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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
Elephants Once Roamed, T exas Gigantic Beast and May Have ! ,c* lr* ‘her mu8t “,av® ”**“ • 7 their favorite hunting grounds. Scien- Lived 1 >000,000 Years Ago. tlsts state that during that perlot Save od yS SKELETON Rinlnniet DIU uy IS DISCOVERED Fact That Tusks Are Mora Than 12 Feet Long, Indicates the Great 8ize of the Pachyderm— Probably Killed by Tiger. > over ,tle 8ame plains which these ele- phants roamed numerous other long extinct animals, whose descendants now live in such distant places as In dia or Central Africa, were living In abundance. “As the storms and waves grad ually eat away the gravelly bank of the bay at San Leon the remains of camels, extinct horses and perhaps other prehistoric animals will be brought to view, thus furnishing ma terial for another page In the account of that long distant period when cen turies and not years were used as the unit In the measurement of time.” America’s New Cardinal Returns From Rome Claim Sleep Sickness Germ Has Been Isolated Milwaukee.—What Is claimed by scientists to be the first com plete Isolation of the germ of sleeping sickness was announced here by Dr. William Thalhlmer of Milwaukee, who, In conjunc tion with a number of physi cians, conducted a clinic of a year’s duration at the Columbia hospital. The results of the clinic. It was announced, showed that a minute organism was responsi ble for the dread disease, and that the physicians had been able to completely Isolate and propagate the microbe. It Is believed that a cure for tbe disease may result from tbe experiments, though this Is not yet claimed by the Milwaukee doctors. The scientists are at work qow on the preparation of a serum to combat the disease. San Leon, Texas.—Positive proof that elephants of gigantic size, with bodies probably covered with long hair, once roamed the coastal plains of Texas has heetj obtained by the Mule Puts Town In Darkness. unearthing here of the skeletons of Hartford, Ky.— A mule belonging to one of these prehistoric animuls. The Woodpeckers Almost Human. period of its life dates back anywhere Joe Ford, below town a couple of Shepherdsville, Ky.—Walter Itoby from 000,000 to 1,000,000 yeurs, ac miles, broke a leg and thereby put the of Leeches came upon a flock of wood cording to 11. C. Chandler, assistant electric lighting plant of the town out peckers drinking sugar' water from a His Eminence Dennis Curdlnul Dougherty, archbishop of Philadelphia, has returned from Rome where he re professor of biology in lllce Institute of business. The owner of the mule sugar tree. They seemed to be Intoxi ceived the red hat from the pope. The Illustration shows the procession of automobiles carrying the cardinal and of Houston, who assisted in removing furnishes coal to the light plant com cated and fight after fight was staged. pany for steam purposes, and when the reception committee for the pier In New York, Rodma n Wnnamnker presenting a bunch of roses to the cardinal. the remains from the bard bed of his muleshlp cracked a leg It “busted” Roby Investigated and found that fer sand and gravel. a team. No teumwork, no coal; no mentation bad given the water a great It will take some time to recon of form and color, a delicate ear for kick. coal, no lights. struct tl/e hones and form the skele sound. ton as It originally existed, and until It is well to study hair color as one this Is done measurements cannot he more key to the mystery of personal accurately taken. The fact, however, ity, but let us hope that the tendency chut the tusks are each more than 12 to draw hair-color lines will not spread, feet long Indicates the great size of and that the Order of the Golden the pachyderm. Fleece will remain local. A Scientist’s Speculation. Alarming Possibilities Are Pre That Is, It shows what race predom The skeleton was discovered by E. inates In the make-up of the individ T. Itoy of Houston, who called Mr. sented by the Order of the ual, and therefore what racial traits he WEDDING SHOCKS QUAKER 400 Chandler to his assistance In unearth may be expected to have. ing It. In speuklng of the discovery Golden Fleece. Philadelphia Belle Marries Cowboy of pipes and horns. And finally, the This, It appears. Is less true of the Prehistoric Instruments Indicate more Mr, Chandler said: With Notches on Gun, an* complex stringed Instrument red-headed than of either blondes or “Before Noah collected his animals Everything. was developed. The greatest siugle That They Must Have brunettes. Sted-hendedness occurs In in the ark and before Adam and Eve step forward In the history of In both blonde and brunette races, as a Started Early. ate the disastrous upple In the Garden Philadelphia.—Who Is Buster Estes? strumental music wus the mechanical sort of sport-color. It does seem to When the news that Frances S. Mears, of Eden this beast, perhaps attacked production of a musical scale. This be associated generally with certain by a murderous suber toothed tiger, prominent society girl, had been mar came with the pipes. In 1‘eru, evi Members Are Listed in the Club Rolla emotional and nervous characteristics, ried to a cow-puncher named Buster a huge beast which also roamed Under 22 Classifications Covering dence Is found of the first two types but these are peculiur to the reds of Estes reached here Philadelphia city through North America at that time, —instruments of percussh a and wind the Various Shades of Red all races. That they are by no means folk gasped. luid Ills great carcass down on the Instruments—but so fur nothing has Hair—To Study Data. necessarily disadvantageous Is shown sands of tne beach and died. The Instruments of Percussion and Wind been found to Indicate that the pre The ceremony was performed at by the great number of successful red senblrds of that ancient time, no Instruments Composed Their historic Indians of the region knew Washington.—What does the color, headed men and the well- known popu Jackson’s Hole, Wyo., on March 29, doubt, dined sumptuously for many where the young couple are spending how to make music from the vibra abundance and texture of your hair Ochestras— Bells Were of Copper larity of red-headed women. > weeks on his great body, and what their honeymoon on the bridegroom’s tions of strings. With Pebble Clappers. reveal regarding your character and But black hair or blonde hair Is dis big ranch. was left by them was picked by the In the American Museum of Nat ability? tinctly Indicative of race, nnd It Is only microscopic animuls of the bay. According to Dr. Harvey J. Butte of The question is raised sharply by by such physical characteristics that New York—That the Indians of pre ural History In New York City there "The waves of the ancient bay rip Is a large collection of prehistoric the news of a banquet which was held race may be detected these days. Race this city, the cow-puncher bridegroom historic Peru knew the art—or should pled over thv b-'nes of the fallen mon musical Instruments of Peru. They this year by an unusual organization now conforms to national boundaries is everything that the movie fiend arch, carrying sand aud gravel, until we say science?—of "Jazz” Is apparent have been carefully studied by In the University of Nebraska. It Is very little. It would be easy to find dreams abouL from the decorations, representing linully the entire skeleton wus burled He holds several championships for Charles W. Mead, Assistant Curator known as the Order of Golden Fleece an Irishman and a Gerinnn who were orchestras and dancers, found on deep under u mass of debris. of the Department of Anthropology, and Its membership Is composed only of exactly the same racial type, jind horsemanship, is a dead shot with a the ancient pottery und metal objects “Centuries passed and the land record of having killed three horse whose findings have been published slowly rulsed to Its present level, of the region. Further evidence is In a short puper. According to Mead, of young women whose hair belongs two Irishmen who were as different thieves, is also a veteran of the World to one of the many shades -vulgar;? racially as an Italian and a Swede. some ten feet above the water level. furnished by accounts of early no drums have been found In ancient war and “can lick his weight in wild Year by year the waves lapped con writers, and, most convincing, by Peruvian graves. This may he for described as red. According to au cats.” Characteristics of Race. thoritative reports the members are numbers of the musical Instruments tinuously against the bank, eating It the reason, he believes, either thut There are three principal races In uwny, until finally a tooth was themselves which have been recov the drums of the time, being mude of classified on the club rolls under the brought to view, probably some 500,- ered from graves aud ruins by perishable material have all disinte following color headings: Squash, car Europe, according to the anthropolo BLOWN UP BY HIS OWN BOMB 000 yenrs after it hud been dropped archeologists. These instruments In grated, or that because of some su rot pumpkin, orange, brick, scarlet, gists—the Nordic, the Alpine and the flamingo, maroon, copper, auburn, Mediterranean. The Nordics are the Italian Anarchist Torn to Pieces In clude drums, bells, cymbals, rattles, from the Jaws of the great beast. pipes, llutes, whistles, trumpets and perstition it was not customary to henna, mahogany, magenta, sorrel, tall blonde men with long heads na Attempt to Destroy Home A Hunting Ground. an uumistnkahle ancestor of the oboe. bury drums with the dead. Drums, strawberry, roan, russet, cerise, car tive to the north, as for example the of Engineer. “There are many who, while admit If (he activities of an energetic Indian however, were pictured by the native nation, salmon, shrimp pink and pink. typical Prussian or Norwegian. The ting the evidence of their eyes that orchestra, equipped with some or all artists of the time and described by Lemon, ginger, insipid brown and Alpines are a short, stocky race with Turin, Italy.—Mario Facta, an an an elephant did live and die on the of these Instruments did not produce early writers, the evidence showing chemicals of all kinds are barred. shores of Texas, will question state something akin to present-day Jazz, that they were Identical In kind with Prizes are awarded at the annual brown hair and flat heads Inhabiting archist, was blown to pieces by a bomb east central Europe, ns for example a which he was trying to explode against ments of scientists as to the great ex the writer Is guilty of an error in the drums used to-day In several parts events for the brightest flame of color, typical Swiss peasant. The Mediter the house of Signor di Benedetto, an panse of time since the animal ex Judgment. of Peru. They were made of skin the greatest quantity of hair and that raneans are a short, dark, long-headed engineer In this city. During the pe lsted. stretched over a hoop of wood or over of the most beautiful shade. Undoubtedly, enrly man sang and race. Inhabiting the south of Europe, riod of disorders here last September, “No very accurate estimate can be one end of a short section of a tree One More Kind of Class Feeling. as for example, a typical Italian. In when workmen occupied many metal made, It Is true, hut that It exceeds danced before lie produced lnstru trunk hollowed out to a thin cylinder. This organization Is Interesting and addition to these there are niuny other factories. Signor dl Benedetto de mental music. As the most Import 500,000 years and may approach 1,- Small drums seem to have been the perhaps alarming to the general public 000.000 yeurs there is no doubt In the ant element of the song and dance rule. The drum heads were usually as an example of one more kind of races In smaller numbers, such as the fended his factory against an attack Is rhythm, and ns In singing and Old Black Breed in Ireland and the an and killed two persons. He was later mind of uny person who bus made a made of the skins of deer aud other class feeling. It Is well known that cient Iberian race In Spain, but these tried and acquitted, it having been study of tlio past life on the earth. dancing a desire for some sound to animals common to the country. class feeling and the tendency to or have had relatively little influence on found that he acted In self-defense. Such estimates arc based on the time clearly indicate the rhythm seems to ganize on a class basis are on the In Copper Bell. the mass of European and American Facta was twenty years old and was required to deposit sedimentary rock, be universal, primitive vocalists and The bells of the Peruvian "Jazz” crease. We now have associations not population. The other three races are recently expelled from France for hav to erode valleys and to wear away terplscliorenns everywhere have found only of capital and labor, but also rocks. No one could Judge the age assistance In the snapping of fingers, orchestra were of copper, with peb mothers' leagues, parents’ leagues, con mixed badly all through central and ing formed a section of the Italian So of this particular specimen alone, but clnpplng of hands, beating of hips bles for clappers. There were rat sumers’ leagues, writers' leagues. western Europe and in the United cialist party In Lyon. Police authori ties discovered six more bombs hid Its age Is estimated on the known nnd stamping of feet. Then, probably, tles, made of small shells, uuts, seeds, There are leagues based on every pos States. Hair color Is significant as showing den nearby, besides a number of occurrence of the animal In company the drum wns devised—the first Ac., which were worn attached to the sible role which one may piny In life, with other animals In rocks or depos musical Instrument. The allied Instru wrists, ankles and other parts of the whether In business, politics, society, whether Nordic or Mediterranean pamphlets and newspapers and a book its where the age enn he roughly es ments of percussion, as cymbals, body in dancing. Gourds filled with marriage or sport; but heretofore, so blood predominates in the Individual. giving directions for the manufacture It does not reveal the presence of of explosives. pebbles were used as huud-rattlev. timated and Its absence in deposits rattles and hells soon followed^ Shells were struck together like cym far as we can learn by exhaustive re Alpine blood so rendlly for the Alpine Wind Instruments. which are of more recent date. search, there has been no effort to or stock usually show brown hair of an Turkey Hen Lays. Later came the wind Instruments, bals. The Museum . collection also “Had there been gnme hunters In ganize on a basis of physical charac Falmouth, Ky.—Mrs. A. H. Steph the pleistocene period North Amerl- sucn as musical shells and varieties contains three small bronze discs, teristics, if a few Jolly Fat Men's clubs Intermediate and Indeterminate shade. The shape of the head should be most ens, formerly- of this county but now slightly concavo-convex, with per valuable In detecting that particular residing In Kenton county, has a blue forated projections by which they be excepted. The tendency to organize on a basis strain. turkey hen that laid 80 eggs last were evidently suspended. When struck with any hard substance they of hair color, therefore. Is a thing of The Nordic and the Mediterranean spring and then raised a brood of give out a remarkably clear and great and alarming possibilities, espe stocks have different qualities, accord young turkeys. cially If red-headed women take the ing to the anthropologists. The Nord She has a bronze turkey hen that be resonant sound. lead In the matter. Imagine If you Whereas among us the fad of the can an Insurrection of the Interna ics are noted for their combativeness, gan laying April 1 and laid continu their organizing ability and their sense ously up to Nov. 17, a total of 11« day Is the ukelele, the Peruvians of tional Order of Red-Headed Women. of order. The Mediterranean race on eggs. During all this time the hen did THE GOOD OLD DAYS” delighted And this organization of red-headed In performing on the huayra puhura, women Into clubs will undoubtedly in the other hand is noted for Its artistic not show any Inclination to “seL” or pipes. The pipes were open nnd tensify what you might call the hair nnd musical ability, and Its creative genius generally, while In war and gov closed, and made of bone or cane, class-feeling. The Order of the nnd. In one known Instance, of stone. Golden Fleece will no doubt make a ernment It Is not so conspicuously suc Sun Cooks Scientist’s Flutes of cune, or bone and of pretty thorough study of all the data cessful. It Is the theory of some Meals on Novel Stove gourd were also popular. They were bearing on red-headedness, and each scientists that nearly all the great carved In a variety of fantastic person will come away from Its gath European governments were organized Washington.—Advantages of shapes. A number of the boue llutes erings with a clearer notion of the spe by Nordics. They say that the orig the Old Sol cook stove, operated which have been found have stop- cial destiny which her flaming top has inal Romnns were Nordics from the north, and that when this stock died 24 hours a day on sun heat holes on the under side, apparently prescribed for her. out, due to an unfavorable climate, the alone, were explained to the meant to be closed by the thumb. That Old Saying, Y’ Know, Roman government collapsed. This National Academy of Sciences They are very primitive Instruments, There seems long to have been a pretty theory has never been proved. here by Dr. C. O. Abbot of tbs not producing a true or complete aort of general agreement that red Smithsonian Institution. scale. Thut the Peruvians were uble headed persons have pecultar charac Subject Little Understood. The device Is as yet a lux to realize their shortcomings to at teristics. It Is generally believed, for In- fact, the whole matter ef race ury, he admitted, but added that least some extent appears n (he fact example, that they have hot tempers characteristics is little understood. Mrs. Abbot had done everything that In some Instruments attempts to and strong emotions generally. In the Typically, a tall blonde man should but fry on the solar cook stove correct the scale have been mnde; the last century a simile in common use be a good executive, a reliable, con at Mount Wilson, Cal. He dis venrs have been plugged with hits was “easy ns making love to a red scientious fellow, not apt to get ex played a can of beans, saying of gourd nnd substituted by other headed girl.” Since the rise of cited or act suddenly on Impulse, but they were solar cook stove holes. Moreover, It Is to be re the Nletzsche-Shaw-Mencken school of rather lacking In Imagination and en canned, looked good and “tasted membered that the age and condition philosophy, which holds that woman Is thusiasm. These latter qualities should better.” of the Instruments, especially those a dangerous predatory animal, bent on be found rather In a brunette. The apparatus. Doctor Abbot of cane, have doubtlessly affected the hunting man down and making a You can find much to contradict this said, was a “concave, parabolic, tone qualities. , slave of him, this generally has been notion, and you can dismiss It with a cyllndric reflector” through revised to read “dangerous as making shrug If you wish to. But yon can wbich ran a tube of ordinary Incraass Vlnsyard Ac r jags. love to a red-headed girl.” find also by common observation some cylinder oil to absorb beat from Whatever basis this saying may have facts to support IL For example. Is It the reflector and then apply It to San Francisco.—Information that the cooking compartment, in approximately 175.000 addltl >ual acres In the experience of man. It Is ample without significance that the engineers sulation retaining beat In the »11 will he devoted to vlneyari i In Cal evidence of a general popular feeling of ocean-going boats—men on whom over night ifornia this year has » beau brought that red-headedness Is a quality of the many lives depend—are almost al Cooking temperatures were before prohibition officials here, ac mind and temperament as well as of ways blood men—either Scotchmen or A gold medal was presented to Oapt. Emmanuel J. Oppenheimer, oldest cording to reporta made pt bile. the hair. For some reason, there Is Scandinavians. And how many such automatical ly regulated by a living United States war veteran, the oilier day by Commander W. F. Klgbmey float device, he said, while a sim The high price of wine g apes was no similar popular Idea . regnrdlag tall blond Scots and Swedes will you In behalf of Argonne post. Veterans of Foreign Wars. Captain Oppenheimer said to have been given by 'he grow other hair colors, bat scientific re find In such occupations as designing. ple clockwork mechanism kept served In the Mexican war. He Is shown here with Ills grauddaughter search shows that hair Is a great re- Interior decorating, teaching and per- the reflector pointed to the sun. ers for the Increased acr -age. • tier of character In an Indirect way. forming music, which requires a Indians in Peru Knew of Jazz W om en Red Heads Form New Society PRIZE FOR BRIGHTEST HUE KNEW NOTHING OF STRINGS • Oldest War Veteran Is Honored ■