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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1921)
-TKK HEBM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. The Stmte‘Everywhere. The editor of Paisa Akhbar, a na tive newspaper of Lahore, India, says, "I have used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy many times among my children and ser vants (or colic and diarrhoea and always found It effective.” NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Lagrande, Oregon. June 15. 1921. Notice is hereby given that Milton H. Smith, of Umatilla, Oregon, who, on July 15, 1919, made Reclamation Homestead Entry, No. 019941, for Unit ”D” N E ’4 or the SE U N E tf, Section 22, Township 5 North. Range 28 East, W illamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner, at Her miston, Oregon, on the 26th day of July, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: William E. Kennedy, William T. Roberts, William C. Klk of Hermis ton, Oregon, R. F. Palulu of Umatilla, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the Estate of Henry M. Gunn, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execut rix of the last w ill and testament of Henry M. Gunn, deceased, and has qualified aR the law directs. All persons having, claims against said estate are required to present the same to me with proper vouchers, at Hermiston, Ore. within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 15th day of June, 1921. Roberta M. Gunn 40-5tc. Executrix. NOTICE OF FIN AL ACCOUNT 1 upon a Judgement and decree rend NOTICE TO CREDITORS In th e C ounty Court of I he S ta te of ered and entered in said court on the Oregon for Umatilla County, In the matter of the Estate of Cor win Chamberlain, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Corwin Chainberluin, deceased, and has qual ified as the law directs. All per sona having claim s against said es tate are required to present the same to me with proper vouchers, at the office of W. J. Warner, my at torney in Hermiston, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 7th day of July, 1921. John N. Smith 43-5tc. Administrator. NOTICE OF SH E R IF F ’S SALE U N D ER EXECUTION Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, for Umatilla County, and to me direct ed and delivered, upon the judgment and decree rendered and entered In said Court of the 27th day of June 1921 in favor of F. B. Swayze and W. II. Simpson, as Receivers of the Western Land & Irrigation Company, as P laintiffs and against Adeline Ilayes as Defendant, for the sum of $60.00 with Intehest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from June 1st, 1920, and for $11.70 cost and disbursements, which said decree judgement and order of sale has been docketed and enrolled in the office of I ho Clerk of said Court; and where as by said judgement, decree and order of sale It was directed that the following described real property in Umatilla County, Oregon, to-w it: The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 4 North of Range 28, E. W. M. together with the water right of JO miners’ inches of water ap purtenant thereto as specified in the contract entered into between the Western Land & Irrigation Company and J. C. Lawrence on the 21st day of May, li)l 2. be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, to satis fy said Judgment and all costs; I will on the 1st day of August, A. D. 1921. at the hour of 11 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House, in Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest the snid Adeline Hayes had in and to the above described property on the 21st day of May A. D. 1912 or since then has acquired, at public auction to the hlgheet bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied In satisfaction of said execution and all costs. Dated this 27th day of June, A. D. 1921. ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff. 4 2-5tc. By E. F. B. Ridgway, Deputy In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estato of Rusnell W. Ch«mberl»ln, deceased: Notice I p hereby given that the undersigned has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her flnnl report as administratrix of the estate of Russell W. Chamberlain, deceased, and that the Court has designated Saturday, July 2, 1921, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon, as the time, and the County Court room in the County Court house In Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place, when and where hearing thereon shall be had. All persons In terested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause. If any they hnve, why the final report NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE shall not be apprdved, tho adm inis Notice is hereby given that under tratrix dlsehnrgetf, and her bonds and by virtue of a writ of execution men exhonoratetl.' issued out of tho Circuit Court of the Dated th is 8th day of June, 1921. State of Oregon in and for the Coun Ruth E. Chamberlain, ty of Umatilla, under the seal there 39-4tc Administratrix. of, and to me directed and delivered VIEWPOINT NEVER THE SAME 28th day of June, 1921, in favor of F. I B. Swayze and W. H. Simpson as Re ceivers of the Western Land & Ir rigation Company as plaintiffs and against Elmer E. Cleaver, et als as defendants whereby the plaintiffs did .ecover a personal decree against the defendant Elmer E. Cleaver for the sum of $3465.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per ceut per annum from the 28th day of June, 1921 and the further sum of $300.00 attorney’s fees, and the costs and dis bursements taxed at $41.00. and whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated on the 5th day of May, 1908, executed by Elmer E. Cleaver and Hattie B. Cleaver to Hinkle Ditch Company and assigned to Western Land & Irrigation Comp any, upon the follow ing described real property in Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wlt: NE*4 of the N W t; of Sec. 18, Tp. 4,N. R. 28, E. W. M. and a tract of land described as fol- ows: Commencing at a point 330 feet east of the Northwest corner of said Sec. 18, and running thence east 330 feet; thence south 1320 feet more or less to the South line of tho N W >4 of the N W *4 of said Section; thence west 330 feet; thence North 1320 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Also a tract of land described as follows: Commencing at a point 990 feet east of the NW. corner of said Sec. 18, running • hence east 330 feet more or less to the west line of the NE'4 of the NW- *4 of said Section: thence south 1320 feet more or less to the South line of the NW >4 of the NW >4 of said Sec tion; thence west to a point 990 feet east of the west line of said section: thence north 1320 feet more or less to point of beginning, together with the water rights appurtenant thereto to-wit: a water right of one miners' inch per acre for each acre of said lands capable of Irrigation from the ditches and canals of the Western Land & Irrigation Company which mortgage was recorded on May 5th. 1908. at page 578 of book 39 of th ■ I ecords of mortgages in the offiee of the County Recorder of Umatilla County, Oregon, should be foreclos ed, and the said real property sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla County, Ore gon, to satisfy said judgment and all costs: therefore I will, on Mon day the 1st day of August, 1921, at II o’clock In the forenoon of that day, at the front door cf the court house In the City of Pendleton. Urna tilla County. Oregon, sell a<l the right, title. Interest and estate which the said defendants, and all person claim ing and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, had on the 5th day of May, 1908, or sln<‘‘ then have had, or npw have, in an I to the above described real property and every part thereof, at public auction to the highest bidder foi cash in hand, the proceeds of such sale to be applied In satisfaction of said exacutinn and all costs. Dated this 28th day of June, 1921. ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon 4 2-5tc. S. M. Turner, Deputy ¿■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a ■■■■■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ n — — — — — — —— — — —— — —— - - M The Leonard Oil Leases Have you heard anything about the oil prospects that are being'discussed a great deal around the project? The Leonard Oil Leases are going after oil AND THEY MEAN BUSINESS. In Classifying Themsslvss tbs Saxes H ave Alw ays D iffered and Prob ably A lw ays W ill. It may be »aid without fear of con tradiction that a given man's Ideal of a woman, ami that same woman's ideal of herself, are two absolutely different things. For as regards themselves the sexes vision differently. So, general niascullue Ideals of feminity, and fem inity’s ideals of Itself, are most unlike We have John's John, and Mary'« John; Mary’s Mary, and John's Mary: and this square is far more difficult even to apprehend, much less resolve than is the squaring of the circle, or any mental glimpsing of the fourth di mension of space. Yet If the eternal two ever did really understand each other, Interest would Immediately eease; for what you understand you appropriate, in a sense you become that tiling. In creating them male and female, therefore, so like yet unlike, Providence constituted a distinction and difference that should prove a perennial source of Interest and Joy; with Incidental exasperations. It may be, and perpetual wonder. ‘ Just like a man,” “Just like woman,'’ are the commonest of phrases —I.ut what It is to he "Just like a man.” or "Just like a woman," who can truly say? Does man understand woman any better today than he did In the Stone nge, or woman under stand man? Between the two Is for ever fixed the enchanting bridge—not chasm—of a perpetual why. The "cen tral core of identity" in each may be trusted to keep Its secret—the secret of a delight and find given attraction. —Scribner’s Magazine. A ll the money raised now is to be spent drilling for oil and nothing else. If you are interested in the game, write to J. E. Leonard, Box 797, Pendleton, and he will be glad to give you all the information he can. A The Leonard Oil Leases PENDLETON, OREGON *«aaBpaaBBag«»pBpao aaBaaBBaaaBBBBBBBlaiaBIBBaBBBBB ■ ■■ The World’s Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotelt and commodious camps; 300 miles of improved high ways; all in the midst of matchless scenery. Its hotels are marvelous establishments Its camps are pretty little tent villages, models of clean liness, sanitation, order, comlort and simple, informal living. An ideal place for vacation pleasures. Send for our beautifully illustrated booklet telling all about its wonders In word and picture. TH R O U G H S L E E P IN G C A R Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by tne U N I O N P A C IF IC S Y S T E M COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 1$, LEAVING PORTLAND 5:00 P. M. Our local a g ert will b a lla d to explain the various tours which enable visitors to see Yellow stone so comfortably and at minimum cost: also to quote fares, prepare j&our itinerary and make your reservations. Call on F. C. W o u g h ter, L o ca l A g e n t, JUST THREW OUT SUGGESTION H erm isto n , O reg o n or addre s T ravelin g M an’s In te rp e llatio n N ot Really Made W ith Any Genuine Desire to Help. A Hoosier traveling man had a ho tel room next to one occupied by the two teachers during the recent teach ers’ convention. He was very tired ami turned in early. But hardly had he closed Ids eyes when the two teach ers came In from the evening session. They discussed It, one of them par ticularly being endowed with a voice commonly termed strident. Finally they finished with the sub ject and he, thinking they were through with cbnversatlon for the night, turned over again and once more began to think of slumbering. But after a little pause the loud talk er began on another theme, namely, the hard life of a teacher. After she had discussed It from all .angles, she said: "If I only knew where I could succeed I would leave the teaching profession. Now, what could I really do as well as I can teach school?” Before the second teacher could an swer her the long-suffering man rose to the occasion: "Madam,” he shouted through the wall, “you could be an auctioneer.”—Indianapolis News. WM McMURRAY, General Passenger A gent, Portlam i, Oregon STANGEBY & GAST UMATILLA, OREGON Men’s Best 220 weight Denim Union Made Over alls, pair.................................... ................ $ 1 .5 0 Boys’ Blouses and ^Shihts, all sizes, best grade Chambray and Cheviot 50c M. J. B. Best.Coffee, 5 pound can $ 2 .1 5 Shredded Wheat, 3 for 50c Libby’s Apple Butter, 1 lb¿2 oz. can 16c Palmolive Soap, 3 for 25c Duties of Queen Ant. . When the queen ant lays her eggs tlie workers gather about and pick up each egg as it is hjid and carry It away to the underground nurseries, where It is watched and cared for by other workers. Sometimes the queen will escape her attendants. Away she hurries, evidently bent on playing a bit, hut the moment her disappear ance is noted the workers scurry our In every direction to find her, and once she is located she Is dragged back to the home by force and gets many n sharp nip on the way as punishment. The queen Is three or four times as large as the wofker ant. Her first brood finds her busy cleaning up her house, digging a new room for a nurs cry, washing and cleaning her babies with her tongue, and feeding them from her store. After the first brood however, flits work Is done by the working ants, and the queen has noth Ing to do hut attend to the functions of motherhood. Heading M an’s M ind. Mr. Leonard owns leases aggregating 2200 acres of land in the west end of Umatilla county. He is not selling shares of stock, he is interesting local people in his leases. Y E L L O W ST O N E NATIONAL PARK By watching a man's actions onv can tell as plainly what Is going on In his mind as a person can read a page of print, according to Dr. Henry Gaines Hawn, who Is conducting a course* of lectures at the chamber of commerce on the Knnsas side. “Teli me the boyhood ambition of a mat. and I can tell you much of his char acter and desires,” he said. “He may never have realized that ambition, may have spent his life in a far differ ent business and met with success there, hut his boyhood ambition tells the way his tastes run and he still likes the same things he admired then Go Into a courtroom and watch the two lawyers opposing each other and you enn soon tell by the way they are questioning which fears for the safety of the earn* and which thinks hltuself on solid ground."—Kansas City Star. Roger Ascham. Roger Ascham was a famous Eng lish scholar and author, horn at Kirby Wiske, near Northallerton, tn 1515. He graduated at Cambridge, and strug gled with poverty until patrons came to his relief. He was famous for bis general knowledge and acquirements in 'Jreek and I-atln, and is classed among older literary men. with Ed niund Spenser, Sir Thomas More and Sir Philip Sydney. His death. In Lon don, on December 30, 1568, Is said to hnve bean occasioned by bis too dose application to the composition of a poem. which he intended to present to the queen on tbs anniversary of her accession. Extra Special One dozen 3 tine'Small Hay Forks, as long as they last, each ............................. $ 1 .1 5 An Investment in Happiness Ownership of a “ Golden-Throated’’ Ciaxtoncla Phonograph means that you are making an investment in happiness from which every number of your family will derive rich returns throughout the coming years. The “ GoldeneThroated” Claxtonola brings to the home better educational advantages, more wholesome surroundings and greater contentment. For your own happiness and for the happiness of those you love INVEST in a Golden Throated Claxtonola WM. H. OGDEN JEW ELER & W ATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END H e r m is to n , O rs g o n Oriole Summer Candy The kind you will like and enjoy these hot days D E L IC IO U S SU M M E R C A N D IE S Delightful Sweets Fudges, Nougat, French Frosted Cocoanut Caramels Mitchell Drug Co. R. E. Mitchell, Prescription Druggist Hermiston Oregon