Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
r TIIE ItEBMISTON HERALD, ITEBMISTON, OREGON. ing his d au g h ter Mrs. Joe Udey. Hermiston Locals A Happy Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Dodd spent the C hristm as holidays a t the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. A lexander ot P en dleton. and Chas. Webber of the Experim ent farm was a C hristm as visitor a t his homo in P o itlan d . Zoeth Houser, sh eriff of the coun ty, was a H erm iston visitor W ednes day. Prosperous Out of town C hristm as guests a t th e Isaac Jay home were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jay and child of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, Mrs. N. J. G illette and A lbert G illette, all of Echo. New Miss Frances H inkle of the Oregon S tate N orm al a t Monmouth is spend ing C hristm as a t h er home here. Dr. R. G. Gale and Mr. and Mrs. II. T. F raser were Pendleon visitors last T hursday. Year H O U SE O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC E " PH O N E f The biggest audience of the year greeted th e famous picture, “ The Old N est,” a t th e Play House Sunday and Monday. The atten d an ce broke all house records, including the one a t the opening of the th e a tre in Septem ber, 1920. Mr. Adamson announces th a t beginning Ja n u a ry 1 he will re duce the admission for children from 15 cents to 10 cents. The screen has been brought forw ard 12 feet and lowered two feet to obtain b et ter light. A “G reat w hite w ay” j changing electric sign w ill announce ! the big pictures. The W W. Felthouse and C. K. K ellar fam ilies spent C hristm as a t The young people of th e S kinner the Otto H eini home. fam ily hero for th e C hristm as holi day; were guests of honor a t a party The M. C. W atson and O. O. F èlt- given a t th e J. K. Shotw ell home house fam ilies spent Christm as a t Monday evening. Guests from o ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Udey. I of town were the Misses R uth Skin- 1 n sr of Berkeley, Calif., H elen Skin C hristm as visitors a t the Tom ner of McMinnville, C atherine S kin S tew art home were Mr. and Mrs. H. ner of P o rtland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Belscamper. ! Skinner of Boise, Dr. G rant S kinner ! of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Doherty Wm. H. Ogden was sick the fore : of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. George Prindle p art of th is week, b u t was back in of M onmouth, Miss Goldie Mumma his jew elry store yesterday. ! of P o rtlan d , Mis3 Alice Lam bert of U m atilla who is home from O. A. C. W. H. Adamson of P ortland spent for tho holidays and Arnold Shotwell C hristm as at the home of his nephew of P ort Townshend, W ash., who ie A. W. Adamson. He returned to th e here for th e holidays. city Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M cPherson of Dan M cKinty, a form er H erm iston Pend’eton spent C hristm as a t 'tlx* resident and now’ of Harve, M ontana, home of th e ir d au g h ter Mrs. C. M. renewed his subscription to The ’ackson. H erald th is week. He is still in te r ested in property here. LIBRARY BALL SATURDAY K I N G S L E Y ’S " H E R M IS T O N 'S The Com m unity club luncheon th a t was to have been given at the H erm iston hotel on Tuesday, Dec. 20 and was postponed on account of th e cold w eath er w ill be given next Tuesday, Jan . 3 a t 1 o’clock. A very in te restin g program has been arran g ed and it w ill also be election of officers so a large atten d ance is hoped for. All those in ten d in g to come please notify Mesdames W aterm an, Swayze or Sapper. Luncheon is 50c per plate. 171 We Thank You For your ¡patronage during the past year .and hope we may continue to enjoy it during 1922 Mr. and Mrs. W aldon Rhea and dau g h ters Irene and Mary and sons H ugh and Lum are reported by the Pendleton E ast Oregonian as visitors in th a t city. It is Our Wish Local teachers who will attend the 1 convention of th e Oregon S tate T eachers' association in Portland th is j week are P rincipal A. C. Voelker, Mrs. R obeita G unn, Mrs. R uth L ieuallen and Mrs. Mary Miller. The session lasts th te e days, Wdnesday, T hursday and Friday. That your New Year may be the happiest and best ever. C ITY *» w M E A T M A R K E T The an n u al lib ra ry ball will be held in th e ctiy auditorium S atu r day evening, New Y ear’s eve. T his dance is an an n u al affair. The mon ey he'ps to support th e city library, supplem enting th e city appropria tlon. The com m ittee in charge in lodes Mrs. J. T. H inkle, chairm an, Mrs. B. S. Kingsley, Mrs. Geo. Root, Geo. P atterso n and Dr. F. V. Prim e It should be understood th a t the library belongs not to the city but to the project. The city supports it w ith a tax b ut it exists for the serv ice of all. The tick ets are $1 and you will have the satisfaction of help ing an excellent local in stitu tio n in addition to a good tim e. New Y ear's eve is tho date. Morrow County Creamery Company home a t Redmond, Miss Florence Long to her home at Pomeroy, W ash.. Arnold G ralapp to La G rande to vis it th e p are n ts of Mrs. G ralapp, Mrs. R oberta Gunn to P o rtlan d to visit friends, Mrs. L aura M orris to B ake1-, Miss M argaret O'Leary to her home nt G rass Valley, and Miss Hazel Bo gard to h er home a t Salem. The schools w ill open again next Monday. Will pay highest m arket price for butterfat. Honest weights and test. Give us a trial shipment. W. C. Cox, Manager / k 2 5 ■ ■ ■ May you all KaOe a Happy A’c» Year 6 our sincere »IsA high school and has m any friends here who will wish her the best life j has to offer. She Is a g rad u ate of th e Oregon A g ricu ltu ral College In the class of 1921. She was very pop ■ u la r there. She la a member of th e Sigma K appa women’s fratern ity . ■ Her husband, Carl Lodeii. is an O S A . C . g rad u ate of th e elans of 1920 He la a member of the Pht Delta T heta fra te rn ity and of several hon or o rg an isatio n s at O. A . C . He was a v arsity football player of note and also m ade letters in baseball. For th e paat tw o years he has been d i rector of ath letics at th e La G randa h igh school. The couple will make th e ir home In La O rande. i SAPPERS’ INC. Î i HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE ! ■ ® Storms may howl outside but your home will i glow with warmth and cheer if you have the right " heating equipment. ! A Portable Florence Oil H eater warms up a J chilly comer in a hurry. Practical and economical ’ for saving coal between seasons. * W hatever else in heating equipment you need ■ come to us. Now is the time to provide tor comfort ■ this winter. Have your heating equipment in the i right shape when winter weather comes. ■ j » ! Fireplace Fixtures, H eat Regulators, Coal Shovels, Ash Sifters, Hot w ater Heat- ers, Furnace Accessories ’ ■ ' < ! BBlIBBBBRflflflRIIB * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « « ' " The Oregon Hotel thanks you for your generous patronage during the past 12 months and wishes you “ A Happy New Year” O regon H o te l t a fe M R S. M IL L IE D E C K , P ro p . RÈ * ¿ all J m U □ J O ur C h ristinas B u sin ess was much better than we even hoped for. We sold 70 turkeys besides many chickens and geese. We thank you for the p art you have played in our business and wish you a H a p p y N e w Y ea r KnBBKBK■■BaaBBBB■BBBBBaaiBBBIB»* Twn Sinks of Wasco is here vlsit- ciation for your patronage the last year and wish you 'í h & b t O J Ít e Stampe ftaUewj Autographic Brownies No 2 Foldint Blown»., sktatvs ¿X « "« in«»«. t ».TO No 2A f«»Iding R row nie, pKtervs 2 H a 4 S in c h c j $10.00 No. SC Folding Brownie. pictures 2<a4H incite«............... No AA folding R row nt«.-, pictures J ), « S H h w l w . ........................... $1UO ns TO Best Battery for Winter Use O L D weather driving makes heavier demands upon any storage battery. Engines are stiff— oil is sluggish— gasoline vaporizes slowly— lights bvrn longer— and the severe cold tends to cause battery deterioration. Only a battery o f maximum power and vitality can meet inese demands. C The Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery has proven in the toughest of cold weather teste, to be by far the best battery for ’ * MITCHELL DRUG CO. S ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ :■ ■ ■ :■ ■ s ■ ■ Cold Storage Market & Grocery ■ I■ H e rm ig to n , O regon fo ld s lik e a K o t la k , and lik e a , Kodak has the autographic feature. J J J J g I t h e f f l N C f f £ S T £ R svot. JEWELER and WATCHMAKER b r a n k l y wc consider the A u to graphic Brownie one ot the ' ‘ best buys* ’ that our photographic de partment has to offer— and that is a real tribute. A n y one, however, can see value plus, price considered in an efficient picture-maker fitted w ith caie- lu llv trsted lens and shuttrr that | ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ S £ ! Oregon Hdwe. & Implement Co. ! WM. H. OGDEN L0DE1L-ERIKSEN The m arriage of Miss Norma Erik- This peried of the year will bring to our notice J ¡en, a form er H erm iston girl, to Carl many articles that have been more or less over- £ Ixidell occured Dec. 20 a t her pres looked during the year. On completion of our in- {J en t home in Orland. Calif. Miss E riksen lived here w ith h er p aren ts ventory, we are going to list all these miscellaneous 2 severnl years. H er fath e r was em ployed by the reclam ation service articles a t very great bargaigs, so— * She is a g rad u ate of th e H erm iston and also to the list that will appear in Sapper’s Ink of January 1st issue. The latter will be a few days late, awaiting completion of our inventory. COLD SN A P A Happy and Prosperous New Year | INVENTORY | Keep Your Eye on This Space ! I M a d e in Kodak factories by Kodak workmen Odd Fellows from here who a tte n d ed th e g ath erin g of th e lodge in Pen- dleton Tuesday evening were W. R | L onghorn, A. E. Morrison, O. C. ' Marion ■ ■ B B B B B B a B a B B B B B B a a B a B a B B B B B B B B B a B B B B B a B Young, A rth u r Beasley, Marks an d George Sales. One of th e , features of the m eeting was the p res en tatio n of a 50 year medal of mem- ; bership to R. A lexander of the P en dleton lodge. ® ■ ■ ■ ■ g We wish to express our appre HEPPNER, OREGON -...............— BE R E A D Y F O R T H E Modern Woodmen of America o f fice; s for 1922 were elected Friday evening. They are: J. S. W est, V en erable Counsel; E. P. Illsley, Advis er; F. B. Swayze, B anker; W. R. Mrs. Laura M. Hoyt Recommends R. C. CHALLIS, Prop. L onghorn, C lerk; B urt N ation, Chamberlain’s Tablets W atchm an; P. P. Sullivan, Sentry "I have frequently used Chamber- The Executive com ittce includes A. lain'» T ab le's, d u rin g the, past th ree l a B a B B a a B B B B a B B a B B B a a B B a a a b b r b r h h b b b b b b b W. P ra n n , P. P. Sullivan and C. H. ears, and have found them splendid S kinner for headache and bilious attack s. I T eachers in tho public schools am only too pleased, a t any tim e, to scattered for th e ir various homes as speak a w ord in praise of them ,” soon as school let o ut last Friday. w rites Mrs. L aura M. Hoyt, Rock Miss Lucile Redmond w ent to her port, N. Y. SIKEY & HENDERSON,"P rep . « i W h y he satisfied w ith anything short o f the best? There’s a Prest-O-Lite for ercry car. hermiston Auto Co.