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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1923)
TH E STAND BY YOUR TOWN If you think your town's the beat. Tell 'em so. If you’d have her lead the rest, Help her grow. When there’s anything to do. Let the fellows count on you; You’ll feel bully when it’s through! Don’t you know? When a stranger from afar Comes along, Tell him who and what you are— Make it strong; Needn’t fiater, neer bluff. Tell the truth, for that’s enough! Join thebo osters— that’s the stuff. We belong. OFFICERS F. B. Swayzs Präsident R. Alexinder Vice-President 8. C. Leohrie Cashier W L. Hamm, Ase’t. Cashier First National Bank of Hermiston C ap ital, Surplus and U ndivided P ro fits O v e r $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 NOTICE! T hb H erald publishes more genuine paid want ads than any ether paper published in a city ef the same size in East ern Oregon. THSRE’S A REASON FOR SALE H E R M IS T O N Anthony F. Drolshagen had in and to the above described property on the 22nd day of March, A. D. 1922, or since then has acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap plied in satisfaction of said execu- ton and all costs. Dated this 12th day of June, A. D. 1923. ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff 40-5tc NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION Union High Schol District No. 3 Notice Is hereby given that the an nual election of School Directors for Union High School District No. 5 Umatilla County, Oregon, will be held on Monday, June 25, 1923, at the school building In Hermiston Oregon, where the union high school la conducted, for the purpose electing five directors for said Union High School District. The polls will be open from 2 o’clock P, M. until 7 o’clock P. M. K. B. SWAYZE Chairman of the Board of Directors of Union High School District No 6. R. A. BROWNSON, Clerk of Union High School District No. 5. (39-3tc) HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , WHEN IN OREGON. UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. P E N D L E T O N HAKE YOUR HEALQUARTERS —AT— W E S T E R N A U T O CO. LODGE DIRECTORY ESTHER CHA; Q UEAN m ete «eceed Tueedny Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla at 8:00 sharp la Masonic hall. _____ wek-ome. Mhrni« B. Stewart. W. IL Kathryn L. Garner. See. Fell A Smith, Umatilla, Oregon Schedule Effective June 1, 1923 V in e y a r d l o d g e n o . w , l o . o , f . v meets each Monday evewinff in O& FeUm hall. Vlaitintf member« cordially invited. W. R. Loafhorn. See. N . f l. J. A. Cottonwood and Watr Sts. Leave — A. M. P. M. P. M. Pendleton........... 8:00 12:01 4:00 Echo................ 9:15 1:15 5:15 Stanfield ....... ... 9:35 1:35 5:35 ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 830 Hermiston.. .. .. 9:55 1:35 5:35 Ar. Umatilla .... 10:15 2:15 6:15 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes—Accessories NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of William Colby Dyer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed exe cutor of the Last Will and Testament of William Colby Dyer, deceased, and that he has qualified as the law dir ects. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney, at his office In Hermiston, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 17th day of May, 1923. L. Curtis Dyer, 36-5tc . Executor now Leave — A. M. P. M. P. M. Umatilla ....... ... 8:00 12:15 6:00 Hermiston _ .. 8:20 12:35 5:20 Stanfield ....... ... 8:45 1:00 5:46 Echo.............. . ... 9:00 1:15 8 0 0 Ar. Pendleton .... 10:16 2:30 7:15 ROLL Y O U R RECLAMATION LODGE Ne. W , K. of P., meets each Thursday evenlan la Mack's Hall, at 7J0 P. M. Viaitfn< brothers cordially invited. W. H. McMillan R. A. Hrownsoa. K. R. and 8. C. C. 15^ O W N PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 W IT H R i i D a C r o l w P a p e r a A ttached Sunday Schedule Leave Umatilla, 9:00 A. M. Leave Pendleton, 5:00 P. M. U. S. Army Shoes FRESNO SHOES $4.00 per pair. Harmon’s Blacksmith Shop. 22-tfc. FOR SALE— 1 1-2 doz. White Leg horn hens, also 1 1-2 doz. thorobred Rhode Island hens all good layers, also 1 thorobred Jersey bull com ing 2 years old. B. T. Locke, Colum bia district. 25-tfc. FARES Umatilla to Pendleton, round trip. $3.25. Hermiston to Pendleton, round trip, $2.80. Stanfield to Pendleton, round trip, $2.35. Echo to Pendleton, »1 .00; trip. $1.90. $1.75; $1.50; $1.26; Osteopathy 3 H ton Public Truck for sale cheap. Now on good gravel job. Also has flat rack for hauling wheat or baled hay. Inquire this office. 13-tfc. ONE THOROUGHBRED JERSEY Bull for sale, coming 2 years old, also one coming 2 years old, black Jersey heifer, will be fresh in the summer. R. T. Locke, Colum bia district. 20-tfc. FOR SALE cheap, team weight about 2500. Call F. S. Beddow. Phone 42F13. 21-tfc. PIE CHERRIES, large late variety, 2 cents lb.on trees; bring contain ers. Upham, 3 mi. east on Diag. Rd. FOR SALE— Family cow cheap, also team of horses suitable for all farm purposes. Would trade the horses for young stuff, Also cow and heifer to freshen soon at a reasonable price and terms. E. 35-tfc P. Dodd. FOR SALE— Bone Market. FOR SALE— Work Reid. grinder. horses. City 35-tfc J. H. 38-tfc FOR SALE— Or trade for country borne. Nine rooms and bath, bun galow style modern residence, built In conveniences, plastered, full basement all cemented, fur nace heat, lot 62x132 feet; cor ner lot, cement sidewalk, ail well Improved. Price $6,000.00 Write C. W. Urown, 594 W. Sherman St., Lebanon, Oreg. 38-4tp FOR SALE— One team and harness, one wagon and hay rack, one ex tra hay rack. Tum-A-Lum Lum ber Co. 39-tfc FOR SALE— 1 dining room set, 6 chairs, 1 7-ft. round table, one buffet, also 1 bed. mattress and springs, 1 new electric iron, 2 blocks east of post office. Mrs. L. Myron Smith. 39-ltc FOR SALE— Two mowers. 1 wagon. 4 horse riding fresno. stack of rye straw, 1 gelding 8 years old, wt. 1700, 1 cow, 1 stove. Inquire of A. F. Drolshagen, 3 miles north of town. 33-tfc FOR SALE—One and a half ton Max well truck, A -l condition. In quire at Nell’, Garage. 39-tfc Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTED— Single barrel shot gun. 1$ gauge. Cash or trade. Herold office. 41-ltc FOR RENT—Small alfalfa farm, house, orchard, berries, «te. J. H. »eld. $4 tie. 4 Surguy Medicine Celle answered et all hears Office phene Ml Residence pbeoe t i l Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon Location in Telephone Building Telephone 931, Day or Night Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. DR . F . V . P R IM E Dentistry DrnLal X-Ray and Diagnotils Bank Bldr. Office Phono, 96 Hermiston, Oregon THE U. S STORESCO., 1441 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY Rmid4h«e P M ne i n W. J. W A R NER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston $50 Reward World’s Greatest Hair Grower. Grows hair on bald heads. It must not be put where hair is not wanted. Oures dandruff and all scalp troubles. $1.75 per jar. F . C. W oughter, A g t. 1 (ermiaton, Oregon or address wm . M c M urray General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregou yeV en ty m in u ter Oregon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Has removed from his former location In the Bond Bldg, to O riental Hair R oot H air G rower Let our representatives explain the various tours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone at minimum cost; M t e q u o t e (ares, prepare your itinerary and make your reservations. Call on : ; : M c K enzie & lieuallen ir .I FAIL TO GROW HAIR U nion P acific S ystem OLO FAITHFUL-- Eyes treated, tested and flianeee Fitted Office over P in t National Bank OFFICE PH ONE-98 RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 5-fiUp. te. Office over First National Bank Th sizes are 6 to 11, all widths; price $2.75. Pay postman on re ceipt of goods or send money order Money refunded if shoes are not satisfactory. YELLOWSTONE O nce ijÿ | DR. W. W. LLLSLEY We have just bought a tremen dous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public dir ect. These shoes are 100 per cent solid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The up pers are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows tongue, there by making them waterproof. These shoes are Belling very fast and we advise you to order at once to in sure your order bing filled. WANTED—Eight head of young cat round tle to pasture; blue grass and run NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ning water. Calves, 31.50 per mo., yearlings $?; over 2 yrs. $3. Department of the Interior, U. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon TYPEWRITER Ribbons and carbon TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon Geo. H. Root. 40-2tc May 26, 1923. paper at the Herald office. paper for sale at the Herald. BEE SUPPLIES at the Second Hand Notice lg hereby given that Mat' Store. Sl-tfc thew J. Casey, of Echo, Oregon, who on November 4, 1919, made Home If It's courteous and prompt service stead Entry No. 019081, for W% you are looking for try the Her NW>4, SW% Section 20, Township miston Service Station. We han 3 North, Range 27 East, Willamette dle Gates Tires. 41-6tp Meridian, has filed notice of inten N A T IO N A L P A R K tlon to make three-year Proof, to 3400 eciuare m ike ol marvels, beauty WANTED— Men or women to take and. color —nothing like it on e a r th - establish claim to the land above leaping geysers, grow ling «-otto«, boiling orders for genuine guaranteed hos cauldrons, nature’s moat fantastic form described, before United States Com ations, in the m idst of which are mag iery for men, women and children. nificent hotels, charming cottage vi Hapen missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on Eliminate darning. Salary $75 a 300 miles of matchless boulevards ana the 17th day of July, 1923. all the comforts of homo. week full time, $1.50 an hour Send for our booklet. It tells the thril Claimant names as witnesses: ling story' of nature's wonderland- Our spare time. Beautiful spring line. Fred Heft, of Echo, Oregon, John Internat'onal Stocking Mills, Nor THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Deardorff, of Echo, Oregon, S. C ristown, Pa. 41-10tc Operated DAILY' during tho season Cumings, of Echo, Oregon, John Hamman, of Hermiston, Oregon. STANDARD SERVICE STATION— Portland «xi West Yellowstone CARL G. HELM, Register. location opposite Herald. SEE J. L. HARMAN FOR A T‘p to The Ladies Perhaps not generally known, but Blacksmithing of all kinds. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone 603. the fact remains, Harry McMillin is 6-tfc. looking for a wife. He asked us the other day if we ever run matrimon am prepared to do any light ial advertisements and stated that if hauling that you may have. Will we did he would like to insert an ad make country trips at 20c a mile. asking correspondence from some A share of your busines ls solicit young lady with a view of matrimony ed. George L. Challis, Phone providing we would leave off his 83-W. 39-tfc name. Harry is a likeable young fellow, and having his interests at SEE O L BENNETT for Auction- heart, we are giving his name so erring. Phone 42F2. 26-tfc. that those who are interested may WANTED—Horses to pasture, alfal deal directly with the gentleman fa and running water. Yearlings, without a go-between. We asked Harry what he believed $1.50 month,over 1 year, $2 per month. Phone 36-J-2. or write’ cons,tituted an ldeal wlfe' and stand- John Humfeld Jr., care M. Duty, ing on one foot and then on the other Hermiston. 41-2tc like a school boy presenting his teacher with an apple, he informed REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND us of the qualities a woman would INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE have to have before he would pop ALTOR. 26-tfc the question. “First of all,” he be gan, "she has got to know how to THE BEST that’s grown in garden cook corn fritters, and cook them and bedding plants at the Pelmul- three times a day. Secondly she der greenhouse. Porch boxes, must never eat green onions. I do hanging baskets and cut flowers. not mind an onion patch In the gar 32-tfc den but I hate to have them brought into the house. She must be short NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING of statue and rather Inclined to be Notice Is hereby given that the stout. I do not admire the real tall undersigned as administrator of the and slim ones. You know the kind, estate of John F. Green, deceased, that when they take a drink of Coco has filed his final account and re Cola they look like a thermometer. port In said estate with the Clerk of When It comes to arguing I want her the County Court of the State of to be a woman of a few words and I Oregon for Umatilla county, and that do not want her to use them very the judge thereof has fixed Monday, often. These are the paramount ac the 4th day of June, 1923, at the complishments she must have and hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon even though she ls a little cross-eyed as the time, and the County Court and perhaps a might pigeon-toed. If room in the Court House at Pendle She Is possessed with them she'll do.” If there Is any young ladies who ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place for the hearing of objections believe they can qualify maybe It to such final account and the settle will be to their advantage to get In touch with Harry at once and avoid ment thereof. the rush. When he is not busy wir W. J. Warner, Admlsistrator of the Estate of John ing houses or overhauling the old F. Green, deceased. 34-5tc Ford so she will navigate, he may be found at Sappers’ store. Here’s wishing Harry luck In bis quest and NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE we dring to the heatlh of the fortu UNDER EXECUTION Notice Is hereby given that by vir nate young lady. tue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon for Umatilla County, and to me directed LONG DISUSED, BUT NOT DEAD and delivered, upon the Judgment Many Part« of th« Human Frame and decree rendered and entered In Remain, Though They Are No said Court on the 11th day of June, Longer Called Upon. 1923, in favor of Peter Castric as Every person is a walking museum, Plaintiff and against Anthony F. Drolshagen as Defendant, for the a living volume of the history of the sum of $2370.75 with interest world. Stand before a mirror and raise thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per the top lid of one eye. At Its corner annum from March 22, 1922, the fur you will see a little fold of skin, which ther sum of $230.00 attorney’s fees, cannot possibly serve any useful pur and for $17.05 cost and disburse pose. It did once, though, for It Is ments, which said decree. Judgment til that Is left of a semi-transparent and order of sale has been docketed third eyelid, such as birds snd reptiles and enrolled in the office of the ¡ possess, which could be lowered as a protector when our remote ancestors Clerk of said Circuit Court; and were passing through dense under where«, by said Judgment, decree growth. and order of sale It was directed th a t: And whilst you are st the mirror the following described real prop- , your ears. Just over the en- erty in Umatilla County Oregon. | trance of each Is a little pointed flap, to-wit: The West Half (W % ) of which can be made to close the ear tha Southeast Quarter (SE*4) of If it is pressed backward with the finger. Tills was once a regular ear- the Northwest Quarter (N W U ) of shield, useful as a protector in sand Section 26. Tp. 5 N. R. 28 E. W. M., or dost storms, or when Its owner be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla took to the water. County, Oregon, to satisfy aaid Judg A few people can still move their ment and all coets; I will on the 16th ears. Each of us possesses tbe muscles day of July, A. D.1923, at the hour whose duty it was two thousand years of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said ago to turn them In the direction of sounds, or to wag them when flies day at the west door of the Court were troublesome. Though shrunk to House of said County in Pendleton, tiny remnants through long disuse, Umatilla County, Oregon, sell the luscles rentals. right, title and interest the eaid 3 Physician and Surgeon Day or night calls answered ftrothB&ly tnttu FOB SALE— An Improved 20 acre ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston far particulars see C. H. Skinner. 1-tfc. DR. FRACIS F. ADAMS Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. Pendleton :: Oregon Dr. Theo Bel- etski Veterin arian. Treats all domestic animals. In terstate Stock Inspector. Residence 2nd house west of Catholic church. Phone 82-R A gents W anted Prof. M. S. Crosse H ave Y ou W eighed The cost of a Hay Shed in your Field! Initial cost of shed Cost of Baling. RESULT— No. 1 Bright Hay. Ready to sell and ship at once when market ii ready. The Cost of No Hay Shed in your field. Cost of stacking and Baling. Cost of Hay damaged in stack and AGAINST: hales. Cost of delays from Balers, etc. RESULT: Damaged Hay. Possible Decline in Market. Bad Weather conditions to bale. BERT MULLENS 4 4 8 Logan A va. WINNIPEG,’MANITOBA Tile Particular Barber Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery CATARRH Catarrh Is a Ixical disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALI.'B CATARRH MEDICINE con sists ot an Ointment which gives Quick R elist by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which a cts through tha Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and a ssists in ridding your Bystem of Catarrh. Bold by druggists for over to Years. F . J. C heney A ■We Give S. & H. Trading Stampi« Co., Toledo, O. SEE IN A FIELD LARGE OR SMALL A H IT T TUM-A-LUM HAY SHED WILL PAY Materially Yours, Our new brick shoe store Is now open with a new line of goods. See us for « — FOR— n * Tum -A-Lum Lum ber Co. A L IM IT E D T IM E $ .8 . & AMMUNITION A n Extra Pair o f T rousers FREE W ith Every M ade-to-M easure Suit ■ ■ t o l C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y A FULL LINE K rause’s C hocolates SA Y FELLOW S Bur-Bee Bars T he Best in Candies Try a diamond ring on that best girl of yours and see if it does not make a hit. News stand Cigars and Tobacco C leaning, D y ein g W m . H. O g d e n Pressing, R epairing Jeweler asd Watch auher 'Ctftl That Last” « ï 5 ¡■J J ■ MS J. L . VAUGHAN Electric Fixtures end Appliances Phene tM O ew et •« . P e n S le te n , a ■ CALL 2 5 4 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■J IM PERIAL FRENCH D R Y CLEANERS J GUNS — AND— FO R SHOE REPAIRING OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodger», Prop. J « J . O r e . g "■■■■■■■«■■«■■■■■■■a For H au lin g ï i T. H. G aither Dray and Transfer !>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ..7