abeot the Clt» and been for months, due to-the -run-off of snow water which has been melt ing In mountain! and lowlands. The Vineyard lodge No. 10« of Hermis ground was froxen when the snow ton will hold Initiation Monday eve fell recently, and the rain of a few ning, January S. Boardman will days ago, followed by temperatures have four candidates and Hermiston above freeslng, have caused the two In the second degree. Invita ' snow to -melt rapidly. Very little tion has been extended to Stanfield of the moisture that Is now on the lodge to meet with the local lodge. ; soil will be retained, due to the fact A large attendance la hoped for and I that the ground Is frozen. _______________ all member» are urged to be present. Co-operative Council Meets MATERIALLY YOURS, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A. Brownton, Mgr. Harry Todd, who is working in Bend, arrived in Hermiston the latter part of last week to spend the holidays with his par ents. W. R. Gaither and wife, of Portland, are spending the holi days a t the home of his brother, Tim Gaither, in this city. Lee Savely returned Monday morning from a trip to Portland. of Oregon Hdwe. & Imp' Declaration of War S. R. Oldaker, an old time resident mess wld me, ’cause when you does of Hermiston, but now living In you sure Is flirtin’ wld he hearse." ‘‘Don’t Jestercate wld me, you Helena, Montana, arrived here Mon fool,” replied the other, shaking hts day to spend the holidays. fist, "don’t fo’ce me to pi ess this on Born— To Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rog you, ’cause If you does I’ll hit yo’ so ers on December 22, a seven and one- hard I’ll separate yo’ ideas from yo’ habits. I’ll Jest knock you from half pound boy. amazin’ grace to a floatin’ opportun Mary Shay, of Lewiston state nor ity.” mal arrived Saturday before Christ, "It yo’ mess wld me, man," con mas. and Is spending the holidays tinued the other, "I’ll make one pass with her sister, Mrs. M. L. Watson. an’ dere'U be a man pattln’ yo’ In de — ' I face wld a spade tomorrow mornln.” R. C. Todd and wife spent Christ — Brooklyn Citizen. mas at the home of their daughter, Mrs. O. E. Holt, In Pendleton. Harry Louis Garner, of North Bend, Is Todd, their son, accompanied them. spending the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hugh Fraser was a Pendleton visi Garner. tor Christmas day. Ursel H iatt was confined to his home the first part of the week on account of sickness. George Wagoner has been clerk ing in Bert Mullens confection ery during his illness. THE PRUDENT MAN WILL SEE THAT HE IS SUPPLIED WITH P IE N T Y OF COAL AND DRY WOOD. WE HANDLE THE BEST UTAH COAL IN THREE SIZES, ALSO GOOD SLOB WOOD WELL SEASONED AND BOX FACTORY WOOD. At ttyte timr of tiyr u™r tor are gratefully rrmtnhrb of tlyoor tolyoBF gooh mill baa routributeò to our aurrraa Œlyaî yuu mag haur a Çapgg aub a Çroayproua Nrrn $rai ia H ip ainrrrr mi ah IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY "Say, man,” warned one, "don't girl has recently arrived at Arn old’s home. Notice is hereby given and directed to all freeholders, legal voters and assessment payers within the West- land Irrigation District in Ummatllla and Morrow counties, Oregon, and to all persons Interested In said dis trict that H. J. Bean, J; M. Prlndle and R. G. Attebury, directors of said district, have by petition commenced a special proceeding In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County for the purpose of having a judicial examination and Judgment of the Court as to the regularity of the proceedings In con nection with the organization of said district and aa to the regularity and legality of the proceedings of the board of directors of said district and of said district In the inclusion of landg within the boundaries of said district and In the authorization of a contract with the United States, and as to the validity of said con Gene Parker was taken to the hospital in Pendleton Friday for an examination. He was brought back home Saturday. It is be lieved the lad is sufferinr from appendicitis. THE WINCHESTER STORE In the Matter of the Estate of Jos eph W. Ralph, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Joseph W. Ralph, deceased, has filed her Final Report with the Clerk of the above entitled court and that the Judge of said Court has designated Satur day, the 24th day of January, 1925, at 2 o’clock In the afternoon as the time, and the rooms of the above en titled Court In the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon a* the plpce when and where hearing V ' to be h»d thereon. All persons Interested afe hereby noti fied to then and there appear and show cause, If any they have, why said report should not be approved, the executrix discharged and the es tate closed. Dated this 24 th day of December, 1924. • Mabel M. Ralph, 16 5tc Executrix! We extend to you our wishes 1 i a happy and prosperous Ne Year. You will find us ready to serve you in the future a-? e have in the past. KNERR’S REPAIR SHOP LADIES AID SOCIETIES Can raise large money easily and quickly for any special purpose. One Ladles Club raised nearly «1,000; others have raised In t ic hundreds. This is done by the uso of the Lad les Aid Cook Book prepared for you 11 11 * " ■ as If originally made for you exclu sively. Full particulars how to » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M illlla iia B a a B B a a a a a B a a B a a k i« raise the money and sample copy of book sent prepaid for only 50 cents In stamps. Ready to operate right now. Only one society to handle In any community at lone time. Be FOR INFORMATION REGAR l 1N<, the first to get this. Cut this out j a and send with your letter to the ■ ■ Ladies Aid Dept., Illinois State Reg ■ ister, Dept. B-70, Springfield. Illi ■ ■ nois. Mention this paper. One Fbrd ¿hr-with a piston rii Subscribe for The Herald--$2.00 : fO M $100 RE WAR! WHO ’NELL S^O1 ■ ■ B B HAVE YOU TRIED TT YET? a a 2 ■ l K Our wishes to all is a very happy and prosperous new fO year Remember the big Removal Sale is still on SAPPERS’ INC. CreeA City Once Home of the Apoitle Pout Scholars state that St. Paul a short epistle to Titus was written during his short period of freedom after his Brat Imprisonment In Rome, but not long before his second Imprison ment with which the scriptural account of the career of the great apostle termi nate*. In the twelfth verm of the third chapter St. Pnul directa Tltua to cum« to him at Nlcopolls, ‘‘for I have determined there to winter." This Nlcopolls was the celebrated city of Rplrus. It was known as the “City of Victoria" and wits built by the em peror Augustus in memory of his naval victory at Actlum over the com hIntel forces of Antony and Cleopatra. This victory practically made Octa vlus, later Augustus, the ruler of the Roman empire. The battle of Actlum was fought In the year 31 B. C.. and four years later Octavius was pro claimed emperor with the title of Au gustas. Nlcopolls stood on a penin sula on the west coast of Greece and oa one side of the peninsula was the bay of Actiura. the scene of the battle ' that take* Its name from that of the bay. Aceordlng to tradition. It was at Nlcopolls that St. Paul was made a prisoner tor the second time and rled to Rome. " a : COMMUNITY CALENDARS READY FOR DISTRIBUTION The Hermistion community calendar compiled by the com munity interests of Hermiston has been received and ¡the work of mailing them out strrted. The picture appearing on the calendar this year is a scene of cattle grazing and uuder the picture the following, “ A Dairy Scene On The Umatilla Project The Home Of The Jersey Cow,” There is enough caleni a-s for all and if you fail to receive one through the mail call a t the Oregon Hardware & Implement company’s store from which place they are being distributed. «BL * a la -, '1 i’ « « * ’ , ' ’ H ere’s gasoline th a t'w ffl tell you w h a t a ll-’round w inter performance is - t h e new w inter “Red Crown"! Quick-starting and more. E xtra mileage! 100% power!—plenty o f w fa - ter “pep” but nothing sacrificed. Get a tankful o f the new w in let "Red Crow n” today from any red. white and blue pump in tow n — at Standard Oil Service Stations and at dealers—“in every w a y a better ns> oline.” . J __________ „ _ IN EVERY 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 •« a » ♦ ♦ O. 0. Felthouse went to Pendleton The Cooperative Council of Ore on a business trip Tuesday. gon, comprising representatives of the leading cooperative associations Margaret Nelson of Pendleton la In Oregon, met In Portland Decem visiting Marlon Henderson and Jane ber 22 for Its regular monthly meet Warner. ing. Reports given by the different cooperative member,, showed two dis Jan* Warner entertained a few tinct features, one that the state of girls Wednesday In honor of Margar Oregon, through the Apple Growers et Nelson of Pendleton. Association of Hood River, reports the biggest single sale of apples ever Mrs. E. H. Gardner and four child made for cash. 300,000 boxes, said ren spent several days last week at to have sold for nearly «600.000; the the home of her parents, Mr. and other being the fact that Oregon has Mrs. B. C. Canfield. They reside at a cooperative association doing a North Powder. volume of «300,000 per annum with the lowest overhead of any coopera NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL Mrs. J. K. Shotwell I3 in Portland REPORT tive In the United States. visiting her son Arnold. A baby NOTICE COLD WEATHER MAY LAST FOR SIXTY DAYS tract. and the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of said Court, baa en tered an order therein setting Tues day, the Srd day of February, 1*2« a t the hour o f W 0‘MMI’ V ’H , ag the time and the Circuit Court Room In the Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, aa the place for hearing said petition. This notlee la Issued pursuant to an order of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 30th day of December, 1924, and said notice shall be served upon all parties In Interest by publication thereon for at least once a week for three sue- eesstve weeks In the Hermiston Her ald, a newspaper of general circula tion published In Hermiston, Uma tilla County, Oregon, and the first publication thereof shall be made In the issue of said newspaper dated January 1, 1925, and the last pub lication thereof shall be made In the Issue of aaid newspaper dated Janu ary 22. 1925. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 30th day of December, 1924. R. T. BROWN, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. 17-4tc a a • Two rear wheels, one fr<> i- Haa shock absorbers 'n e u i u Three years old, four in the Sprin All tirefl pdntjfured, torn and re; Ten spokes missing front ax I Carburetor busted half wav throiiKii, Motor hay wired up, or it’d fall in t- Has no fenders,'seats made of plan Burned lot of gas, was hard to ci>r Engine missed only hit on two. Darned old car was just about through P ut ADAM GOOD tim er on the old boat. Gave it more pep than the glands < f a got, Got lots of speed runs like the duoe, Burns either oil or tobacco juice. Present owner swears like sin, that ADAM GOOD made it a darn good car for the shape it’s in. Pearson’s Garage Y O U T tL L : RADIO The B est moderately priced radio equipment on the m ark et Demonstrations cheerfully given i a your own home w ithout ohU S*410*- <!« I ’ PAUL M. MILLER, Dealer Hermiston, Oregon. 09 TUBES BATTERIES AND OTHER EOUIFMENT. Bv a a ■ IV ■■■■I LM S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y (CJifortna) A tw ater Kent ■ e Making friends with a policeman will help yoa In a pinch. Let us help you decide what you want to get tor dinner- We < w rg everything that Is Good in the tine of MEATS— and you never take a chaoye y h .n your purchaaea are made here. ~ Come In! CITY JOHN ELLIS, M O P .