Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1924)
V. o to. 4. VOL. XIX HERMISTON. UMATIT. t . a m m i r v oddcm i ______. ____' —— ER 20. 1924 ducln_ __, __ __ No. 11 COW TESTING TO BE DONE n * n M U IA . . . . . . capable when developed of «nsteiw ground in an effort to seal with Ing navigation and serving other FOR WEST END DAIRIES SOON concrete any leak that might seem beneficial needs Including reclama to exist in the rock strata. Testing Association Soon To Be Or- tion. Failure to make use of such a It is likely that not more than ganied in Umatilla and Mor tremendous natural resource can be 200 men will be used on the force row Counties. considered only as a reflection up during the winter, according to Mr. on the intelligence and ingenuity location will b e in the old A cow testing association that will M’KAY STRUCTURE BOOMS ALONG Connor. No more men are being of the American people and their PAUKER STORE BUILDING taken on now, and at this season SO DESIGNATED BY AMERICAN have represented in its membership 1 government. WITH SURPRISING SUCCESS of the year there are usually some 1000 dairy cows in the west end of HONEY PRODUCERS LEAGUE Whereas, through action of the -------- - , I 108808 of labor, so the situation is Umatilla county and the north end Congres, of the United States and Store W ill Be Stocked W ith a Full of Morrow county, wl{l be organized 282 « x r x x x . - aa Line of Staple and Fancy Sal« of Surplus Power Would the legislature of the state of Ore within the near future, according to Cubic Yards of Gravel Trans Product is Being Featured by Her gon funds Were provided for a fed Groceries During the winter the railroad a statement by County Agent Fred Help in Cutting Down eral survey of the Umatilla rapids ported Than Figured On. miston Stores and D ealen track from the pits to the dam will Bennion. The move to form the or project with a view to determining This Week. be laid on a new grade and other Reclamation Cost ganization has grown out of a dem the feasibility of Its construction; Hermiston will have a new grocery and on the part of dairymen to have The McKay creek dam under con work in preparation for the big rush Whereas, Information available Vane Boynton, who for some time of the 1925 summer season will be with reference to the report upon past has been employed by Kings more definite checks qn the produc struction by the United States gov completed. By proclamation of the American mg capacity of their herds. ernment south of Pendleton, today that survey showa that the under ley s as a grocery salesman, will be Honey Producers’ League this week The forming of such a testing as contains 100,000 cubic yards more taking Is feasible from an engin the proprietor. is to be "National Honey Week," and MASQUERADE PARTY sociation was recommended at eering standpoint and that the pro iu every state of the union efforts The addition to Hermiston's busi farm conference held last winter at gravel and rock than the estimaes 'A T CALLAHAN HOME made to call the attention of ject may ;he properly adopted by ness houses will be located In the called for a8 of December 31, 1924. Hermiston under the auspices of the In other words, with a possibility ex the United States government as one the public to this In our times, little Officers of Association W ill old Hermiston Market & Grocery One of the most brilliant afialrs valued food article. of the major projects of the west; building, part of the building hous Umatilla farm bureau. An analy isting that many more good working W ork Out Difficult Por- Whereas, the construction and ing the Hermiston Market operated sis made showed that the average days may be spared the big crew of of the season was the masquerade There was a time when honey en operation of the project would be by W. J. Farley and the other half butter fat production per cow In Ore workers by the weather man in party given Saturday night at the joyed a far more important place on ti ns of Official Plans. gon is 165 p0Undg checks made on which to keep piling up gravel on F. D. Callahan home on the South the menu; that was before the In of direct benefit to the people of allotted to the store. hill, honoring Mr. and Mrs, J. W. shipments and receipts dairymen on the states of Oregon. Washington The business will be known as the »he project showed that production the big mound, there already have Campbell. Autumn leaves and chry vention of cane and beet sugar, when been hauled and dumped and packed honey, nature’s own sweets” was The Umatilla rapids project is and Idaho and of far reaching value Boynton Grocery or the Diamond W per cow In the west end has been down on the dam 100,000 cubic yards santhemums were colorful decora practically the only means known feasible. It Is not only feasible but to the nation at large through ren store. It featuring the Diamond W lunning about 180 pounds per cow than the estimate prepared In ad tions of the room, but were quick to man for satisfying the universal < the project can develop vastly more dering possible the conservation of brand of goods. Vane expects to ly rivaled in brilliancy by the gay craving for sweetness. Then it waa Per year. Cost of production fig vance had anticipated. an otherwise exhaustible fuel sup power than was previously thought have the store opened and ready for urcs indicate that 200 pounds of fat costumes of the guests, who entered Indeed a food to ha appreciated, The layer of rock and gravel is possible and do so at an extremely ply. and the reclamation of a large business next Monday. annually are required for an owner now about 50 feet thick on an aver Into the spirit of the occasion and found seldom except on the table of area of arid lands; low coat. His genial manner8 and accomo Therefore be It resolved, that the dating ways that has been charac to break even on a cow, according age according to Ralph Connor and arrived as visitors from all corners the rich. The many references made Pour hundred thousand horse of the earth. Dancing was the prin to the county agent. Umatilla Rapids Association through to honey in the Bible by most ane- Ralph Lowry, engineers In charge power or slightly more Is the ca lts officers, directors and member teristic of him while employed by N. C. Jamison, extension dairy of the work, and the huge struct cipal diversion of the evening, tho •ent writers clearly Illustrates Its Kingsley’s, has made him a host of pacity of the project according to ship, use every possible efforT to specialist of Oregon Agricultural col ure lg beginning to take form so tables were placed for cards. Dur Importance, and In many of the old friends among th townspeople and / the engineers’ report and the elec bring about the construction of the farmers. This combined with hlR lege. and the county agent -will that even to the eyes of the layman ing the evening several solos were -countries honey still shares with salt tricity will coat one and two tenths project. speak before a meeting of the dairy some idea of its size and ultimate ap given by Miss Melba Callahan who the honor of representing full hospi thorough knowledge of the grocery mills per kllowat hour to develop. Is at home for » visit from Loe Be It Resolved, that the officers selling game will no doubt be re men atl Stanfield Thursday after pearance may be Imagined. tality when Berved to visitors and In figuring this cost the engineers Angeles, where she hag been taking Grangers. noon, A similar meeting will be and directors of the association be sponsible for him making a success Tuesday morning when the day estimate the sum of $45,000,000 for given full power to carry on the vocal training. At a late hour a held at Hermiston. A. W. Agnew, Honey has at all times been known crew started work, records of haul- buffet supper was served. of his new business venture. the Oonstructlon of the dam and • dairy project leader In the farm bur work of the association and that to possess high medical value and in g showed that 800,000 yards of power project, Interest at four per they be requested to invite the ear eau has designated leaders in the Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. WORK WINNERS SPECIAL various communities who will list gravel had been hauled to the dam- C. E. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'lew of the enormous consumption of cent depdeciatlon at two per cent nest support of all forces to the end GUESTS AT ROTARY LUNCHEON Ugnr by this generation, more than site from the gravel pits up stream and operating and maintenance that a natural resource may be made prospective members and the num from the structure. In addition to Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Chezik, 100 pounds per capita, being con- chargee. ber of cows they own. It is ex- of maximum service to mankind. the gravel 40,000 cubic yards of Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Davis, Mr, and umed by the American nation, It Some remarkable facts showing pected It Is Indicated In the report that i Be it Further Resolved, that the . , tha; 500 cows will be in rock, excavated from the diversion Mrs, E. P. Dodd, Mr. and Mrs. H T. would seem that replacing some parts i.< the economic and educational value cluded in the testing association to , may d6’ RaP‘ds Association express tunnel and for the spillway, have Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Jackson, if this with honey of which only from ^h BUrP P° Wer “ 8 earne8‘ appreciation of the appro- of boys and girls club work were dis from Hermiston, 300 from Stanfield been utilized In construction work Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg, Mr. and about 1 1-2 pounds Is consumed, from the government because they priations by the federal government closed at the Rotary luncheon today and Echo and 200 frdm the north More than a million cubic yards of Mrs. F. C. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. night have a good influence on cannot generate power themselves at and the states of Oregon and W a T when seven young people from Her ern part of Morrow county. material all told have been moved C. S. McNaught, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ‘’ealth conditions, as honey Is one Weh a low cost. The average re- gon by means of which the engln miston were special guests of honor. An outside man to. do the testing Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime, of the foods easillest assimilated by the n o rth ° L 7 L “ y h° me8 H 8Urve’r ° f the Uma“ “ a rap- Four of those present, Gladys work will be secured and the cost since work began, Including the dirt Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Purdy, Mr. and the human system, being] already that was stripped from the ground Whitsett, Lowell Stockard, Lenore will run between 15 and 20 cents per Mrs. W. T. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. ’nrtly predigested by the bees. For hundred G th J ” ab°Ut °"e 1,18 Pr°Ject waa made and ‘he report before gravel hauling started. yer and James Waugaman, made JeveMnin “ ‘mated cost of completed which declares the feas- cow per month. Some time will be If the weather man shows him O. G. Sapper. Mr. and Mrs. J, K. ’his reason It Is particularly valu developlng power at Umatilla raplde. tbll.ty of a dam for river improve- brief talks In which they told of given over each month to official self favorably inclined for a con Shotwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Straw, able for Invalids and children. cJamati’on t L WUh * * 8"bleCt re' ®ent’ reclgmatlon,. power and other their experience In club work and testing. tinuance of outdoor work and re Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Swayze, Mr. and in contests at the state fair. Pacific The testing work will be particu- HmTt. 7 C0Ver" ° n’y e8' purpoB«8 t* be ihnbtraeted at that frains from sendln® a big snow or Mrs. W. J. Warner and Frank Swayze COMMUNITY CLUB 1TUTG timateg on placing water on the high I point. , International and Dairy show. They laily valuable to many breeders In Jr. having a freeze-up, the crew of 280 atten ded worked with bees, poultry, plgg and elevations on the Oregon and Wash- Be It F $ t h t f Resolved, that we the west end of the county, Mr. Ben men will continue indefinitely to Ington sides of the project. _ All ____ low | _ ,u gravel, Kravel dump nnm„ It, „ level , . , SPLENDID PROGRAM is express to the people of Lewiston, calves. Several of the group have nion declared. Many herds that — The regular meeting of tfce Com haul in lying lands on dach aide of the river I thé prees. the Commercial won high honors in stock Judging carry the best blood lines in the J and then pack It down as' ‘ GIVEN AT P ,T. A. MEETING munity club was held In the library Kiwanl8 and other work. They have found a part of «re left out of the , report. There-1 and Rotary west are to be found around Her - l»nd Rotary clubs the gratitude of '»ov. 18 at 3 P. M. Miss Anna O. ^ - Î . ° r ClamatlOn Per acr,'l ,he association for courtesle8 and the work of value In numerous ways miston. Stanfield and Echo, he said the dam. Just how much gravel The regular meeting of the P. T. Hall, county librarian, gave a very will be hauled this fan |g a matter S " X : r £ “ h T t,‘han h08P,tBHty 8h0WD the da>a^ n s Bto and also profitable financially. but the knowledge of the herds’ A. was held in the high school au plendld talk on Booka for Children Sherlock Stockard, Thomas Len production and records is scant. that Is largely |n the hands of the ditorium on Thursday, Nov. 13. M desirable at this time. On the | this conference. •tiss Hall is very much Interested In hart and Gilbert Whitsett were the This knowledge i8 available as to weather man. The crew Is going at Washington side however the cost The splendid program was much George E. Erb, Lewiston, other club members present at the grandslres and granddams, but of a great rate, 5000 cubic yards for ¡ippreclated. The Rosebud Fairies' children’s books and she to building Rfr acre Is but slightly over $160 B. B. Aldrich, Pendleton, luncheon. The boys and glrl8 were ficial tests have not been available the two shifts that constitute a Dance by the three little Ralph girls an unusually good department for 9 fr acre. In the report the reclama W. o. Bond, Clarkston, hem in the local library, in her tion end of the enterprise i8 given presented by Fred Bennlon, county on the younger generations. The day, and the engineers are frankly waK truly a scene from fairy-land Marshall N. Dana, Portland, alk she stressed the Importance of glad of the fact that they are ahead agent who had charge of the meet value of this well bred stock will be no credit for any profit on the sale of the estimate. They are looking A number of boys and girls from the ormlng the reading habit in chlld- Chairman. ing. Mr. Bennion told of the gen of surplus power. fourth grades sang two songs and ®n through the right books, read vastly Increased when production eral purpose back of the clubwork records are available to use In con for a chance to pile up as big a lead were quite a credit to Miss Comp At the meeting of the Umatilla I LOCAL MAN m r o T v n as possible before hauling has to or pleasure. Miss Hall brought and paid high compliment to the rfpld« association at Lewiston. Idaho ton and Mrs. Miller. The garden tome beautifully bound and Illus Wednesday l o t the government O N JIQ U O R CHARGE work of the young people enter nection with the blood lines In case cease for the winter, of sales for breeding purposes, the For October the payroll carried dance by Buddy Prime, Betty Ralph trated books from the Pendleton li county agent said. report waa informally discussed Case Against Joe x> tained.— E. O. 282 men, the maximum number and John Campbell was very de brary to give an idea of what to be that has been employed since the lightful. Florence Udey played two ing done to make children’s booka BOX SOCIAL AT THE pleasing piano selections. Operation and Maintenance to Be 'specially attractive. work Btarted In mid-summer 1923, Of th . report will be made by J * * C ty Mrs. Brownson’s paper on Books WESTLAND SCHOOL Cheaper Miss Esther Baker gave a talk on and the men received from the N. Teal, president of the association | While attending a danee at the The cost o f operation and main government $38,867.02, according to for Children was very splendid. Mrs Tobert Louis Stevenson that waa and other officers and directors. I Butter creek dance hall last Satur- Brownson told what a splendid child There wae elation however over I day night Joe Norton, who resides Weltlnn1/ 0? ’ Wl” b” E'Ve" at the tenance of the Umatilla project In C. B. Funk, chief clerk. Fully three ren’s department the Hermiston lib most interesting. A number of his Westland school house on Wednes cluding district expenses will be fourths of the men are Umatilla oems from A Child’s Garden of the fact the engineers find the pro- thia city, was placed under arrest day evening, November 26. A good rary has and she urged the mothers Verses were delightfully g|ven by about $1.65 per acre during the ir county residents and the 100 head of Ject feasible from an engineering I by D,ck Shaw and Roy Atterbury, Program wi„ be given starting 8 rigation season of 1925 according to horses being used are all locally ow to encourage the children and the everal little folks from the second standpoint. The belief Is generally deputy sheriffs, for alleged Illegal older boys and girls to take advant ^trade. Mrs. Baker told how Her- the tod. EVryb° dy U *nvited a»d W. J. Warner, secretary of the dis ned. held that the reclamation problem possession of Intoxicating liquor. e ladles are requested to bring trict. This is slightly less than last nlston was named from Stevenson's The excavation through solid age of this splendid opportunity. c$n be handled. The association! Mr. Norton and a lady friend were A report of the all day session of unfinished novel, The Weir of Her box*8- The proceeds from the enter year. rock on the east hill for the over passed resolutions calling for the topped by the two officers a short tainment win be II8ed to flow spillway ig about 80 per cent the County Council as read. The miston. construction of the project and for distance from the dance hall. Ac- P ayground equipment for the school Reedsport— Umpqua mtljs buy completed and will soon be done, meeting was well attended and It I f The meeting was very well atten proper work by the association I cording to reports a search of the 866,000 feet of tlmeber from Sluslaw Mr. Connor said. Later, the spill hoped that the Interest already ded nnd every one was much bene- Jo this end. I oar at this time was made but it -Pendleton— Umatllla~ ^ nty 5ud. national forest. way will be concrete lined before shown will continue. The next 'itted In many ways by both of the ;J. N. Teal of Portland gave the failed to reveal Intoxicants. Norton r It Is ready to function. Intermed regular meeting will be held Dec. 11, plendid talks. $518,413,70, or first address of the meeting; and then drove down the road a ways «et fo r ,1925 is Hogs at union stockyards passed iate holes are now being drilled on the second Thursday of the month. $300.11 less than in 1924. reviewed the history of the sssocia-1 a“d turned around to start back to 10-cent market last week. the upper side of the dam under- Members of Asparagus Association flon and Its work to date. William the dance hall when the two dep “COVERED WAGON” To Meet Warer, of Alderdale, Washington, J’’ties stepped out Into the road with DRAWS LARGE CROWD Officers of the asparagus aaaocla- • poke from the standpoint of the 1 of wine and placed Norton lon announce that a meeting |B to •ft1 farmer. Captain Mayo, of the U. under arrest, etating that they had Perhaps one o f the largest crowds e arranged In the near future to S nrmy engineer corp«, said that the I een hlm plant the Jug In the sage that ever attended a show at the ;onslder planting for the coming war department is interested in the brusb- He denied the wine belong- Playhouse In Hermiston was on hnnd year. A number of acres was put projert and that the development ed to him. to see the "Covered Wagon” when It In last spring but some trouble was at Umatilla rapldg is on the approv The officers took him to Stanfield played here last Saturday, Sunday iad in getting the plants on account ed program of the department. Ralph and later brought the accused man and Monday nights. if the lateness of ordering. An early Lowry, engineer on ‘ the McKay to Hermiston arriving here at about On Saturday night the doors was order for plants will be arranged reservoir work, represented the re 1 o’clock in the morning. Justice scheduled to open st 7 o’clock but this season. It will be necessary to clamation service at the meeting and Todd wag called out of bed and re long before this time crowds begin put In more acreage before carload also discussed the subject inform leased Norton on his own recognla- to gather outside the theatre, and a shipments can be made. ally. He told of the plans drawn ence. The case will be tried here In few minutes after the ticket wlndo^ lor the Boulder canyon project in the Justice court some time after was opened every awallnble seat wa> James Neary Married Wednesday Colorado. Thanksgiving. taken and a large number who was James Neary of this city and Bi At. noon on Wednesday the dele not lucky enough to get In with the de Helnel, of Milwaukee, were mar- gatee to the meeting were entertain RED CROSS DRIVE [ first rush were compelled to stnnd I i led Wednesday at the Catholic ed at a Joint luncheon by the Lewis- up. On Sunday and Monday nights ■hurch In this city. Father Butler TO 8TART SOON chamber of commerce, Rotary the theatre played to capacity performing the ceremony. Only a The annual Red Cross drive for crowds. b and tbe Kiwanlg club. Eug few Intimate friends were present. ene Cox of Lewiston acted as ekalr- membership will be held the first The public Is always the real The couple will make tholr home In m in and "Vadreases were made by week In December according to Mrs. critic of the picture. Their decis this city. Mr. Teal, Marshall Dana of Port F. A. Phelps, local chairman. ion of thumbs up or down Is the The Red Cross to on« of the wor land. George A. Hartman, of Pen j final verdict. The "Covered Wagon" Card of Thanks dlston and others. Mr. Hartman thy organizations to which the peo took Hermiston by storm. Stern We wish to thank those who m discussed tbe peaslbilitieg of travel ple are asked to contribute. Every nnd sedate penile who perhaps had kindly extended their aid and sym over the bridge that to proponed In year through their efforts thous not allowed themselves to laugh for pathy in the hour of our bereave connection with tbe dam at Urns ands of needy and deserving fam- months expressed sincere merriment ment when an accident took away tllla rapids. a “ ‘•s are aided. Jt has been appro at the antlca of the old scout. Every- from us our rather and frlen«J. We priately named the "Mother of the ione present seemed to be interested feel Indebted to you for your con In Ihe picture to such an extent sideration and stand ready to re- Resolutions adopted at Lewtoton World." Respond to the call of the that they forgot their surroundings, pay any time we may be called upon Wednesday last by tbe Umatilla rap Red Cross. It to a debt you owe. the spell being broken only by the 1 to do so. ids association commit that organ The H tu m ia g Bird C o n ia r changing of reels. iaatlon to etadfaat work to the end Carcycle B. Hainen. Gloria Swanaoe’s beet product- The "Covered Wagon” to a picture ! J. H. Tabor. that tbe project may be eonntrneted. loa, "The Humming Bird," will be ! Io crow about «»id |8 worthy of all! Following is the text of the reeotu at the local Playhouse Wedaeeday ¡the good things that to said about It “ - w adopted: Start Basket Ball Fraction and Thursday, November 2$ and fin the advertizing Bask* t ball practice has been Fhareaa. the Cblumbla r i m la $7. H to a Parisian lova, atery Approximately one thousand peo-'started by the Hermiston high LOW COST OF POWER FORESEEN VANE BOYNTON * c<>^ Æ oz S ^ U | B I (BIG G I DAM IS AHEAD WILL OPEN STORE OF THE SCHEDULE THIS WEEK IS NATION AL “HONEY WEEK” REPORT TO RE STUDIED R o o s t in g H i g h 3 3 Pi the great potential power pre- in< with actioB and romance. pie paid admission during the three school. The «auditorium days It was here. fused for practice. to being