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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
IE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON The High School Mirror Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools Vol. 1 Word has been received No. 9 4th Grade Ester Knox has returned to Her The High School Play “A College miston and entered the fourth grade Town” given at the High School The fourth grade is rejoicing over Auditorum was well attended. We wish to thank the parents and friends their new picture “The Horse Shoer” who witnessed our efforts. We wish by Lansier. especially to thank Mr. Anderson for 6th Grade the work he did in training us. The sixth grade had a peanut Those absent from school on ac shower last week. count of mump, and other things are Frank Stevens will play a solo at Grace Skinner, Gladys Whitsett, Georgia Reader, Gwynn Hughes, the Play House New Years eve. from know that it will be worth while. Chief Scout Master James E. West of New York City that Perry Jensen was awarded the second price in an essay contest on the subject of fire prevention. These essays were writ ten last May and the scouts from all parts of the state were in competi tion, which makes the honor no small one. The medal is to be sent soon and presented to Scout Perry. The State Teachers will hold Its annual meeting at Portland next week, Dec. 29-31. The speakers from outside the State are Dean C. E. Chadsey of the University of Illinois, Supt. Fred M. Hunter of Oakland, Cal., President of the National Edu cational Association, and Miss Nina Buchanan, of Seattly who is the Na tional League of Grade Teachers As sociation. Nearly 5000 of the 6500 in the state are members of the as sociation. By A. C. Voelker A school must train for citizen ship and if it does not do this it fails Sets or Pieces Hugh Fraser, Dewey Payne, Chester Rhodes and Elda Buchman. A Christmas party is planned for Thursday. A Christmas tree with Norman Pennock has returned to gifts, candy, nuts and popcorn. school after a weeks absence. Every member of the sixth grade Elizabeth Phillips is leaving for was present at the High School Play her home in Tillamook to spend the and all enjoyed it. holidays with her folks who reside 7th Grade there. The boys are giving the girls a Dorothy Briggs is the possessor of party Thursday afternoon. pair of gray spats. Mona Hartle was operated on for appendicitis. NOTES The Gold won in the Christmas The grade rooms are all decorated seal contest, having turned in their with Christmas decorations and trees. $50.00 first. Mr. Anderson representing the Ellison-White Chatauqua gave a very interesting talk last Monday on the coming Chautauqua events. He made us a business proposition also. He offered any student in the eighth grade or High School a compliment GRADE NEWS ary ticket to all 5 nights of the en 1st Grade tertainment if they would sell 7 adult Wesley Gilliam and Albert Straver tickets or 14 childrens tickets. Sev are absence from school this week. eral students are trying for it besides several pupils from the grades. We 3rd Grade hope we will all be able to go if it is The third grade is planning a all that Mr. Anderson says It Is we Christmas party for Thursday. Hermiston High School Activities SILVER Silverware is BACK—It is the most popular ware of the year and with a growing favor that blds to make its place supreme in the American home for years. Christmas gifts of set or pieces pleases every woman. Exceeding care has been execised this year by this store in the selection We feel that we of lines which could be continued season after season. have succeeded In the offerings now on display. Won’t you call for an early showing? 8th Grade The boys beat the girls in a his tory test by having the highest aver age. Special attention given to out of town advertisers. , A girls basket ball team has been organized and are diligently practic ing. Day irrigation district and its acti directed by the manager of the local vities will include all phases of pub licity including the annual barbecue, motion picture theatre. This work cooperation with the directors of the is encouraged for it gives confidence John Day irrigation district and the in appearing in public, gives poise, endeavor to enlist all towns in and and aids in expressing our thoughts surrounding the district in the same more clearly and forcible. The per- work. Officers chosen are S. H. son who has something to say and Boardman, president; A. W. Cobb, can say it well is the one who will be vice-president; M. B. Signs, Secretary a leader. Next month we shall work and W. A. Goodwin, A. L. Larson on the interscholastic debates and and C. H. Dlllabaugh directors. All whether we win or lose the practice of the towns and cities in this section it gives to the debater is invaluable. will be asked to sit in with the John These debates are open to all mem Day Development League by appoint bers of the high school and the teams are selected after each one is given ing three directors to look after the League’s activities in their respec a try out. In the spring we have the declamatory contests, and Her tive communities. school presented a play which was to fulfill the purpose for which it is established. The old time school was especially interested in develop ing the individual without reference to the group, but the present day school is interested more In making the individual fit into the group and have him take his place as a social member. The alm of education is to make a social being and not a sel fish being. Book learning klone does miston has brought home a number M. B. Signs, Secretary-Treasurer not develope the social instincts in a of gold medals and we expect to go of the Commercial Club will repre child but he must mingle with his after more. This is open not only sent Boardman at the meeting of fellows and take his place in their to high school students but also to Commercial secretaries, and the games, their activities and their In boys and girls of the grades above meeting of the State Chamber of the second. terests. Our high school does not publish Commerce in Portland Dec. 27-29 in It is for this purpose that ths clusive. high school, has different activities, a school paper or magazine, but The High School MIRROR, a quarter to make good citisene of the student The Boardman Farm Bureau has in the school world and train them page in each edition of the Hermiston elected the following officers for the Herald gives the students the oppor to participate in the affairs In which ensuing year: C. H. Dlllabaugh, pres a good citizen is interested in civic tunity to exercise any talents they ident; A. L. Larson, vice-president life. An organization found In every may have in the field of Journalism and M. B. Signs, secretary-treasurer. good high school is the Student Body, In this column the happenings, wise every student being eligible to mem or otherwise, are recorded so that The family of C. Snively, recent the patrons of the school may know bership. purchaser of the Pastime, has arriv what is taking place. A staff is This Body has its president, secre ed and are occuplng rooms in the tary and treasurer, and each member selected each month from members Dodd Block on Main St. Three child of the senior class whose duty it is to has a vote on the matters that come ren from this family have entered before the school. The treasurer collect the news and write them up school bringing excellent records properly. Also now and then a poet- has charge of all moneys that are re with them. There has also been en ceived through any student activities c outburst is recorded to encourage rolled one pupil from the family of the budding genious of poetry. instead of having a separate treasur Musical organisations art also en- Chas. Dillion who recently purchas er for each branch and all bills are ed the Alex Wilson place. paid out of the common fund. Thia 'ouraged in the school for the know ledge of vocal or instrumental music way of handling the students* busin- Mrs. J. R. Johnson returned Fri ness affairs gives all a common inter ’s a valuable asset to any person. At day from a trip to Portland and Van 'east one period each week is spent est, develope business acumen and couver. helps to train the student to partici 'n song and the students enjoy this liversion. Dr. Van Waters who was pate In the affairs of the state later Geo. Partlow acompanied his moth a recent visitor at assembly, stated on In life. er to Vancouver, B. C., last week. The various phases of athletics oc that this was the best chorus singing he has heard in any Oregon school if cupy a prominent place In the activi BEBE DANIELS AND GLORIA ties of most high schools. We are possible we shall have a boys, glee club and also a girls* glee club this SWANSON PULL HAIR HARD represented by teams In foot ball, base ball, track work and boys’ and winter, as there are a number of good Pretty Screen Players Stage Battle girls’ basket ball. Some people think voices In school. Our high school maintains a band that these activities are a waste of In Cecil B. De Hille’s Latest time and money, but besides giving and an orchestra which are ready to Production the body the necessary exercise, it furnish music for school functions on takes brains to play a game of ball short notice. The personell of these Introducing Gloria Swanson and nnd piny it well, and the mental organizations changes from year to Bebe Daniels, catch-as-catch-can bat training received in a good game is year so we can only hope to have tlers extraordinary! not to be overlooked. The moet im good amateur music and not profes- For the benefit of a battery of sional. The influence of music is el- portant feature, however, of team vatlng and refining, it gives the stu cameras, these two talented members games la. that It developes team work and makes tn Individual lose eight dent employment and recreation for of Cecil B. De Mllle’s all-star motion of self and work for the good of the his spare time, it increases his earn picture company recently staged a group. The characteristic of be ing capacity, and opens social doors battle that will go down in screen ing able to work harmoniously with which otherwise might not be open history as one of the wildest and to him. Some of these boys and girls others Is something that every per son needs to cultivate, and this Is will continue the study of music and most destructive hand-to-hand con emphasised In team games. In addi become artists tn this line. The band flicts ever filmed. tion to this It develops obedience to and orchestra add pep to school pro- The fight was promoted by Mr orders from a superior, mental alert- grama, games and meetings of vari- De Mille In the interests of his 1st ous kinds. nose. strategy a respect for the All of these activities train the est Paramount Artcraft production. rights of others, and it makes one a good sportsman. By this we do social instincts of the person, develop "Why Change Your Wife?" which not moan a good sport, but one who team work and make the individual la coming to the Play House. Satun can take defeat gracefully as well as Interested In the welfare of the group day. Christmas Day. December 25th enjoy a victory. Of course, the battle was over a Another Interesting field of stud- Boardman Notes ent endeavor Is debate, oratory and Boardman, Oregon.Doc. 20, 1920. man. The gentleman was Thomas dramatics. Although we have no Boardman, "The Gateway to the Meighan. and he waa about the only special Instructor In those depart Great John Day" has organised the person at the studio who did not wit- ments we get assistance from the reg- John Day Development League. The ular instructors or from some com- object of the organization will be to ness one or more rounds of the scrim mage. His role required him to slum retent person not connected with promote in every possible way the ber peacefully through the series of the school. Only last week the high work of development of the John scenes. I Sawtelle’s Inc. GIFTS THAT LAST Pendleton JE WELERS Oregon The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon GRUEN WATCHES Butter Wrappers Printed Neatly at This Office Telephone Credit The telephone company wifi be compelled to borrow large amounts of money in the next few years, not only to extend ite service to new subscribers, but to take care of the constantly increasing use of the servile by present subscribers. A lender In business will demand of a borrowe r ample security and will insist that Its value be as sured earning power. He must be satisfied that his investment is safe; that it can be disposed of at any time without loss and that it will bring him a continuous return. At the present time this company’s operations 1 n Oregon are conducted at a deficit. are greater than its revenue. egon. Its expenses No return is being received by Its stockholders from their property in Or Not even the interest on its bonds properly chargeable to its Oregon properties is being paid from Oregon receipts. With new capital scarce and commanding high rates of return, a business showing operating re- suite such as these will find It difficult, if not impossible, to secure money for its necessities. We assume that the people of Oregon wish to treat the utilities doing business in this state Justly and fairly, and in this belief we have asked the Public Service Commission to approve a schedule of rates increasing our revenues. The amount asked for is relatively shall to the individual rate payer, but the aggregate will place us in a poeition where we can obtain the outside capital necessary in our opera- tions. Under present conditions an adequate telephone service-efficient and sufficient—to dependent upon higher ratea. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company