Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1921)
TME HEBMUTOM HEBALD, B a R a ÍÍSTON. ORIGO JÍ. K IN G S L E Y M ÎH M IÎT O N M E R C A N T IL E » M O U »« O F Q U A L IT Y A N O QŒ » « » V IC « ” A baby boy waa born to Mr. anil Mrs. M. D. Scrogga Friday. A ugust 12. FRUIT JARS Regular Mouth Self Sealing Jars » Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons H ide Mouth Self Sealing Jars (all sizes) Fred W. S teven s has sold out here and w ith h is fam ily expect to leave for Los A ngelos before the end of th is week. He inform s us that he exp ects to take The Herald many years. We have caps and extras for all the popular jars in this country. Jelly Glasses K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E C O . D ÏL IV ÏR II8 D A IL Y PH O N E O N E -S E V E N -O N I I CA SH «• C A R R Y We Handle it Monopole" Brand STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. ? PHELPS cash GROCERY Phone 413 E cho F lo u r M ills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue S tem F lour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED SPECIALS! *14.95 48.00 1 V acuH te Vacuum Sweeper, waa *28 15. Special 18.75 1 Good Q uality Hammock, was *4.75, Special 3 60 1 Good Quality Hammock, was *5.00, Special 3 95 1 Electric Fan. was *7.25, Special . 3.10 ... 6 10 30X 3 Goodyear Tubes. R egularly is *2.23, Special W e find these alaes overstocked. 2.00 Oil Sloven 10 per cenl off, w h ile present slock lasts. SAPPERS’ INC. T he Ho««« T h a i D o w Thing« First HARDWARE FURNITURE CALORIC HEAT CUTS BUILDING COSTS TH I CALORIC REQUIRES BUT ONE CHIMNEY — N O EXTRA CHIMNEYS M A N T L E S OK FIXTURES HEEDED ONLY 6 FOOT C itlA R REQUIRED Do y ju want a map? Dr. F. V. Prime as secretary of the Herm iston comm ercial club has Just received about 50 excellen t road maps of Oregon for distribution here. They w ill be given out free w hile they last by Dr. Prime and at The Herald office. Conic in and get Wm. S. Cooper who recently you is. bought the Maurice Johnson place ANNOUNCEMENT got a good start Friday by becoming For the benefit of those who may a Herald subscriber. He was thi third new one to go on our list thal desire my services, I w ish to a n day. By a coincidence Mrs. Clara nounce Unit I have lxiturned to H er Johnson's renew al was received tin miston to resume my practice. Of same day. She is located at the Ho fice hours are from 2 to 5 and 7:30 to 9 p. in. In the future these hours tel W alclorf in Seattle. w ill be kept w ith strict regularity, M. D. Scroggs made a trip to Pen except w lien called out in an em dleton Sunday returning on the ergency. Phone 641. C alls w ill be given prompt atten tion both day and n igh t train. night. Dr. R. G. Gale. Dancing1 Party Tuesday A dinner dance w as held at the Herm iston hotel Tuesday evening. Nine couples of local young people were present. Ben N eil left W ednesday of last Those present were Mr. and Mrs. week for a vacation at Lehman Frank Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. P at Sis- Springs over in the John D ay'cou n el. Mr. and Mrs. H ollis Percey, the try. He w as expected back about M isses Mary Curry, ' Doris P ercey, today. Myrtle S ilvey, Fanny Todd and Jane Gunn and the Messrs. Frank H iiter, Charles R eihl w ho has been visit ing here left Monday m orning foi Earl Cooper, jEarl B oynton, Chas. H ill and K. B. H all. Seattle. The Herm iston A uto Co. has just Obituary Installed a new Andruss electric test E lizabeth L uella Craik w as born or to locate electrical d ifficu lties on in Cook county, Illin ois on March 8. any make of car. 1858 and died at her home in the Columbia district A uguet 10, 1921, Fred I. Sanford who recently sold his place here left Tuesday w ith hi aged 63 years, 2 m onths and 2 days. She w as the daughter of David fam ily for H am ilton. Montana. The fam ily w ent in a car, shipping theii and Martha Ann Craik w ith whom lie lived during her early childhood goods by train. H am ilton is in thi in the state of Illin ois. In 1870 she southw estern part of Montana. removed w ith her parents to K ansas Mrs. Gus Tonis of U m atilla Is he and in that sta te spent the greater ing operated upon in Pendleton to portion of her life. She was united day, Dr. R. G. Gale is conducting in m arriage in 1885 to F. E. Goode. To them 5 children were born. The the operation. ldest preceded her to the ‘‘g fe a t be Geo. Sutherland is having a new yond” al the age of 15 years. A little over a year ago she came refrigerator made for h is restraurant and bakery in U m atilla. L. L. Boyt- to Oregon to Join her son and daught er w ho had come here on ly a short ton is doing the work. tim e previous. At the tim e of her The Herald o ffice looks a little death she w as m aking her home w ith d ifferent now. The first of th is week her son and her brother 5 m iles we occupied a store room back of the north east o f H erm iston. She w as a kind and lovin g m other, main office and moved some of the equipm ent back there. T his gives i w orthy and respected friend to the room we have needed for a long hose who kn^w her. W hen 17 years of age she yielded tim e in the front end. A new rail ing for our friends io lean on has tier life io the services of her m aster and liv in g a true C hristian life until been put In the office. her death. She sought alw ays to in Vane Boynton. Mrs Martha B oyn p ile the lives of others w ith the ton. Laura Boynton and 5iaxte Rise- abiding faith that she had In "the land motored to Bend last Friday giver of every good and perfect g if t.” She w as laid to rest in the eem - They w ill be gone about tw o weeks. Iry south of tow n on Friday. Aug. 2th. Truly her's is .a life w ell G. R. lanson has rented the L. L. IMPLEMENTS Boynton house for three months. Mr. She leaves to mourn her loss, tw o and Mrs. Boynton w ill go Io Colfax, sons and tw o daughters. Fred Goode W ashington, where Mr. Boynton w ill have work th is (all. Mr. lanson is of W inner. South Dakota. Ray C. foreman o f the telephone crew here. Joode of Columbia. Mrs. M. M. Shock- y of H erm iston and Mrs. L. R Bar- land of Jay Em. W yom ing, also five Mra. F. A. Phelps attended the funeral of Miss Ruth Hart in Pendle brothers and four sislers. ton Monday m orning. Miss Hart Sunday School Has Picnic waa one o f the v ictim s of the Alaska T he B aptist Sunday school picnic disaster. The funeral w as at 10 in was held yesterday on the Bensel the Episcopal church. law n. There were gam es for the young folk s before the dinner w hich C. G. Blayden of Boardman was in included ice cream. A fter dinner Herm iston Tuesday. the picnicera w ent sw im m ing. L. A. Hunt and W. J. Warner have been appointed as a roinnitttia Hot Weather Diseases from the com m ercial club Io assist D isorders of the bow els are ex II. K. Dean al the experim ent station trem ely dnngeroua, particularly dur-I field day next m onth. Mr. Dean re Ing the h ot w eather of the summer quested that thia action be taken. m onths, and In order to protect I you rself and fam ily again st a aud- j Mr«. Paul T. Von Schooley of A t den attack , get a b ottle o f Chamber- | lanta Georgia Is here viaiting al the lain'» C olic and Diarrhoea Remedy, i home of her parent« Mr. a rd Mrs. It can be depended upon. Marry B. 8. K ingsley. have testified to l u excellence.. SUMMER in y o u r N EW HOME Put a beating system in your new home that will be an investment—that will pay dividends in comfort and convenience— that will positively pay its own cost in the patented aving : < of fuel. Tne : famous f C aloriC installations are made fro m blue prints prepured by C a lo riC engineers who h a v bad years of unequalled experi ence in pipeless heating. N o charge for this v ita lly im portant service. Send rough sketch of your floor plana ioday. has a proven record of saving W to H tha fuel over old systems. Heatsalltheroom a in buildings of 18 rooms or less, through one register. An unequalled success in home* in every state. Many in this community. The money-bark guarantee of the manu facturers. The Monitor Stove Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and over 125,000 satis fied users, protect you and back up your judgement in buying a CaloriC. Now, before house-cleaning is the best time to put in a CaloriC. Quick installa tion in old homes or new. No plumbing nor alterations. And remember— your sa tisfa ctio n or m o n ey back. It pays to advertise. At least that's w hat W. T. Knapp th in k s and he ought to know for he put a classi fied in The Herald to run three tim es He had to tell us to take it out on ac count of havin g sold the cow s and hogs advertised after the paper came out the first time. pent. 1 100 pound yapaelly R efrigerator, w as |6 4 .3 5 . Special 1 Good Q uality Hammock, was *4.25, S p e c i a l ................ The U m atilla County Bee Keipesaf association w ill m eet again at the library Saturday even in g. Every bee keeper should plan to attend. Mrs. M. A. Livermore left Tuesday m orning for Portland. She experts Io be gono u n til next spring and may go east from Portland. Quality Goods 1 Grass Rocker, w as *23.95, Special O. C. Young, Henry Thompson* and Jack Knapp returned Tuesday even in g from a trip w hich took them up buck of Ukiah. W hile up there they saw a lot of bear tracks and one real live bear. RUT PERPETUAL Mrs. B. F. Leavell of Caldwell Idaho is v isitin g her daughter Mrs Ralph Evans. Mrs. Leavell w ill also Frank StoDe who has been in a visit a son at Culver before retu rn in g hospital in W alla W alla rettirned to Caldwell. home th is m orning. Tails and Squats TW O Wm. H. Ogden is nicely located W O. Rotram el and fam ily have now at his new place of business three doors east of the post office. moved to one m ile east of U m atilla. People w an tin g jew elers service w ill Wm. H. W arner who has been h ete tind him there. v isitin g his non W. J. W arner left E. O. Comegys of Sappers’ left on W ednesday o f last week for Loa A ngelos where he w ill visit another b is vacation this w eek. He went from here to Pendleton and w as e x son. • pecting to spend the tim e fish in g and loafin g som ewhere up in the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W arner and daughter Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Joe m ountains. Ralph made a trip to W alla W alla W ednesday. Economy Jars Rev. C. E. M axwell has resigned h is pastorate w ith the Free Method ist church here and w ith his fam ily left th is m orning for C hicago. He w ill be in charge of an orphans' home in the suburbs o f th at city. Oregon Hardware ' & Implement Co. FIK LESS F U M A C 1 T U P U • MC MIEWr T tx M .S .r .. Sunburn Time is Here You can laugh in the face of the sun if your skin is protected with NYAL FACE CREAM WITH PEROXIDE The Qualify Cosmetic The Wise Woman’s Beauty Ally Apply Nyal Face Cream before going out, and burning of you are safe from the blistering and bi sun or wind. If you neglect the precaution, apply Nyal Face Cream when you get home; it is remedial as well as preventive. Unexcelled as a Beautifier. Classy-Ues Any Complexion MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY R E. Mitchell, Prescription Druggist Dealers in Eastman Kodak« and Film«, Columbia Grafonola«, Edison Phonographs - HERMISTON, OREGON Get Your Loose Wheels Tight -A T - T w o doors ra n t O re. HdWe. Co. FLOYD KNERR T w o doors ea st Ore. Hdwe. Co. We have installed New Electrical Equipment and are in a position to give expert service in anything electrical We have just installed an Andruss Electric Test and will locate any electrical trouble on any make of car. Hermiston Auto Co.