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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1923)
. o fO. Llbrarv ©te Wrmwfcm Dirottò HERMISTON HIGH HAS GLASS OF 22 No. 36 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1923 VOL. XVII NEW APIARY LAW WILL BE ENFORCED DECORATION DAY - TO BE OBSERVED DISTRICT CONVENTION OF PAR ENT-TEACHERS SATURDAY COMMUNITY GLOB WILL SEND QUEEN « HERMISTON LOCAL NEWS ♦ TRIAL DRAWS LARGE CROWD Mrs. J. K. Shotw ell reports th a t the d istric t convention of the P a r ent-T eachers association w ill be held C harles Siscei, a b ro th e r of P at in P endleton next S aturday May 19, Stscel, was in H erm iston S aturday A bout 30 VeeMeeper »tended the a t th e county library. COMMUNITY CLUB HOLDS REGU visiting h lR brother. Mr. Siscei re L. M. SMITH ACQUITTED OF IL BACCALAURÏATr. SERMON NEXT m eeting of th e U m atilla C ounty Bee STOBES TO BE CLOSED ON THIS It is hoped th a t a large delegation LAS MEETING LEGAL POSSESSION OF LIQUOR sides In Wasco. DAY SUNDAY keepers* A ssclatlon In th e lib rary on will a tte n d th is m eeting. Monday n ig h t a n d C ounty A gent „ . ~ i • »» j Miss B erth a McKeen, w ho is teach- Bennlon, w ho ls also th e official Report on Recent Pageant is Ma e. Jn tJ)e pjJot Rock gcboo, was ln The Other Case in W hich Smith Commencement Exercises.. W ill., be county bee napeotor, was kept busy Commercial Club W ill Assist Ameri Arloine Robinson to Represent H#rm|gton ,ast Saturday vi8ltlng her Charged W ith a Sale W ill Be can Legion in Memorial Day Held in H igh School Auditorium a ll evening p rep arin g applications Hermiston at Pendleton Fete I Tried Wednesday Program m other. Thursday, May 24 for ap iary licenses. P relim in ary o r ders w ere booked a t th is m eeting for Mr. and Mrs. Leverny, w ho recent more th a n one car load of honey Ed. McKean, who ls w orking In , , ourg before court convened k ly moved onto th e Donaldson ranch, T he W om an’s C om m unity Club D ecoration day w ill be fittin g ly ob- Ce-ut i ncem ent week a t th e H er- cans. were guests a t th e Shaw home S un held its re g u la r (neeting Tuesday Wasco, came up Sunday to visit his |arg e crowd g atbered , n thg Hermlg. tritmon Union H igh School w ill be j n gome p arts of th e sta te news- served in H erm iston. day. ton auditorium to w itness th e tr ia l afternoon at the library. T h ree re m other. May 20-24. ] papers have advised th e ir read ers A t th e °m m ercial v»» club — luncheon presen tativ es from th e P endleton ■ ........ ... I of L. M. Sm ith, accused of illegal Next Sunday .May. 20, Rev. Davis th a t th e new ap iary re g istratio n law last T uesday afternoon E. J. Kings- The C olum bia p o ultry club held a W om an’s Club w ere present to ex Mrs. Tonis, sister of B ert Shaw , possession of liquor. By th e tim e p asto r of th e local B ap tist church, was defective and th a t it could not ley sifegeated th a t some defin ite ten d an in v ita tio n tq th e sp rin g re came up from Sand. Oregon, w here Ju stic e E. P. Dodd called the co u rt w ill preach th e b accalau reate sermon. be enforced. T he officers of the be made tow ards th e observ- m eeting a t the home of Mrs, Rhodes Tuesday. May 22, th e class play, Oregon S tate B eekeepers’ A ssociation ance th is day. A vote of th e club last Monday n ig h t. The second re vue w hich is to be given a t H appy she resides, to visit h er b ro th er who to order every available seat w as occupied and a large num ber w as "C larence,” w ill be presented by have how ever o b tain ed a decision was ta k e n and it w as found th a t th is ports have been received and were Canyon on T hursday and F riday eve lives in th is city. nings, May 24 and 25. Admission j ---------- sta n d in g in th e back p a rt of the m em bers of the g ra d u a tin g class, in from th e a tto rn ey general to th e ef body w as in favor of aid in g th e local d istributed. »1.00 and 50 cents for children. The Tbe w isIiR rt property w hich was building. Those who came late had th e tjlgh school au d ito riu m . The fect th a t th e law is not defective, post of th e A m erican Legion, both Miss R u th Edm unds w as a guest la st division of it w ill be a P ag ean t ! recently purchased by W. J. W arner, to appease th e ir curiosity by crow d perform ance w ill begin a t 8 p. m. and ip th is p a rt of th e s ta te a t m orally and financially in observing of H elen B en n ett Sunday n ig h t and of B eauty in w hich each tow n in , bag been re . soid by Mr. W arn er to ing tn th e doorway th a t leads to th e The noel "C larence” from w hich least it w ill be stric tly enforced. M em orial day. U m atilla county is to be represented John E llis, proprietor of th e City street. It w as a mixed gath erin g . The Legion w ill no doubt in th e of Ina L e n h a rt Monday n ig h t. th e play w as dram atized, was w ritten The law becomes effective May 20 by a queen. T he C om m unity club M eat M arket. F arm ers from th e country had h eard by Booth T ark ln g to n , one- of Amer a fte r w hich d ate every person poss- I n ea>' fu tu re m ap o u t a program for rum ors upon th e streets concerning ica's forem ost w riters, an d Is con essing one or m ore hives w ith comb, th e day. The services of a speaker B orn— To Mr. and Mrs. H erschel voted to send Queen A roluine to re present H erm iston. sidered by critics to be his best cf- w ith or w ith o u t bees, m ust have a w ill be secured w ho _wi'l deliver an B ault, a nine pound girl. G. L. B ennett, the auctlnner, who the tria l and had left th e ir farm Mrs. Chas. B aker su b m itted her fo rrt. The cast chosen to p articip ate license th a t is obtained from the address in keeping w ith th e occa <esides In the Colum bia d istric t, has work to h ear the proceedings. B usi rep o rt of th e pag ean t given h ere and In th e play have w orked w ith u n C ounty Clerk, and cost one dollar. sion. A bee club m eeting w as hold on been confined to his bed for th e last ness men, for the tim e being, forgot Services in th e churches w ill be Som m erer's law n Sunday and a bee it w as found th a t th e to ta l expendi 10 days w th an atack of rh eu m a th e ir cares and w ere in attendance. tirin g effo rts to produce it in such a The new law also forbids th e use of Ju d g in g from the crowd present th e m an n er th a t thoBe w ho a tte n d will box hives, and a fine of »10 to $100 held h onoring those w ho so un selfish club organized. The officers w ere tu res was approxim ately »190. The tism . whole country was interested in the long rem em ber th e en te rta in m e n t a f is provided for violation of th e law. ly laid down th e ir lives th a t poster elected from a force of eig h t mem pictures taken by Mr. W ard, of P en dleton, are on display a t th e lib rary outcome of th e tria l. forded them upon th a t evening. The license w hen obtained is to be ity m ig h t enjoy freedom. bers. Mr. R. H. Stockard, th e club and orders w ill be tak en by Mrs. A rt.iu r G uilford was sentenced last T hursday, May 24, Commencement posted in th e apiary. The stores w ill close on th is day. Names were draw n for th e ju ry leader, outlined th e w ork to ¡the Brownson u n til S aturday evening of ' W ednesday afternoon in th e court of exercises w ill be held in th e high and the follow ing men w ere sw orn members. th is week. Mrs. S chilling gave a Ju stice Joe H. P ark s on the charge of in: II. L. Payne, A. F. Belsse, Geo. school auditoriu m b eg in n in g a t 8 Local Theatre Man Composes Poem most Hplendid review of th e bills v io latin g the liquor laws. H e was Strohm , C. M. Voyen Chas. T aylor ♦ « P. M. The follow ng is th e program to Lloyd The live-w ires m et on A ddlem an’s passed in the leg islatu re d u rin g this given a fine of »350 and a jail sen and L. C. Dyer. th a t w ill be rendered a t th is tim e: Very few people have suspected it <* 0 . A. C. FARM REMINDERS « law n Sunday afternoon. tence of th irty days. session. Invocation ........................ „...Rev. W ann •— b u t M anager S ig Davis of th e P Judge Fee, th e defendants a tto r -j Follow ing out th e study of eon- I In stru m e n ta l Solo............. Mr. Sapper Playhouse in th is city Is blossoming *:• ❖ ❖ Miss C arolyn McReynolds w as a tem porary A m erican lite ra tu re e Mrs. j Mrs. D. W. Mumford and d au g h ter, ney, addressed th e ju ry explaining The rasp b erry saw fly, a d efo liat S alu ta to ry ....................Mary Addieman out as a poet and h as dedicated his guest of H elen B ennett Monday and McKenzie read an in te re stin g paper M*ss G race M iller, left T hursday for th a t th e charge ag in st Sm ith was A ddress.................................... Rev. Secor firs t b it of verse to H arold Lloyd. in g pest w hich a tta c k s all bram bles, the illegal posession of liquor and In w hich she discussed th e leading E nterprise to visit Mrs. M um ford’s Q u artette .................................................. M anager D avis became inspired ! is now w orking on thefoliage as a Tuesday. th a t It w as the Intention of the de sh o rt story w riters, in connection . dauK h tg s, Miss Elm a M iller’ and Mrs. P hipps, W augam an, M artin when he viewed a p riv ate screening 1 very sm all worm. Sm all shot-like fendant to Jrove th a t the liquor T he N eighborhood club w ill m eet Pelm ulder of th e new H arold Lloyd comedy, ! holes ap p ear in th e foliage n ear th e a t th e home o Mrs. P a rk e r next W ed w ith w hich Mrs. O. C. Yoffng read j AinwSTOtt. A fter a tw o w eeks’ stay found ln his car by deputy sh e riff F an n y H e a rst’s “ H um oresque." : tb ere they w ill go to A drian, Mis- V aledictory....................G race S kinner ‘Dr. J a c k .” T his p ictu re w ill be , base of th e p lan ts. As these worms B uffington, had been placed th ere nesday for a re g u lar m eeting. Miss H offm an w ill be here Ju n e 8 , to Mrs. M unm ford’s P resen tatio n of Diplom as...................... j shown a t tbg Playhouge W ednesday ! increase in size th ey can defoliate by G ulliford out of revenge. S m ith j sister, Mrs. S. F. Law rence. They rapidly. Now is th e tim e to spray P resid en t of Board and T hursday, May 23 and 24. having assisted the a u th o ritie s in con G. L. B en n ett is grad u ally recover to conduct a dress form class from w ill rem ain for an extended visit. I for them , w here th e ir a tta c k s are School S ong............................ ....... Class 10 to 4 a t the library. Supplies can The follow ing is th e poem: victing G ulliford w hen he was re ing from an a tta c k of rheum atism . noted, w ith a rsen ate of lead, 1 pound Members of th e g ra d u a tin g class be purchased from h er a t th e tim e. SOME DOCTOR!!! cently arrested , tie d and convicted to 20 gallons of w ater. Use an angle are: Mae J. Myers, Leo W. Sm ith, If you’re sick of th is life Mr. and Mrs. Lee happell and baby of a bootlegging charge, according The C olum bia school w ill close E ach lady w ishing a form m ade m ust ! nozzle and d irect th e spray to th e Orval F. Silvey, Zona E. Bensel, M ary W ith its toil and its strife. next F riday w ith a picnic on the b rin g tw o helpers who can devote the of P ortland, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman to th e statem en t m ade by the a tto r low er surface of th e leaves. C. C urrie, C raig A. Percey, H ugh B. m orning to h er alone as th e m aking B uchner of Pendleton, visited the ney. Remem ber th a t joy w ill come back; school grounds. F raser, John T. H addox, E. N eill of one form consum es considerable week-end and spent M other’s Day a t J u s t w atch for th e day T. J. Moore of F reew ater and W . B oynton, P h y llis Dyer, E ld a E. B uh W hen th e papers w ill say : th e p a ren tal hem e lit Mr. W, T. J. W arner, of H erm iston, w eree act The c u rra n t and gooseberry worm, tim e. . H igh School Puts on Stunt m an, G race H. S kinner, A rth u r F. B uchner. H e’s arrived here a t la s t— Dr. Jack a defo liatin g pest, is now present on ing as special prosecutors. Mr. T hree m em bers of th e cast of the R ubner, Mary O. A ddiem an, M arga th e bushes. G rowers who experi C. C. Barker to Leave Moore, for th e prosecution, outlined high school play ‘‘C larence,” w hich re t M. N eary, Irvine C. Shotw ell, Luc- enced a tta c k s from it last y ear T here are doctors in tow n, Sam uel O ldaker was In P en d letrn the m anner in w hich they w ould C. C. B ark er w ho has been con lg to be presented ln th e high school ile E. Sullivnn, N orm an M. R ubner, should spray th e ir busheg now w ith Yes, and gome of renow n, auditorium Tuesday. May 22, ap p ear, nected w ith th e firm of Neil & B ar Monday. Mr. O ldaker w as cn route proceed In order to prove th a t the H ow ard A. P arrish , J. Claude W h it arsen ate of lead, 1 pound to 20 g al And o th ers th a t you class as quack; liquor found InSintth’s car belonged ed before th e Comm ercial club last ker, garage, has sold his in te re st to to St. P aul, Minn. sett. E rn e st L. Carson, Alice Cllne- lons of w ater, u sin g an angle nozzle B u t th e one fu ll of pep. <O the defendant. Ben Nell, th e o th er m em ber of the Tuesday noon a t th e club luncheon sm ith. T h e cias officers are: Leo to reach th e low er su rface of th e And the m an w ith a rep W itnesses for both sides w ere ca ll, firm , and will gome tim e in th e near and enacted p a rt of the first act. Sm ith, p resid en t: N orm an R ubner, Mrs. Jan e W allan, of Adams, ls Is the one you should see— Dr. Jack leaves- The club thoroughly enjoyed the fu tu re leave H erm iston and go to here v isitin g w ith h e r d au g h ter and ed and th e tria l began. A t alx vice-president; H ugh F raser, secre Devitalized and d ro u g h t-in ju red o'clock th e ju ry w as sen t o u t to perform ance w hich sparkles w ith w it M eacham, w here he w ill m ake his fam ily, Mrs. Connell. ta ry -tre a su re r; Luclle Sullivan, h is apple trees are very susceptible to If you w alk w ith a cru tch agree upon a verdict. In a sh o rt and hum or. The th ree m em bers of fu tu re home. H is home In th is city to rian ; A lice C linesm ith, prophet. in ju ry from lime su lfu r spray. Good And it h u rts very much. tim e th ey retu rn ed and announced the cast w ho enacted th e ir p a rts be has been sold to Jens Skovbo. The class m otto is, "N o t a t th e top cu ltiv atio n ‘w ill conserve m oisture Miss Nona Keys, of B oardm an, was a verdict of not guilty. To h ike to th e corner an d back. fore th e club Tuesday displayed u n h u t clim bing.” Class colors, green find th e grow ing of a clover crop a week-end visitor a t the home of Y ou’ll laugh and you’ll ro a r The o th er case in w hich Sm ith is usual ta le n t along dram atic lines. and gold. Class flow er, yellow rose. Charles Codd Dies Miss Eva H iatt. th ro u g h w in ter w ill keep up th e fe r And w on’t lim p an y more, charged w ith th e sale ofllquorw lll The class of ’23 is one of th e larg- C harles Codd, who has been em tility and organic m a tte r In th e soil. be tried next W ednesday In Ju stice est ever graduated from th e lo c a l! As soon as you see— Dr. Jack. Sue On Note ployed in th e office of th e H erm iston P ear and ch erry slugs, slim y slu g J- K. Shotw ell, who registers at Dodd’s court. high school. S appers’ Inc., f>f th is city, has L ig h t & Pow er Co., died last T h u rs like larvae w hich skeletonize fo li the P erkins from H erm iston, Oregon, If your boy as a rule. His first a rrest was made by Dep- age. w ill ap p ear about th e last of bro u g h t su it In the c irc u it court day a t his home ln Spokane. one of the most successful Irrig atio n W an ts to stay home from school, His first a rre st was made by Dep ag ain st A. F. D rolshagen to collect Pendleton Spring Festival H e cam e to H erm iston a little over May. W here th e ir a tta c k s a re found Queens from every com m unity in A nd you th in k he deserves a good to be serious in com m ercial o rch about »850 w hich they claim Is due a m onth ago to tak e th e place of Mrs. district,. In thn sta te . Is a highw ay uty S heriffs T. B. B uffngton and contractor.— Tuesday O regonan. w hack, Dave L avendar. U m atilla county w ill be th e guests ards, use a re g u la r arsen ate of lead them and unpaid. W. J. W arner, B oynton as bookkeeper in the power Ju s t tak e It from me, A ccording to th e officers they pro of honor of th e City of Pendleton the local atto rn ey , is ap p earin g for com pany’s office. sp ray a t th e ra te of 2 pounds to 100 d u ring th e tw o day sp rin g festival l o u w ill learn w hen you Bee E. A. Hobbs, an ex-resident of cured a Hearch w arran t and searched the company. H e left a w ife In Spokane, WaBh., gallons of w ater. W here only a few to be held th ere May 24 and 25. In How h e’s cured by o ur frien d — Dr. trees a re to be treated , any finely and had intended to brin g h e r to H erm iston, but a t present living In his house. They failed to find any Jack. the extravaganza th e ru lers w ill be divided duat w ill serve as an effect Former Hermiston Hi Girl to Gradu H erm iston w hen school w as over, P ortland, is in tow n th is week. Mr. liquor In th e house but upon going U m atilla county’s fa ire st dau g h ters, You’ll laugh till you cry, h av in g rented th e W ish art house re Hobbs has retu rn ed to H erm iston out to h is car w hich waR parked ive check. Road dust, a ir slacked ate From 0, A. C. A nd you’ll w onder w hy who w ill be lavishly e n tertain ed and w ith a view of again se ttlin g in th is nearby they found in the car a bottle lime, sifted wood ashes or su lfu r M ary A. L am bert of U m atilla, is on cently owned by W. J. W arner, T h at some folks a smile never crack, feted d u rin g th e tw o days. throw n or dusted over th e foliage will the list of candidates for grad u atio n Mr. Codd was a veteran of the locality providing he can fnd a su it th a t contained moonshine. The ar- If you know such a m an, te st was then made. Each com m unity w ill be asked to , suffice. th is spring. Miss L am bert is a g rad w orld w ar, Joining a C anadian regi able location. Select its queen, th is w ork being It would "be a good plan The second a rrest w as m ade by m ent when he was sixteen. He later I ---------- u ate of H erm iston high school, w here To tell him to see— Dr. Jack. S heriff H ouser. In w hich it is alleged largely handled by th e w om an’s o r enlisted In th e U. S. arm y and served Tho m oth e r of Mrs. Sid Bowman Is TO FRUIT GROWERS! she look an active p a rt in debate g anizations of th e v ario u s tow ns. th a t Sm ith w as selling n to x lcatln g C ounty A gent Bennlon today a d and ath letics. She will receive her h i s cou n try ns re c ru itin g sergeant v,Kltlng a l ‘he home if her d au g h ter Costum es b e fittin g th e ra n k of sú p liquors. T his ls the case for w hch District Quarterly Meeting vised The H erald by telephone th a t degree from the school of commerco. d u rin g th e rem ainder of the w ar. | ,h l” week f , om Ione. he will be tried W ednesday. lem e ru le r w ill be provided for the The d istric t q u a rte rly m eeting of th e firs t cover sp ray for coddling Miss L am bert is a m em ber of the | th e W alla W alla d istrict of the F ree j m oth should be T o m ^ d hv T * chosen delegates. II. L. K eator, d istrict atto rn ey , a t C harles H ogard was a busness vis- A r* Adamson Is a H erm iston visi M adrigal club, wom en's m usical o r tended th e tria l but m erely as an Many featu res of th e big piece of M ethodist ch u rch , w ill convene a t 26. T his applies on the protect h ganization and K appa A lpha T h eta t o r in H erm iston from S tanfield to r from E n te n>rise. observer. ped antry a re o rig in al in organiza- I H erm iston b eginning May 17 and con I IO orch ard s in th is section | W ednesday. sorority. lion, and th e e n tire show, w hich is tin u in g over Sunday. Rev F F ---------- °n’ E. P. Dodd was in Pendleton Sun presented as th e firs t a n n u al festival ; Pond, th e d is tric t elder, w ill be in A Correction day to a tten d a b irth d ay p arty giv- grounds, w ill be a m usical presen ta- ! charge, In last week’s issue of The H erald ; on in honor of R. A lexander. ’he b en efit of th e ch ild ren ’s play. | T here w ill be a num ber of m inls- we stated th a t the H erm iston cream tion, w ith four d istin c t stag e sett- j ters from th e d is tric t present as well ery had received 400 pounds of cream ings. Among th e fe a tu re s of th e ' us m any of the la ity of th e church J. Fred Braly, m anager of thé WII- the S atu rd ay before. It should have j lam ette Valley Land Co., of Albany, program a re : A p relude em b o d y in g ’ The m eeting w ill be held In th e Mis- read 400 gallons. waR a project visitor S aturday. the idea of th e Coming of Spring, a i Mon hall. Services will be held each Hope you see th is Mr. S w arto u t Spanish dance num ber, a fa iry dance, evening, and all day Sunday The c u. . | and th e lce cream “ ‘at you prom ised Dr. B C. W eaver, a chiro p ractic , wlI, roonbe forthcon)1 ” a burlesque num ber on K ing T u t and W om en’s F oreign M issionary meet I’n r lL , n J l _____4 , ’ physician of P ortland, has located in 1 a grand finale. in g w ill be held Sunday afternoon. H erm iston. The doctor reports th a t C horus w ork both by all th e school ! I All are welcome. J. K. M umau, pas- Miss H elen Cowgill, A ssistant he soon will be ready for practice. children of P endleton and a mixed I tor. I S tate Club Leader, w as in the county a d u lt chorus of over 200 voices, w ill | — ------ - Tuesday and W ednesday of last week The follow ing appears am ong the he one of th e large featu res of th e ' New Driller In Chare- of Local Well 1 realty tran sfers: Jen s J. Skovbo to and w ith Miss Hoffm an, visited the event, in addition to m any o th er p t, , *-/. re n te r, who according to Edw ard T. H augeberg, »200, p a rt of g irls’ clubs a t P ilot Rock. H erm is aumbors, th e ch a ra c te r of w hich w ill officers of th e N o rth eastern Oregon . lots I and 2 of subdivision ” B,” be ton, M innehaha, F ruitvale. U m apine be kept secret u n til the opening of Oil E xploration Company, is an ex- ing in NE 1-4 8E1-4 sec. 10, Ip 4 and M ilton. T here are ten g irls ’ n,eO v t°’ oO special costum es In ad- S T h T c o m p a i' 7 ; d";,,’”’' " Pr°<’" red clubs In th e county th is year, doing N. R. 28. dition to those supplied for ..m o s t Z u ’ ' d r," er “ ‘he l0Cal sew ing, cooking and canning work. One or th e sew ing club girls of last H arry Connerg has accepted a Job every school child ln th e city , w ill They claim th a t Mr. F elk er has year, Madge Quick of the M innehaha , as salesm an In J. Lee P a rk e r’s store. add m uch to the color of the presen been employd tn th is capacity in club, won ag prize a trip to the two- tatio n . , M ontana, O klahom a and Texas, hav woek sum m er school for th e boys and The M E. L adies’ Aid will hold a r l r l . L , " IOr ,n e ‘ nd In a ll th e re is expected to be a cast in g b rought in oil wells in some of «ale on S aturday. May 19. at 2 30 j l '" . ** he,,, “ '» of ch ara c te rs of m ore th a n 508 peo- th e above localities. P. M . in th e old Ogden Jewelry store. \ and g lr U s h o u ld They have felt for some tim e th at — ^■ «arden h a ,.. glimmflr c , u V ,.r ; 7 g hr L r X T „ ; k 0 , garden a change of d rillers was necessary apron«, cooked frx>d and Ire cream and upon being advised th a t Mr. Fr-I will be on «ale_ _ F v e ry b o d y Invited. Mrs. R. A Brown of P „r , land a r . |* « r was In La G rande, derided to th o ! "I" o ,fe r ,o c° " '« < "> < 1 ta k - For 10 years John II. Young w as ™ " r,’d a r for " n Indefinite stay. clin g of ^ ¡ c h a r g e of d rillin g op eratio n s a t th e W hile here she will look a fte r h er F arm B urean ( a resdent of H erm laton. For five w*ll here. May 23. a t 8 P. M.. a t th e school ¡ Thf. r . years of th a t tim e he was agent of property Interesta, which consist of a half section of grazing land sltu - Dean w ill discuss th e C harw DOW'«*1 ‘h at they the O.-W. R. A n . Mr. Dean w ill discuss have , man w ho WJ|| Hpwd Mve years postm aster. T hree years ' ^ „ ¡ 7 ' b ‘ h * BW r "“ e ,,‘ alfalfa eel worm problem and Its THE 11 M t A BA&y »orfc and th e recen t tro u b le and de ago he w ent to Texas and then to „ , k , k ' n r ° W" *** of control. R eports of lay caused by th e well cav tn g In will SISTER CAME INTO Hood R iver w here h is home is now. bered by the older residents of Colum com m ittees w ill be m ade, one of h* a th in g of th e past under his H s Is an Insurance man and w as a bla d istric t, she having several year w hich Is th o "oleo” bill. A sh o rt y o u R H O U SE supervision. Pendleton visitor today.—S a tu rd a y s a *° rm,,dcd on wh»t was then th e H. program In keeping w ith th e above At noon T nesday tb e well had been Straw ranch. w ill be rendered. E ach mem ber la «comesi. drilled to a d ep th of 27» feet. to b rin g cookies. About Thirty C enni, tend Meeting U Keeper» Ai- i Big Events in the Lives of Little Men i