Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1921)
THJE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. • I -------------- ; pole left a couple of days before and Miss Irene Rhea Is home again a ft-! for the winter. Numbers of loads of took .his camping outfit along and er attending summer normal. [good wood are being hauled from the | intends to take In all the beaches. Columbia where ¡men are making KIVERTON-ON-THE-UMATILLA I wages putting it in piles. Two trips] M. E. Doble shipped a car load of a day can easily be made when the | Barn is Burned watermelons to Condon last Thurs Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of wood is made ready to load. The hay stack and barn, together day and is loading another at this North Ridge were Sunday visitors at with three head of horses and colts writing. The trucks were not able the Rudolf Schachernruyer home. Dan Barlow visited the farmers of belonging to Mr. D. H. Hesscbck to handle the entire crop and more the community Friday of last week. | burned up Friday morning about ten distant markets had to be found. C. P. Stanyan has placed an at in the Interst of the hay corporation | o’clock. The buildings were on the tractive mail box on motor route A. Mr. Barlow who farms near Hep liver bank some three or four hund Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson and p n e r d id a great deal of active work I ted yards from the bouse and the son of La Grande spent a day with Last Thursday evening “Beth in helping organize the wheat men’s blaze was not noticed until the barn Mr. and Mrs. Seaman on their way Arabah” ranch, the home of Mr. and a s s o c ia tio n and understands the con- was almost gone. One of the horses back from the coast Tuesday. They Mrs. E. E. Davis was the scene of alditions regarding the work necessary broke loose but was so blinded, it have been on a months vucalion and pleat ant gathering when friends, to I for the cooperative production and ran back into the fire and died short outing, having taken in most of the the number of about twenty, came I marketing of farm products. He be- ly afterwards. The orgln of the fire beach resorts. Ite port having had and spent the time in out doors | lievts fully that a material change is a mystery as no one had been seen a fine time. They were very much games and pleasant conversation. will soon be noticeable in (he alfalfa about the place and Mr. Hesscock surprised at various things raised The hostess served delicious ice cream farmers condition. had not been near the place slnci here, practically the melons and cant and cake. The guests departed at a milking the cow early in the morn aloupes. late hour with expressions of Appreci J. H Robertson who has "been ing. The loss Is heavy on Mr. ll.ess- ation for the good time enjoyed. a Columbia resident for some time cock as he carried no insurance. Everybody is so busy these days past returned the first part of the the regular meeting of the commerci Mrs. R. Schachermeyer entertain week from Weiser, ldahp, his old Mr. D. S. Darlow of Heppner, al club on the second Friday of each ed some ladies from Umatilla last home, where he spent a few weeks spent a couple of days about Irrigon month was completely forgotten. Wednesday. vacation. Mr. Robertson is an old last week listing up the few remain Secretary and the President failed friend of P. E. Hall. ing ones In. the Qyegon Hay Growers to make their appearance. Don’t MINNEHAHA NEWS NOTES association. l i e . made a clean cut forget the regular meetings come on News comes from Portland recent- | Job of the work having listed practi the second Friday each month now Misses Virginia and Grace Roddo I |y of the accident which befell young cally every ton available in the dis and wo must meet in September. are visiting at Arlington, the guests I Tommie Lenhart. While skatln: trlct. of their aunt Mrs. H. M. Cox. on roller skates the report is that he I fell breaking his leg. This is the Mr. and Mrs. Bert McAtce and Mrs. W. H. Hester and Rtfs. W. econd time Tommie has been laid BI’K CIAf. CORRKHPONIIKNCH daughter, of Missoula, Montana were A. Hlneline returned last week from up with a broken leg. Last summer guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Grim and Fire which started from cigarette Pendleton where they have been at he fell into abadger hole the result sons a couple days last week. They stub being carlessly thrown in the tending the normal school for the I being lie was laid up with the brok- were on their way home from the hay destroyed about 70 tons of hay past six weeks. | n member most nt the summer. coast having motored via upper belonging to Helston Moore. Tommie moved to Portland with Washington country and hack thin C. M. Jackson was a Pendleton I his parents at the close of school way. Mr. McAtec is engineer for Mrs. Earl Roberts of La Grande visitor one day last week. | here. government highways In > Montana is vlsting Mr. and M ib . C. M. Deny and thinks we have nice roads and Mr. Berry and Mrs. Roberts are Miss Lois Jackson and Miss Mar-1 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fisher receiv the right Ideas about constructing brother and sister. gnret Ornduff were the guests of ed a telegram from Sacremento, Cal highways and ferry systems. The their friend Miss Georgia Tlioin Au; ifornia Monday of the sickness of best of all however, was the water Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warren visited 14-16. their son Roscoe who is afflicted melons on which they feasted during relatives here and in Hermiston last with the strange disease known of thelr stay with us. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren re lat< as the sleeping sickness. JRay ---- f — sides In comb canyon about 18 miles Fisher brother of the California boy Miss Wilma (JyJswold and ' Miss west of Pendleton. SPEC IA L CORRESPO NDENCE left the same day to be at his bed side Mildred Patlerton-of Kelso. Wash , who have bepp here visiting their Peaches, plums, tomatoes, melons, Mrs. P. F. Shaw lias received word Rirs. J. 11. Schram left a weex relatives Mr. .dnd Mrs. Chaney and that her mother, Mrs. «Letha King, cantaloupes and In fact nearly ft!) igo for Minin spoils, Minn., where I other friends téturnfdto their homes who has been In St. Mary’s hospit kinds of fruit and vegetables a r e lie will visit her mother who Is Tuesday. al at Walla Walla Is greatly improv now selling every day on the pro quite poorly in health. After re cd and will probably he able to leave ject. maining liiere some time she will go Mrs. Leona Lister pf Portland who the hospital this week. Many are at work laying out new to New Mexico where she will visit | has been visiting her mother Mrs. strawberry beds for next year, this a daughter Mrs. F. R. Neal. Chas. Dempsey/ left on No. 1 Tues A shot gun rabbit drive was held being the ¡favorable time for tin day. 1 Monday on the .old Strohm place. A work. The Neighborhood club will meet ' *• -t big crowd of neighbors gathered and at the home of Mrs. Geo. Beddow | Mrs. H. T. Walpolé and son Robert a good many rabbits were killed. Many farmers taking advantage of Wednesday, August 24. left last week for Portland and the Polson is also being put. out. A pois the breathing spell between the sec beaches, being Joined by Mrs. Elba onous mixture spread on cedar hi ond and third cutting of liny are Walpole at ^hOfDaUM. Ralph Wal- very successful. gathering in their supply of fuel BUTTER CREEK ITEMS W h e n you b a k e a p ie do you e ve r »top to O m t Id er th a t fo r th e aamo money an«I no w ork a t a ll you can buy a high grad e pie fro m ua? W hen you b a k e a c a k e it coat« you aa m uch aa you w ould p ay ua to b a k e i t ’ i o r y o u a n ti wo g u a ra n te « th at our cake w ill please you r m ost fastid io u s g ue st. W hen you b a k e bread some o f th a t bread w ill'b rjo ld b efore you r a n possibly use it up. Y o u ^ e t o ur bread fie s h e ve ry day —and you p ay no m ore. C IT Y FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Sunday Noon and Evening Price 60 cents SP E C IA L CO RRE3PO NDENC B i ” H a v e SLf ■ ■ Boardman, Ore., Aug. 18—Schoo) | will begin Sept. 6th. Chas. Carnes has takrn up the I janitor work this week. His broth er was chosen but having a betterl job did not accept. Y o u O r d e r e d T h a t S ilo K i J A/r. Farmer— Mrs. C. W. Mbw of Astoria Is vis it in g hi r son Mr. A. W. Mow and I lainily on the east side. Mrs. Mow is a prominent apartment house own-| h r of the lower Columbia city. Stockman-- » Sheepman— Do you realize that a Silo 5 is a big asset to your farm ? Business men of Boardman were | out in force Monday morning clean ing up main street. Weeds were cut I and burned and loose stones raked | and hauled awny. Gravel and sand are being-hauled to the site of the Adventist church and work has begun on that struc ture. Build it now of Hollow Cement Blocks M R S. M I L L I E D E C K , P r o p . WASH DAY EVIL eliminated by Wayne Electric Waher. Special price this week. The Wayne Electric Washer has: Sanitary removable copper tub. Welded Steel Body and Frame, only 17 Slowly Moving Parts. Guaranteed to pay for itself the first year. IRRIGATION P IP E = A N Y SIZE M a n u fa c tu re d By Walla Walla Concrete Pipe Co. W A L L A WALLA, WASHINGTON 2 Local UH J*^Pre8en^a^ v e’’Inland Empire Lumber C o m p a n y - of SPICES, EXTRACTS, TOILET PREPARATIONS ETC. Call at residence or leave orders at Ore. Hdw. Co. Mrs, J, S, H est H e rm is to n , O re . LEAVE Pend’cton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 5:15 Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 Hermiston 9:55 1:55 5:55 Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 LEAVE Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:15 TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Leaving Pendleton 8 a. 111. and 4 p. m. Leaving Umatilla 8 a. 111. and 4 p. m. 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 We Deliver Parcels at Way Points PARKS F s n i f l s t o n t o E c h o . 81.10 I s n d l e t o n t o S t a n f i e l d , 8 1 .3 8 P e n d l e t o n t o H e r m i s t o n , 8 1 .7 8 P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , 8 2 .1 6 Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hcimiston Tear* ia Service. Oldest in Oregon Oregon’s Higher Instnuhon of TECHNOLOGY W e m ake every e ffo rt to fu rn is h firs t class Foremen, Superintendents, BECOMES SCREEN ACTOR 11 WATKINS’ LINE Farm s, Dairies, Hotels, Cam ps |NEWSPAPER REPORTER ti Complete O u r Sp ecialties WRITE.FOR PRICES AND INFORMATION it n n Pendleton and Umatilla Stage I hive the Agency for G. A. Hurley, Manager district this season. 11 ■ n il UMATILLA, OREGON 22 SCALES BEING PUT Perm anent construction, 2 NEW IN HAY 2 MILES FROM BOARDMAN F I R E , F R O S T a n d R A T : A new hay scales is being put in PROOF. G uaranteed to give | | commodate tw ' ,ks w e8t of Boardman to ac the west end shippers. It is estimated that several thousand perfect satisfaction. tons of hay will be shipped from that II I« 11 "U M ATILLA’S QUALITY STORE” ment Company * ■I d STANGEBY & GAST Pioneer Employ Time cards for the C. & M. stage line through Boardman have been received. Stage leaves for Portland 10:20 a. in. and arrives from Port land 5:50 p. ni. 1 Oregon Hotel Cafe COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES BOARDMAN NEWS B A K E R Y Eight Schools; Seventy Departments Managers or Farmers FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 Phone Rush O rd ers O u r Expense Oregon Agricultural College Pbose Bread way 2278 C O R V A L L IS lo r Hdormition write to the Regratrsr Newspaper men have become sol diers of fortune, successful business men, cabinet members and anme- 1 rotxky, for instance,-—have become rulers of great nations; but. It took Tom Gallery of Chicago, to Jump from a reporter’s desk into the first ranks of motion picture actors. Gallery, as leading man to the ec centric star, ZaSu. Pitts will be seen Sunday at the Play House. In Bright Skies,” Robertson-Cole’s latest ple- tme. Gallery went into the movies while making a tour of the California sltidioa for a Chicago newspaper. Whatever the young newspaper re porter did not know about acting for the screen. Henry Kolker, the cele brated director, taught /him. Mr. Kolker did such a good Job that one would not know unless told that Gal lery had never acted before his ap pearance with Misa Pitts. Hunger, the Best Sauce Sauce is used to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way ia to look to your digestion When you hava to o l digestion yon are certain to relish your food Chamberlain's Tablets improve the digestion. create a healthy appetite xnd cause a gentle movement of the bowels. Read Herald Want Adds; Subscribe For The Herald 14 N. Second St. Portland, Ore. T h e F ren ch R esta u ra n t ¡.T. B .V A -U G I I A N ! ■ ■ K I.W C T R IC F IX T tT R K S ■ AND APPUANCK8 Phone 138 • 2 0 3 V. C o u r t 6 t. BAKERY . .J CONFECTIONERY E le g a n tly F u rn ish ed R«wma in C e nnecttoa S T R IC T L Y F IR S T C L A S S P e n d le to n , O ro . Hohbach Bros., Proprietors P m d 'e tt n, Ore, DO IT N O W Send us the price o f a y ea r’s subscription if you are in arrears. I We Need the Money