Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1923)
THE II EHM ISTON Tin, Sheet metal work and Plut log. Call 7 (3 . I. E. Putman, 11-tfc. H E R A LD , H ER M ISTO N , OREGON. To Trade For Hermiston Irrigated T wenty-five room hotel near Sea side for forty acre tract. Now la the time to set out plants Good going hardware business and for an ea .ly garden. Cabbage, to modern house for alfalfa farm here. mato, pepper, etc., at Pelmulder's— See Dodd Investment Co. 35-tfc adv. K I N G S L E Y ’S H I R M I e T O N 'S H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D B t R V t C l " M o r n in g d e li v e ry a ta ri« 1 0 :3 0 , a f t e r n o o n 3 :3 0 . PHONE 171 Tourists Cause Forest Fir«». Two Ford touring cars, excellent According to the annual report of condition, 1918 and 1919 models, the forest aervlee. Culled States De your choice 3175. Kellogg & partment of Agriculture, a large part Shirake. 32-tfc of the danger to the national forests from man-caused fires Is due to the Good Ford truck for sale. Price seasonal Influx of tourists, campers, 9175.00. Kellogg & Schlmpke. 31tf hunters and fishermen, and other vis itors from the cities and from distant GREAT “GOLD BLUFFS” HOAX parts of the country. A national cam paign of public education on the sub Reported Finding of Yellow Metal ject of forest fires Is demanded If the task of protection of the vast area of Caused Intense Excitement in the national forests from Maine and San Francisco in 1851, Florida and California and Washing To San Francisco In January, 1851, ton Is to be successfully performed. came a tale that set even Its exclte- It Must Have Been Terrible. ment-Jaded pulses a-thrub. Briefly, 19 One morning when I returned to prospectors had proceeded in the steam er Chesapeake toward the Klamath school after an illness I was told to river, and near this stream the sea go to the principal for an excuse. I shore for miles was composed—half, , went to hts office, tuklng my report at least—of pure gold, writes Eugene card. Entering the office, I walked Cunningham In Adventure Maga to the principal's desk. He held out Ids hand and, suppos zine. Digging was not required. One hnd i ing he wished to shake hands, I put only to raise as much as he wished of my hand in bis and shook It. the goldeh sand from the beach. I Imuglne my emburrussment when Small wonder that San Francisco went i he said: “I did not mean to shake mad. Eight vessels prepared to sail hands. I wanted your report card.”— Exchange. for “Gold Bluffs." Then the bottom dropped out. It wag rumored first that the gold was mixed with black and gray sands ¡that because of Its exceeding fineness It could not be separated from the sand. Worse still, the sea washed through huge piles of collected sand and flood- Authorised Ford Dealers tide brought nene of It back. Work HERMISTON, OREGON ing “Gold Bluffs" promised a reversal of ordinary mining—gold went Into, Instead of coming out of, the ground. L O O K beyond 8o the greatest excitement of the th e p u rc h a s e decade was done. But It was a ‘thrill price 1 T ir e costs er” while It lasted. DOLLAR SPECIALS -fo r- May Specials in the Grocery Dept. Prunes, 11 pounds . $1.00 Macaroni, 13 pounds . $1.00 Corn, 7 cans . . $1.00 String Beans, 7 cans . $1.00 White Wonker Soap »■“ . $1.00 Bacon Backs, 4 pounds . $1.00 Soap Chips, 8 pounds . $1.00 Other Good Values Crimson Rambler Syrup gallon . . .7 5 c Rolled Oats . . 53c KELLOGG FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY DAY Woman's Apprehensions Disappeared With Her Increasing Confidence In the 8mall Boy. When Phillips Brooks, the great “low church” bishop of Massachusetts, made his visitation at the Church of the Advent, Boston, celebrated for Its elaborate ritual, the rector consider ately inquired If the bishop would like the usual service simplified. “Oh, no,” was (he reply. “Turn everything on I" A young but well-trained acolyte was told to attend the blsliop, nnd before the towering figure paced, with Impressive dignity, the small red-cas- socked lad. A lady, who knew and admired Phll- ■ lips Brooks, but knew little of ritual, regarded the situation at first with anxious face, but soon became serene, i On leaving the church after service, J she remarked: “In the beginning I was dreadfully afraid the bishop would not know where to go or wlmt to do, but I felt i perfectly safe about him when I saw J that little boy knew a great deal more about It all than the bishop did, and was taking good cure of him."—Har per’s Mngnzlne. Echo, Oregon ------------- M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F --------------- High Grade Patent B lue S tem F lour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED j . b ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ b a a a a a a a a a a a a a ■ n ■ a a a a a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a An Inventor at Seventeen. One Saturday morning, more than 60 years ago, writes Floyd I,, parrow in St. Nicholas Magazine, a man and a boy might have been observed stand ing over a piece of pipe In a machine- shop In Schenectady, N. Y. The man was giving Instructions to his fonrteen- yearold gon, George Westinghouse, Jr., ns to how he wished this pipe to be cut Into pieces of a certnlnAength. George had wanted to go on a hike with some other boys, but his father, a somewhat stem man, was assigning a task which, he assured the lad, would require all his spare time for several days to come. While his fa ther had been talking, the boy hnd been thinking out a scheme to escape this drudgery. In a few hours he hnd rigged up a combination of tools which, when attached to a power machine, automatically fed the pipe and cut It Into the proper lengths. In this youthful Incident we have the first glimpse of the wonderful In ventive genius of one of the most ex traordinary men that America has ever produced—George Westinghouse. S I W ill Pay You the H ighest ■ * Market P r ic e Obtainable ! for your Veal, Chickens, Eggs and all Produce that you may have to sell. £ We want your business and assure 5 you that you will profit by £ trading with us. ■ ■ J 2 We handle feed of all kinds and our prices are right. Give us a trial. 1 POULTRY SUPPLY 2 Phone 811 j History of Vaccination. Smallpox vaccination, generally re w garded ss a modern practice, dates hnek more than 2,000 years, according to Dr. W. G. McCoy, director of the Ilygentc Laboratory of the United States Public Health service, “When the ancients noticed that recovery from the first attack gave Immunity from others," Bays Doctor McCoy, “they be gan Inoculating their fellows; first by exposing well persons to others III with the disease and Inter by Inoculation. ' Jenner, who la generally conceded to have been the father of vaccina tion for smallpox with cowpox, only “put vaccination on a rock where It would be Immovable," explains Doctor McCoy. Records show that years be fore Jenner's time men hnd been vac cinated with cowpox and then with smallpox to demonstrate their Immu nity. 5 R. C. Challis, Proprietor ■ ■ ■ ■ a B B ■ a B B a ■ B BIB B R a ■ a IB a a a a B B B1111BI ■ I a B * I GOOD Y E A R Goodyear Tires and The Final Cost Price YOU have always wanted a Good year but maybe you thought the Goodyear name meant a high priced tire The initial cost of Goodyear Tires is not high. However the final cost —the cost per mile—is the only real basis on which to figure. Ooodyrm Tires will reduce your tire cost per mile. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Rachel's Tomb Jewish Shrine. Rachel's tomb, about a mile from Bethlehem, Is a sacred shrine of the Jews. It Is the only spot of Old Tes tament Interest to which the Jews have exclusive rights, and the chief rabbi of Jerusalem has the key to it. They assemble there from time to time for prayer They do the aame at He bron, where the patriarchs are buried, but I d general they do not have ready access to the graves of their forefa thers. The Moslems refuse this priv ilege to them. Wanted More Information. The medical officer on duty In the eye, ear and throat department of one of the great London hospitals was shout to examine a wan who com plained of severe pain. “Now, then, my friend. Is It this ear that's causing the trouble?” he asked. "This 'ere whatF’ Inquired the pa tient. SCHIMKE figured a t th e end o f s e r v ic e w i l l show Silvertow ns th e m ost eco n o m ic a l. FELT THE BISHOP WAS SAFE E c h o F l o u r M ills & 89c~$1.49 ALUMINUM WARE S a t u r d a y M o r n in g , M ay 19 We will offer THE BEST VALUES IN ALUMINUM W ARE THAT WERE EVER GIVEN — — IN HERMISTON — — Every article is made of the best grade of alumi num and prices are 89c-$1.49. Each purchase of a $1.49 article will entitle you to purchase for 5c one other useful article of the same grade Aluminum ware. 89c $1.49 10 1-4 Inch Double Boaster 9 1-4 Inch Colande s 1 1 -2 Quart Double Boilers 5 Quart Mix’ lg Eowls 5 Quart Pudding Pans 4 Quart Lipped Sauce Pans 5 Quart Preserving Kettles 4 Quart Convex Sance Pans 10 3-4 Inch Sink Strainer 11-2 Quart Percolators 2 1-2 Quart W ater Pitchers 9 3-4 Inch Tubed Cake Pans 1 Pint Syrup Pitcher 7 Quart Teakettles 2 Quart Double Boilers 2 Quart Coffee P?’s 2 Quart Percolators 8 Quart Convex Kettles 10 1-2 Inch Round Roasters 10 Quart Dairy Pails 6 Quart Strainer Cookers 12 Quart Lipped Preserving Kettles 8 Quart Convex Kettles 14 Inch Oval Roasters 12 Quart Oval Dish Pans 8 Quart Vegetable Cookers 5c 1 Quart Lipped Sauce Pan 1 Pint Dippers 10 Inch Pie Tins SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY—EVERY ARTICLE A USEFUL ONE. 5 SALE STARTS SATUURDAY MORNING Foot Comfort ANNOUNCEMENT OREGON HDWE. & IMPL. CO. Bring in Tour FLEISHER’S NEW WONDER GL0 YARN R ight w eight for summer sweaters and scarfs. 50 cents a ball. A Demonstrator HOLEPROOF HOSIERY from Chicago Colors are Beige, Camel, Steel, Black, W hite, Cordovan and Gun Direct from The Scholl Mfg. Co. sad trained in scientific methods of giving foot comfort Mftal— 31.60 to 32.50 will come to our store NECKKWEAR Hahn’s Shoe Store FRIDAY. MAY 18 Bertha Collars Pamley Collar Sets $1.00 to $2.00 Now is your chance to banish your foot aches and pains. We have a t our store a m an spe cially trained in D r. Scholl’s M ethod of Foot Com fort. H e knows feet and will show you how foot comfort has been brought to thousands of suf ferers by the use of th e well- known D f Scholls Foot Comfort Appliances O u r fin is h in g d e p a r t m e n t, th ro u g h u p -to -d a te m e th o d s a n d e q u ip m e n t a n d e x p e rt h a n d lin g , can h e lp y o u g e t th e k in d o f p ic tu re s y o u w ant. T o use a sk , *xpres- Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. "THE BEST OF GOOD SERVICE” THE WEST SIDE EAT SHOP sio n : “ W e’re there finish.” the Is the Place where you can buy your groceries, meats and vegetables. It is our aim to keep everything good to eat and the very best the market af fords.... Seeing is believing. If yon can’t come, telephone or write your ord«r, it will be given prompt at tention. Mitchell Drug Company H e r m iit o n , G r < g - n Dr. S choll's B oot-Basar m teat, b o d y a n d narraa • m TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon paper at the Herald office. TUNEFUL GORGEOUS FIRST A N N U A L . . I SPRING FESTIVAL THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT r 500 Participants =“The West Side Eat Shop” = J. Lao Parker, Proprietor ---- Telephone 413 Specially Constructed Mammoth Stage Chorus of 200 Trained Voices CHOICE MEATS Large Orchestra and Band Elaborate Costumes Egyptian, Spanish and Colorful Specialties Wonderful Stage Settings T mtq Big Night« Fresh Fish BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE S. A H. Groen » S ta m p o W i t h E v e ry P u rc h a s e Pendleton, Oregon :: 8:15 P. M. Admission, including reserved scats, $1.00 Every seat reserved. MAGNIFICENT Fresh and Cured Two Big Night« HAPPY CANYON MAY 24-25 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a JOYFUL CITY MEAT MARKET JOHN ELsIS, PROP. _________________________________________ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■i 4A