Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
T T IE s H E R M IS T O N IT E R A L D , OREGON. * U m a tilia F rid a y HAVE YOU RESOLVED H E R M IS T O N , -Why not give this first place among your New Year resolutions? That Greatest Boy and Dog -----Picture Ever M ade------ One way to help is by keeping all surplus money in the bank where it will earn interest for you and be available for bus? ness purposes in the community. L “ The Big Adventure” -to do your share toward helping to give the year of 1922 a better reputation for prosperity than poor old 1921 has had. HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK H erm isto n S a tu rd a y TRANSFER P H O N I OKKOON harowakk MO. 4 S I H. Robinett, Prop. H e ra û to n , Henry Shelladay—Cornet Solo Hermiston New Years Eve THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON H e r m is t o n , O r e g o n On. WANT ADS E. L . H A L L S un d ay and M onday Notice Is hereby given th a t an election will be held a t th e office of the Hermiston Irrig a tio n D istrict on I Main St. in the City of H erm iston, Oregon on Tuesday, J a n u a ry 10th, | FOR SALE 1922 for the purpose of electing one \ FOR SALE— A new camera, cost >3 8 director to sprvc for th ree years. The for >25. Inquire H erald office. polls will be open from 8 a. m. u n til e-tfc. 5 p. m. of said day. 16-2tc. W. J. W arner, Secretary. FOR SALE OR TRADE Four wheel NOTICE TO CREDITORS drive aut truck new pneum atic tires. Easy term s for cash deal, In the County Court of the S tate of or will trade for land, cattle and Oregon for U m atilla County. In hogH. W. A. Leathers. 16-tfc. the M atter of the E state of Ben- ' n t« jarnin F. Newcomer, deceased. n Notice Is hereby given th a t th e n COAL AT >3 PER TON— We have undersigned has been appointed e x e - [ several tons of Hiack coal. W ill n sell while it lasts at >3 per ton. cutor of the last will and testam ent M of Benjam in F. Newcomer, d eceased,! Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 16-2tc. fl and has qualified as th e law directs. ■ All persons h aving claim s a g a in s t; U FOR S A L E -1 Thorobred Jersey estate are required to present i II heifer fresh March 1. 1 thorobred said the same to me w ith proper vouchers, , Jersey heifer 10 mo’s old. A ugust at the office of my atto rn ey . W. J. I H F. Beisse. 1 6-ltc. W arner In H erm iston, Oregon w ithin ■ 11 WILL SELL OR TRADE— 20 acre six m onths from the date hereof. II Dated th is 2 8th day of December, H alfalfu farm 1 V4 miles from H er • II miston. In high sta te of cu lti 1921. W illard W. F elthouse | II vation. Fam ily orchard and ber E xecutor | n ries. Good Improvements. W ill 16-5tc. take good Improved 10 acre alfalfa « farm as part. Time on balance. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S Inquire Herald. 15-3tp. In the County Court of the S tate of fre Oregon for U m atilla County. In irli 1. and all will be fresh by April the M atter of th e E state of Edgar Also young team and m achinery. H. G raham , Deceased. Inquire Herald. 15-tfc. Notice Is hereby given th a t the un- FOR SALE- A team mules, wagon derslgned, ad m in istrato r of the estate and Cal. rack, bed and hay rack. <>f Edgar H G raham deceased will 2 good cows, almost new Johnston f'gm and afte r the 24th day of Jan mower. Inquire H erald. 15-tfc nary, 1922, at the office of W illiam W arner in th e City of H erm iston, FOR SALE Nice b rig h t corn fod Umutilla County, Oregon, offer for der: 1-3 horse gas engine; 4 regis sale at private sale to tho highest tered brood sows; 1 registered and best bidder, for cash In hand, the boar, sta te ’s grand cham pion; 1 following described real property s it m anure spreader; alfalfa reno uated in U m atilla County, Oregon, to- vator (disk harrow ) A. D, Crop w it: Lots 7 and 8 in Block 10; and Lots land, phono 785, 15-tfc. 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 16 In FOR SALE- Registered Jersey cow. Block 2, in N ew port’s Addition to tho Mrs. B. K. Sprague, Phono 21F21. Town of H erm iston in said county 15-4tp. and stale. Bids may he made upop eith er of said lots separately or upon auy group MISCELLANEOUS of lots as the bidder may desire. This sale is made u nder and In E. L. HALL T ransfer. Call K n err’s pursuance of a license and order of garage. Phone 152. 12-tfc. sale made and entered by I. M. Schan- ncp. Judge of the abovo en titled court, on Ihe 22nd day of November CALL FOR W A R ! ANTS Holders of w arra n ts 41, 42, 43, 1921, In Ihe above entitled estate, and 4 8 and 4 9, Columbia school district. such sale will he made subject to con No. 112 U m atilla county are herehy firm ation by said court. notified to present same to me for Dated th is 14th day of December, paym ent. Interest stops this date. 1921. H. J Ott, clerk. 15-itC. F ran k W augam an, A dm inistrator of the ubove e n titl SW EET CIDER 40 cents a gallon. ed cstnte. Inquire Chezlk w arehouse. 7-tfc. W. J. W arner 14-5tc. HIs attorney. Owing to th e fact th a t the Coul Mines attn h sight d raft to Bill of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Lading m aktng all coal stric tly cash On arrival, wo arc compelled to In the Mother's Favorite stall a cash w ith order system to our The soothing and heullng proper c v rtrn «is» Beginning Aug. 10th. 1921, nil orders for fuel m ust be ac ties of C ham berlain’s Cough Remedy companied w ith cash. Its plesunt ta ste and prom pt and ef Inland Em pire Lum ber Co. fectual cures have made it a favorite 4 8-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lum ber Co. w ith people everywhere. It Is es pecially prized by m others of young SHOP Gates TIRE ELLIOTT’S 62-ltc. children for colds, croup and whoop tires. ing cough, as it always affords quick CASH Paid for second hand goods. relief and is free from opium and 17-tie other harm ful drugs. C orrell’s Shop. THE feeling of security Is well worth th« prem ium paid. How about th a t Fire Insurance? See the E. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc DAIRYMEN’S LEAGUE VOTES TO DISBAND A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, (Continued from Page One) wash bowles, and hot w ater tanks and fixtures. If we hnvent w hat you w ant, we’ll get it. R epairing old organization on a businesslike and Installing. I. E. P utm an. basis. Phone 783. He declared that the troubles of the league had been the resu lt of un- TYPEW RITER ribbons and carbon derfinaneing. m istakes of m anage paper a t the Herald office. m ent and attack s of enemies from He said th a t New and Used Merchandise bought, sold w ithout and w ithin. and exchanged. A. Correll thousands of dollars had been spent to defeat the dairym en’s organization TYPEW RITER Ribbons and carbon At the m eeting Chester Bridges of paper for sale a t the Herald. Hillsboro presided and E. J. Brocks S toves, heaters, rarges bought, sold, ex of Cornelius acted as secretary. change«.! or repaired Correll's Shop. The count of the votes was super vised by A. E. W escott of Banks, Adding m achine rolls of paper for president of the league. sale at th e H erald office. i WANTED TO BUY veal sud Send your egg i. W rit« or about veal. F tri Brownell, tills. eggs. 1 Compost is Pest phone lanure for spring application on Urn»- vegetable graden should be 1-tfc. — ¡thoroughly composted now, th a t Is, LOST W hite Cape off baby Coat. turned over, shaken up. and made R eturn to June W arner, 1 8 -ltr. to rot as thoroughly as possible. It should not be exposed to th e w inter When Y°n Are Constipated rains, nor should It he hauled out to To Insure a healthy action of the the garden now because of the nec bowels and correct disorders of the essity of keeping off land th a t la at liver, take tw o of C ham berlain's all heavy. Soil which has m anure T ablets Immediately afte r supper. covering It all w in ter Is likely to dry They will not only ranee a gentle out slowly In the spring because of m ovement of th e bowels, w ithout u n th e mulch formed. Such land tls pleasant effects, but banish that dull, usually late In becoming ready for stupid feeding, th a t often accouip- p la n tin g — O. A C. E xperim ent st»- tl anle constipation. W ant Ads Bring Results Read the Wand Ads. PH O N E 152 HARRY CAREY it «00 .harp ui Mawinic hall. Viaitinc niwnbmra Lelcom«. S u . D. Doblvr. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. S«e. LJERMISTON LODGE NO. US. f l meeta in M uonic H alloa rucMiay evenings of each month. c ’nw \*K eX gg. 3«cy. T. D. V ineyard lodge no . v A. F. A A . M . Firvtand Third V lulling bretW- Woretor, W. If 20«. i - O - O; p - m e e t s each Monday evening in Odd r eiluw . hall. Viaitinc member, cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N . G. D R . R . O. G A L E P h y s ic ia n a n d l u r g » « n Office—Gladys Av«, near Fir«* St. Office Hour«: Phon« 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Ml Leave order* at Knerr’s Garage . -----IN ----- “THE FOX” Truck Hauling Coal, $1 per ton Wood, $1 per cord Trunks and Moving A l l a t P r e - w a r P r ic e s The best Western Super ever made D. H. COOK D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S Physician and S urgeo» Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fit Nad Office over First Natiocnl Bank OFFICE PHONE, 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. Day or n ig h t calls answ ered prom ptly DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Office over First National Bank Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Calls answered at all hours Office phone 551 Residence phone Til E llio tt’s T ire Shop. Phone 192 D r . F. V . P R IM E D E N T IS T R Y U M A T I L L A -~ 2 :0 0 P. M . ea c h day H E R M IS T O N —4 :3 0 , 7 :1 5 and 9 P . M . SEE W e d n e sd a y H IT T Hermiston. Oregon Office, Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. W. J. W A R N E R attorney at law H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N “The Joyous Liar” SALE OF REAL PROPERTY fsther chapter N o . wi . o. k . s _ Q ueen m w U «mund ,v«nuxg of «ach maotfa P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S TR A N SFER HERMISTON IRRIGATION DISTRICT Notice Of Election I L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y -F O R - — F e a t u r in g — GUNS J. WARREN KERRIGAN J. D . Z Ü R C H E R LAWYER S t a n f ie ld - - O re g o n UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL "■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I -and— W ell and Modernly Equipped Special Rates in M aternity Case« AMMUNITION DROP IN PENNSYLVANIA TIRES 30 30 31 32 $ 1 1 .8 5 X 3 X 3 W„ .......$ 1 3 .9 5 X 4 $ 2 1 .7 5 x4 $ 2 4 .9 5 33 X 4 34 X 4 32x4* .... $ 2 5 .9 5 A FULL LINE FLOYD KNERR FAREWELL TO THE OLD YEAR We come w ith slow and silent tread And stand beside thy bier. We scan thy poor blurred pages o’er And sigh, farew ell, old year! We see the b eautiful design W hich one sh o rt year ago. We took w ith confidence and pride, A las—=to m ar it so. And yet how vain the b itte r tears We Hhed to blot the past; Thy changeless records stand, old years, T h eir colors tru e an d . fast, L et’s scan th e ir pages o’er to n ig h t— L et’s tu rn them leaf by leaf. B eginning back In childhood sweet. W ith days as b rig h t as brief. We see th e rainbow -tinted hopes W hich led our eager feet In m any a forbidden sea Whose w aters proved too deep. We scorned the w arn in g of the aged W ho passed th a t way before, And boldly launched our tin y bark. Now stranded on the Bhore. How m any a delusive shape. We followed close and fast, ’Till, like th e tin ted bubblo. It vanished in our grasp. And yet, how beautiful the days Of childish love and tru st. E re th e h and of cold deception H ad tu rn ed the gold to dust. E re life had know n th e venum T h at envy’s hand can fling. Or th e h ea rt had felt th e sorrow ' T h at rem orse alone can bring. E re the tru stin g faith of childhood. Learned th e world was full of greed. Or Ihe friends In whom we tru sted . W ould forget us )n our need. And have the lessons all been vain? L et’s eon them o'er tonight. Before we greet th e new year W ith Its pages of spotless w hite. L et's count (be teardrops of remorse, And profit by th e ir pains. And from each blotted page of life I* a rn care for w hat rem ains. Mrs. F. B. Pennock. An E astern firm declares th a t It Is going to try to do business w ithout money. Inform ation on the subject will be cheerfully furnished by the almost any co untry editor— Jack so n ville Port, su p erin Edwards Building EYE, ear , nose and throat Has removed from his former location in the Bond Bldg, to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire* Bank Bldg. P E N D L E T O N s O H K G D N A. D. CROSLAND & SON Two doors east Ore. Hdwe. Co. DR. All Lines of Transfer '»■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H I j . l . v a u g i i a n : E L E C T R IC F I X T U R E S « A N D A P P L IA N C E S ? Phone 139 ZO 3 E . C o u r t S t . K am m erlln, H .S .M C K E N Z I E , M. D . “ W e W e ld A n y th in g b u t th e B rea k o f D a y ” Two doors east Ore. Hdwe Co. Miss Nell tendent. P e n d le to n , O re . E yes ScientiflcallylExamined Lenses Ground and Fitted American National Bank Bldg. Pendleton Oregon DR. RAY LOGAN, j| Physlcan and Surgeon «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ TWO TRUCKS Thorough Spraying Pays As trees come Into bearing and In crease in size the o rchardlst should iot fail to add to his spray equip- lent as needed so as to insure com- «lete protection w ith the full spray schedule applied on tim e. Much loss ccurs from hasty work and delayed ipplications w here inadequate spray machinery Is used.— O. A. C. Experl- n en t statio n . C. R I C H E Y L a optometrist andioptician QUICK SERVICE Umatilla, Oregon T h e F r e n c h R e sta u r a n t BAKERY «ad CONFECTIONERY Elegantly Fumirhed Rooms In Connection Phone 785 Calls Answered All Honrs On and After January 1, 1922 we will STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hohbach Bros., Proprietors Pendleton, Oregon Service Speed Economy Fruit, Baled Hay and Livestock Transfer SELL FO R C A SH 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 ONLY |1H i . Biarrl CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY We are required to pay cash for all mater ials we buy and have to pay cash to our help. It is therefore impossible for us to carry accounts, but by selling for cash we will be able to make you better prices than you have been accustomed to pay. A£/L & BARKER * u t w N w o w lr ln c W w ld ln * - I PHONE 264 Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery For Women Neun slmd Cigan and 7 e tacto 1