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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
Oregon Stye Wrmtafcnt Wrath TWO MEN OMER SHULL ANO JAMES GOIN ARE KILLED INSTANTLY * • fü. Librar» SMOKER AT M. LOPP IS CALLED I PARADE PRIZES TO RE PRODUCERS PLAN DEMOCRATS MEET HERMISTON JULY 3 RY DEATH WEDNESDAY GIVEN JULY FOURTH GONTROLJF GRAIN TO NAME CANDIDATE A real treat is promised the fight fans next Thursday. The 10 round bouts are: Frenchy S m ith , of Irrigon, 120 founds vs Harry Harris of Pendleton 124 pounds. 6 round bouts are Ray Dempsey of Boardman 142 pounds vs Kid Nooene of Pendleton 142 pounds. 4 rounds Garl Lomax of Hermiston 138 pounds vs Kid W allon Umatilla 138 pounds. The following are the parade Marketing Agencies Contem prizes that will be given July 4th: plating $25,000,000 Merger Best mounted cowboy S10 of Chicago Companies. Best decorated car, first prize $10, second prize $5. , d . j . j i • i r Chicago. III.—A detailed plan under Best decorated bicycle, first prize whl(,h flre large gra(n conc. rng and $5, second prize $2.50. I 5000 co-operative elevators would Best pony, considering pony, come under producer control has been rider and decoration, one prize $2.50 formally submitted to the executive Everybody get in and make this a committee of the American Farm Bu reau federation. success. Entries must be at ball park Under the plan co-operative grain ready to start by 9:45 July 4th. See marketing organizations eventually the committee for further particulars, would be accorded the trading prlvtl- In 1909 he moved to Montana Jens Skovbo, Tom Fraser and Ralph ege* oi the Chlca«° <« tr»de - .k the commute. ! | Pregldent A committee of the with where he engaged in sheep raising. Brownson compose Bradfute „ federation, now On April 14, 1915 he was married is considering the feasibility of the to Minnie Billington. They came to LINOTYPE BREAKS Oregon in 1918 and settled in Her Grain company, Rosenbaum Brothers, miston. Our linotype went on the i Bartlett. Frazier & Co., C. J. Shaffer He has been a devoted Christian ‘fritz” this week- It was a break ’ A Co., and the Rosenbaum Grain Cor- . . I Poratlon would sell their machinery for a number o f years and a mem » , Of such a nature that it was lm- and other assets to the farmer organl- ber o f the Methodist church. possible to repair it immediately zatlons. The deal would Involve some He leaves to mourn his passing and we had to resort to the old *25,000,000, it is estimated, and would a widow, three sisters and two bro method of setting type by hand handle about 75 per eent of the entire ■ grain output of the country. thers. in order to get the paper out Bradfute issued a statement polnt- The funeral will be held from the this week. Ing out the desirability of a great co Methodist church Friday afternoon operative agency. An agency of this at 2 o’clock. sort might bring about the long sought A D E B T U N P A ID shorter channel between producer and M. E AID WILL HAVE The untimely death of the two oonsumer, he said. “We now market two-thirds of the BOOTH THE 4th men who were caught under the entire tobacco crop through co-opera- The M- E- "ladies aid will serve falling bunkers, a t the highway tive channels," Bradfute said ice cream, lemonade, doughnuts, construction camp, cast a pall “The bulk of the California raisin coffee, hot dog and ham sand crop and many other crops are market wiches at their booths on Main over the entire community. ed through co-operative agencies, and The men died like rats in a street, one beside Kingsley’s thers is no reason why all other farm store, the other on Dr. Adam’s trap, the very life crushed out of crops cannot be marketed through vacant lot adjoining the hank them. similar agencies." Meshack Lopp, a resident of the Columbia district for a num ber of years died at Pendle ton wednesday- Mr. Lopp had suffered for a long time with a malady that finally caused his death and was in a hospital at Pendleton for treatm ent when the end came- Mr. Lopp was born July 9, 1871 a t Fristo, Benton county, Missouria the son of James Z- and Mary Lopp. Demonstrations of Respect For Woodrow Wilson Permeate Initial Session. New York.—The Democratic nation al convention swung through Its flrpt session, swayed by the skillful and forceful oratory of the temporary chairman Senator Pat Harrison. It was a hot day and it was still hot ter in the Madison Square Garden. Harrtson nevertheless swept the dele gates to high pitches of enthusiasts COMMUNITY CLUB WILL and once at the conclusion of a long demonstration for Woodrow Wilson, HAVE BOOTH there was a moiueat when tha great The ladies of the Community At about 1:20 Friday afternoon the care of a physician and it is throng struck a revival note. The band club will have their booth and a word was brought to this city that feared he is injured internally. was playing “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.** In fact the initial session was per the bunkers at Bauer» & Bauers The other men who were under rest room on July 3 tmd 4 in the Campbell store room. They will meated with the atmosphere of respect highway construction camp a Bhort the bunkers a t the time are none for the democratic war proaldent. serve sandwiches and coffee, distance from this city ha dfallen the worse, excepting a scare, for Every reference to his name brought iced tea and wafers, ice cream and a number of men who were their experience. cheers and applause and on one oc and cake and-ice cream cones. working under the bunkers had been casion a demonstration lasted approxi On July 3 Mesdames B. Hane- buried under the heavy timbers and mately IB minutes. crushed rock. Business was virtu DAD HAS GONE DEMOCRAT line, J. M. Biggs and F. A. Permanent organization was perfect ally suspended while men in auto- ed with the selection of Senator Walsh Chezik will serve from 10 to 12. of Montana as permanent chairman. ol lies from the town were rushed We asked Dad West w hat he Mesdames F. V. Prime, 0 . G. The pent-up fires of democratic en to the scene of the disaster. Upon thought about the fact th at neg Sapper, W. W. Illslev, 12 to 2. thusiasm. fed by the rivalries that are their arrival they were informed roes are being nominated for Mesdames L. C. Dyer, Rena moving beneath the surface, found a that two of the men, Elmer Shull office on the Democrat ticket in Waterman, G. Henderson, 2 to 4. tumultuous outlet again when Senator and James Goln had been caught Walsh appeared on the platform to Mesdames C. M. Jackson, J. under the heavy timbers and crush some states- Dad said th at if mnke his address as permanent chair ed rock. A slip, fresno and scraper the Republican party was so rot W. Campbell, Davis, 4 to 6. man. was put in use to move the gravel ten th at a negro was dissatisfied Mesdames C. W. Kellogg, J. From the moment his selection for in an endeavor to reach the men. and refused to stay in where he D. Waghorn, R. 0 . Horning, 6 the place wus announced the Garden A rope wa tied to the slip and dozens belonged, and said negro insist to 8. rang with cheers of approbation, and of men pulled it back and forth. A ed on a chance, it was high time when he took over the gavel the dele July 4th Mesdames F. C. Mc highway tractor and a gravel truck gates snatched up their state banners the Republicans were cleaning Kenzie, Miss Guiwits and G. C. was hooked on the scraper, while two and began a howling parade In tribute Imrie, from 10 to 12. horses was used on the fresno. The house; to Mr. Walsh’s public services in un It is very evident Dad has Mesdames R. G. Gale, W. A. men worked frantically. Hands that covering the scandal of Tea Pot Dome. were not used to labor of th's nat gone Democrat- A few minutes before they Leathers, A. W. Purdy, F. Gui The following ladies will be at Proposals for abolishing the time- ure soon blistered but this in no way wits, 12 to 2. honored two-thirds rule for making the booths throughout both days were living beings capable of dampened the ardor of the rescue nominations in democratic conventiona THE CALL OF THE HOME Mesdames F. B. S'vayze, E. P. If any lady cannot serve at the thinking and fostering hope and party. There were two men under were killed by the rules committee Dodd, H. A. McKeen, 2 to 4. ambition, the two things that hours specified she must get a the debris and there was a chance when it turned down coldly a proposi By Miles Cannon, Director of Farm have been harbored in the breast Mesdames J. Shimke, J. Pel- substitute for her hours. that a spark of life may have been tion submitted by Texas that a ma Economics, U. S. Bureau of mulder, C. W. Tilden, 4 to 6. Those who will be on duty of mankind sence his creation, | left in their bodies that could be re jority rule be substituted. Reclamation vived. When the national convention open Mesdames E. Martin, J. L. July 3rd are: From 10 to 12 Mrs. Then in the twinkling of an eye Washington, D. C.—Fifty or more of the principal oil companies of the After about forty-five minutes of Waller, W. L. Blessing, 6 to 8. Phipps, Gaither, Adams, For their hearts were stilled forever United States were attacked in anti ed the opposing forces of McAdoo and In a former art'cle we mentioned work suff'cient gravel was removed Those who cannot serve at man, Hughes, and Grigg. From as the Grim Reaper claimed them trust proceedings instituted by the Smith faced each other in solid pha lanx, each claiming victory, but each so that the bodies of the men could the poultry Industry and discussed these given hours, will please 12 to 2 Mrs- Gould, Bloom, Lea as his victims. Men said it was government in the federal court at straining every resource to consolidate be seen. They were under he heavy the fact that the consuming public thers, Neadeau, Bowman, Mrs. too bad, and so it was. One of Chicago. its position. The managers of other timbers of the bunkers. Shull's WBa w ili ng and ankloug to purchase furnish a substitute. Geo. Strohm- From 2 to 4 Mrs. them was a young man with life Attorney-General Stone asked an In candidates were at work no less earn body was the firsa taken out. His spring frys every day in the year, junction to restrain the companies estly to build up a substantial backing Anna Strohm, Winslow, Wag- before him. head was masgied horr'bly and his even at prices, served on the table, from further violation of the Sher arm was broken In two or three ranging from 75 cents to a dollar At a little home within the man act which he charged against for their favorites, should their hopea ♦ EXPERIMENT STATION ♦ horn, Leathers. From 4 to 6 Mrs. of a prolonged deadlock be fulfilled. places. He wan laid on a stretcher ajid a half pm half ehlvken and. ♦ MOTES ♦ Neil, Scott, Gent, Sanders, Bless borders of our city there aw aited, them, while the work of recovering Coin's it would seem, the higher the price ♦ (By H. K. Dean) ♦ ing and Haneline. From 6 to a woman who listened each even- ’ The complaint charged a combina hody continued. It was necessary to the smaller the chicken. Mrs. Wooster, Taylor, Elliott. ing for the footsteps that an tion and conspiracy in restraint of rut and saw away the timbers be and commerce among the lèv Ht has been suggested heretofore * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < > ♦ ♦ « « * nounced his homecoming. The trade Biggs, Parrish and Silvey. fore the unfortunate man could be that eggs should be fresh and stan. erai states and with foreign nations COST OF BUTTERFAT July 4th- From 10 to 12 Mrs- sad news of his death was in gasoline, kerosene and other hydro reached. Some heavy timbers had dar.zed and in this connection we In the cost o f buiterfat studies Scott, Adams, Prindle, Winslow, brought to her and she knew carbon products op generally, all petro- evidently fallen across the m'ddle of here produce the observationg of Mr. his body crushing and mutilating R. E. Shepard, of Jerome, Idaho, the mentioned last week it was found Hughes an Forman. From 12 to that never again would he come leum derivatives. New York.—With Judge Thomas C. him. The doctors from town were very efficient general manager of the that a cow must produce 240 pounds 2 Mrs. waterman, watson wauge- home- It was all over—all over Nearly all of the important com- Burke officially recognized as alter on hand to administer aid but when North Side Twin Falls project: o f butterfat in a year to pay for her man, Grigg, Bowman and Ruby exeept memories. pan,6a 'ncludlng “n / tbB standard nate to Frank S. Myers of Portland aa the bod es were brought out it was a democratic delegate, the Oregon feed. The cow which produces 160 "Having found that hte egg crop Graham- From 2 to 4 Mrs- Fowler, If an individual or individuals general charged them with having delegation unseated ita chairman, apparent that they were beyond all of Idaho for 1922 exceeded in market to 200 pounks gave a return o f 86 Neadeau, Duncan Campbell, is responsible forAthis they should combined to control the production of John H. Stevenson, elected after tha human aid, death no doubt being al. value the wheat crop of the same cents for $1.00 expended for feed. and Sale. From 4 to 6 Mrs- be made to pay and pay to the gasoline by a pooling of asserted Tuesday row In which four delegates most instant. year, even at the then prevailing (The average production for the state The coroner’s office was notified Phipps, Bloom, C- P. Adams, imit, and not in dollars and patent rights in violation of the anti bolted the caucus, and named in his prices of eggs, I began to study some place George A. Marshall of Baker, o f Oregon is approximately 170 Blessing Buhman and Martin. cents alone, but in a sterner and trust act. _______________ of the accident and he arrived on what 'neo the poultry situation. It a member of the bolting quartet. the scene during the afternoon. seems no trick at all to stir up the pounds.) The cows which produced From 6 to 8 Mrs. Taylor, Gaither, m n ta*Y ™ PS « th e i w itn « ,„ e s CLEANUP OF SEATTLE BEGUN Miss Pierce was elected secretary After sett'ng the inquest for the next 280 to 320 pounds a year gave a animals an elect people to congress Your-g. Hughes, Silvey and Hane of the delegation after the spirited morning he took the body of Goin over wheat, but I never heard any return o f $1.18 per $1.00 feed cost. line. a t the corner’s inquest tea-' Mr». Landes, Acting Mayor, Demands fight In which Mrs. Alexander Thomp to Pendleton where it was prepared body getting very excited over hen’s The figures show the real reason for son of Portland. Charles F. Career of tified that everything was as Results of Polios Chief. for burial. eggs, and fet when it comes to dol the desirability for high production. Seattle, Wash.—While Dr. Edwin J. Freewater, Georgo A. Marshall of safe as it was possible to make Saturday morning A. S. Porter, lars and cents they are of more Im The cows which gave below 240 Rev. Henry Young, P. B. Slscel, Arn t, but the fact remains that the Brown, mayor of Seattle, was in New Baker and James C. Stuart of Port portance. York city attending the democratic na j J“"'1 WHlk("1 ° u» ®» »he meeting to 1 ^ old Buhman, E. P. Dodd and Ray pounds o f butterfat were not effiic- junkers collapsed and not with tlonai convention, Mrs. Henry Landes. ‘ their ” protests ----- before the credentials On a given day. several weeks mond Crowder were sworn in as Jur ient factories for the conversion of out a reason. committee. acting mayor, gave Police Chief back, eggs were selling at Jerome ors for the inquest. They were tak- feed into butterfat. The high pro When the committee supported the There is a judge who knows Severyns 24 hours to clean up the ,«n to the local undertaking parlors for 13 cents a dozen. That is what McAdoo bolters by recognizing Judge ducing cows have been selected be city and report to her. the farmer got for good fresh eggs. W and see’s all things and ju st ag L Pet. and v ’ewed the body of Shull after Landes, who Is a member of Burke, the complexion of the Oregon 9 2 which a trip w«s made to the scene On the same day they were selling cause they were specialists in butter- Umatilla .810 sure as there is a God in Heaven the Mrs. city council and whose husband delegation was changed sufficiently to at wholesale at Los Angeles at fut production and did not use un of the disaster. After the wreckage H ermiston 7 4 .630 some day, somewhere, somehow, Is dean of science in the University of give Marshall a majority for the chair was inspected the Jurors were someth’ng over 30 cents, depending due proportions o f their feed for Stanfield someone is going to pay for the Washington, wrote a letter to the manship. 4 7 .360 brought back to the office of E. P. upon the quality. This seemed like other purposes. Echo chief. death of the two men- 2 9 .180 a very wide spread. I got our cream, Dodd where testimony regarding the “The police department," wrote Mrs. BOMBARDMENT THREATENED ery here to buy 20 caes of eggs that falling of the bunkers was heard. Landes to the chief, "has lost the con day fro mthe farmers and pay them (All of the men who were working fidence of the people. British Naval Commander Forces at the crusher at the t ’me of the 17 centg a dozen, and they were "I feel obliged,” she continued, “to Shooting of Chins*« Loaders. shipped to Los Angeles along with accident appeared as witnesses. issue an order that you remove from I’ekln.—Under threat that he would .According to the testimony given the a carload of butter. The eggs were your department without delay the bombard the city of Wanhslen, on tha Indifferently packed, but at that they hunkers were built according to men whom you believe to be protect Yangtze river In Szechwan province, specificat ons used in building struc sold on the Los Angeles market mak ing law violators. I desire immediate the commander of the British gunboat tures of this kind. The foreman ing a net return to the creamery of results." Cockchafer compelled the highest mil stated a level was used at least once 25 cents a dozen. "Bootlegging and gambling are car itary leader* there to walk to the cem I"A study of the game revealed the ried on openly," Mrs. Landes Informed etery in full uniform behind the casket every two days to determine if they the chief. "Holdups are dally occur containing the hody of Edwin C. were plumb and that only two days fact that had we been In the business rences.” She added that If It was true, Hawley, the American killed there by before the collapse the level showed a little stronger and known how to as she said he had told her, that the Chinese junk men, and to attend the they were O. K. In every respect. classify eggs and had packed them police department contained 100 unfit burial service for him. It was also brought out in the test' according to market requirements, men, then “that la the number you After the Chinese leaders bad mads mony that a state inspertor had in we could undoubtedly have received should get rid of." their compulsory demonstration of ra- spected the plant about sixty days a net return of about 28 cents. This spect to the murdered American they previous and found nothing what set me going and I found It would Pioneer Oregon Town Visited By Fire. carried out the orders of the com e v e r wrong with the bunkers. They be no trick at all to Increase the Marshfield. Or.—Old historic build mander of the Cockchafer to arrest could give no cause for the accident. farmers' income from his poultry ings which figured in the pioneer life the two leading members of the Jaak After Iltening ti the witnesses the by from 25 to 100 per cent. of southwestern Oregon were wiped men's guild lu Wanhslen, convey them “Take this poultry game and put Jurors brouybt in a verdict the sub out by a fire which early Sunday morn to the spot on the beach where Haw stance «f-wWch was the men’s death It In another way. I found you ing swept the water front section of ley was bealen and execute them by was caused by the falling of the could ship a dollar’s worth of eggs Empire on Coos bay and for a time shooting. hunkers but according to ahe testi to Los Angeles for about 3 1-2 cents threatened destruction of the entire mony they were unable to determine a dollar’s worth of wheat to the town which was the first county seat Bonus Blanks Distributed. the cause. They recommended that same point at about (0 cents and a of Coos county. Washington, D. C.—The first step greater care be taken hereafter In dollar’s worth of butter at about 8 In the mammoth job of paying the construct’ng them so that the lives cuts.” Taxpayers to Receive Refunds. soldier bonus was taken Saturday of treir workmen would not be en In view of the fact that New York Washington, D. C.—More than a when distribution of 0,000.000 applica dangered by tre idea of saving t me city atone, will take In a week all million laeome taxpayers will receive tion blank* was begun in all parts of refunds from the government a* a the country. The veterans can secure the eggs that any western state Is and money. Srull’s father and sister arr’ved at this time shipping in a year, the result of the 26 per cent redaction of their blanks *t American Legion post*. Red Cross chapter«, local organisa- 1923 taxes Saturday to take the body back to idea that Mr. Shepard presents is ' tloos of Veterans of Foreign Wars, his home in Idaho for burial. very interest’ng. If we are unable and Disabled Veterans, and army, Senator Curtis’ W ife Succumbs. to bent freight rates on commodities Word was broujrht to thia city the thing to o In to find a way to Washington, D. C.—Mrs Anna Baird I navy and marine corps stations. It that one of the injured men avoid thia extraordinary feature In Curtis, wife of Senator Charles f’urtl» i wa« announced by Adjutant General af^LtT^;. ¿fed At her fe-JBS hara Davis, in charge of the bonus. whose home is in Umatilla and our development by a system of eon- to which place he was taken t'oa, standardisation asd dis a fte r the accident is still under tribution. TRY THE ftSRALD WANT ADS— — TRY THE HERALD W A IT AD$— At the Coroner’s Inquest the Jury Was Unable to Place Any Blame, Ac cording to Testimony Heard. OIL COMRINATION CHARGEDBY U. S. OREGON DELEGATION SELECTS MARSHALL STANDING OF TEAMS IN THE IRRIGATION LEAGUE w ------