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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1921)
THE H E R M IS T O N HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N . L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y Haly There!! You can insuse $100.00 worth of hay for one year a t a cost of $3.00. If the insurance is needed for only a few weeks or a few months you pay only for the time it is in force. The Story of O ur S tates E sther chapter N o . uh . o . e . s .. Q ueen nitwu M«ond Tuendsy evw>ina of m eh month at 800 .harp in M uonic hall. V isiting nwinber. welcome Sue D DubUr. W. M. K a th r y n L . G arn er. ?ec. UERM 1STON LODGE NO. 138. ” meet» in Masonic Hall on Tuesday evenings of each month. c T d T k d t o a x . Secy. T. D. A. P A A First and Third V isiting breth- W or.ter. W. M XXXIX.— DAKOTAS o f Hermiston. Oregon J, A . P E E D South Da N kota formed the northern section of the L o u is ia n a Purchase by the acquisi tion of vulich from France the United States nearly doubled Its size. The Dakotas were the last states which were made up whol ly from this purchase, to be come a part of the Union. Short ly after Its acquisition, the I^w- is and Clark expedition was sent out to explore it and they spent their first winter In 1804 near Mandan. The British hud many fur posts In this region, and as they considered It part of Brit ish territory, they built a fort In 1810 near Pembina. British rights, however, were withdrawn In the Treaty of 1818, which es tablished the formal boundary between the United States and Canada. HE Sioux In d ia n s, who bad been very • hostile toward white invasion final ly ceded • p o r t i o n of their lund to the government In 1851. This was opened up to settlement and thus Immigration was started in this part of the country. In 1854 the section west of the Missouri river be came a part of Nebraska terri tory, while the portion to the East was attached to Minnesota. However, In 1861, the separate Territory of Dakota was organ ized. Population did not Increase rapidly, until 1866, due to the warlike demonstrations of the Indians. It is from these Indians that the name Dakota comes. But It was not until 1880 that the Dakota territory was divided and formed Into two stntes. To avoid any feeling of jealousy as to which was made a state first,, the two bills were signed by President Harrison after they had been shuffled up and were then re-shuffled so It is not known which was signed first. Their areas are about the same. North Dakota containing 70,837 square miles, while South Da kota has 77,610 square miles. The population is also about equal and each Is entitled to five presidential electors. V E T E R IN A R Y SU K O K O N House Phone 21 Hermiston. Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE FOR SALE— New 6-fopt hay stings, never used. A bargain. A. P. Ayers, Boardman, Oregon. 44-ltc. FOR SALE— Dodge car, run 5000 miles. Price $600. R. G. Banks, Route 1, Box 17. 44-3tp. FOR SALE— Yellow transparent ap ples. Green and w*nd falls now. Ripe apples in two weeks. M D. Scroggs. 43-tfc. FOR SALE)—Linoleum, dressers, kitchen cabinet, tent and folding cot, forks, shovels, pump jack, fruit jars, work harness, etc. Cot- rells Shop. 42-tfc. FOR SALE— Good team 5-year-old mares. Price is right. See A. W. Agnew. 34-tfc. F(OR SALE— Aeromoter Wind Mill and steel tower, wheel 8 ft. In di ameter, tower 20 ft. high. W. A. Ford, Umatilla. 24-tfc FOR SALE— 3 U in. Webber wagon with hay rack on. Good as new. O. O. Felthouse. 26-tfc FOR SALE!— 15 h. p. Alamo engine; Ford delivery body. See Harry Kelley. 61-tfc FOR SALE!—«Royal Typewriter, No. 10 in first class condition $50.00 10-tfc FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced rabbit wire, buildings and well. Stock and furniture also for sale. Inquire this office. 42-tfc y HAVING Purchased the Bennett place together with equipment, I have the following property for sale: 1 wide wheel McCormick mower; one new iron wheel truck; one 8 inch vineyard plow; one DeLaval Separator; one team mares; 1 set double work harness; one 3 h. p. “Z” type kerosine on- gine, one power chopper No. 19 W. A. Ford, .Umatilla, Ore. 25-tfc. SOME Small Horses for sale cheap. Shotwell Contracting Ço. 32-tfc. FOR SALE— 40 acres In alfalfa, priced very reasonable. W. W. Felthouse. 38-ttc FOR SALE—About 15 weaned pigs. Ed. Haugeberg. 43-2tp. FOR SALE—Small range. White sew ing machine practically new, princess dres.icr and a few smaller -item s. Call Oregon hotel. 43-tfc. FOR SALE—Gonfi family milch cow. C. V. Wilson. 43-tfc. FOR SALE—Four small Duroc-Jersey pigs. C. H. Miller. 43-tfc. FOR SALE—Good work hoi se cheap. Wm. H. Ogden. 40-tfc. In the County Court of the State of 1 )6 . R . G. G AG E Oregon for Umatilla County. In P h y s ic ia n a n d lu r g a o n the matter of the Estate of Ma. urice A. Schram, deceased. Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. Notice is hereby given the the un Hours: dersigned has been >appointed ad Office 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 641 ministrator of the estate of Maurice A. Schram, deceased, and has quali fied as the law directs. All persons DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS having claims against said estate are Phy ax mb and Surgeon required to present, the same to me E yes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted with proper vouchers, at the office Office over First Nation *1 Bank of W. J. Warner, my attorney In OFFICE PHONE, 92 Hermiston. Oregon within six months R E SD E N C E PHONE. 586 from the date hereof. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:80 p. m. Dated this 7th day of July. 1921. Day or night cells atisweied promptly James H. Schram. 43-5tc. Administrator. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Medicine Surgery We have a market for a few car Osteopathy loads of No. 1 alfalfa, for immediate Calls answered at all hours shipment. We do not guarantee any Office phone 551 Residence phone 711 deflnate price, or advance any money, but will pay you all the money re DR. C. 0. WAINSCOTT ceived less our commission of 50c per ton local scale weights. All hay go Physician and Surgeon ing to Portland Is subject to State X-Ray Specialist weights and grades, and when it Phones, Res. 889-J—Office 866 grades No. 1 the top Portland price in most cases is received. W. A. Office Rooms/ 15-16-17 Bond Bld’g. Leathers. 44-tfc. Pendleton, Oregon NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXECUTION Dr. Dale Rothwell « $ . • • • • • .•**•- *«ee«ee« TR A N SFER The Story of O ur S tates Elliott’s Tire Shop By JONATHAN BRACE ■J. L .V A U G IIA N S ■ E L E C T R IC F IX T U R E S ■ ■ A N O A P P L IA N C E S J, J Phone 139 2 0 3 V. C o u r t 3 t . g F e n d lo to n , O ra . IB B B B B B B B B B B B B aB B B B B Two Trucks MUST BE KEPT BUSY 1 can give you better service and cheaper rates than ever before. Will haul anything. Baled hay a specialty. . 0 .0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 Hermiston Barber Shop UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BUT MULLINS, Pnp. Agent ter Desseitic Laeedry Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office B s .k e t leave* T u e w ta r. re tu rn * S a le n t e , HE men- 11 o n of Montana his tory Immedi ately brings to mind the Custer Mas sacre as ono of the most dramatic Incidents In Indian warfare. It occurred in 1876, the Centennial year, when special emphasis was be ing laid on the cause of peace throughout the world. The Sioux Indiuns had been driven into Montana by the gold miners, and the United States govern ment took Rteps to force them back Into their reservations. Gen eral Custer, with less than 300 men, set out to round up the tribes which were on the war- put^, and at the Little Bighorn river, was ambushed by Sitting Bull and 3,000 warriors. Custer and all Ills troopers were killed. 8oon after this massacre the In dians were defeated and many of them fled to Canada. Gold was discovered In Mon tana as early as 1852 by the balf- breed Francois Finlay near Hell Gate river. This, however, cre ated little stir and It wasn't un til five years later when John Silvertborn discovered gold In quuntlUes, that mining settle ments sprang up In the moun tains. This region had been part of Nebraska territory, which In 1863 was subdivided and became a portion of Idaho territory. The next year It was organized as the separate Territory of Mon tana. Virginia City was the capital and here In 1865 was Issued the Montana Post, the first newspa per of the state. In 1874 the capital was changed to Helena and ten years later a state con stitution was adopted. The state waa not taken Into the Union, however, until 1888. Montana mines from the Span ish adjective meaning "moun tainous." Its sres Is 146.886 square miles, making It the third largest sta'e of the Unlqn. ( 0 by H e c ta re N e w .p e .e r S y n d ic a te ) A .hare a f Year Patnm aee Sallettarl SH O W E R B A T H S AU Star Cast in “ The Ladder o f Lies" All Star Cast in ‘‘The Ladder of Lies” Cotjedyi—“Sweetheart Days" SUNDAY, JULY 17TH Rex Beache's Famous Story H r Going Some t t Comedy— "Her Circus Man" 15-35c 7:30-9:15 WEDNESDAY, JLUY 20TH BIG SPECIAL PROGRAM Tom Chaney in Comedy “The Empty Gun” “Sweetheart Days” Star of “Outside the Law" The Last of Eddie Polo in “King of the Circus Comedy— “When Eve F ell” C. F. Hurst — Robert Service Recitations A. W. Adamson in Character Songs 35c 15c A Good Show Every Friday 8:00 P. M. 20-40c 7:30-01:15 EQUIPMENT- Plus Mechanical Skill That’s the combination that gives satisfaction. A car penter can’t do good work without good tools, neither can a garage. We have the equipment, plus mechanical skill, and our work isthe best advertisement we have. T B B aB B B B B B B B B B B B B aB B J J SATURDAY., JULY 18TH 20 Per Cent Reduction in Tires XL.— MONTANA 1 YELLOW Transparent Apples are ripe. Culs 50c per box. Choice. $1 per box. M D. Scroggs. 4 4 -ltp . 442tp. (© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) T. L . h a l l THE feeling of secnHJy Is well worth What Cause* Gaa the premium paid. How about On the Stomach that Fire Insurance? See the E. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc It is caused by fermenting, sour waste matter In the Intestines. This A complete stock of-bath tube, toilets, old. foul matter should be thorough wash bow lea, and hot water tanks and fixtures. If we havent what ly cleaned out with simple buckthorn you want, we'll get it. Repairing bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad- and Installing. I. E. Putman. ler-l-ka. Thia acts on BOTH upper Phone 763. and lower bowel, removing old ac cumulated matter you never thought PRICES REDUCED FOR was in your system. Adler-l-ka re The Ladies Home Journal ........$1.50 lieves ANY CASE gas on the stomach Saturday Evening Post ............ 2.00 EXCELLEN f for sour stomach and Renew your subscriptions through H. Pelmuider, Hermiston, Oregon. chronic constipation. Guards against Phone 312. 39-tfc ’appendicit's. Mitchell Drug Co. Pd Adv. good cows 99 young four lb' : to farrow D r . F . V . P R I M E Notice is hereby given that by vir D E N T IS T R Y tue of an execution issued out of the Hermiston. Oregon Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, and to me direct Office. Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours ed and delivered, upon the judgment Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. and decree rendered and entered in said Court of the 27th day of June 1921 in favor of F. B. Swayze and J. D . Z U R C H E R W. H. Simpson, as Receivers of the Western Land & Irrigation Company, LAW YER as Plaintiffs and against C. E. Rice as Defendant, for the sum of $90.00 Stanfield - • Oregon with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from June 1st. 1920, and for $12.75 costs and disbursements, which said decree, Judgment and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled in the office Optometrist and Optician of the Clerk of said Court; and whereas by said judgement, decree ground to fit your eyet and order of sale It was directed that the followin described real pro Fifteen year, experience at your service perty in Umatilla County, Oregon, to- American Nat. Bank Bldg. wit: The North half of the South half Pendleton, Oregon of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, in Township 4 North of Range 28, E ., W. M. together with the water right of 10 miners’ inches of water ap purtenant thereto as specified in the contract entered into between the Western Land & Irrigation Company and C. E. Rice on the 15th day of PHONE 192 December, 1911, be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, Leave orders at to satisfy said judgement and all costs; I will on the Ibt day of August, A. D. 1921, at the hour of 11 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House, In Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon sell the right, title and interest the said C. E. Rice had In and to the HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK above described property on the 15t!i day of December A. D. 1911 or since TRANSFER g then ha3 acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, he proceeds to be applied in satisfaction of said execution and R H O N E 152 all costs. Dated this 27th day of June, A. D. 1921. ZOETH HOUSER. Sheriff. Hollis Percey, Prop. 42-5tc. By E. F. B. Ridgway, Deputy • "Henei.ton, Orc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION FOR SALE— Used four frame honey of the Interior, U. S. extractor in good condition. Al Department Land Office at Lagrande, Oregon. so comb honey suppers ready to June 15. 1921. use. Will take honey In trade. J. Notice is hereby given that Effie Skovbo. 44-3tc. E. Bullack, of Umatilla, Oregon, who, on June 14, 1916, made Reclamation Homestead Entry. No. 016026, for SEM. being Unit "A” of Section 22, MISCELLANEOUS Township 5 North, Range '27 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed no Elliott's Tire Shop. tice of intention to make three-year Pyoof, to establish claim to the land CASH Paid for second hand goods. above described, before United States Correll's Shop. 17-tfc Commissioner, at Hermiston. Oregon, the 26th day of July, 1921. T. L. Hall, transfer. Call Elliott’s on Claimant names as witnesses: Tire shop, phone 192. 19-tfc Peter McNab, Sylvan T. Carroll. Eugene Dexter. Perry Pike, all of Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and Umatilla. Oregon. C. S. Dunn, ranges bought, sold, exchanged or Register. repaired. Correll's shop. 7-tfc _ FOR SALE or trade in on 6 -turkey hen«, about turkeys wei-hlnc up to also one brood sow due July 29. C. J. Vollva. T Office over First National Bank HAY GROWERS HERMISTON. OREGON Friday, July 15 orth and V IN E Y A R D lodge NO. 8p6, 1. o. O. F, * meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Viaiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Sec. G. H. Myem. N. G. PROFESSIONAL CARDS UMATILLA. OREGON By JONATHAN BRACE ll FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pound’s Theater The P lay House + ••••e , e * i ribbons and carbon paper at the Herald office. TYPEW RITER Neil & Barker Co. We Weld Anything but A Broken Heart Phone 264 Hermiston, Oregon Get Your Loóse Wheels Tight AT- FLOYD KNERR Two doom east Oro. Hdw* Co. T wo doom »Ml Or*. Hdwe. Co. W hen you bake a pie 5M4 do you *v*r atop to e »o»id*r that for the tarn* money and no work at all you can buy a hi«h a rad« pie from us? When you bake a cake it costa you as much aa you would pay uy ta bake it for you- and we guarantee that our cake will please your moat faatidlouR guest. When you bake bread aome of that bread will'be’old before you can poeaibiy uee It up. You’iort our bread fresh every day and you pay no more. C I T Y B A K IC K Y Oregon Hotel Cafe A BETTER PLACE TO EAT Breakfast and Dinner a la carte Under the management of M R S. M IL L IE D E C K , P ro p .