Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1921)
-T O E H E B M IS T O N HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , OREGON. L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y S A V IN G The person who saves and banks his savings will never have to dig down into every pocket In order to pay a bill. We pay 4 per cent Interest on Time Certificates. FIRST NATIONAL BANK o f Hermiston, Oregon Don’t fall to insure that hay. u e e n E s t h e r c h a p t e r N o . 101. o. e . s .. musts second Tuesday sveninjr of each month at 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. V isitm x member* welcome. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Q FOB SALE ADDING machine rolls at the Herald office. FOR SALE- -Bartlett pears, 5 cents a pound. Henry Hanby. 48-4tc. HOUSE FOR SALE Good five room bungalow for sale FOR SALE—A few well bred heifer or will trade for light car. Albert calves. See Correll. 48-tfc. Smith, Hermiston. 47-tfc C. W. Kellogg, Secy. T. D. Worster. W. M 5 ACRES FOR SALE close in 5 acres with 4 room house. Ten acres if desired. Terms. E. P. Dodd. 49 ltc. FOR SALE— My 5 acre orchard on Hermiston avenue. F. L. Allen. 49-3tc. FOR SALE— Good work horse cheap Wm. H. Ogden. 40-tfc FOlt SALE— Aero motor windmill and steel tower, wheel 8 feet in diameter, tower 20 feet high, 1 wide wheel McCormick mower, 1 new iron wheel truck wagon, 1 8 inch vineyard .plow, 1 No. 12 De Laval separator, li ;team, of mares and harness, 1 3 horse pow er “Z” type kerosene engine, 1 Acme power chopper, or will trade for cows, weaned pigs or brood sows. W. A, Ford, Umatilla. 45- tfc. SURG EO N Office Heurs: 1U to 12; 2 te 4; 7 to 8. MISCELLANEOUS Dr. H. C. Curry Eye sight special ist of Seattle who makes regular visits to Hermiston and is known by the good optical work done will be In Hermiston soon. W’ateh for date Eyes examined and glasses fitted. 49-ltc. Owing to the fact that the Coal Mines attach sight draft to Bill of Lading making ail coal strictly cash on arrival, wc are compelled to In stall a cash with order system to our cv tt(n « is* Beginning Aug. 10th, 1921, all orders for fuel must be ac companied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. 4 8-tfc. Tum-A-Lilm Lumber Co. Physician and Surgeon FOR JOB and Cabinet work see 47-4IC. Boynton. Phone 192. WANTED TO BUY some chickens. State price per doz. and what breed. Write Mrs. Win. DeVore. box 63. Pendleton, Ore. 49-ltp WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent a house for school year, furnished preferably. Inquire at Herald office. 49-ltc SEE STANGBY & GAST, Umatilla and get your property protected. Agents for the Westchester Fire Insurance Co. 49-ltc. FOR SALE— Tricycle by 1. E Pnt- 49-ltc. man. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R LAW YER O re g o n E. L . H A L L TR A N SFER FOR RENT— Two sleeping rooms, one first Door, private entrance. Bath and all modern conveniences. Mere Men Than Women Mrs. Mumma, corner 3rd and Main Have Appendicitis 49-ltp Medical report« shown men are more subject to appendlclti« although PEAKS FOR SALE Bartietts, De Anjou. Robb Bros, or many sudden cane« occur among wom chard. 49-4tc. en. It can be guarded against by CASH Paid for second hand goods preventing Intestinal Infection. The IT-**» intestinal antiseptic, Adler-l-ka. act« Correll's Shop. BOTH upper and lower bowel, THE feeling of security Is well worth removtn all foul, decaying matter lh»w about the premium paid, that Fire Insurance? See the E. which might cause infection. It 11-tfc bring« out mater you never thought P. Dodd Agency. waa In your system and which may We have some good prospects for have been poison in you for month«. sales of land this fall. If you want Adler-l-ka la EXCELLENT for gaa on to sell new is the time to list your property. E. P. Dodd. 4|-Jje, the stomach. Mitchell Drug Co. I5 2 | I Hollis Percey, Prop. H era u ilo n , Ore. T w o Trucks MUST BE KEPT BUSY I can give you better sefvice and cheaper rates than ever'before. Will haul anything. Baled hay a specialty. 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 Hermiston Barber Shop UND ER NEW MANAGEMENT BERT • MULLINS. Pv^. A feat far D eaM stk L i o l r y Basket leave* Tuewtav. return. Saturday A «hare a t Your Patronage Solicited SH OW ER BA TH S Z a S u Pitt* in “Bright Skies », W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 24 7:30-9:15 ■ ■ ------------------------------------- ä C om in g P rincilla D e a n T he G O O D M axw ell New Maxwell Prices $1035 F o r e i t h e r r o a d s t e r o r t o u r i n g c a r s d e liv e re d a t H e r m is to n . W e have a f e w car* av a ila b le for im m ed ia te delivery Neil & Barker Co. W e W e ld Anything but A Broken H e a rt Phone 264 Hermiston, Oregon D O IT N O W H a v e t h a t w a tc h fix e d t h a t h a s b e e n o u t o f o r d e r o r n o t k e e p in g tim e . W h a t g o o d is a w a t c h t h a t d o e s n o t k e e p tim e ? Elliott’s Tire Shop .PHONE A u g u s t 21 Baptist Church Notice R. V. Ashinun minister. Sunday school 10:00. Parents are urged to bring their children. Come and tudy the life of the world’s greatest missionary and minister. There will be a new class started Sunday for married folks under 45 years of age and for young people over 20 years old. If you are not attending Sunday school else where and your age Is within these limits come out and be a charter member. Come and help,choose a teacher. Other classes will be started when a need' is apparent. B. Y. P. U. meets at 7:00 o’clock, topic “Lessons from tho book of Ruth. The young people of the com unity are cordially Invited. The Junior B. Y. P. U. will meet in a sep arate meeting from now on. The ladies Aid and their husbands are to be entertained at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Call ahan Wednesday, August 24 at 7:30 sharp. All are asked to meet at the home of Dr. Illsley’s promptly at 6:30 for transportation. Morning worship at 11:00, theme “The lordship of Jesus.” Miss Em ily Shotwell will sing. Evening worship at 8:00, theme, “The judgment.” A Christian wel come will be extended to all. Prayer services at 8:00 o’clock Thursday evening. The senior B. Y. P. U. will meet at llie church Sunday evening for lunch, supper 'at 6:00 p. m. Com mittee in charge Miss Elodra King sley, Misa Lena Ward and Grace Skinner. Following the supper there will be election of officers and dis cussion of plans for the future. The enior society will include the eighth grade and above. Leave orders at Same Old Story But a Good One Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna. Mo.. relates an experience, the like of #hlch has happened in almost every neighborhood In this country, and has been told and related by thous- inds of others, as follows: “I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years igo and it cured me of flux (dysent ery). I had another attack of the same complaint three or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy ured me. I have recommended it to dozens of people since I first used it and shall continue to do so for 1 know it is a quick and positive :ure for bowel trouble.” 20 and 40c SO LONG LETTY” TO BE AT PLAY HOUSE AND POUND S PH O N E 192 TRANSFER Sunday, ■ 1 5 -3 5 c Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over First N ational Bank OFFICE PHONE. 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 696 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK 2 0 c an d 4 0 c ■ “ Luck of Geraldine Laird” Dr. Dale Rothwell Atmospheric Action. The atmosphere of the earth acts very much In the same way as does the glass of a greenhouse—It allows the raya of the sun to pass through but Imprisons the heat Thus It Is cooler on the top of a mountain than at the sea level, because, though the mountain top la nearer the sun. the itmosphere la much less dense. ‘So Long Letty’ » «I 2 D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S Stanfield S A T U R D A Y , A U G U S T 20 Z “So Long : Letty” Phene 641 Saturday, September 10 has been announced as the date for the an nual experiment station field day. O p tom etrist an d O p tician Plans which are rapidly taking Glasses ground to fit your eyes shape will make It by far the most Interesting and Instructive event of Fifteen years experience at your service its kind yet held. Dairying and the allied crops whiqh form the basis of A m e r ic a n N at. Bank B ldg. P en d leto n , O regon the Industry will be the chlel subject discussed. Speakers who -are the best in their lines in the Northwest have E I .S .M c K E N Z I E M- D- already been selected. The serious subjects will not EYE. EAR. NOSE A N D THROAT ivershadow the entertainment fea Hi removed from his former location in the Rond Bldx. to tures, Games and sports will he ar Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bldx. ranged for the young folks and besi O R E G O N of all there will be a real feed at P E N D L E T O N noon. Party at Buhmann’s HOUSE H E R M IST O N , OREGON A l Christie9 s Six ■ Reel Comedy-Drama ■ J. A . PE F1) DAY TO BE SEPTEMBER 10 Mrs. Arnold Buhmann and Mrs. Frank Sllvcy entertained at the home >f Mrs. Buhmann Friday evening, the event being the birthday of the wo ladies. The younger set enjoy 'd dancing, while the older guests "lijoyed a few old fashioned songs. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostqpscs later in the evening. PLAY A l C h ristie’* S ix R e e l C om edy-D ram a P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S D . F. V . P R IM E Instructional Feature to be Suple mented W ith Games, Sports and Feed ■ Friday, August 19 W IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206. I. O. O. F, ’ meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N. G. FOR SALE— Llnolium, kitchen cabi R. B. SPENCER WILL BUY YOUR net, fruit jars, pump jack, bee sup fruit, eggs and poultry for cash Three trips a week. Phone 18F2 Day or night calls ai.uweied promptly plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 48tfc. 46-5tp FANCÏ GRATES beginning to ripen DR. W. W. ILLSLEY now. See Correll. 48-tfc. PRICES REDUCED FOR Office over First National Bank The Ladles Home Journal ........ 81-60 Osteopathy Medicine Surgery HOUSE FOR SALE— Good four Saturday Evening Post ............ 2.00 room house with screen porches, Country Gentleman Calls answered at all hours ..................... 1.00 good cellar for sale. Price 81300. Residence phone 711 your subscriptions through Office phone 661 Cash |500. E. P. Dodd. 4 3-ltc. II. Renew Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon Phone 312. 39-tfc FOR SALE— Good team 5-year-old DR. C. 0. WAINSCOTT mares. Price is right. See A. W. TYPEWRITER ribbons ahd carbon Physician and Surgeon Agnew. 34-tfc. paper at the Herald office. X-Ray Specialist Phones, Res. 889-J- Office 866 FOR SALE—Royal Typewriter, No. ELLIOTTS TIRE SHOP-Amerlcan 10 in first class condition 8SO.00 Akron Tires. 48-tfc Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Loud Bid’s 10-tfc Pendleton, Oregon E. L. HALL Transfer. Cali Elliott’s FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro Tire Shop, phone 192. 48-tfc. ject, 10 acrea alfalfa, all fenced r 48-tfc rabbit wire, buildings and well. CORRELL buys wax. D E N T IS T R Y Stock and furniture also for sale. TO TRADE Good young team foi Hermiston. Oregon Inquire this office. 42-tfc work this fall. Inquire E. P. Office, Bank Bldx. Dodd. 49-ltc. Office Phone, 93 Office Hour* Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m SOME Small Horses for sale cheap. Shot well Contracting Co. 32-tfc. EXPERIMENT STATION HELD FOR SALE— Small range, White sew ing machine practically new, princess dresser and a few smaller Hems. . Cull Oregon hotel. 43-tfc. U M A T IL L A , O R E G O N A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. wash bowles. and hot water tanks and fixtures. If we havent what D R . R . G. G AG E you want, we’ll get It. Repairing and installing. I. E. Putman P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g o o n Phone 763, Office—Gladys Ave. near Firs*. St. WANT ADS THEATERsTHE KJERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. i A M . 1 1 meets in Masonic Hall on First and Third Tuesday evening* of each month. Visitinx breth- VBZTKRLNARY FOR SALE— 40 acres in alfalfa, priced very reasonable. W. W. Felthouse. 38-ttc POUND’S Popuar Picture to be Shown at Uma tilla Friday and in Hermiston Saturday "So Long Letty” the Robertson- ole super-special which will shown at the Play Houtje next Saturday, is one of the snappiest comedy-dram as of the season. Al Christie, who lias attained world-wide fame as a producer and director of Comedy photo-plays, is responsible for tin licturization of “Letty” which he adapted to the screen from the Oliver Moroeco stage success of the same nc. On the legitimate stage "So Long Yetty” was received with ac- laim from coast to coast and tin amcra version is bound to jnect with the same success. Mr. Chrislie ha« utilized the cam- ra (o bring out many of the fine ituations of the play which could lot be adequately shown on the stage The story calls for a number of outdoor scenes and the territory In he vicinity of San Francisco, gave he producer Just what he needed to tieautify the picture. All of the members of the cast are eally movie stars within their own right. T. Roy Barne«, Grace Dar- iiiniiii, Colleen Moore and Walter llcrs arc Been In the four leading ides. Here is an unbeatable com bination. The «lory of "80 Long Letty” undo you many a laugh and at the same time teaches a lesson with a deep meaning. It is a tonic for the familiar domestic malcontent whose wife (or husband) always has the I wong opinion. Two couple«, recently married and living next door to each other, art having a stormy little time domesti cally. It Is the opinion of each hu« band that he ought to have the other | fellow’» wife. They consult and de- I - SA T ISF A C T IO N or you r m o n ey b ack WM. H. OGDEN JEWELER. & WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END H e r m is t o n , O re g o n U n iv e r sity o f O r eg o n C O N T A IN S The Graduate School. The College of Literature. Science and the A rts The School of Journalism The School of Architecture The School of Law. and Allied Arts. The School of Medicine. The School of Business The School of Music. Administration Thè School of Physical The School of Educating Education. The School of Sociology The Extension Division. Fall Term Opens September 26 A high standard of cultural and profeaaionsl atholarahip has hecom* o m of the outstanding marka qf tb* Stal*- U niversity For a catalogue, folders on tbe various schools or 1nr any information, write THE REGISTRAR. U N IV E R SIT Y OF O R E G O N Fufrne O re cide that relief Ilea In the direction Dalle«. Appointment« will be made by the of divorce and remarriage all around. congressman according to the grades made by the candidates taking the SINNOTT TO HOLD EXAM FOR examination, as reported to him by ANNAPOLIS AND WEST POINT the examiner of the civil service commission. The second district of Congressman Nick Sinnott will Oregon will have three vacancies at make hl« 1922 appointment« to the the Naval Academy. Any young man of the required naval academy at Annapolis and the military academy at Went Point by age who is It bona fide resident of tbe mean« of a competitive examination. Second District of Oregon la eligible Thia examination will be held for Mr. to takn the examination. Full par Sinnott by the U. 8. civil aervice ticular« regarding same may be had commisilon on October 29, 1921 In by writing to Hon. N. J. Sinnott, Baker. Bend. La Grande. Klamath room 347 House of Representative«, Falla, Ontario, Pendleton and The Washington. D,