Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1923)
the City of Hermiston, an assessment | .. 1715 Dated this 10th day of February, E. W. M., which is a cement monu has been levied upon and against the Lot 14 4« i i e t J H Beiiram 13 15 LODGE DIRECTORY 1923. s a { d 7 X u o r D ls t r T c M M ° « ¿ 1 Caldweli ment six Inches in diameter, eigh Frank Waugaman, Administrator teen inches In the ground marked on Q UKEN ESTHER <___ . ...........$3.15 TiMedayi .. established In the City of Hermiston Lot 16 45 Feet, Earl Caldwell of the above entitled estate. top w ith a copper tack, running *1 8;Û ■neetaaecand C «harp in Maaenic halt, in the amount set forth below. Minai« E. St« ......... $3.15 W. J. Warner, his attorney. 23-5tc. thence south 78 degrees 29 minutes «aironi«. Kathryn L. Gamer. Sec. The total amount of assessment in Block 6 west two hundred seventy-eight and said Ilrigatlon District is $503.83. Lot 1 86 Feet, F. L. Sampson YOU GET MORE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION nine tenths (2 7 8 .9 ) feet; thencw V N EY ARD LOI The Contract price to be paid for O. ». Government water and O. ft M. Lot 2 50 Feet, C. B. L om ax $5.95 Department of the Interior, U. 8. south no degrees 2 minutes east thir .* m aiti each hali. Vili tina membera eordiefly tjfvtS In most things you take out ex charge is $201.82. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Lot 3 50 Feet, C B Lomax J . A. Raavas. M. O. ty and six tenths (30.6) feet; thence W. R. Loaghorn. Sec. The estimated Operation and Main Lot 4 50 Feet, H. A . Frick February 10, 1923. actly as much as you put In, but South 78 degrees 29 minutes west tenance charge in said District for Lot 5 50 Feet. H. A . Frick : Notice is hereby given that W il three hundred Bixty eight and nine with a banking connection you prof RECLAMATION LODGE Na. 1 « . K. 1923 is $302.01. ___ I-ot 6 50 Feet, T. S. Hall __| of P . meets each Thursday cv««ln< ia The City Council w ill sit as a Board I Lot 7 50 Feet. T. S. Hall ....: $3.50 liam M. Pearson, of Hermiston, Ore tenths (368.9) feet; thence south no Mack’. Hall, at 7:90 P?M. Visiting it to a much larger extent. brother, cordially invited gon, who on July 5, 1918, made degrees 2 minutes east nlno hundred of Equalization at 8 o’clock on Wed- Lot 8 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell I W. H. McMillan R. A. All you put in is a certain sum of nesday evening. March 14. 1923, and Lot 9 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 Homestead Entry, No. 018955, for fifteen and six tenths (9 15.6) feet; K. R. and 8. C.C. will at said time examine said as- j Lot 10 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.60 Farm Unit “H" or W % SW % . SE% I thence North 65 degrees 32 minutes money which may be withdrawn at sessment roll and correct all errors Lot 11 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 will,' but you secu rejh e profit of In therein. Any person feeling h im s e if ! l/ t 12 60 Feet. J. T. Dowell $3.50 SW%, Section 26, SE%SE% .Section «»»» sixty two and seven tenth PROFESSIONAL CARDS or herself agreeved by such assess-I Lot 12 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 27, Township 5 North, Range 29 (6 2 .7 ) feet; thence North 78 de terest on reserve funds, a record of ment may apply to the City Council Lot 13 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 East. W illam ette Merdlan, has filed grees. 23 minutes east three hundred DR. R. G. GALE transactions, protection of your capi when that body sits as a Board of Lot 14 85.7 Feet. J. T. Dowell $6.00 notice of intention to make final ten and seven tenths (310.7) feet: Physician and Surgeon Equalization and an opportunity will Block 8— tal, suggestions from experienced Proof, to establish claim to the land Ibence South 74 degrees 25 minutes Office —Gladys Ave. near First fit. be given them to have such a s s e s s - __ Lot 1 45 Feet. W. B. Beasley $3.15 men, together with collections, in above described, before United States ea8t *wo hundred eighty-three and O ffice H o u rs : ment changed, If, in thç opinion of ¡Lot 45 Feet, W. B. Beasley $3.15 OFFICERS 2 to 6; 7:30 to 9. Ml tenths (283.5) feet; thence vestment and other services, Enjoy the City Council such changes are Lot 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley $3.15 Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, F. B. Swayz« North no degrees 2 minutes west one Just. the complete facilities of this strong Lot 45 Feet. G. A. Beasley $3.15 on the 6th day of April, 1923. President bank. The amount of the assessment ap Lot thousand sixty-three and one tenth 46 Feet. G. A. Beasley $3.15 Claimant names as witnesses: DR. FRACIS P. ADAMS portioned and assessed against par Lot R. A lexinder 45 Feet, City of Hermiston Thomas H. Haddox, W illiam B. (1063.1) feet to the poiAt of begin Physician and Surgeon ticular lots and parcels of land is a8 ......................... ..................$3.15 Vice-President Graham. Joseph W, Cratk, W illiam O. ning, reserving therefrom one half follows: Lot E ye. treated, tasted and Glaaeee Fitted 45 Feet, B. Hanellne $3.15 8. C. Lochri« of a road sixty feet wide along the Office over P in t National Bank City of Hermiston according to plat Lot 49 Feet, B. Hanellne $3.43 W hitsett all of Hermiston, Oregon. Cashier east two hundred seventy-eight and OFFICE PHONE, az filed with the Recorder of Umatilla Lot 49 Feet, A. A. Hall $3.43 Carl G. Helm, RESIDENCE PHONE. M t of Hermiston Lot 10 45 County March 21, 1908: W. L. Hamm, Feet, A. A. Hall $3.15 23-7tc. Register. nine tenths (2 78.9) feet on the Offlae Hour.: 9 to 12 a. m.; i to 5J0p. m. Block 1— Name Amount Block 9 Capital, Surplua and Undivided Ain’t. Cashier north side, show ing on the map of Day or night calls answered promptly Lot 1 84 Feet, Geo. Bancroft $5.88 Lot 1 40 Feet, A. W. Purdy $2.80 Profits Over $50,000 the Oregon Land ft W ater Co. as NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Lot 50 Feet, Geo. Bancroft $3.50 Lot 50 Feet, A. W. Purdy $3.50 Lot 50 Feet, Geo. Bancroft $3.50 Lot 50 Feet, A. W. Purdy $3.50 In the County Court of the State of Lots Six (6 ) , seven (7 ) , eigh t (8 ) DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Lot and nine (9 ) in Block fifty-tw o (5 2 ) Oregon for Umatilla County. 50 Feet Geo. Bancroft $3.50 Lot 60 Feet, P. Doherty $3.50 50 Feet, P. Doherty $3.50 In the matter of the Estate of Charles east, subject to all the terms and con Lot Office over First National Bank 50 Feet. Geo. Bancroft $3.50 Lot Lot 60 Feet, P. Doherty $3.50 Lot 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie ditions of the original deeds of the Osteopathy Medicine Surgery B. Percy, deceased.. Lot 22 25 Feet, Frank Bilder- 60 Feet, T. D. Worster $3.50 ...................................................... $3.50 Lot Oregon Land ft Water Co. to Ella R. back Call, answered at all hours Lot 50 Feet. T. D. Worster $3.50 ■...................................... $2.60 Lot 7 50 Feet. F. C. McKenzie N otice is hereby given that the Walpole dated April 29th, 1909, Office phone 661 Residence phone t i l Lot 23 25 Feet, Frank Bilder- 60 Feet, W alter Botkins - ........................................$3.50 Lot • back. ......................................... $2.60 Lot - ........ .............................................$3.50 undersigned, as administratrix of the which proptrty was mortgaged on the 8 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie T he H erald publishes Lot 24 25 Feet, M. O. Rymer- above entitled estate, hag filed with 15th day of March, 1921 and is now - ................................................$3.50 Lot 10 50 Feet, W alter Botkins son... ......................................... $2.50 Lot ............................................ $3.50 the Clerk of the above entitled court held under mortgage, to be sold by DR F . V . P R IM E 9 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie more genuine paid want Lot 11 50 Feet, R. C. Challis $3.50 her final l„ot 25 25 Feet. M. O. Rymer- report herein; and the Sheriff of Um atilla County, Ore ......................................... $3.50 Lot 12 50 Feet, R. C. Challis $3.50 son................................... ads than any other Dentistry ........................................ $2.50 Lot 10 50 Feet, J. Pelmulder $3.50 Lot 13 60 Feet, R. C. Challis $3.50 the court has designated Mon gon, to satisfy said judgement and Lot 11 50 Feet, J. Pelmulder $3.50 Block 13— day, March 5th, 1923, at the all costs Dentei X-Ray and Iltaa noaia Lot 14 paper published in a city 50 Feet, A. W. Shawver Lot 1 50 Feet, L. A. Hunt $5.00 Lot 12 50 Feet, J. Pelmulder $3.50 Bank Bids. Office Phene, M .................-.........................$3.50 hour of 10 o’clock in the fore I WILL ON THE THIRD DAY OF Lot 13 50 Feet, City of Herm ls- Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis- of the same size in East Rea idonee PMhe N I noon as the time, and the room of MARCH, A. D. 1923 at the hour of Hermiston, Or raon ton ............................................$3.50 Lot 15 50 Feet, A. W. Shawver T ............................................. »« ®o .........................$3.50 Lot 14 84.8 Feet, Geo. Bancroft ern Oregon. the above court in the county court 2 o’clock >n he afternoon of said Lot 3 50 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot 16 40 Feet City of Hermls- house at Pendleton, Um atilla Coun day at the front door of Court House ton W. J, W ARNER Block 2- Lot 4 50 Feet, H. W. Coe.... $5.00 ty, Oregon, as the place, when and in Pendleton, U m ctllla County. Ore THERE’S A REASON Block 10— Lot 5 50 Feet, H. W. Coe ... $5.00 Lot 1 45 Feet. Ed. Graham, Est. Lot 1 40 Feet, J. Wlshart $2.80 where the hearing Bhall be had there gon, sell the right, title and Interest Attorney-at-Law Lot 6 50 Feet, H. W. Coe ... $5.00 Lot 2 45 Feet, B. J. Shaw $3.15 Lot 2 ro Feet, J. W ishart $3.50 on. All persons interested are Here the said A. B. Atchison, and Bessie Lot 7 50 Feet, H. W. Coe.... $5.00 Lot 3 45 Feet, A. L. Larson $3.15 Lot 3 60 Feet, J. Wlshart $3.50 by notified to then and there appear Hermiston ;:; Oregon Lot 8 50 Feet, H. W. Coe. .. $5.00 Lot 4 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. Lot 4 50 Feet, J. Wishart $3.50 and show cause, if any they have, G. Atchison had in and to the above described property on the 15th day of Lot 9 50 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot 5 50 Feet, City of Herniis- why the report should not be ap March A. D. 1921 or since then has ton . M c K enzie & lieuallen Lot 5 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. l °n ................................................ $3.50 proved. its prayer allowed, the ad- acquired, at public auction to the Lot 10 50 Feet, Susan A. Prior — ........................................$3.15 Lot 6 50 Feet, J. W lshart $3.50 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat mlnistratrlx discharged and her highest bidder for cash In hand, the Lot 45 Feet, Edith Groves $3.15 Lot 7 60 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. Haa removed from hla former location in the Lot 11 50 Feet, B. H. Prior.. $5.00 Lot 45 Feet, A. L. Larson $3.15 . ....................................................... $3.60 bondsmen exhonoraled. proceeds to be applied in satisfac Bond Bldg. to 49 Feet, A. L. Larson $3.43 Lot 8 50 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. Lot 12 50 Feet, B. H. Prior.. $5.00 Lot Dated this 23rd day of January, tion of said execution and all costs Roomi 1. 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bids. FOR SALE Lot 49 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. . ....................................................... $3.50 Block 15— Dated this 29th day of January A. 1923. ............................................ $3.43 Lot 9 60 Feet, City of Hermis Pendleton :: Oregon Lot 1 50 Feet, H. M. Schilling D. 1923. ton ................................................ $3.50 Lot 10 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. Ella F. Percey, Administratrix. FOS SALE— 40 acres, partly 1m- praved Terms, W. A. Leathers. Lot 3 25 ................. .......................... $3.15 Lot 10 50 Feet, City of Hermls- ZOETH HOUSER. Sheriff. 20-6 tc. Feet, C. J. Cook.. $2.50 Lot 11 45 Feet, Edith Groves $3.15 ton ... ............................................ $3.50 25-tfc. Lot 4 50 21-5tc. By J. C. Marine, Deputy. DR. THEO. BELETSKI Feet, C. J. Cook.. $5.00 Lot 12 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. Lot I f 50 Feet, J. W lshart $3.50 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Lot 12 FOR SALE— An Improved 20 acre Lot 5 50 Feet, C. J. Cook.. $5.00 50 Feet, J. W lshart $3.50 ............................... „..........$3.15 VETERINARIAN Lot 13 60 Feet, City of Hermis- ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston Lot 9 40 Feet, C. J. Cook.. $4.00 Lot 13 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. UNDER EXECUTION Treats All Domestic Animals', ton ... .......— ....... -....................... $3.50 for particulars see C. H. Skinner. Lot 10 30 Feel, City of Hermis- ............................................ $3.15 Notice is hereby given that by vir ton ... 1-tfc. Lot 14 Interstate Stock Inspector 45 Feet. A. L. Larson $3.15 Lot 14 50 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot 11 30 Eeet, E. A. Smith $3.00 Lot 15 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. ton ... ••••--.................................$3.50 tue of an execution issued out of the Residence at Stone's Place FOR SALE— A good farm team and Lot 12 20 Feet, E. A. Smith $2.00 Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for ........................................... $3.15 Lot 15 50 Feet, City of Hermis ton .... ............................................ $3.50 Umatilla County and to me directed Lot 16 45 Feet, Ed. Graham Est. harness at a bargan. Also a 4 Block 16 ......................................................^ 3 .1 6 Lot 16 40 Feet, City of Hermis- horse fresno. O. O. Felthouse. 24tfc Lot 1 10 Feet, J. D. Lowman ton .... ........................................... $2.80 and delivered, upon Judgement and ....................................................... $1.00 Block 3— decree rendered and entered in said IF I F A IL T O G R O W H A IR Block 12 BERT MULLENS Lot 1 40 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 2 10 Feet, J. D. Lowman FOR SALE— Old Trusty incubator Lot 1 86.6 Feet, H. R. Newport Court of the 19th day of January, ton $2.80 ....................................................... $1.00 140 egg capacity. Nearly new. Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis .................$6.06 1923 in favor of Henry H. Edwards Lot 3 15 Feet, J. D. Lowman The Particular Barber 2 50 Feet, H. R. Newport Mrs. Phipps. 24-3tc. ton $3.50 Lot and Annie C. Edwards, his wife, as ....................................................... $1.50 Lot 3 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro ................. $3.50 P laintiffs and against A. B. Atchison Lot 4 20 Feet, J. D. Lowman 3 50 Feet, H. R. Newport duce & Supply Co...................$3.60 Lot Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery FRESNO SHOES $4.00 per pair. ....................................................... $2.00 Lot 4 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro- ......................................... $3.50 and Bessie G. Atchison, h is wife, and Harmon’s Blacksmith Shop. 22-tfc. Lot 5 20 Feet, J. D. Lowman Lot 3 Alonzo Nichols as Defendants for the 50 Feet, H. R. Newport duce & Supply Co...................$3.50 ....................................................... $2.00 Lot 5 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro- World’s Greatest Hair •............ -..................... $3.50 sum of $1200.00 w ith Interest there, FOR SALE— 4 doz. W hite Leghorn Lot 6 5 Feet, J. D. Lowman 8 50 Feet, H. R. Newport duce & Supply Co.................. $3.50 Lot on at the rate of 7 per cent per an Grower. Grows hair on ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■. ................................... $ .50 Lot 6 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro- pullets and hens. E. P. Dodd. 21-tfc ...................... it................... $3.50 num from March 15, 1921, the furth Lot 9 50 Feet, H. R. Newport Lot 7 20 Feet, J. F. McNaught J. L. VAU G H AN duce & Supply Co................... $3.50 bald heads. It must not $2.00 Lot 7 50 Feet, W. A. Correll $3.50 ......................- ............. — $3.50 er sum of $150 attorney’s fees, and FOR SALE— 2 Small incubators, ca E lectric Fixtures be put where hair is not for $24.90 costs and disbursements, Lot 8 50 Feet, W. A. Correll $3.50 Lot 10 60 Feet, II. R. Newport pacity 130 each. Mrs Henry Ott. Lot 8 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught and Appliance« ¥ Lot 9 50 Feet, R. C. Challis $3.50 .......................................$3.50 which said decree, judgement, and $2.50 wanted. Oures dandruff _ 24-2tc. Lot 10 50 Feet, R. C. Challis $3.50 Lot 11 50 Feet, H. R. Newport Phone 189 gg Lot 9 25 Feet. J. F. McNaught order of sale hag been docketed and ........ $3.50 enrolled in the office of the Clerk of and g 2 0 3 S . C o u r t S t . R o n c lla t o n , O r o . all scalp troubles. $2.50 Lot 11 50 Feet, Blanche Brown FOU SALE— 1 1-2 doz. W hite Leg Lot 10 25 Feet, R. Boswell. $2.50 ............................................. $3.50 Lot 12 50 Feet, H. R. Newport ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A I M $1.75 per jar. ..........$3.50 said Court; and whereas by said horn hens, also 1 1-2 doz. thorobred Lot 11 25 Feet. R. Boswell.. $2.50 Lot 12 60 Feet, Blanche Brown judgement, decree and order of sale ............................................. $3.50 Lot 13 50 Feet, H. R. Newport Rhode Island hens all good layers, Lot 12 25 Feet. R. Boswell.. $2.50 Agents Wanted Lot 13 60 Feet, Blanche Brown ........................................... $3.50 it was directed that the follow ing de Lot 1 4 ............................ also 1 thorobred jersey bull com Lot 13 30 Feet, R. Boswell.. $3.00 87.5 Feet, H. R. Newport ............................................ $3.50 scribed real property in Umatilla ing 2 years old. B. T. Locke, Colum Block ’B”— jW e Give S. & H. Trading Stamps! Lot 14 60 Feet, Floyd Knerr $3.50 ' ....................................................... $6.12 County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 15 50 Feet. Floyd Knerr $3.60 bia district. 25-tfc. Lot 2 47% Feet, City of Her Dated at Hermiston. Oregon, this miston ....... ...... ........................ $4.75 Lot 16 40 Feet, Floyd Knerr $2.80 23rd day of February, 1923. B eginning at a point South no de 448 Logan Ave. grees 2 minutes east tw enty and three Block 4— 25-2tc. C. W. Kellogg, City 3 % ton Public Truck for sale cheap. Lot 3 47% Feet, City of Her W IN N IP E G , M A N IT O B A miston .............. ....................... $4.75 Lot 1 40 Feet, Chas, Hahn $2.80 Now on good gravel Job. Also has Recorder tenths (20.3) feet from tht center of Lot 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn $3.50 flat rack for hauling wheat or Lot 4 47% Feet, E. E. McMil Section eighteen (1 8 ) Tp 5 N. R. 28 lan, Estate ...............................$4.75 Lot 60 Feet, Chas. ADMINISTRATOR’S Hahn $3.50 NOTICE OF baled hay. Inquire this office. Lot 5 47% Feet, E. E. McMil Lot 60 Feet, Chas. 13-tfc. Hahn $3.50 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY lan, Estate ............................... $4.75 Lot 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn $3.50 CATARRH Lot 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn $3.60 In tho County Court of the State of ONE THOROUGHBRED JERSEY Lot 6 47% Feet, E. E. McMil Catarrh la a Aocal disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. lan, Estate ............................... $4.75 Lot Oregon for Umatilla County. In 50 Feet, N ettie Goodwin Bull for sale, coming 2 years old, HAUL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con Lot 7 47 % Feet, City of Her the Matter of the Estate of Edgar sists o f an Ointment which g ives Quick also one coming 2 years old, black miston „ ....................... - ............ $4.75 Lot 8 60 Feet, N ettie Goodwin R elief by local application, and the H. Graham, Deceased. Jersey heifer, w ill be fresh in Lot 8 47% Feet, City of Her Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta Notice is hereby given that the un. through the Blood on the Mucous Sur miston .........................................$4.75 Lot 9 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing the summer. R. T. Locke, Colum We have purchased faces and aaalats In ridding your System dersigned Administrator of the of Catarrh. bia district. 20-tfc. Lot 9 47% Feet, City of Her miston ........................................$4.75 Lot 10 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing 8old by druggists for over 40 Years. Estate of Edgar H. Graham, deceased, F . J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O. Our new brick shoe store Is now open ■ 122,000 Pain U. S. Army FOR SALE cheap, team weight about Lot 10 47% Feet E. E. McMil w ill from and after the 17th day of lan, Estate .............................. $4.75 Lot 11 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing with a new line of goods. See us for 2500. Call F. S. Beddow. Phone Lot 11 47% Feet E. E. McMil March, 1923. at the office of William Munson Last Shoe« 42F13. 21-tfc. lan, Estate ............................... $4.75 Lot 12 50 Feet, Geo. Elliott $3.50 J. Warner, In the city of Hermiston, SHOE REPAIRING Lot 12 47% Feet E. E. McMil Lot 13 50 Feet, Geo. E lliott $3.50 Umatilla County, Oregon, offer for SEE OAK TAN SHOE STORE lan, Estate ...............................$4.76 Lot 14 50 Feet, A. Soneson $3.50 sale at private sale to the highest FOR SALE— S. C. W hite Leghorn Sizes 5 1-2 to 12 njilch was the entire Lot 15 50 Feet, City of Hermis- surplus stock of one of the largest U. S. baby chleks. Tancred strain. From Block "C”— Sam Rodgers, Prop. bidder for cash in hand, the follow Lot 2 50 Feet, B. H. Parsons $5.00 ton . Government shoe contractors. ’ vigorous range stock. Price $18.00 ing described real property situated Ix)t 16 40 ■ ■■■■■>■ B aaaainB iinai Second Addition to Hermiston ac Feet, J. E. Mason $2.80 per 100. Order early. Hatching cording to plat filed with the Re Block 5 This shoe Is guaranteed one hundred in Um atilla County, Oregon, to-w lt: eggs $1.25 per 15. Reduction on corder, Umatilla County, April 22, Lot 1 45 Feet, C. S. Sanderson per cent solid leather, color dark tan, Lots 7 and 8 in Block 10, and lots 1, Incubator lots. Chas. Clinesmlth, 1 1907. bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The 4, 5, S, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 16 In Block Lot, 2 46 Feet, C. S. Sanderson Block “E ”— m ile north of Hermiston. 21-tfc actual value of this shoe Is $f>.00. Ow 2, In Newport’s addition to the town Lot 5 54 Feet, Mrs. W. S. Boyn ing to this tremendous buy we can offer of Hermiston, In said county and ton $5.40 Lot 3 46 Feet, C. S. Sanderson — FOR— -WHEAT AND STOCK ranches, city same to the public at $2 95. Lot 6 54 Feet, Alice M. Ross state. Bids may be made upon either or Income property, located vari ...................................................... $5.40 Lot 4 45 Feet, J. H. Strohm $3.15 of said lots or upon any group of Send correct size. Pay postman on Lot 5 45 Feet. Anna Strohm $3.15 ous sections Oregon, W ashington Lot 7 54 Feet. Alice M. Ross C O N F E C T IO N E R Y delivery or send money order. If shoes ................... ...................................$6.40 Lot 6 45 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.15 lots as the bidder may desire. This and Idaho, for exchange. Some are not as represented we will cheerfully S T A T IO N E R Y Lot 7 45 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.15 sale is made under and In pursuance Block "F”— clear of incumberance. Can handle Lot 8 49 Feet. Anna Strohm $3.43 >f a license and order of sale made and refund your money promptly upon request Lot 6 54 Feet, Frank Reeder your property and give good terms ...................................................... $5.40 Ix)t 9 49 Feet, I. E. Putman $3.43 entered by I. M. Schannep, Judge of IjOt 10 45 Feet, I. E. Putman $3.15 on balance. J. M. Biggs, Realtor. Lot 7 54 Feet, Frank Reeder National Bay State Shoe Co. the above entitled court on the 7th 45 Feet, City of Hermis- ...................................................... $5.40 Lot 11 22-tfc. 29« Broadway New Y o rk , N. Y. -A ND — day of February, 1923, in the above Lot 8 54 Feet, Frank Reeder $3.15 ................................................... ...$5.40 Lot 12 45 Feet, M. 3. Kern $3.15 hntltled estate, and such sale w ill FOR SALE— Range, dinning table, Lot 9 32.4 Feet, Vane Boyn Lot 13 4 5 Feet, W. E. Goodwin be made subject to confirmation by kitchen cabnet, bed room set, rugs ton $3.24 TYPEWRITER Rlbbona and carbon said court. and other articles. Phone 21F3. Lot 9 21.6 Feet, Vane Boyn paper for sale at the Herald. ton „.................... ...... $2.16 Mrs. Augusta Creasy. 23-tfc. Lot 10 54 Feet, Mrs. E. H. Geary ............................. ....................... $5.40 N. I. RED AND WHITE LEGHORN Block “G"— baby chicks, leave orders at Jew el East % 270 Feet, H. T. Fraser ry store. 23-tfc. .................................................... $27.00 We have just bought a tremen West % 270 Feet, Catholic dous stock of Army Munson last Church ......................... ........... $27.00 CITY IRRIGATION WATER ASSESS shoes to be sold to the public dir Block “ H”— Echo, Oregon MENT FOR 1923 Lot 1 54 Feet, City of Her ect. These shoes are 100 per cent miston ......................... ............ $5.40 solid leather with heavy double Lot 2 54 Feet, City of Her (Continued From Page Two) soles sewed and nailed. The up miston ............ „...$5.40 -M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F- pers are of heavy tan chrome Neu» »land Lot 3 54 Feet, City of Her Block 12— miston ......................................... $5.40 leather with bellows tongue, there Cigan and Tobacco Lot 9 25 Feet. J. F. McNaught by making them waterproof. These ................. $2.50 l o t 4 54 Feet, Peer Bokish $5.40 to have that w.itch Lot 5 54 Feet, C. M. Hender Lot 10 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught shoes are sellin g very fast and we son ................. _ ............... ........... $5.40 or clock repaired. ......................... .. «2.50 advise you to order at once to in Lot 6 5 4 Feet, C. M Hender Lot 11 25 Feet, J. F. McNaught son „ ....................... „ ..$ 5 .4 0 sure your order bing filled. __________________ «2.50 Lot 7 54 Feet. Peer Bokish $5.40 Lot 12 25 Feet. J. F. McNaught Th sizes are < to 11, all widths; Lot 8 54 Feet. City of Her ................................. $$2.50 price $2.7$. Pay postman on re miston .........................................$5.40 Lot 13 25 Feet, John C. Ruhner Lot 9 54 Feet. Peer Bokish $5.40 ceipt of goods or send money order We do the best work The Superior Product of Scientific Milling ....... ...........................$2.50 I-ot 10 54 Feet. Peer Bokish $5.40 Money refunded If shoe« are not Lot 14 25 Feet, John C. Rubner and as reasonable Dated at Hermiston, Oregon this Makes Better Bread satisfactory. ............. .................... $2.50 23rd day of February, 1923. as we can. Lot 15 25 Feet. B. F . Parrish $2.50 C. W. Kellogg. City Recorder. Try a Sack Lot 16 25 Feet. E. F Parrish $2.50 THE U. S. STORES CO., Lot 17 25 Feef. E F. Parrish «2.50 CITY IRRIGATION WATER ASSESS Lot 18 >0 Feet. Wm. Rharr.. 82.60 MENT FOR 1923 1441 Broadway, Lot 1» 25 Feet. Wm Rharr.. «2.50 DISTRICT NO. 2 N E W YORK CITY Lot 20 25 Feet. Henry Not«. «2.50 Dray and Transfer Jeweler eed Welckmiur Notice is hereby given that, In ac Lot $1 25 F w t. Henry Nptx . $2.$$ cordance with Ordinance No. 96 of ’ M l . That U M ’’ First National Bank NOTICE! $50 Reward Oriental Hair Root Hair Grower s Prof. M. S. Crosse ■ — : ■ ■ ■ Public Sales ■ ■ 5 ■ ■ ■ H IT T Ï11. Starei GUNS Krause’s Chocolates AMMUNITION U. S. Army Shoes Bur-Bee Bars Echo F lo u r M ills A FULL LINE The Best in Candies Good Time High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lou r DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Don’t Forget Wm. H. Ogden : CALL 254 2 For Hauling 2 T. H. Gaither ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I