Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1923)
THE HERMISTON ' TTRRAT.n, HEBMI8TOK, OREGON. ' ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I P ublished every T hursday a t H er m iston, U m atilla County, Oregon by H aym ond Crowder, E d ito r and Man ager. E ntered as second class m atter, December 1906 a t th e poetofflce at H erm iston, Oregon. Subscription Rates For One Year ......................... — *2.00 F o r Six M onths _______ _____ *1.00 Payable in Advance. Classified or Local Advertising 10 cents per line for first in sertio n M inimum charge 26 cents. Subse quent insertions 5 cents per line. WHY THEY HOWL T here a re ce rta in new spapers in Oregon who would have you believe th a t Governor Pierce is a failu re as chief executive of th is state. A good many of them th a t are responsible for th e spreading of th is so rt of propaganda have “axes to g rin d ” and when th e political g rin d stone w as denied them th ey set up a howl and are now occupied in re la tin g to th e people of Oregon w hat a sad m istake th ey made in electing Mr. Pierce as governor. T here is a ce rta in paper located in the capitol city of Salem th a t p er sists in criticisin g th e governor nnd his ad m in istiatlo n w ith uncom pli in en tary e d ito r ia l. H eading be tw een the lines one iB led to believe th a t someone associated w ith th e paper w as d raw in g down a nice fat salary in connection w ith a sta te office. P erhaps he failed to receive a re-appointm ent and for th is reason he would have you and I believe th a t the sta te is going to th e “ bow wows.’ T here never was a tim e in the liis to ry of the state w hen th ere teas th< num ber of “soreheads” as th ere a re a t present. A good m any of Ihem w as holding sta te jobs that, required very little work. They drew a sal ary th a t would m ake a S tan d ard oil dividend check look like a "w idow 's m ite.” In his enm paign speeche' P ierce assured th e people th a t if elected to office lie would do uw aj w ith these public parasites. Hi k ept faith w ith th e people by h a n d ing some th eir h a ts and tellin g them not to slam th e door ns they d ep art ed. He cut the salaries of other:- w hich w ill no doubt allow H enry ti compete w ith the Stiitz m otor cat com pany am ong the employes of tin s ta te of Oregon. G overnor Pierce h as been called a “ crepe h an g er." P erh ap 8 th e name w as given him because he sounded th e death knell of these public leech es, a t any rate we are Inclined to be lleve the public never shed one sin gle te a r as they gazed upon tholi rem ains. Thia is how th ey co n tracted the disease commonly know n ns “ sore headness,” th e sym ptom s of which they a re now display in g — a bad casi of how ling “I told you so.” R ecently the governor made a tout of inspection. D u rin g th e trip he visited th e projects at Stiver Luke. Sum m er Luke, T um alo, Powell B utte an d others. M onday’s Oregonian describes the v isit us follows: The governor saw every phase of project! th e raw desert th irs tin g for w ater, th e p a rtly constructed dams nnd dis tr ib u tin g system s nnd completed new projects and old and prosperous dis tricts. He saw w aterless land, c lu t tered w ith sage brush on one side of of a road nnd w ith green fields under Irrig atio n on the o th er. Ho saw the abandoned homes w here lan d -h u n g ry s e ttle rs had been starv ed out w aitin g fo r w ater to come; he saw se ttlers scarcely abfe to earn an existence nnd unable to afford underw enr nnd women who had to use new spapers for p ettico ats.” T here a re those who a re Inclined to blam e th e governor for th e con ditions existing on these irrig atio n projects. They claim s ta te aid should be pledged in ord er to p u t w ater on these a rid lands. These h alf-starv ed se ttlers were w aitin g for w ater long before the present governor took the oath of office. We nro un ab le to find any record w here Mr. Olcott offered to aid theso d e stitu te settlers. Did these name men criticise him because th e women on the pro jects w ere com pelled to w ear new spapers for p e tti coats? 1 et th, se Feme conditions existed then as now. They are b ro u g h t to lig h t an d comm ented upon nt th is tim e in an endeavor to spread propognnda th a t w ill be d etrim en tal to the governor n ’ til: a d m in istra tion. Then, again W ould It not be b et te r to Interest the governm ent in re. claim ing theso lan d s? They would not he confronted w ith th e obstacles th a t the s ta te would have to contend w ith. Monday’ E ast O regonian com m ents upon the subject as follows: “ W hy not let Uncle Pam do the work w hen good projects a re subject to do. velopm ent. The governm ent h as a large revolving fund w hich It uses for reclam ation w ork and ehargeg no Interact. It has a capable reclam a tion service and know s w hat to do and wthnt not to do. The govern m ent org an isatio n has had ex p eri ence and it has learned to d is tin guish betw een w h st is safe and w hat Is not. T he sta te of Oregon has no su ch org an isatio n . R eclam ation is no place for antal* urn." The public are w ire to th ese "m ud slin g ers.” T hey tried th e sam e tae- tlca d u rin g Mr. P lerce’a cam paign. W e believe the governor has .th e Interest of th e people at heart. F or th e week ending M arch 24, lum ber production in prin cip al m ills of Oregon an d W ashington was 16 per cent above norm al. New b usi ness w ag 4 per cen t above product- tlon. S hipm ents were 10 per cent above new business. W estport m ill to work th re e sh ifts. B aker to g et *100,000 m ilk pro ducts p lan t. R eedsport g ets new hotel. B end— W ork s ta rts on tw o new business buildings. A storia E lks p rep arin g plans for *200,000 building. W illow a— C onstruction s ta rts on S tan d ard Oil statio n . Bell fo u n ta in — 30,000 feet dally capacity saw m ill resum es operations. m R eedsport m akes an o th er 500,000 He should have th e su p p o rt of all who believe th a t p o litical cliques foot shipm ent of lum ber to C alifor nia. who band them selves to g eth er for no S ilverton to build *40,000 city o th er purpose th an personal gain, are d etrim en tal to th e s ta te in which hall. Seaside has m odern cam p ground they gain co n tro l and operate. So long as th e governor displays an and play park. Bend— Im m ediate co n stru ctio n of in clination to m ake good his cam paign prom ises th e people w ill ig 60 houses assured. R eedsport to vote on bond issue nore the calam ity how lers. Tor *20,000 h ig h school. T elephone lines betw een Jordon TAXES Valley and Cliffs, Idaho, completed. R eedsport to have electrically (Don L upton in the D enver p o st) iperated fish cannery. L ostine— H ighw ay is b eing cut Tax th e people, tax w ith care. 'h ro u g h R ocky Cape. To help th e m ulti-m illio n aire. A shland— M achinery arriv es for Tax th e farm er, tax his fowl, p lan t to m an u factu re oil from oil Tax th e dog and tax h is howl. ihale. Tax th e hen, and tax h er egg, R oseburg— E xtensive road w ork to ln d le t th e bloom in' m udsill beg. be doae In E lkton and S cottsburg Tax his pig, and tax Its squeal. vicinity. Tax his boots, ru n down at heel; Oregon City— *90,000 co n tract Tax his horses, tax his lands, aw arded for p aving Pacific highw ay Tax th e b listers on h is hands. thro u g h th e city. Tax h is plow and tax h i8 clothes, P o rtlan d — O. W. R. & N. to erect ."ax th e ra g th a t w ipes his nose, huge, lum ber shed. fax his house, and tax his bed, P rairie City— P rospects b rig h t for Tax th e bald spot on bis head. local m in in g Industry, Tax th e ox and tax th e ass, Bend— B u ilding perm its for 1923 ax his "H en ry ,” tax his gas; have totaled *155,775. ax th e road th a t he m ust pass, D allas to have *25,000 bond elect, Make him trav el o’er th e grass, ion for septic tan k and new w ater ax hl:: cow, and tax th e calf, mains. ax him if ha dares to laugh. Hood River— City stre e ts being im !e is but a common m an, proved. , 'o tax th e cuss ju st all you can. Bend— N o rth C anal Co. to build Tax th e la b 're r, b u t be discreet 11 m iles new road in D eschutes for "ax him for w alking on th e Btreet. est. Tax his bread nnd tax h is m eat, D allas w om en’s club m ak in g drive ax th e shoes clear off h is feet. •’or club house. Tax th e payroll, tax th e -n!e. Reopening of S um pter V alley sm el Tax all his h ard -earn ed p aper kale; ter to revive m ining in eastern Ore Tax his pipe, and tax his smoke. gon. Teach him governm ent is no joke. C orvallis hosp ital to get new wing. Tax th e ir coffins, tax th e ir shrouds, S aginaw to have new 20,000 feet ”ax th e ir souls beyond th e clouds, x day saw m ill. ’’ax all business, tax th e shop, Congressm en H aw ley is prom ising ax th e ir Incom es,tax th e ir stocks; Oregon *1,000,000 federal road fund. Tax th e liv in g , tax th e dead, P o rtlan d — P. R. L. & P Co. spends "ax the unborn before th e y ’re fed. *500,000 on H olladay avenue. Tax th e y a te r , tax th e air, Salem p u shing for electric line ex Tax th e su n lig h t if you dare. tension in to S antlam country. Tax them all nnd tax them well, B aker— W h ite pine lum ber com i'ax them to th e g ates of' hell, pany em ploying 600 men. tu t close you,- eyes, so you c a n 't see H illsboro C annery c o n tra c ts for lie coupon-clipper go tax free. *50,000 addition. WEST SIDE MARKET • o o d T k i » * e to We have at all times Fresh Milk from the W. H. Quick Jersey Herd. ALSO COUNTRY COTTAGE CHEESE i B U IL D IN G : ■ ■ B E M A T E R IA L F r e e D e liv e ry and CONNOR & BURKENBINE Phone 523 6 ■ B BARGAINS IN USED GARS 1917 Touring, good rubber, $100 One with starter and good rubber, $200 FUEL F ree Plans for H ouses IB ■ an d B arns a re a t g your disposal CEDAR FLUM E STOCK OTHER BARGAINS “We Have What You Want” Echo Auto Comp my ■ ■ Inland Empire Lumber Compare a Phono 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” C om pare O u r C leaning W ith any C leaner We use the utmost skill and take e\ ery precau tion in cleaning both ladies’ and men’s wear. I r . M. STRAW. MGR Exalasive Representatives of National Builders Bureau M ade-to-M easure WE CLEAN ANYTHING CLOTHES Custom Tailoring R e p a ir in g A lte ra tio n s Imperial French Dry Cleaners Ihe Hermiston Herald—$2.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW $26.50 T he R eliable C leaners L e g a l B la n k s F o r S a le a t T h e H e r a ld O f fic e B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B II B B B B IB B B B B B B B B B IB B B B B IB B B B IB IB B B B B IB B B B B B B B B B B B B B E B B C B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B IB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B IB H Bid SB B B Spring Showers of Bargain H ER E’S ONE D O W N PO U R Y O U ’LL ENJOY! A V IR T U A L “C LO U D B U R ST” O F U N U SU A L B A R G A IN S ! I For th e M en Folks $ 1 .4 9 Overalls at 3 Socks for service Boys’ Knickers 3 Silk Hats for Boys . 19c Towels, nice soft Turkish, 20x40 inches . Extra width, fine weave Dress Ginghams............................ Tan Pongee, a quality you’ll like for Blouses, Shirts, Dresses and Draperies ............. ..................... 98c Popular Ratine 49c Silk Tissue Gingham, a beautiful fabric for summer wear ..... .............. 19c 68c “ OC Many other exceptional values in all kinds of merchandise. Writing Tablets 2 fo r 2 5 c Chambray Work Shirts * Get out Your Needle and Thread Stationary, special School Pencils . 55c Shelf Paper . . . 59c Linen Envelopes . ■ ■ « ■ B ■ s ■ ■ 4c 25c 4c ■ ■ S ■ Ï ■ • 5c Sale Starts Monday, April 16th, Ends Saturday, April 21st ■■■■■I I KINGSLEY’S “Hermiston’s House of Quality and Service” . “Hermiston’s House of Quality and Service” J l■ ■ ■ B B E a B B B B B B B ■ IIB a B ■ B B a ■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B B B B ■ ■ ■ ^ B B B ■ a lB B B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B ■ ■ B B ■ a ■ B B B B B B B B B B B I9 B |IB B ■ ■ ■ ■ fll■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B B B B B B B B B B B B ■ ■ B B B B B B B B ■ B ■ ■ ■ l