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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
THE HEBM ISTON HERALD. HERMISTON, OREGON. THE H E R M IS T O N HERALD of International diplomacy from Asia poison so far this season. __________________________________________________________________ __ to Europe, and by example has polnt- Some time Thursday night a prow- I Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern ed out how civilixiatlon can be put ler gained entrance to Knight's con- 1 Oregon’ s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. Ion Its feet. The new compact, which supplants fect‘oner* 8t0re and he|Ped BERNARD M A IN W A R IN G , ED ITO R the Anglo-Japan alliance of nearly to »8.10 in cash, some sandwiches Enured mm .second-e I m » ma' er, L> «e» ber HMM. at the pt*toffice Ml Herniau», Oregon i twenty years’ standing, groups Great and cigars. Chief Lane got on the Britain, France, Japan and the Unit trail of the burglar and late thia Subscription Rates: One Year, *2.00: Six Months, i l 00 ed States into tribunal to consider afternoon placed Alex Pearce of Sea ttle. under arrest. He confessed to lngton and from Florida to California Jointly any questions between any tho crime and gave as his excuse A NATION OF OIL BURNERS two of the contracting nations that „„ „„ the motor loving aie l>e>d together under ¡one flag Supposing hunger and that he couldn’t obtain United States was dependent on for- | largely by the power of the country diplomacy^ cannot settle It sets up work. He is now awaiting action of a tribunal to pass upon issues that eign corporation and supplies for Its press in making neighbors, from the Judge Richards.—Stanfield Stand standpoint of information and news, otherwise might lead to war. ■ it and gas? ard. To the United States, Japan, The little gasoline shortage in of the most distant sections of the China, Australia, Canada and the de According to the Globe-Times Con 1920 was a mild sample of conditions land. In what other manner could 105,- pendencies of the Pacific has been don has again become the greatest which would result, not to mention 000,000 people, scattered over ap accorded a release for war hysteria primary wheat shipping point in the the increased price we would pay. and all can now devote their* time United States. For the last six It would be about as hard for us proximately 3,000.000 square miles, to real constructive measures. Only months of 1921 the shipment be held so closely together as through to get on comfortably without gaso- Europe delays now the dawn of an amounted to 1.011,965 bushel or the Information constantly dissemi lino as without shoes. era in which faith and confidence at,ollt jqp cars, We have had timely warning that nated by our twenty-odd thousand and progress can glrlde the world.— country newspapers. this country as the world's greatest The Athena Press states that large The editor of the “Homestead” is Minneapolis ¿tournai. oil user, must maintain its place as numbers of pheasants are dying in typical of the rural publisher who is l i e world’s greatest oil producer. that vicinity for want of feed on ac HARDING’S OBITUARY OF To that end every legitimate gov rendering an invaluable service to count of the snow and cold weather. HIS DOG thio country. ernment encouragement should .be President Harding’s obituary of W. H. Riseling of Los Angeles. extended to this industry to see that i his dog. Hub, has been widely circu California, returned to Stanfield on it has every incentive and opportun UF TO EUROPE NOW lated by the Bide-a-Wee Association ity to produce and develope oil re Signing up the four power treaty to lift the mortgage on Its home. Wednesday, and has started to se cure additional oil and gas leases; sources. hacks up the Hughes naval reduction 'The , assocatlon is seeking funds to plan with a practical guarantee that continue caring for stray household It is Mr. Risellng's intention to se cure leases covering all the land Be OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE there will be no cause for war in the I pets. tween Butter Creek and Cold Springs The Hilight, Wyoming Homestead Pacific for at least the ten years of "The best thing I ever wrote”— er is published 4 2 miles from any the naval holiday. At the same time the quotation is from President within the next 30 days. In addition town or other newspaper. Frontier It leaves Europe as the only disturb | Harding and is being used by Bide- to the leases secured some time ago Mr. Riseling leased the Richard’s and newspapers such as this render a ser ing factor for International diplom a-Wee Association to lift the mortg- Tea] properties this week.—Stanfield vice to the state which Is not fully acy and world peace. Until Europe age on its home. It is the obituary standard. appreciated. holds a conference that will do for it he wrote for his dog. Hub. Editors in these far scattered what the Washington gathering has "It isn’t orthodox to ascribe a soul Milton has the largest tax levy, 68 towns make a nation such as the done for the Americans and Asia, I to a dog—if soul means immortal mills, of any town in Umatilla coun United States possible. world turmoil will continue. Wash ity” wrote the then editor of the r . Adams has the lowest, 37, and Our people from Maine to Wash- ington at one stroke turned the stress Marlon Star. "But Hub was loyal Pendleton is next with 38.4 Weston’s and loving, with the jealousy that total levy is 62 mills, one less than I » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » » » I tests its quality. He was reverent, Freewater’s. Pilot Rock, Athena. patient, faithful, he was sympathetic Helix and Echo all have smaller lev more than humanly so sometimes, ies than Weston, and Stanfield and for no lure could be devised to lure Umatilla rank about the same as him from the sick bed of mistress or Weston.- Athena Press. ma8ter' Pend'eton papers report that fish- "He minded his own affairs, espe ing for Bteejhead rtaImon ,g good ,n dally worthy of human emulation (he ,ower UmatilIa river at the pre8. and he would kill nor wound no liv- eni tlme A nllmher of good catcheB ing thing, He was modest and sub- )lave recently been made by Pendle missive where these were becoming ton fisherman. ■ ■ : You’ll Save M oney: ■ by . ’ ® * £ «■ “ ;■ * « u £ H JJ jj •> * 2 « ■ * " You who have been waiting for lower prices before you laid that hardwood floor, renewed those old walls and ceilings, re-roofed the house or barn, or built the garage—this message is directed to you. Do you know that lumber and building material prices are down 50 per cent? Do you know that you can repair or re- model cheaper than at any time in the past ffve years? Do you realize that every day you wait not only inconveniences you but cost you real money? Building material prices may come down more—we think not—but every day you delay in getting the new garage deprives you of the use of it, and causes you to pay out money for garage rent. Every day you delay roofing the barn and the home, makes your property more liable to damage from storm. Every day you put off in- side repairs the trouble increases and the total expense becomes greater. Do your repairing and remodeling at the present bargain prices and get the benefit now. Come in today and let us figure your job. Begin getting the benefit now. home he sentineled until every entry was properly vouched. He couldn’t FPeak our language, though he some. how understood but he could be, and was eloquent with uttering eye and wagging tall, and the other expres sions of knowing dogs. No, perhaps he has no soul, but in these things ¡are the essence of soul and the spirit of lovable life.” * * ♦ BRIEF AI D TO THE POINT ♦ ••• ❖ «p <• •> We never knew that China had a cabinet until it resigned.—Columbia Recoad. Germany is beginning to realize that her real goose step was begin ning war.— Greenville Piedmont. The claim that Europe can’t stand alone is based on the presumption that we can stand a loam—Columbia Record. Eight thousand divorces were granted in Chicago in 1921 and peace Is also in sight in Ireland.— American Lumberman (Chicago.) China’s open door is a sort of bat- i t’edore.— Washington Post. It would seem that Muscle Shoals is a natural place for a Ford.— Greenville Piedmont. | Burglars broke into the postoffice and int° the Ross store Wednesday n|fiht but they took only a .little change that had been left in thé till, Several transients who were In town are being checked up by the author-j. Hies, but so far no clue as aH to the thief has been secured. Echo News. Owing to a change in the state law 1 covering the subject of bounty pay ments on coyote pelts, some little con- fusIon has been caused residents ap_ | cording to County Clerk R. T. Brown. The new law requires that the person who kills the coyotes must in person present the pelts to the county clerk 'n order to secure the bounty, and he must be identified by two taxpayers The old law required identification by only one taxpayer. Another change has been made which eliminates the possibility of presenting the pelts to | a justice of the peace to secure the bounty.—East Oregonian. for your hot cakes $ 1 . 2 5 f o r 5 lb . c a n Made by W. J. Logan Guaranteed quality Try a can H e r m is to n P rod u ce & S u p p ly C o . 'The Reti o f Coo J Serrici“ J Select a design for your new home. Place the con tract for the material now. Build ss soon as the weather will permit. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” W. M . S T R A W , M G R . Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau Echo Flour Mills E cho, O regon ■M ANUFACTURERS O K High Grade Patent B lu e S te m F lo u r The Supprirr Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. W ith tw o big offices PE N D L ET O N and PO R T LA N D TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Home Made Sorghum All indications show that lumber prices have reach ed rock bottom. There are so many new homes needed that it is only rea sonable to expect build ing costs to increase w ith spring demand. FARM REMINDERS Letters come to the plant patholo- logy department each year from the I farmers who have lost their peach t crop because of peach leaf curl. This disease can easily be controlled with one thorough spraying with Bord eaux 6-6-50 applied before the buds swell. It is best to choose a bright day in January for this work.— O. A. C. Experiment station. Fruit trees that are allowed to ! grow thick and bushy from lack of The way to start a fight in the Senate is to give it a peace treaty.— proper pruning cannot well be thoroughly sprayed. See that the New York Tribune. spring pruning leaves the trees thln- R. A. Brownton, Manager Phone 111 ■ Any man who agrees with his wife ned out enough to admit an abund- ■■■■■□■■■■■■■BBBBB»»»»»»Ha»»»»»»»»»»»»»i can have his way.— Newspaper En- anc® °f air and sunlight as this pract- terprlse Association. Ic® *01 tend to prevent the develop- ment of disease and will make the Best way to get rid of your duties Regular spraying more effective.— Is to discharge them.— Newspaper o. A. C. Experiment station Enterprise Association. i _____ We seem to be featuring Home Manufactured Products just now and in order to be loyal to this plan we offer you BUILD IN THE SPMNG J : R em odeling Now i « a ” ■ Plan This W inter Spray Controls W ooly Aphis It is purposed that the sphere of Wooly aphis on fruit trees can influence shall give way to the square deal.—St. Louis Post-Dis best be controled by spraying with a combination of lime-sulfur and patch. miscible oil applied In late winter. Hardly any of these rocks on the Regular dormant strength lime-sul matrimonial sea are cradle rocks.— fur, 12 to 100, is used to which Is Newspaper Enterprise Association. added 2 gallons of heavy miscible oil to each 100 gallons of dilute spray. The oil should be diluted with an ♦ NEWS OF NEIGHBORING * equal quantity of water, while agit * TOWNS ♦ ated vigorously. The oU emulsion is then added slowly to the spray mixture when the tank is nearly full More than 3500 rabbits were kill- and whlle <he water ,9 we„ cd in a big rabbit shoot at Heppner choose , per|od of clear la s t S u n d a y . weather for the application of the At the January term of the Jef spray. ferson county court a new schedule of wages for county work was adopt Notice of Meeting ed by the Commissioners. Laborers The Hermiston Jersey Breeders are to receive »3.00 per day. Aseoclation will hold their annual meeting Saturday. January 28 at 2 Announcement has been made that p m. at the Library building. the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph C. M. Jackson. Co. will make extensive Improve menta to their Heppner plant In the Bilious Headache Immediate future, the estimate for When yon have a severe headache, the total expenditure being placed at a disordered stomach and constipa 39.730.— Heppner Herald. tion. take three of Chamberlain’s The Irrigon correspondent of the Tablets. They will correct the dls- Heppner Herald statee that over 15.- orders of the liver and bowels, effect- ! 000 rabbits harp been dleiroyed by ually curing the headache. Is prepared to handle the business of Eastern Oregon better than ever before Our Specialties ■ ■ Farms Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc. We Negotiate Leases and Rentals W ire Rush O r d e r * a t O u r|E x p e n a e P o rtlan d O ffice 14 N . Second S t. » H Pendleton Office 115 E. Webb St. ■ Phone 87« ■ ■ The «ely EapUyaeet.Office b boterà Orefae with Coaeectieea is Partlaad ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBHBBBBBBBH? T h e C o ld W e a t h e r Has probably frosted your radiators and water jackets LET ME REPAIR THEM FOR YOU W e W e ld A n yth in g but the Break of Day' Two deorwwaat Or». Hdww Co. FLOYD KNERR Comfortable Cave. From, Rend. Ore.. comes the In te r eetlng announcement that a few miles southeast of that town, at Hosse Bntte, has been discovered a naturally heated cave, it apparently draw* its wares atmosphere from a sub terranean source The cave which is near the top of the butte. Brat attract ed attenrtoo by the wave of beat 1» suing from its mouth. Two doom east Or». Hùw«.C». H e a rt Trouble N e t Fatal. Heart dlseuse Is not the barrier to ■ n active life of usefulness as has al ways been supposed. said Dr. Freder ick Rrush to the National 8oclety for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy. Nothing ts gained and much lost hy telling cardiac patients not to work, not to carry, not to play, and no on. Under proper supervision the person »Ith heart trouble cau take a large pan in active life.