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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1923)
(fe Hmntsínn Wralfc VOL. XVII H. M. SCHILLING ELECTED DIRECTOR HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JU N E 21. 1923 STEREOPTICON LECTURE ON BIRDS GIVEN W. A. Eliot and W. S. Raker Author ities on the Subject Visit Hermiston TOWN WILL CLOSE EX-HERMISTON SERIOUS FIRE ON JULY 3 AND 4 SCHOOLBOY DROWNED J. M, BEEBE RANCH U e fO Library No. 41 MARKETING EXPERTS COMING TO HERMISTON Law Partner of Aaron SaPiro Will Address Hermiston Farmers and Business Men C. H. SKINNER IS SERIOUSLY HURT Bird loverswere given a real treat BROWNSON IS RE-ELECTED AS on Monday of this week when they OTHER TOWNS IN COUNTY WILL SISTER WRITES CONCERNING HIS STRAWSTACK AND THE CORRAL FALLS FROM STAGING WHILE AT CLERK Mr. Boyd Oliver, who is a member wre privileged to have visiting here PROBABLY DO LIKEWISE DEATH WORK BURNS SUNDAY of the law firm of Aaron Saplro and W. A. Eliot, author of the new book ' Levy of San Francisco, who are na Tv.* x m ... . _ • u niraa or o "Birds of the Pacific Coast" and i Director Schilling Will Serve for a w S Raker a director of the Ore- To Honor the Completion of the Old Was Living at Port Angeles. Wash Tourists and Residents of Nearby tionally recognized as the leading co Accident Happen» at Ca«tle. 1» Tak Term of Three Years operative marketing experts of the gon Aqdubon society and well known | Oregon Trail and the President’s ington at The Time of The Sad Towns Help Fight the Blaze en By Car to This City for Med United States, has been persuaded as a gleaner of bird lore. In re- Visit to Meacham Accident And Save House ical Treatment to hold one meeting in Hermiston to sposne to telephone calls and posters At an election of school district deliver his famous address on cooper , ” a * large u number assembled at IH the 11 vj < j « . . . u u iu c i nanciii UlCll ill C H- ative marketing. SchilHn’g, m a n a X p rt ^ e o X " V 'T M T ' C° nime' ClaI * * “ ~ Hans Reinlkka, who last year was On last Sunday afternoon about C. H. Skinner, local postmaster, Every farmer, whether he be a hay enrolled In the fourth grade In the Ject, was elected to serve on the ahol , L n X X in „ T Pend,cton three o’lock a strawstack on the J. grower, fruit man or dairyman, was seriously hurt last Tuesday board of directors for school district ,aH paintines w ith b i f - n , ” Or7 ™ " al as8ociatlon asking that local schools, was drowned on June 6 M. Beebe ranch three miles south of morning when he fell from a scaffold No 14 fan Pa |ntlngs with which Birds of the business houses of Hermiston be at Port Angeles, Washington, ac town, In some manner caught fire. should plan to attend this meeting. at Castle, Oregon, where he was Mr. Oliver has been holding meet, At the same meeting R. A. Brown-i X ^ T s 18 f h . T V ’'’ ' b",” Cl°Se<1 a"d ° ' J“’y ‘° cording to a letter received by Mrs. The stack was close to the barn working as foreman for the Shot- son was re-elected clerk. , Vhtographs in color of birds in their commenate the completion of the Old M. S. Miller, who was the lad’s and for awhile it looked as though ings throughout the Yakima valley well Construction Co. The accident «• Mr. Schilling was prevailed upon X X t X X l ’ J X T h° n° r ° ' the teacher when he was a student here. the fire would reach this structure. and his address has received mluch cccurred about 10 o’clock. and his addresR has received much to acept the place after an urgent , I th P l ’ 8 Mr’ 12,1018 Presidents visit to Meacham. The following Is the letter which Tourists who happened to be pass. very favorable comment ad nhis nteS- While taking his anual vacation Mrs. Miller forwarded us from Port request by the citizens of Hermiston X d "hlm'to f 'th " 8 th<> day ®“' A vote was taken last Tuesday by Ing on the highway at the time stop book of every member of a rural com Charlie decided that he would ac a « .w . abled him to tell of the presence here th« « i „ k „ „ j « a land. ped to fight the blaze. A call for munity. cept a position offered him by the that he do so. He is a man fitted in a th c,ub and 11 was unanimously « a «_ , , . ° r some of the less common varieties. ... . . My Dear Mrs. Miller. help was sent out to neighboring Shotwell Construction Co., as fore every way for the position and school The llbrary now haR a copy Qf a^ ePd 0,080 on this date. I have thought of writing to you towns and in response men from Her man at the rock-crusher at Castle district No. 14 is indeed fortunate in Eliot’s book and it will be partic- ' ®elow ‘8 the ,e“ «r that contained many tidies but will now write and miston, Stanfield and Echo respon and was working in this capacity at procuring his servces, ularly helpful'in the study of birds ref,"’ st wh,ch the club received: let you know about the sad news. ded. the time of his misfortune. R. A. Brownson was elected clerk ; in this locality. ' Mr. E. P. Dodd .Hermiston, Ore. My brothers, Iver and Hans, were ■HKC1ÄL CORRB8PONDRNCB Quick action on the part of the Immediately after the accident he for the district. Mr. Brownson is the j Pear Sir: Plans have been tenta hoeing June the 6th and became Xfre-fighters saved the house and was brought by car to his home in present incumbent and has handled _____ tively outlined for the celebration at The Columbia school election was the office in a manner that has been SUGGESTIONS TO POULTRY FARM Meacham commtrating th» comple warm. They went in switning and barn but the strawstack and corral held Monday afternoon. H. J. Stil this city and Dr. Illsiey was called Hans^ developed a cramp and drown was completely demolished. very satisfactory to the people of the ■ OWNERS tion of the Old Oregon Trail on July lins wa8 elected director for a two to administer aid to the injured man. (By H. E. Cosby, Extension Poultry ed. My brother Iver took a hold of district. His past record was re 3 and 4 and wHl be submitted Io the year term, finishing the term of W His injuries are internal and time Specialist) him but he went Into the water with Turn Down Offer to Furnish Cow sponsible for his being re-elected. executive committee at L i Grande W. Felthouse, whs has recently mov alone will determine their extent. him in about nine feet of water. He Rev. Hall of Pendleton appeared ed to Hermiston. Mr. Barnard was Mr. Schilling will take the place ' next Sunday when they will be defi broke the grip and went to get some before the commercial club at Its of Mr. Thomas Campbell on the,' The Need of Oyster Shell nitely decided upon. elected for the three ygar term of di CONGRESSMAN CRANSTON TO help. A neighbor got the body from meeting two weeks ago and talked board. | A high grade crushed oyster shell VISIT HERMISTON TODAY lector and Mrs. Henry Sommercr waH You, of course, have read in the the water with a rake from a row _________________ j product should show a chemical ana to the club concerning them furnish elected clerk. press where President Harding had boaty The body was in the water for lysis of about 92 per cent carbonate Luncheon Will Be Tendered Him By COMMUNITY CLUB MEET accepted an invitation of the officials twenty minutes. The pulmotor was ing a thoroughbred cow to be ship Of lime or calcium carbonate. ped to a Baptist college In China. Commercial Club Mrs. E. E Graham and daughter of the Old Oregon Trail Association brought but they couldn’t get him A cow will rob her skeleton of cal The president of the college had Hattie were callers at the Haddox Forty-five women atended the to participate in the celebration, and to breathe, so they brought him to written Rev. Hall asking him to pro home Tuesday afternoon. Communty club uncheon at the Ore. cium quite decidedly In Order to will be at Meacham all day on July The Honorable L. C. Cranston, the Dwelly undertaking parlors cure a Jersey heifer for him. Rev. gon hotel on Tuesday afternoon and j make milk The hen seems unwill- | 3. congressman from Michigan and where the funeral services were held. ing to do this. It is quite generally Hall stated that he had found a enjoyed an interesting session. Mrs. Strecht, of Portland, Is a chairman Interior Department Sub In honor of his visit and I norder June 9 and burial in the city ceme heifer on the project which he bellev. The organization of the Campfire believed that soft shelled eggs are guest at the Phipps home this week committee of the appropriation of ed would meet the requirements. Girls, began by Mrs. Wells, was caused by an insufficient amount of that employes of local institutions tery. the house of representatives will of Pendleton may visit Meacham on Will you please let his old class- He further stated that the owner of heartily endorsed and Mrs. Putman oyster shell. Results of several ex visit Hermiston today. The Columbia calf club met last the animal had agreed to donate 250 Sunday at the Columbia school house was appointed club chairman to as periments at the University of Wis the day of the President’s visit, the ates know of the sad news. A party of congressmen recently Sincerely, of the selling price provided the com where they first held a meeting and left Washington on a tour of Inspec sist in the work. It is hoped that consin, conducted by Professor J. G. stores and other businesg houses of Hannah Relnikka, mercial club would raise 3150 tow then left on a tour to all the club tion. Upon reaching Seattle the all girls eligible will avail themselves Halpin, show that the hen will not Pendleton, excepting the restaurants Box 626 ard purchasing the cow. Rev. Hall of the benefits to be derived from lay the egg if not supplied with suf and cigar stores, will close all day Port Angeles, Wash. boys' and girl’s places, where each party split, some of them going to ficient calcium: nether will she rob both July 3 and 4... We feel that contended that the advertising re respective calf was examined. campfire membership. Alaska and the other half, of which Mrs. J. K. Shotwell, chairman of , her body in order to supply the short- the other towns of Umatilla county Valentino Faces Real Bull in Picture ceived by the project from the fact Congressman Cranston is at the Real Spanish fighting bulls were that they had donated the animal the Improvement committee, urged age of calcium. The hen will cut should take similar action and make Paul Stockard of Walla Walla, ar head, continuing to tour the states the need of suitable picnic grounds down her production until she ac it unanimous and we are writing you transported from Spain to Hollywood would be worth a great deal to them rived here Monday for a short visit of the northwest and south. The to ascertain if you Will not make an via Mexico for the sensational bull- in press notices and other means of at the home of his parents. for community use and requested cumulates a supply of shell material. government reclamation projects of Professor Halpin reports that bet effort to have your business houses ring scenes of “Blood and Sand,” Ro- advertising that they would receive, that plans or suggestions for such be these states will be visited and In closed on both dates In question. We dolph .Valentino’s first Paramount F. B. Swayze, who was acting chair submitted to her commmittee. The ter production was secured by feed Dicky Upham gave a delightful spected during this trip. floral display to be held September ing the ordinary high grade oyster take it that you will have no difficul star picture which will be shown at man in the absence of Dr. Prime, as birthday party at his home Monday H. M. Schilling, project manager, 4, the next regular meeting of the shell rather than feeding the pulver ty in doing this and it occurs to us the Playhouse theatre, Wednesday sured the gentleman that the club day afternoon. Those In attendance and E. R. Crocker, engineer, left club, will be directed by the civic im izer oyster shell in the mash. He that it would show a mighty fine and Thursday, June 27-28. They would take It under advisement and wished Dicky’s birthday came otten Wednesday noon for Kennewick provement committee. Prizes are Hid no have as good results from spirit and it would please us much are said to have differed from the do apprise him of their decision at a er. where they met the party bringing offered for best display of asters, per- feeding calcium carbonate precipl- to announce to the people at large mestic variety as “Man-o'-Wir" dif later date. them to this city by auto. The subject was agnin brought up ennlals, roses, dahlias, zlnids and fo r! tate or dry calcium phosphate in that Umatilla county has decided to fers from the humble truck horse. A luncheon will be tendered the The Church of Christ closed the best general floral display fey an in - ' powdered form in the mash as with make July 3 a holiday as well as the Running wild from birth on lonely last Tuesday and It was voted to revival meeting last Sunday night. notables this noonrtiy the local com day following. ranches, shipped in black boxes to turn down the offer and not purchase These meetings have been well at mercial club In the basement of the dividual. It is hoped that there will the ordinary oyster shell. A prompt reply from you In regard continue their Isolation from man the cow. The oyster shell hopper or hoppers be god competition in each class and tended and eight new members Join Methodist church. flower-growers should keep this phould be placed within easy reach of to thl8 matter will be much appreci kind, they entered the arena with The party will spend the night in ed. show in mind during the summer hens or growing pullets. The fowls ated and copies of the program which only the elemental instincts of wild Legion Meeting Held at Stanfield Hermiston and leave tomorrow for will be adopted at next Sunday’s The monthly meeting of the Uma soon eat the pieces of oyster shell animals, to kill and destroy any one months. Rev. Davis of the Baptist church Pendleton. tilla County Council of the American will preach at the Columbia school A comprehensive picture study of they like best and very frequently meeting will be mailed you as soon as daring enough to face them. And Valehtino had t oget out in Legion was held in Stanfield Wed house Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Watt’s allegorical painting, ‘‘Sir the top of the shell supply is covered they are available so that you may American Legion Loses Game Galahad," was given by Mrs. Put with fine powdered shell dust. This present them to your local citizens. front of these interesting creatures. nesday, June 13. All are urged to come. The American Legion and the Very truly yours, A good many of the posts through Sensational to the limit In this man. A review of the epochs in the is not relished by the hens, they re town team, who have given them portrayal of art Ideals preceded a fuse to eat it and production slumps. Umatilla County Committee for Old great Ibanez story of the life and out the county were represented at Miss Lela Addleman is visiting her selves the name of "The Hermiston Oregon Trail Celebration. loves of a young bull-fighter, are this meeting. minute analysis of the picture, and Keep a supply of the kind of shell parents this week. Whrlwnds," met for their second By L. C. Scharpf, Chairman. those scenes In which Mr. Valentino A banquet wag served by the lad was both instructive and full of in the hens like on top. Sift the dust game upon the local diamond last does sword and cape play before ies of the Auxiliary after which the out of the shell if it is to fine. Scat terest. Callers at the Waugaman home Sunday. Quite a number of fan* Methodist Church Notes picked animals of Senor Miura, the meeting was turned over to County Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Blessing, witnessed the encounter that ended Miss Emily Shotwell, a recent ter a few handsfull occasionally with Rev. Mr. Bloom will fill the pul Duke of Veragua and the Marquise Commander Earl Kingsley, of Her Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. graduate of Whitman college, de the grain in the litter. In a score of 9 to 10 In favor of the Some poultrymen do not feed a pit Sunday, June 24, at II o’clock, of Saltillo, the three leading bull miston. Some of the subjects touch Strech. lighted the assembly with two vocal Whirlwinds. sufficient amount of oyster shell be Mr. Wann having received a scholar breeders In Spain. He wag trained ed upon at the meeting were immi selections. The American Legion have protest Mrs. W. R. Nugent, president of cause they object to its cost. Others ship to attend Willamette Univer for the dangerous business by Rafael gration and the duties of the Legion The Neighborhood Club will meet ed the game contending that the the Umatilla Woman’s club, was the bu an inferior button factory by sity summer school for ministers. Palomar, famous Spanish matador, toward naturalizing of foreigners. with Mrs., Udey Wednesday, June credit of winning the game should guest of honor and in a very splendid product because it is cheaper. Many Mr. Bloom and Mr. Graham, who are and was well versed In the graceful Plans were also discussed and a com 27, All members are urged to come go to Dr. Prime, who was score- mittee appointed with the idea as to as Important matters will be dis keeper, Instead of the town team. report of the State Federation con attempts are made to cheat the hen, veterans In the service, will have art. how the Legion may be of service cussed. vention focused attention on the but so far no one has succeeded. She charge of the morning worship dur In an Interview with the doctor he Dr. F. V. Prime has resumed his during the coming pageant on the main planks of Oregon clubdom. is a ipanufacturing establishment ing the pastor’s absence. denied the accusation, stating that practice after attending the Wash Old Oregon Trail at Meacham, July Those passing the stale eighth they had given him a pencil that Her report was full of Important de and simply quits when not supplied The yield of hay on the project is ington state dental meeting at Walla 3 and 4. grade exams are: Pearl Gulsinger, would not behave when used on the tails, which were so concisely stated j with the raw materials she needs to exceeding expectations a good deal of Walla where his uncle. Dr. J. M. Leroy Guistpger, Lowell Stockard, score sheet. that all semblance of statistical re manufacture the fnislied product. it going two tons and better. Wil Prime, of Omaha, was the principal Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace mot Gilbert W hitsett, Thomas Lenhart ports was lost. She lauded the fair If the two teams meet again It will lard Felthouse reports that he cut ppeaker and clinician. The local ored up from Eugene and spent last and George Beddow. ness and ability as a presiding officer A Study of E f ? Production be the second game played under pro of Mrs. Ida B. Callahan, retiring How many 200 egg hens will there some that made four tons to the acre. dentist admits that he absorbed a week at the home of Mrs. Wallace’s test, the game Sunday being played Misses Leia and Mary Addleman on account of certain moral and sci state president, and offered correct, be in your flock at the close of the Mr. Felthouse claims that he measur few god pointers in dentistry which parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Hart in Columbia district. gave a delightful lawn prty Wednes entific reasons being presented by ion for any mistaken ideas regarding present hen year next October? The ed the ground and weighed the hay. he failed to inherit. day evening in honor of Paul Stock- the "Whirlwinds” after the game the high purpose of the large major management of Stoors Egg Laying aid. After an evening of games played Sunday a week ago. Contest, Stoors Agricultural Experi ity of delegates assembled. delicious refreshments of Ice cream The importance of becoming a part ment Station, Stoors, Connecticut, There Is some talk of asking Judge and cake were served. There was Landis to render a decision in the of the National Federation and send- gives a reasonably accurate answer, about 28 present. ing delegates to the national con-, Here Is what happened at Stoors matter as It is believed that It will vention In Los Angeles next spring during a ten year period with 1200 take something of this nature before Born— To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis the two teams consider the argument was emphasized. The citation of vYyandottes, 1400 Plymouth Rocks, a baby girl Tuesday evening. Mrs. over. amazing facts regarding the use o fjjg q o Rhode Island Reds and 3700 I Davl* la staying at the home of her narcotics in the United States creat- Deghorns. Every one of the approx, parents, Mr. and Mr*. R. H. Stock Northwest Hay Growers’ Campaign ed a profound Impression and it was j |mat«»ly 8000 birds made a full year’s ard. strongly urged that women align ‘ vecor(j |n the trapnest. Progresses themselves with the white cross j Selecting at random a sample of A large number of meetings have Card of Appreciation movement. ; too hens, the records show that the been held In the Yakima valley We wish to thank those who re where growers are showing great In Other members of the Umatilla production will be in accord with sponded to our call for aid during terest In the proposed hay growers club were present and evinced thetr the following table: the recent fire uopn our place. organization. Interest in cooperating with Her- i 2 wi]1 ]ay ]PSS than 50 eggs, Through your efforts our home was mist on women in club work. The <, w m |ay from 50 to 99 eggs. 8aies of hay so far made In the saved. We stand ready to repay you Yakima valley have been on a basis Hermiston club is highly apprecia- 32 wm iEy from 100 to 149 egg*, In any way the opportunity may pre of from 19 to |1 0 f. o. b. cars. Grow, tlve of the fine spirit of cordiality j wm jay from 150 to 1S9 eggs, sent to further show our apprecia ers realize that this Is Belling at a and helpfulness which It enjoys with ; 15 wjn )ay from 200 to 249 eggs, tion. J- B. Beebe heavy loss. the Umatilla organization. j WM iay from 250 or more. The organization committee has JOINT PICNIC PROPOSED ln other <Znt E. P. Dodd returned Tuesday from not yet completed final draft of con A delegation from the Columbia lay less than 10 eggs, pe Eugene where he had represented tract of membership, hut this la ex Farm Bureau met with the Commer- wlll lay from 100 to 19 ®a*’ (the local commercial club at a state pected to be available within the elal club last Tuesday to confer with and only 16 per cent wi ay meeting In the above named city. next ten days. this body concerning the holding of eggs or more. Mr Dodd was not favorably Impress. The National Farm Bnreau ia eo- a Joint picnic In the near future. A There are variations in breeds, ed with the meeting, stating that It operating with bankers and bust committee will be appointed to work varieties and In strains. i was a populistic gathering, each find men and the Washington State Farm In conjunction with a similar com- The averages over so long a time ing fault with the present condition Bureau, are holding a marketing con- mlttee of the farm bureau In making with so many fowls where no culling of the state and setlng forth a rem- ference ef two days in Yakima, June arrangements for the affair. The could be done during the contest year edy. An organization was perfected «0 an(j j j Farm Bureau conceived the Idea of disclose some very Interesting Infor- at the meeting to be known as the -ppn movement for cooperative mar- the picnic and Invited Hermiston to matlon. federated commercial clubs of Oregon ketlng seems to be gaining great participate in making it a celebra- ------------- and Mr. Dodd was elected first vice- headway In the state of Washington, tlon for the whole project. The date IT WILL BE APPRECIATED— pre-ldcnt. where several associations are now in will be set later. » ,ho* who OTd®r®4 operation. ___ -Arrrtre'- » i the Pageant will call very soon nt the Miss Emily Shotwell, who was Mis* Dori» Sway«^, who Is,attend- library for their picture*. Their re member of tag Stanford universty, 1» home for mlttance may be made to the photo- tbe rammer. grapher. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES W hat’s So Rare as a Day in June?