Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1922)
êlw Wrmwfcm Wralh HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922 VOL. XVI M. D. SCROGGS TO SUNNYSIDE PROJECT TUESDAY NIGHT IS THE COLDEST OF WINTER Mercury Drops to 29 Degrees Below; CREAMERY MEN “GREATER UMATILLA DAY” ODSERVED SENATOR WINS HERE THIS WEEK WITH BANQUET FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 RECLAMATION AID More Snow F alls During MANAGES OF THIS PROJECT EXCEPTS NEW POSITION To Become Irrigation Manager on Big Reclamation Division of Yakima Project Mr. Maurice D. Scroggs, who has served for a number of years as Ir rigation Manager on the Umatilla project, leaves this week to assume a similar position on the Sunnyside Division of the Yakima project, in the state of Washington. During his residence on this pro ject, covering a period of 16 years he has made many friends who will with regret see his departure. How ever. the oportunity to enter a new field was very Inviting and affords a chance for development much greater than the Umatilla. The Sun nyside Division is composed of 105.- 000 acres, much of which is in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Scroggs is reporting for his new assignment at once, but expects to return for a short visit in Febru ary, at which time he will remove his family and household property. Mr. Scroggs combines the charact eristics of a fine type of citizen. His loss will be felt by the Commercial club, of which he was a capable as sociate, by the Masonic lodge, of which he was a Past Master; by the school board, of which he was chair man; by the Reclamation Service, of which he was a falhful and compet ent employee and by the general com munity of which he was an excellent and efficient member. OREGON NEWS FEATURED AT HERMISTON AND UMATILLA Sunday at 3 p. m. Pound’s theatre, Umatilla will have a bill worth see ing. The feature “Fickle Women" featuring David Buttler is taken from the Saturday Evening Post story “Sitting on the World.” “Screenland News” known as Ore gon’s own nows reel will be a speci al feature and “Tony Sarg’s Carpent er Shop” is the comedy. This pro gram will also be at the Play House Hermiston 7:15 and 9 Sunday night. Contract Let for County Booklet The award for the work on the county booklet which will be publish ed co-operatively by the county fed eration of commercial organizations the county court and the county farm bureau was let late yesterday after noon to the East Oree-oninn Publish ing Co. Work on the booklet will be gin within the near future. There will be 10,000 copies printed to be used in publicity work for tho coun ty.— East Oregonian. Returning W ith Dairy Cows C. W. Tilden and Geo. Root are ex. pected home early next week with 2 cars of dairy cows. They are at Vancouver, Wash., and word was re ceived this week that they had 16 of the lot purchased and would get the rest soon. This will make quite an addition to the dairy cows already on the project. COMMUNITY DANCE Friday, Jan. 27 at the Auditorium. The object of this dance is to raise money toward erecting a community building. During the coming year, the Com munity club expects (o give a num ber of entertainments for this pur pose. We aj.k the support and co operation of the parents and young people of the community to make these clean wholesome affairs. Tickets one dollar ($1.00) Lunch 25 centa . Fruit C aanen Helped Northwest fruit canners and pack ers have a chance to attend the first canners school ever offered In the north Pacific district, beginning January 30 and ending February 24. This ia a service course designed to take the college horticultural pro ducts section, the first and oldest In the United States, to the canner. How to control organisms in fruit and vegetable products, their relation to ripening and preserving, bacteria In food preservation, and other prob lema fundamental to the canning In dustry, will be explained In the light of recent investigation by the college experiment station. Adjustment and repair of seaming machines will be in charge of representative of the Amer ican Can company the Week No. 19 The Greater Umatilla Day Ban Mrs. Compton and Mrs. Nugent. The WILL OCCUPY SAME BUILDING quet held at Umatilla on Friday even parties are under the auspices ol McNARY GETS SUPPORT OF SIX ing, Jan. 13, was a decided success the Home Bureau. SENATORS financially and socially. About 80 According to the Reclamation Ser Following is a complete resume of people gathered at 7 p. m. to partake vice records Tuesday night was the for This of of a sumptlous banquet prepared by the expenditures of the Home Bureau coldest yet recorded this winter, the Expects to Start in About Four the women of the Home Bureau and for 1921 and the amount of money , " mercury registering 29 degrees be Congress is Declared to be to listen to various speeches and made in various ways by the club. W eeks; W ill Manufacture the low zero. Sunday’s temperature was 2 This is the annual report of the musical numbers, well prepared by Sure of Success Highest Grade Butter Only above. treasurer The amount paid out is - the toast master and committee. Monday 1 and % inches of snow “• Mr. Roy F. Paulu was toast master as follows: fell, and from five o’clock Monday and served, very ably. Mrs. Benja- Ellison White Chautauqua $120.00 jn ob(a|ning the approval of tne until Tuesday forenoon an addition- ' Progress in the establishment of j min, leader of the orchestra had Advertising Slides ................. 2100 republican leaders of the senate of al 2 inches were added to the depth. the new creamery is being made. Mr. [ charge of the musical programme. Hall rent .................................. 10.00 ieclamatlon legislation as a part of F. H. Swartout, a member of the „ . . . Janitor ...................................... 42.00 , tjje sena(e programme for this ses- ,, , .u .. maker, „ firm and j also the v butter who which was very fine and greatly en- joyed by all present. Flowers .................................... 49.60 siolli senator McNary said the way will have charge of he output, was Groceries (School Lunch) .... 200.87 j|lad been cleared for the success of Several very fine short talks were here Wednesday and the installing bis bill providing for a comprehen- of the butter making plant will fol made by the different people pres Milk (School Lunch) ............ Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co......... 36 01 3jve recjaniation programme for tho ent, each responding as the toast low soon. 150 wegt and 8OUth By this action tho master called their names. Mrs. Al. Tables built ............................ They will occupy the same build- ice R. Nugent gave a resume of the Record Books and Stamps .. - 6 38 j;,„pport of Senators Lodge, Massa- ng that was used by the old cream 5 00 chusetts; Watson, Indiana ; Curtis, work done by the Home Bureau since Shaw Memorial F u n d ............ ery and will make use of as much of 1 4 0 Kansas; McCormick, Illinois; Wads- it organization Nov. 14, 1919. Mayor Light Globes and fone .......... ATHENA WILL PLAY HERE FRI the old plant, which at present is in 1 00 worth> New York; and Frenald of Kundsen delivered a w'ell received Cleaning hall ......................... DAY EVENING storage at Stanfield, as they can use. 2.00 ^,ajne was enlisted on the side of talk, and rehearsed the work of the Table and Chairs ................... Among this i^the old shafting and a city in 1921, and plans for 1922. Wire Gate and freight .......... 10.00 leciamation practically new churn and pasteuriz 2.40 ' . , Miss Dunlap, primary teacher spoke Bacon and Butter . Action on B ill Delayed Waterman of Hermiston and Parks er. on the needs of the city and told Robt. Hall, labor ................... 22.00 These men are the real leaders of In all probability the plant will be 8(jme of the ,deaB of the children of Scholarship Loan ................... 10.00 of Columbia High Point Men in operation in four weeks or less the school.- Her talk was witty and Carl Brownell, labor and hauling .... (1»« 8®nat®- alld action 0,1 the ,3 5 0 ’- of Game 39.50 000,000 reclamation bill, of which and in the meantime cream will be clever, D. R. Brownell, a pioneer Senator McNary and Representative :hipped. A. C. Caldwell, locker and table of Umatilla, delivered a very fine Smith, the latter of Idaho, arg the Mr. Townsend, of the firm, is old talk and urged the citizens to keep / legs >...................................... 12.00 sponsors, has been delayed for sever On Thursday evening Principal Labor Cemetery....................... 10.00 in the business, making some of the their shoulders to the wheel as Uma al weeks in the hope of getting these Landreth of Pendleton called off the Coal and putting in ................. 7.43 'eadlng brands of the state, and their leaders in line. two games Hermiston had scheduled ; im is to manufacture only the high, tilla, without a doubt. Is on the up Umatilla Pharmacy (cards and hill trend and only with hard work with them for Friday night. The “I was able to do morn for recla prizes) .................................. 6.09 cst grade of butter. and co-operation can she hope to be reason given for the cancellation was mation last night than all else I Hermiston Pharmacy (Glue) 3.30 Dairymen will receive the same come a city of any importance. His the icy condition of the roads. Late 3.25 have accomplished since I began my talk was full of “pep,” and every Printing lunch tickets .......... price for butterfat as the price of Friday afternoon Columbia College 45.00 efforts two years ago," said Senator word the truth, and was very inter Music for dance .................. agreed to play here. They had a pre creamery butter, and be paid cash. 7.00 McNary, speaking of the conference Care City Park ......>. esting. Mrs. Lambert made a plea Townsend and Swartout will be vious agreement with Stanfield to of leaders at the home of Senator Ice Cream for partys ............ 18.38 for another church house, a great the name of the new firm. play there on Saturday night. 9.60 j McCormick of Illinois. necessity, and said there was already Miscellaneous ......................... The college played a strong de The following amounts were taken , President Harding having already a move on foot to such an end, which fensive game, especially so in the promises to be a reality in the near in by the club in the following vari- indorsed the McNary programme in second half. Neither team showed I his recent message to congress, an future. Everyone seemed to be of ous ways: up well in offensive work, Hermiston Dance .......................... - ......... I 66.80 easy road appears to be ahead of the opinion that it is a necessity. excelling by a small margin. Parks Mr. P. F. Fallen, gave an address School lunch ........................... 223.35 the plan to reclaim the arid lands of of Columbia College with 2 field 21.45 the west and the swamp lands of the on co-operation which was enjoyed Dues ................. goals and. 4 converted fouls, and Decorations ........- ................. 18.30 south. and to the point. Mrs Kundsen Waterman of Hermiston with 4 field Dance lunch ............ ............... 9-42 made a short talk on better treat goals and 1 free throw, were the high RETURNS MUST BE IN PORTLAND Ice Cieam (sale) ................... 39.00 REORGANIZATION OF ment of strangers in our midst, and point men of the game. Food sale ................................ 34.00 OFFICE BY MARCH 15 insisted that all new residents be DAIRYMEN BEGINNING A preliminary game between the called up and made welcome. Mr. Picture Show ............................ 34.55 — freshmen and 8th grade girls ended Henry Thompson, Mr. Jewett and , Donation Scholarship Loan Fund with the score at 21 to 6 in favor of 10.00 , Wednesday’s Portland Oregonian 1760478 the grade girls. Clara Hedwall Blanks for Making Individual Re- Will Roberts, each made a few very I Armistice day ....................... - 11.26 prints the follov ing in regard to the good and timely remarks which were «cored 16 points for her team. Card Parties ........................... 20.50 i eorganization of the Dairymen’s turns to Arrive About appreciated by the guests. Mr. Gast Following are the lineups; all of the money made league: and Mr. Tipple, also responded with j by Practlcall January 20 N. McNaught F. Voelker the Home Bureau Is spent In Uma- j Preliminary steps for forming a very good talks, mostly on co-opera-, F. C. Hedwall M. Brown ¡cries of new co-operative organiza tion and patronizing home merchants ( tilla. At the present time the fund F. Skinner Query J. C. tions of dairymen of the stale on the of the club are very low, but plans The time has again arrived for i n all the speeches were very fine | S. Payne Parker s. c. are on foot to replenish the treasury mins of the Oregon Dairymen's Co- O. Campbell making out your Income Tax returns, and everyone gave their undivided , at once. G. Beisse • perative league were taken at a E. Mikesell The law provides that all returns j attention to each speaker, o. Dyer meeting of the special committee of It will be seen by this report that must be in the office of the Collector j Mrs r p Paulu rendered two 1 the club lost about $44 on the hot dairymen In the office of C. L. Haw- Hermiston of Internal Revenue at Portland, on very iin0 selections, accompanied by lunches last year, and It is to be hop- ley, Oregon dairy and food commis- Columbia College Waterman 9 or before March 15th, 1922. Those M|sa D„niap at the piano, She was ed that the parents will try to help »loner, in the Worcester building yes- F. Haggerty 2 Haneltne 4 falling to comply with the law are heartily applauded. F. Parks 8 the club out by paying for the tickets lerdny afternoon. All districts in Shotwell subject to heavy penalties. Mr. Adamson sang two character more promptly. They are only 60c which the league formerly operated C. Rexroad 2 All taxpayers are urged to make songs and gave a comic reading Haddox 2 G. Burgoyne wero represented. a month. Smith out their returns at once, thereby which the audience appreciated very (Last Week’s News on Page Six) G. Kenoyer Resolutions were adopted urging (Sub.)Wins- avoiding the rush at the last hour. Hennsigjer, (Sub.) much. dairymen In the different districts For the purpose of assisting tax low for Haddox. The festivities were at an end at to reorganize locally under the state Beekeepers Association to Meet payers of Umatilla county In making Carl Voyen referee- 10:30 p. m. and tho last number was A “Beekeepers’ Roundup” will be co-operative law nnd take over from up their Income Tax returns for 1921 The next game will be Friday a comunity sing “America,” by all held at Pendleton Jan. 26-27. It is the trustees appointed to liquidate and night with Athena, at the auditori Deputy Collectors Williams the annual meeting nnd conference the nffairs of the Oregon Dairymen’s Euoneke of the Internal Reveune of- Pr®8®n • um. of the Oregon State Beekeepers As Co-operativo league the plants for flce will be at Pendleton, Oregon at! sociation where leading beekeepers merly operated by the league. the Post Office Bldg. March 1st to J ':,ded 8UCCefw- ______ BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES of the state will tell “how to make To facilitate the reorganization 1922 inclusive. The banquet served by the Home the world safe for beekeepers, ’ by work. Dr. Hector McPherson of tlie R. V. Ashmun, minister. Residence 1 5 th , Persons Who Must File ! Bureau for the Commercial club on disense control, inspection co-opera- I agricultural college was appointed to first house east of the library. “Under the amended Income tax ’rjreater Umatilla day was a flnancl- tlve marketing, etc. 11. A. Sculiens is draw up a standard form of constltu- Roosevelt’s sixth reason for going to church. “He will listen to and law as applied to the incomes of in- I aj 9Ucce8B. AU bills are not In so It the state secretary and Eli Wlnesett tion and by-laws. These will be sub- take part In reading some beautiful dlviduals during the year 1921, the )B not poa9ib)e to say exactly now is the president of the local associa milled to the members of the re passage from the Bible. And if he following persons must file Income ,nucb waB made, but probably in the tion. Several from here are plan organization committee for sugges Is not familiar with the Bible, he has tax returns not later than March 15, < neighborhood of $30. About 30 peo- ning on attending. tions nnd afterward will be sent out 1922,” said Collector Huntly. 1 p)e in all Including the ladles who suffered a loss.” to tho different districts for use In "Every Individual who had a net did the work received <helr supper the formation of the local co-opera Church to Give Play Sunday school 10 o’clock. We have classes for all. The Progressive j Income of $1000 or more, If single, or without pay, which made about 120 A novel home talent play that de tivo organizations. Class Is the name of the young mar- j If married and not living with hus- people who ate. The plates were lights everybody will be given by tho To take advantage of previous mis 75c each and the menu consisted of: Methodist church next Tuesday even takes and thus form organizations ried adults class. This class meets band or wife. chicken, ing, Jan. 23 at the Play House. The which will be successful In serving In a separate room In the basement. “Every Individual who had a net cabbage salad, frlcasse cieam gravy, biscuit dumplings, play Is entitled "The Marriage of the , |j,0 dairymen nnd the public, and The class extends a hearty welcome Income of $2000, or more. If married mashed potatoes, bread and butter Midgets” or the Tom Thnm Wedding provide the producers with the prop- to those from 20 to 45 years of age. and living with husband or wife. pickles, redlshes and Jellies, pump and Is said to contain 100 laughs in er and profitable market for their “Every head of family who had a The young peoples class is gaining kin and lemon pie and coffee. Every 100 minutes. Wholesome, full of product is the hope of the organiza interest. A committee will report net Income of $1000 or more,. thing was well cooked and served in fun and helpful to the children. A Sunday upon plans for a social. The “Every individual who had a gross a very pretty manner. The table; night of fun. One long laugh. Watch tion class will organize at this meeting 1 income of $5000 or more, regardless' were coveted with fine linen and and plan further work. An Invita of whether or not that sum netted j very pret(y B„ ver and dishes wero for tho posters. TRADES CITY PROPERTY tion is extended to young people not him a cent of profit. FOR PROJECT RANCH used. Each table had as a cente? METHODIST NOTICE attending elsewhere. ’ piece a potted plapt, which added to Head of Family Defined Sunday school and church services I . . . . . . , J. A. Lindsey has traded his 20 The Junior B. Y. P. U. meets In the “Head of a family under the law is the beauty of the banquet room. Tho as usual. , basement , during the hour of the defined as a person who supports in work was handled in an able man Preaching at Columbia at 3 o’clock "®'* ra"f h northeast of Hermiston morning worship. Mrs. W. W. 111- ¡one household one or more relatives ner. Very Epworth league at 6:30 p m. A K Morrison of this city. Mr. efficient committees sley and Mrs. Knox in charge. Child. . blood, marriage or adoption.” All are cordially Invited to attend Lindsey In exchange gets city proper- ¡handled each branch of the bnnotic *y *t Clatskanie, Oregon, 65 miles ren from six years old Including the | Collector Huntly has the assurance and each worked as though fullv these services. . _________________ below Portland. The Lindsey ranch 7th grade are Invited. evnerleneed. The chai rp-tpy I that the necessary blanks for making | |«Ycerienced 0 A C Jerseys Front 18 P erh ap s b e tte r know n n t th e B u rk e Commercial club, as well as tho The Nursery Is caring for the little individual tax returns will ar Eight cows.' half-sisters sired by place. It Is wc’l Improved with a Home Bureau was well pleated with tots under six. Parents are urged to from Washington about January bring their children to the nursery ; Taxpayers who filed income tax r e -; 1 results. results, It Is planned to have such Maple Park Chief, an O. A. C. station modern bungalow and good farm registered Jersey, have completed Windings. and thus be able to be in the morning turns last year need not write for gatherings more often. their first-calf records with an aver- 6Jr Morrison expects to take pos- worship. blanks for making returns this year Paturday night, Jan . 21, at 8 p. age yield o f 8278 pounds milk and session of the place this week, Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Blanks for making 1921 returns will Theme "Aceptlng or Rejecting.” be mailed by Collector Huntly to m. the second of a series of winter 441.4 pounds butterfat per year at Evening theme. “Sowing and Reap every person who filed last year as card parties will take place at Corn- 2% yearn of age The dams of these CHART PS RAY COMING TO PT AY HOUSE NEXT WEDNESDAY soon as the Wanks have been recelv- inanity hall. It Is expected that at cows were all sired by Golden Glow' in g - ---- — . I least ten tables will be In play an<t Chief and averaged 555.4 pounds of Prayer meeting Thursday evening ed from Washington. “Budden Jim” probably one of - .......- .......... ....... good prizes are offered. Delightful fat at 6% years. These yields are at 7:30. Dance Saturday N ight refreshments will be served and they equivalent on a mature bash: to574.7 Ray's best pictures with the old The community are cordially In Manager Tom Marxen announces a are Included In the price of admlaston pounds fat for the mother and 603.3 Trlnng’e Company has been revived vited to these services. ___________ :_____ Mid Winter dance for this Saturday Everyone Is Invited and asked to he pounds for the daughters- -a gain of No doubt many of you remember thia feature nnd will be glad Io have an- Mr. Leathers was surprised by evening with the assurance of a good In their seats at 8 p. m. A good 7 per cent In one generation. . other opportunity to srte It. The twenty friends Sunday afternoon who time for everybody. Knight’s orch- time is assured. The hoetesses for Julian Morfltt left for Portland Comedy will be Andy Gump In "Beat- remembered his birthday. They also eetra will furnish Ihe music. Lunch the occasion are: Mrs. Burnett, Mrs 1 Ing the High <’o?t of Living.” look several baskets of eats. will be served. Rinehart, Mrs. Llewllyn. Mrs. Renick Monday night. AS OLD PLANT HERMISTON DEFEATS C0LUMBIA15 TO 12 INCOME TAX TO BE DUE SOON