Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
I THE HEBM18TO9 HERALD, HEHMÍ8TON. OBEGOA. K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E H ID M IIT O N • H O U «« O F Q U A L IT Y A N D •■ M V IC B of b alin g tics Monday. The ties came from P ennsylvania and w eighed 43 tons. The freigh t bill was the highest ever paid on one car of freigh t in the history of the Herm is Mrs. Paul W right o f Baker is vis ton depot. The exact am ount was itin g at the beau tifu l home of her not given but it waa not far from parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. W illhite. >1500. Mrs. W right also got to visit with her aunt Mrs. E stella P yle w ho ar Miss Ruth Hart o f Pendleton, re rived recently from Cedar V iew . ported drowned on the A laska which Utah. T hey had not m et for 20 tan k off the C alifornia coast, is dis years. Mrs. Pyle Is a sister of Mrs. tan tly related to the F. A. Phelps W illhite. fam ily here. Judge G. W . Phelps of .— . Pendleton, brother of F. A. Phelps B. M. R ogers o f H erm iston, who is a brother in law of Miss Hart. has been v isitin g In b a Grande was taken seriously ill Monday nigh t. Mrs. J. Berkeley, who has been His four sons W illiam . Lou, Roy and v isitin g Mrs. Roberta Gunn left T ues Leonard left for La Grande on the day afternoon for her home In Ken Tuesday afternoon train. tucky. A number of local women Hermiston Locals QO, * FRUIT JARS Regular Mouth Self Sealing Jars >. t . Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons Mide Mouth Self Sealing Jars (all sizes) ifiiq < ♦ Miss Mabie Stratton and Miss A n na Metz of M ichigan have been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Ch is. Kaiser. They canm overland by car and left for Spokane. We have caps and extras for all the jxòpdJajr jars in this country. ysi» / ' CUTS BUILDING COSTS TMI CALORIC REQUIRES 6UTOHE CHIMNEY — NO EXTRA C H I M N i U m a n t l e s or fixtures heedeb OHLY 6 FOOT CFILAR REQUIRED Tails and Squats 5« P E C E S_s Miss Mahle Brown entertained a few of her friends at a dinner party Tuesday evening. A fter dinner the even in g w as spent In cards and danc ing. CaloriC installations are made from blue prints prepared by CaloriC engineer« who have had years of unequalled experi ence in pipekss heating. No charge for this vitally important gereice. Send rough sketch of your floor plans torfay. ^? W *y M E R C A N T IL E C O . PH O N E D E L IV E R IE S D A IL Y O N E -S E V E N -O N E I BBBBBBBBB©■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•a a ■■■■ i C A SH CARRY i W e Handle ^ ‘Hönopole” Brand Quality Goods STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. cash GROCERY Now, before house-cleaning is the best time to put in a CaloriC. Quick installa tion in old homes or new. No plumbing nor alterations. And remember—your sa tisfa ctio n or m on ey back. Herald is now in A storia, being etn ployed as makeup man on the Morn Building is Now 60 Per Cent D one: ing A storian. Church Elects Trustees for Echo Flour Mills E ch o, O reg o n ~r—T R1PUES5 FUM ACI. TRIPLE- © T h e U .S .C o . Sunburn Time is Here Elm er Beach and fam ily have Baptist Notices R. V. Ashniun m inister. Sunday moved here from Lebanon. They are located on the Jensen ranch a school 10:00. Do not put off sta rtin g to Sunday half m ile )Ut of town. Mr. Beach': fam ily arrived last Friday m orning school, begin now and get the bene fit of all of P aul’s m issionary Journ- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Russell of P en Ies. The Young Peoples society at 7:00 dleton visited Chas. W ebber here Sunday. Mr. Russell and Mr. Web p. m. Come and bring a friend. Morning worship at 11 :0 0 o’clock, her are former fra tern ily brothers at special m usic by Mrs. Mumma. O. A. C. E vening worship at 8 :0 0 o’clock A C hristian w elcom e is extended Charles R cihl, a brother of John Reihl arrived here Monday from to all. Prayer m eeting Thursday evening Y oungstow n, Ohio, for a week's v is it a t the home of W. R. W aghorn. at 8 :0 0 o’clock. High Grade Patent B lu e S te m F lo u r IB B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B I & I m p le m e r .t C o . age engineer for the U. S. reclam a A ten pound boy was born to Mr. tion service Is in tow n this week, arrivin g here Tuesday night. He and Mis. R. V. Jones o f Irrigon A ugust 4. is to be here tw o or three days. MANUFACTURERS OF 413 O regon H ard w are Mrs. Frank Stone is now employed The Misses Lois and Gertrude Os born of Portland visited th is week as stenographer for the Oregon Co w ith their sisters Mrs. O. C. Pierce operative Hay Growers. and Mrs. Chas. W ilson. They left Dr. R. G. Gale left for Pendleton W ednesday morning. Fhursday noon, being called there on J. L. Burkholder of Denver, drain a su rg ic a l case. Mrs. Cathryn D urfrey made a trip MPS. ELIZABETH GOODE io A rlington Friday. Saturday she DIES WEDNESDAY FORENOON came back and w ent on io Pendleton, returning here Sunday evening. Mrs. E lizabeth Goode died at the home of her son Ray C. Goode in the Fred H. H inshaw , d istrict engineer Columbia d istrict W ednesday morn- of the U. S. geologic survey was in ng at 11. town Tuesday. He looked over tin? P aralysis of the brain w ith hemo- U m atilla w ater supply situ ation . rldge of the brain were given as the cause of death. She had been sick Miss Onida H endricks of Irrigon about three days. was a guest from Saturday to Mon Mrs. Goode w as 64 years old. day at the home of Miss E ffie and Ivy Goodwin in Herm iston. Phone You can laugh in the face of the sun if your skin is protected with NYAL FACE CREAM W ITH PEROXIDE The Quality Cosmetic The Wise Woman's Beauty Ally Apply Nyal Face Cream before going out, and you are safe from the blistering and burning of sun or wind. If you neglect the precaution, apply Nyal Face Cream when you get home; it is remedial as well as preventive. Unexcelled as a Beautifier. Classy-fles Any Complexion MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY R E. Mitchell, Prescription Druggist Dealers in Eastman Kodak, and Film ., Columbia Grafonola., Edison Phonographs H ER M ISTO N . OREGON METHODIST CHURCH MAY BE FINISHED WITHIN 3 MONTHS M. C. A they, former editor of The Get Your Loose Wheels the Coming Year The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED SPECIALS! 1 Grass Racket, was 113.95, Special 1 100 pound capacity R efrigerator, wan *64.35, Special 1 VacMotle Vacuum Sweeper, w as >28.15, Special 1 iJVwd ¡Quality was >4.25, Special a llly Hammock, Ha ............................. .laX i.U tt'xtyear l ubes. R egularly Is >2.23. Special We find these stie s overstocked. Oil Stove« 10 per cent off, w hile present stock lastB. SAPPERS’ INC. • e* The House That Does Things First F U R N IT U R E Tight -A T - Tw o doors ra»t Ore. H«lwe Co. FLOYD KNERR Two door» east Ore. Hdwe. Co. GASO LIN E CENTS Echo was here w ith his w ife and tw o FIRST OREGON MADE MOTION daughters Tuesday. Rev. F. E. F aucet! of the Stanfield com m unity church w as a Herm iston visitor W ednesday. 1 Giwrdl^ualipi was >5.00, Special IlEy Hammock, Hai HARDW ARE J. M. Sm ith left Friday for P ort land. He w ill make a fish in g trip Rev. H. F. Pem berton of The D al into cen tral Oregon w ith Mr. and les, superintendent of The D alles d is Mrs. Leadar. trict of the Methodist church preach Cecil Osborn o f Culver, who has ed Sunday m orning in the base been spending the summer w iilt ment of the new church, w hich has Chas. W ilson and fam ily left W ednes been fitted up as an assem bly room. It is announced that the new >15.- day m orning. 000 church building is now 60 per The hotel colum n of the Portland cent com plete as far as money e x Journal reports R. B osw ell of Her penditure is concerned, though th is m iston as being in that city on bus represents some m aterials which have been bought but not yet put In iness. the building. It Is hoped that the chureh may be Rev, R. V. Ashmun returned th is m orning from the Baptist state con com pleted w ith in three m onths. Rev. F. R. Jackson Is in charge o f the c o n vention at Columbia City. stru ction . The church tru stees for the com Mrs. E. R. Crocker went to P en dleton Tuesday and w ill probably in g year. Just elected are: J. A. Scott, E. T. H angeburg. W. A. Leath be gone tw o or three days. rrs. A. C. V oelker, F. P. Phipps and F. W. Meadows who lives near G. C. Patterson. CENTS PICTURE IS COMING HERE 1 Good q u a lity Ham mock, w as >4.75. Special 1 Fleet 0 c Fan. w as >7.25, Special has a proven record of saving Vf 4» Vf 4he fu« lover old systems. H eatsallthe rooms in buildings of 18 rooms or less, through one register. An unequalled success in homes in every state. Many in this community. The money-bark guarantee of the manu facturers, The Monitor Stove Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, and over 125,000 satis fied users, protect you and back up your judgement in buying a CaloriC. stopped over Saturday night w ith Ira H artzell of Condon w as in H er Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. E lliott. They are on their w ay to A shland where miston W ednesday. H e w as on his way to Pendleton. they w ill visit a daughter. TW O inyour HEW HOME Put a heating system in your new home that will be an investment—that will pay dividends in comfort and convenience— that will positively pay its own cost in the saving of fuel. The famous patented K enneth B. H all, an O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. K in gsley re turned Tuesday m orning from P ort graduate of this year is here (or a land. W hile there they took in few days. He is connected w ith the buyers* week and made a trip to telephone company. A storia and Seaside. W hile there Frank Stone is in a h ospital at they m et M. C. A they. W alla W alla for an operation. He Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Vciruz of Baker left u eie Tuesday m orning. Jelly Glasses K IN G S L E Y SUMMER CALORIC HEAT were at the depot to see her off. Economy Jars —— —— PUT PERPETUAL IM PLEM ENTS Saturday, August 13 at the Play House w ill he show n “T he Golden Trail'* featu rin g Jane Novak. This Miss E ffie Goodwin spent Monday feature story of A laska Is known as v isitin g w ith friends In Irrigon. the first Oregon made picture. It was made by a Portland concern in Mr. and Mrs. Glasgow were In and around Portland. town from Irrigon W ednesday. W. A. Ford of U m atilla w as In Herm iston W ednesday. PER GALLON Hot Weather Diseases Disorders o f the bow els are e x trem ely dangerous, particularly dur F. A. Chestk returned from P ort ing th e h 8t w eather o f the summer m onths, and In order to protect land Tuesday m orning. you rself and fam ily again st a sud- den attack , get a h ottie of Chamber- la s ite Chaney o f Irrigon w as In Iain's Colic and D iarrhoea Remedy. town Tuesday. It can be depended upon. Matey Sappers' Inc. received a car load have testified to lta excellen ce.. t ; ' j Hermiston Auto Co.