Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1921)
I Wntttstott Wralh Section 2 VOL. XV HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921 | LEAVE YOUR LAUNDRY I J : A t Bert M u llin '* Barber Shop # I j Basket Leaves Tuesday Afternoon a * Gets Back Saturday - A. L. Larson, one of the leading farmers of the Messner district was in Irrigon on personal business Wed nesday and at the same time boost ing for the North Morrow county Fair. Mr. Larson believes killing two birds with every shot. ■ i i : DOMESTIC LAUNDRY i O. H. Warner, hoteiman and chauf fer of the Boardman quick delivery stopped in Irrigon Thursday on busi ness matters and picked up some fruit for his hotel. s C. W. Doering and wife of Messner motored up Thursday and picked up fruits at the Seaman and Warner places. Pendleton, Oregon s Saturday evening and before he got through putting it out, counted five dead rabbltB and next morning a to tal of 43 in 12 hours, Monday morn ¡ng or the second day, 16 more dead ones from this % ounce of poison and the sticks are still on the Job getting the rabbits. This expari incut was made where alfalfa fields surrounds it on all sides. Various vegetables outside of potatoes have been tried but no success so far has been reported and while the potato deal, in most cases has proven very successful, this gravy on sticks has beat all winter poisoning records and should be adopted far and near by all I he farmers. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES BPBCIAL- CO RRBSPO NDBNCB Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Investments Land and City Property : Bought. Sold. Rented, Exchang ed and Improved. Insurance- strong American companies insuring against fire. The best Western companies. Correct rate«. Experienced business attention as- surred. Loans^- Agency for Union Savings & Loan Association of Portland. Investment. Excellent rate of Interest on money, protected"by State deposit of securities. Loans on improved city proper ty. Can let you have money to build. Investments: If you want to buy, advise with us as to safe investment. We know values, soils, water rights and possibilities of success. Can direct you right. We hold state license- to do business and are under bond for honest dealing. Whatever we re present we will stand by. E. P. DODD Herm iston, O regon I h ive the Agency for VtKWONS' LEAVE Umatilla Hermiston Stanfield Echo - Into Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 8:20 12:20 4:20 8:45 12:45 4:45 9:00 1:00 5:00 10:15 2:15 6:15 TWO TRIPS SUH LAY Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 We Deliver Parcels at Way Points of SPICES, EXTRACTS, TOILET PREPARATIONS ETC. Call a t residence or leave orders a t Ore. Hdw. Co. W est H erm it to n . O re. Adding machine rolls of paper for sale at the Herald pffic*. Ns. 9281. Reserve Diet. Ns. 12 RETORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Hermiston, in the State of Oreeon. a t the close o f bunines*. J u m 30, 1921. RESOURCES Loans end discounts 31833»» 00 Deduct notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank (other then hank acceptances sold) ..... 16.306.00 160.900.00 Overdrafts, secured ........... 0..... Unsecured ,.. ._ 604.60 406.06 U. S. londe to secure circulation (par value) ..... ....... ......... — 6.280.'*) AU other U . S. eov. sararttms »«.<««.71 44.662.71 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 3S.I67.34 Hankie« house ..... — --------- ---- — 0.000.(10 Furniture and fixtures .............................. 2.127 27 C sh in vault and amount due from N at ional hanks _ ................................ 7.636.»« La erf u I reserve with Federal Reserve hank . .......... 17.016.13 Total item 0. 10. IL 12. and 13 . 7.636.00 Cheeks on banks located eutside of cltv or town of report in« bank end other cash i t e m s .......... ........................ 1.446.41 Redemption fund srith U. S. Ji 311.60 I U. 8. Treasurer Total LIABILITIES 36,000.00 For the benefit of those who have not signed up their donation to fi nance the North Morrow County Fair the writer wishes to call their at tention to the subscription list which is on the counter at Wadsworth’s store. Do what-you can as this Is the only means of making a sucess of the fair and we sure will realize much more out of It than we pay in At a meeting of the dairymen last Saturday night at Stanfield it was learned that the “Mellowest" cheese which is manufactured by the league in Portland actually scores from three to five points higher than the famous Tillamook cheese. It is the belief of F. A. Baker a member of the Board of Directors which met recent ly In Portland, that the Stanfield creantejy will in the near future be making Into butter all the cream handled by that plant supplied by dairymen, a good portion of which is gathered throughout the Columbia district. A new manager taking the place of Albert S. Hall who resigned is to be elected soon. A potltlon Is being circulated In he interest of a highway being built from the diagonal road to the Cold Springs. Holdman has one upon which work has been recently bc- ?un. This road if hut through will ,-ive easy access to Cold Springs on PAM * the Columbia or Into the wheat P e n d l e t o n t o I c h o . *1.10 country direct from Hermiston giv P e n d l e t o n t o B t o n t t e ld , • ! .* ■ P e n d l e t o n t o H e r m le t o n , *1.75 ng the already thriving little town P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , * 3 .1* i larger territory for business. It Mr. and Mrs. Wisdom and son s hoped that the County Court will Bishop returned from the mountains Station at Hotel Oregon and <ee fit to connect the two roads in Saturday and report feeling much he near future. Hotel Hermiston better and of having had a pleasant trip. t They went up in the Canyon Mrs. E. Reynolds a former resi- City country and fished in various lent of this locality and who is now streams. ivl»g on the Stanfield project left Sunday morning for Vancouver to For the benefit of fruit seekers >e absent a few weeks visiting old coming from other districts by auto riends and relatives. Our finishing department through would offer the following list and In formation: Apricots, N. Seaman up-to-date methods, equipment and Mrs. Owen F. Jones and son Norris ranch all sold, J. W. Warner neai nade a trip by auto the Fourth from expert handling can help you get Bailey, ail probably sold or rather ’endleton1 to visit old friends here the kind of pictures you want. spoken for but quite a lot on trees at eturning the same day. Norris is To use a slang expression: his writing. Dewberries and rasp “We're there at the finish.” mptoyed near Pendleton on the berries all gone or sold. Early ap ighway for the Bummer. Mrs. Jones ples now In abundance at Mrs. Wat i leaving soon for Chicago where kins ranch two miles west and 1-4 he has accepted the position of Ma AND FOR DEVELOPING ANU mile south. Dobles fruit farm. con of the Moose home for children PRINTING Glasgows and Grims may have a few near the city. Norris will attend Film Price Prie« For Kodak of Print ilso. Cucumbers now at Seaman's, nedlcal school there this year. No Film E»rh Dobie’s and Riek's. Watermelons 127 Vest Pocket .25 .03 may be had if the weather keeps 117 No. 1 Brownie .25 .03 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Spencer warm about the 25th from nearly all pent the Fourth at Hidaway Springs 120 No. 2 Brownie .25 .04 the ranches. Cantaloupes and musk- emaining a few days. On the re- 116 2 A Brownie - .30 .05 melons will be about the first oi 116 2 A Brownie trn trip Mrs. Spencer s'topped off at August. or 1 A Kodak - .30 .05 ’cndleton where she had dental U 8 | No. 3 Kodak or reatment returning home the last of 1 Brownie Kodak And the rabbits, we are giving he week.1 .45 .05 them the very devel. The potato 130,2 C Kodak .45 .05 122,3 A Kodak deal outlined in last weeks issue, has Geo. Beddow accompanied by his 1 post card siate proven to be quite a success but F. C on George and Willis Watson spent .55 • 0 0 Frederickson reports still a beltei few days recently on business and Developing Films way. Cljas. H. Steward also reports pleasure In the mountains In the Roll of 8 .......... 10c on same. The formala Is made as outhern part of the county near Roll of 1 2 ....................................... 15c follows: Take 1 quart of flour, ’<> urdane. Film P a c k s .....................................25c ounce strychnine, % cup sugar, % cup salt. First mix dry, damp enough MITCHELL DRUG CO. A baby girl was born to Mr. and to get all lumps out Into dough like, Mrs. Chas. Spencer June 21st. The H erm iston , O r e g o n then thin to consistency of thick ittle lady was named Wanda Irene. gravy. This probably will make Peter Norquist has recently pur- READ THE HEROLD WANT ADDS about 3 or 4 quarts liquid which hased a car of the Overland make. should be made up in container like Surplua fund ................. 10,000.00 The Neighborhood club of Colum gallon oil can cut in two with a Undivided profits ... ............ .... lb.000.00 bia had a lawn social meeting Wed- handle made so as to permit handl Less current expense, interest and esday of this week at Henry Som taxes ....... ......... ............. None 10.1*0 00 ing the container without getting «¿30.00 hands into the mixture. Take cedar merer’«. After the regular business Ç lrrulstlns notes o u t.tendine Certified rhecks outstanding ...._ ljn thingies split to about 1 to 2 inches period a unique contest was arranged 100.86 Cashier's checks outstanding.................. wide or take and make cedar stakes n the naming of certain trees, flow- Total o f items 31. 32.23. 24 and 28 1 ¿06.06 2 or 14 inches long, sharpen one rs and shrubs which had been pre- Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject ta check 164.660.61 end and leave the other end blunt iously marked by Mrs. Sommerer Certificatesof deposit due In leas than 30 or thicker and wider. Place the big nd which took the guests strolling days (o'her than for maaer borrowed) 16.300.73 end down into the gravy and carry bout the spacious grounds and lawn Total demand deposits .. 100.996.34 Time Deposits: your container out where the poi furnishing very profitable amuse Certificates of deposits (other than for son Is desired to be placed. A pair ment regarding the various shrub money borrowed) _ .................- ...... 31.767.66 of pliers or some other method of bery, flowers and trees there. Mes Tel el e f lima depaeMa ...... _ 34.7W7 .66 Bills payable with federal reset se beak 30.000 on aklng hold of the sticks should be dames Bloom, Beddow and Fisher on beautiful hoquets as head prlzea Total ______________ _________ S2M.839.96 found other than handling same with hare hands and (he sticks stuck up hile the booby prize fell to Mesdam State o f O ies'ti Coonty of Umatilla I *• broadways across runways and other es Fisher, Barnard and Beddow the I. 8. C Lorhria. reshier e f the shove named hank, do solemnly swear that the shove statesaent places where the rabbits «re In habit serving of refreshments which con is true ta the beet e f a t kaewiad«e end belief. of passing. The oil can If used, sisted of delicious cake and Ices be S. C. LOCHRIK. Cashier should be thoroughly cleaned of the ing «signed to those ladies. A very Suhecrihad sad sworn So before ate thia 8th day oil smell as this may be offensive to pleasant afternoon was p a s s e d . In s f Jaly. 1121. W. J Warner. Notary public the rabbit and kill the smell of the stead of the next regular meeting My i mmiesum expiree J sa . IX 1923 salt and sugar. Other wood beside« the club invites the families of its cedar may work but our experience members to a picnic basket supper Cermet—A ttest: F. B. 8WAYZE. on cedar has proven most successful. on the Sommerer lawn at 7 o'clock R ALEXANDRA. Mr. C. H. Steward took out one lot August 3rd. Ice cream wiJJ he Serv CHAS. * . OPEL made from H ounce atryehnln« last ed by the committee. Bring in Your Films r LINE Capital! LEAVE Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:16 1:15 5:16 Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 Hermiston 9:55 1:55 5:55 Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 Prices for Films Complete Mrs. J. S. Pendleton and Umatilla Stage Mesdames H. C. Wolfe, C. E. Gias gow and F. C. Frederickson drove to Boardman Wednesday as a committee from this district in the interest of the North Morrow County Fair. They made arrangements for anothe meeting with the Boardman commit tee in the lear future. W. M. Jacobson of Patterson Wash, ferried over with his auto to bring Mrs. Jacobson and daughter to Irrigon Btation last Thursday. Mr. Jacobson says considerable business is bound to pass through this station on account of the ferry service and Mr. Seaman already reports a number of such cases. No. 44 MINNEHAHA NEWS NOTES Mrs. Dunning of Hermiston was visiting her ‘daughter Mrs. W. H. Troutman this week. Mr. J. E. Hammer lost his barn harness, wagon and load of hay by fire early Friday morning from au unknown cause. Mr. and Mrs. C, L, Jackson enter tained at dinner Wednesday evening for their friend Miss Larned of Og den, Utah. The guests (were, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jackson, Miss Mc Pherson and Billy and Mr. Hurold Dean. BOARDMAN RESIDENT TELLS PORTLANDERS OF ALFALFA “There will be only three crops of alfalfa this year and there were only three crops last year, and the reason is that there has not been enough warm weather," declares Colonel Em mett Callahan of Boardman. Or., who Is at the Hotel Portland, having at tended the officers’ training camp at Camp Lewis. The colonel is raising alfalfa and potatoes on hiB farm and sighs as he says that there Is no mar ket. The price for alfalfa hasn’t been fixed yet and as for spuds, everyone, apparently, is growing them. “Al falfa,” elucidated the colonel, "Is the greatest forage i^ant In the world. The earliest record of it is when the horses of the Roman legions began eating it somewhere In Asia. It was not cultivated in those days, but later It was introduced into Africa and the Spaniards introduced it Into South America. A banker friend of mine told me that when he was checking over a manifest of a vessel which ar rived in Portland last, year he found 43,000 sacks of alfalfa seed,' which had been shipped from Turkey and was destined for somewhere In Minnesota or Michigan. If the Turku could export that amount of alfalfa seed In one vessel, they must be doing something else than make war.”— Portland Oregonian. THE LADDER OF LIFE THE VITAL THEME OF “THE LADDER OF LIES” Ethel Clayton’s Latest Starring Vehicle Has Powerful and Lofty Appeal Have yon ever climbed a ladder that rested in soft earth or on an unsteady foundation and felt it sway under you as you climbed up- ard? This same Illustration can be ap- plied to the ladder of life. Before people start climbing upward to hap piness or prosperity, or any other de sirable state, they should first be cer tain that the ladder rest on a firm foundation, which will not give way and cause it to tall when they have nearly reached the top. This, briefly, is the theme of Ethel Clayton’s 'new Paramount Artcraft starring vehicle, “The Ladder of Lies” which will be shown at the Play House next Saturday. Jiily 16. In this production. Miss Clayton is seen as Edith Parrish, a young illus trator, who seeks to prevent Peter Gordon, from climbing a ladder of happiness which is founded on the deceit and lies of the woman he has married. But the husband believes she Is innocent and suspects, instead, the girl who is trying to help him. The story is filled with interesting and moral force, and culminates in a delightful and happy romance. Miss Clayton is supported by an excellent cast of players, which Includes Clyde Fillmore, Jane Acker, Irving Cum- , mings, Richard Sterling and Ruth Ashby, Tom Forman directed and William Marshall was photographer. That Atlantic City mlxup can hardly he called a prize fight, after all. Payment was guaranteed ip advance. It isn’t the best of policy to take all you can get. You may get more than you want (o take. T h irst F ata l In a Week. The average man w ill die for w ant ■I a ir In flve minute«, for want o f vgter In a week, for wuM of sleep In rtflVM RECEIVER'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the United Slates District Court for the District of Oregon haH ordered that notice be given requiring ail credit ors having clsiins against (he West ern Land & Irrigation Company io nreuent the same to F. B. Swayat- and W. II. Simpson, receivers for said company heretofore appointed by the above entitled court In a suit where in The Central Trust Company et. ul are complainants and the Western Land A Irrigation Company et ala are respondents, for approval and al- k wance on or before the 15th day of August, 1921. Notice is therefore given io nil creditors and other persons having claims against the Westorn Land & Irrigation Company to present the same to the undersigned Receivers at the First National Bank at Her miston, Oregon, on or before the 15th day of August, 1921. F. B. Swayze, W. H. Simpson. Receivers. 44-4tc. FISK TIRES Sold only by dealert The best fabric tire made for heavy service or rough roads — RED-TOP Extra Ply — Heavy Tread 30 x 31 $22.00 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product