Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1920)
T he HERMISTON HERALD VOL XV BUY A BARREL OF FLOOR IS NEW COUNTY SLOGAN HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY DECEMBER 10, 1920. SOCIETY EVENTS OF THE WEEK FARM BUREAU WILL HOLD A BIG MEETING HERE SOON No. 13 9 WIOUA F . . . . I COMING TO HERMISTON The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R Mitchell was the scene of a gay party There will be a big Farm Bureau Wednesday evening when they In company with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. meeting held in the Library in Her Kellogg, entertained their friends at miston ou Tuesday, December 14th, progressive bridge. The rooms were at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon. A brightly decorated in holiday colors report of the years work will be read, A letter received by the Commerci-* and the game was enjoyed at seven Hermiston will have a five days al club from the County Farm EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS ARE tables. A tasty two course luncheon and discussion on planning the work hautauqua Festival beginning Tues- ANNUAL LIBRARY BALL TO Bureau Executive committee is self PLANNED BY HAY GROWERS was served by the hostesses at the for 1920 will hold the attention for BE HELD NEW YEAR ’ S EVE Jay, December 21 and ending Tues a while. There will also be a general close of the evening. explanatory. The letter is as follows day, December 28th. This is the El- As the second of a series of edu discussion of such matters as contin Secretary Commercial Club The annual New Year's Eve Li Mr. A. W. Adamson, the genial new uation of rabbit campaigns; boy’s brary ball will be the feature of new lison-White program of five evenings cational meetings planned for. this Hermiston, Oregon. winter the Columbia Basin Alfalfa manager of the Play House, discov and girl's club work; sulphur dem year’s eve this year, and will be held high class entertainment and every Dear Sir: Growers Association Is billing Mr. ered that it was no use trying to slir number is guaranteed to please. The Last Saturday the Umatilla County J. N. Price of Toppenish, Washing one over on the high school young onstrations; crop rotation demonstra in the big new Auditorium. The ball has been discontinued for local men in charge of the coming Farm Bureau Executive Committee ton, manager of the Washington Hay people among whom he has made tions, and a general discussion of the two years on account of the war and decided to do all they could to furth Growers Assrociation, to speak at the many friends. On Wednesday even most profitable type of farming for program have done everything pos- the "flu,” but this year the Library er a movement to stimulate trade in Public Library In Hermiston on Sat ing the patrons of the first show this community. board decided to inaugurate the cus sible to make the entertainment as flour and wheat in this part of the urday, December 18th, at 1:30 p were greeted with a lusty tune o.' A large attendance is desired at tom again whith a bigger, better ball t should be. The Play House has country. With a declining market m. The Washington association has "Here Comes the Bride,” followed by this meeting, as all the topics to be than ever. The best music that is been obtained and this assures the everybody has refrained from buying marketed a very large part of the a noiseful rendering of the sugges discussed are of vital interest to the possible to obtain will be engaged, patrons of a comfortable place to sit flour except as it is needed in small crop of the Yakima valley this year tion that now he may "Let the rest farmers. Fred Bennion, county and it is a foregone conclusion that quanities. As a result the flour and its membership comprises a big of the World go by.” When the sur agent will be in attendance and will the ball will be well attended, and and enjoy the fine programs. The McCords, in music, monologue, trade is stagnant and millers are share of the Yakima producers. prised groom recovered from the first give everyone all the information on the festivities of new year's eve will lothe to buy wheat. The first meeting held about a shock, he cordially invited the young the subjects he has accumulated. reign until the bells toll the death sketches and impersonations, open the Chautauqua on Tuesday, Decem Indications are that the exports of month ago by the local association people to come in and make them knell of old 1920. wheat have been so heavy that the had Dr. Hector MacPherson of the selves at home, which invitation the ACCIDENT IN UMATILLA HURTS Make arrangements to be on hand ber 21. On Wednesday the Alexander Trio, supply for domestic consumption will Federal Bureau of Markets as speak 75 merry makers joyfully accepter TWO PROJECT FARMERS for this ball, .you will enjoy every in a musical "high-tight" entertain not be any too great and that wheat er. Cooperative associations in gen amid more bursts of melody, rah minute of It. ment will hold you spell-bound with and flour have hit their lowest price eral were discussed by him with spec rahs and toots by the band boys who Last Tuesday morning at about lovely music from the saxophone, level. If every family will buy a ial reference to the California agen never miss giving all newly weds the 10:00 o’clock. S. F. Palmer and Emil violin, piano, mellophone and a sweet barrel of flour now It would go a long cies with whose workings Dr. Mac assurance that they didn't come to Bell, two prominent farmers living lyric soprano singer. make their nest in a dead town ways to start things moving in the Pherson is entirely familiar. on the Umatilla Project, were quite Thursday J. C. Herbsman in a Next! right direction. seriously hurt, when the roof of the About January 1st. the local al lecture, "Life's Balance Sheet,” will Will you ask your merchants sell falfa association plans to secure in old roundhouse at Umatilla, on which Under the auspices of the Colum be the attraction. Mr. Herbsman is The Ladies Aid Society of the M they were working, fell and pinned ing flour to make a special effort to cooperation with the County Farm bia Farm Bureau, Prof. Chas. S one of the finest and most popular induce their customers to buy a bar Bureau at least two of the best in E. Church met at the home of Mrs the two men down. C. B. Hay Wednesday afternoon foi The two gentlemen had just ac Brewster, formerly of the Oregon lecturers in the west. rel of flour now. formed men in the northwest to The Chautauqua then skips to All newspapers should secure speak to farmers here upon stock a called business meeting. Many im cepted positions on the works, and Agricultural College at Corvallis, will Monday, December 27. when a cel give a poultry culling demonstration portant items of business were trans were getting nicely started on the special advertising on this feature feeding. There is considerable talk ebrated Japanese lecturer will talk and talk ' on selection of breeding acted and a Christmas cooked food job when the accident happened. and play up in news and editorial among local growers about feeding a sale was planned for Dec. Mr. Palmer had his shoulder blade stock and feeding for egg production about the Orient. This will be a columns. large part of next years hay crop The meeting will be held at E. E very entertaining lecture as well as broken, but Mr. Ball escaped with Will your commercial club endorse and some are planning to put in si Graham's ranch about three miles an educational feature. minor injuries. Mesdames E. R. Mitchell, E. J the movement. los and raise corn and sunflowers Tuesday, December 28th, the last east of the Columbia school house If farmers want to sell their wheat as a complement for alfalfa. It is Kingsley and C. H. Kellogg enter on Saturday, December 11. at 1:30 night of the Chautauqua, the great tained the members of the bridge ADDITIONAL LOCALS at a better price urge them to stock believed that stock men will be more native Maori Singers from New Zea in the afternoon. up now on flour while the price is interested in buying hay where they club at the home of Mrs. Mitchel A large attendance is desired al land in “An Evening in Maoriland," Monday afternoon. The rooms were J. F. McNaught was in Pendleton low- An increase in the price of can also secure silage, realizing that the meeting as the farmers will see will be the attraction. They are wheat will help other farm products in this way alone can cattle and other bright with the season’s colors of red Monday transacting business. a good demonstration and hear ex claimed to be the sweetest singers In and improve financial conditions stock be profitably fattened in this and green. Bridge players enjoyed planations that will be very valuable the world, even excelling the Hawai- the game at six tables while other Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mr. and generally. section of the country at least. Don't tans. guests enjoyed the afternoon visit Mrs. E. R. Farley and Mr. and Mrs. to them in raising poultry, D. H. Nelson Reserved seats will be on sale at forget the place and date. An appetiz- ing and at fancy work, A. W. Adamson motored to Pendle A. R. Coppock Sappers’ Inc., and season tickets may Commercial Club Activities ing lunch was served at daintly ap ton last Friday. S. J. Culley Please read the ads If you can’t he purchased at all the leading stores At the regular Tuesday noon Farm Bureau “Buy a Barrel of luncheon, the Commercial club held pointed tables. find anything else to read in this and at the Play House. These tickets Pat Sisccl returned home Tuesday weeks issue, and we will try not to can be taken to Sappers’ Inc. and Flour” Committee. a good meeting last Tuesday. W. J. son of Mr Leonard Henry, little after being confined in the Hot Lake At the meeting of the Commercial Dobler, representing the Umatilla exchanged for reserved seats. Adult let it happen again. club last Tuesday the movement was Commercial club, and A. W. Cobb, and Mrs. A. C. Voelker, was six years sanitorium for several days. tickets, $2.20 for the five entertain- endorsed and local merchants asked president of the Boardman Commer old last Saturday and invited six oí C. and Sidney Mack have fin- menta, including war tax; school R. his little friends in to help him cel H. E. Hitt and Ed Smith left for to get behind the movement. cial club, and Fred Bennion, county ebrate. The afternoon was spent in Portland Tuesday morning where ished their work at Echo for the children $1.10 including war tax. You can buy a season ticket and agent, were present and all gave fun and frolic after which Leonard they will be several days on busines. winter and have returned with their have it exchanged for a reserved seat BOARDMAN RANCH SELLS families to Hermiston. good talks. shared his birthday cake and other and have the same seat for every Mr. Dobler stated that the Uma- goodies with his guests who decided FOR HANDSOME FIGURE W. S. Egbers was in Hermiston performance. This feature is well Henry Smith, representing the tilla club desired to cooperate with birthdays ought to come ottener and Monday from Ritzville, Washington, worth the few cents extra, for you Toppenish Nursery is in town look the other ciubs of the west end of the A very important real estate deal last longer. looking after some land interests here ing after his company's interests. know where you are going to sit. was consumated last week at Board- county and also Boardman and Irrig on, in securing a desirable booklet man, when Alec Wilson sold his 40 In connection with the threatened RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY Bert Nation recently purchased INCOME TAX PAYERS WILL acres of alfalfa, three miles west of advertising this section. The club Whereas, the Great and Supreme increase of rates of the Pacific Tele two good cows from George Corse and PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Boardman, to a Mr. Dillon. The pur appointed a committee to work in Ruler of the Universe has in His in phone & Telegraph Co., J. D. Watson, is planning to enlarge his dairy herd. conjunction with Mr. Dobler, and Mr. chase price was 19,500.00. finite wisdom removed from our City Recorder, reports notice being It appears that some taxpayers be Despite the low price of alfalfa, Cobb immediately appointed M. B. midst the muc® beloved son of Sister given by the Public Service Commis- lieve that they have ten days grace Born — to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. Dillon considers he made an ex Signs of the Boardman club, and and Brother J. S. West, therefore be sion that the hearing on the matter Sullivan, at Portland,- Oregon, Sun on the fourth installment of the in cellent bargain and will continue to when Irrigon, Echo and Stanfield it will take place in Portland on Dec. day, Nov. 21, a nine pound baby girl. come and excess profits taxes due have had the matter called to their raise the famous hay crop. Resolved, that we as members of 21st. We venture to express the December 15th. Such a provision attention and appointed committees, Sunbeam Rebekah Lodge No. 180. hope that the Commercial Club Com was contained In the 1917 Revenue " Miss Virginia Locko left Sunday all the members will get to gether and as individuals, extend to Sister mittee will not fail to lodge a vigor X. OF P. DELEGATION Act. but was removed by the Revenue and decide upon what they want pub and Brother West and other members ous protest against both Hermiston’s for her home in Walla Walla, where Act of 1918. No extension can be she will continue her Violin lessons. GOES TO PENDLETON lished. of the family our heartfelt sympathy. classification and the proposed in granted under the law. Knights of Pythias members from Mr. Cobb, in addressing the club, We can only extend to them a fra- crease. December 15 th is the last day for Rev. Hall will preach Sunday the west end of the county who at stated that he was always glad to morning and evening. At 11 a. m the payment of the fourth install- tended the Annual District Conven meet with the Hermiston club, and ternal hand and bid them look to tion at Pendleton Monday night were also said he and the Boardman peo Him from whom all good cometh and PUNCH, PEP AND PURPOSE Which is preferable with Cod. At ment of the income and excess prof 7:30 p. m. "The ten guilty brothers.” its taxes due this year. To avoid J H. Reid, Hogan Miller, F. M. Gui- ple were always glad to welcome any who doeth all things well. Be It penalty, the tax must be In the of further Herbsman’» Lecture Will Be Big Fea wits, O. G. Sapper, D. H. Prindle, J. of the Hermiston people to their club fices of the Collector of Internal Rev Resolved, That a copy of these ture of Chautauqua Festival We are In receipt of a letter from T. Hinkle, E. O. Comegys, Wm. Shaar, meetings in Boardman. He also J. C. Herbsman, who comes to the Ross Laudenslager, an old resident of enue or branch offices by midnight y‘ N. Whitney, Geo. Briggs. Earl said that, while it appeared to the resolutions be sent to Sister and i Boynton, Harry McMillen. Hollis outsider that Boardman was not do Brother West, and also be published Chautauqua Festival on the fourth Hermiston, now at Wichita Fills, of that date. night, will probably arouse more com Percey and Cecil Kelley all from Her- ing much, nevertheless, they had sev In the Hermiston Herald and enter ment and stir more people to action Texas, stating that he can't be Mrs. John Hartle took her little ed in the Lodge records. miston; B. B.Lane, Geo. Caldwell, Mr eral cards up their sleeves they were 1 than any man you have heard in many out the home paper. daughter to Pendleton Tuesday where Fraternally Submitted, Howard Chas. W. Powell and Bailey preparing to play in the near future, a day. His lecture will deal with Jennie Worster, Rev. J. T. Dowell, wife and. she will undergo an operation for ap- Rand all from Irrigon and W. A. and when they laid down their hands Dora Mikesell. daughter, came to our city in their pendicitis at St. Anthony's hospital. Miles from Boardman. we would all sit up and take notice. Rena Waterman, car from Touchet, Wash, last Satur Mr. Bennion gave the club some Mir. and Mr». C. A. Hood of Port- Committee. day afternoon. They were guests of M asonic lodge elects Information concerning the activit Rev. and Mrs. Ira D. Hall, over Sun land, old residents ot Hermiston, OFFICERS TUESDAY NIGHT ies of the County Farm Bureau. Part were in the city several days this day. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT The Masonic lodge of Hermiston of his talk concerned the “buy a bar wishing Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Whereas the Grand Architect of held their annual election last Tues- rel of flour” movement published in Johnson. A. R Fisher came up from Port day night and the following members another column of this paper. He the Universe has seen fit to remove land Friday morning last, to arrange from our midst our friend and broth One or the novel features of "Huck- were elected: Tom Worster, Worship- wanted the club to take some action some business mattem and left for leberry Finn" which will be shown tai Master; August Beirne, Worship- concerning the price of gasoline at er, Robert Russell West. the Rose city the next day to make Resolved: That Vineyard Lodge at the Play House Saturday night. Warden; Frank Worster, Junior the present price, stating that the his home this winter with his son-in- December 11. will be a prologue by Warden; C. W. Kellogg, Secretary, last advance in price was due to the No. 206, I. O. O. F„ extend to the be law, Harold Sullivan. ome of the school children. "Huck- and F. B. Swayse, Treasurer. long freight haul from the Wyoming reaved relatives our heartfelt sympa thy, and assure them that while they sinn" is one ot the sreatert fields. He said now, this Is not nec- The Christmas buying season is on mourn the loss of their son, his mem MAY GET FERRY ACROSS pictures ever timed, and an extra essary, and stated that the Farm Bu In earnest at all the Bocal stores, and ory and his inflexible fidility, will be Urge crow d will be out Soturday, " all of them have made elaborate pre- COLUMBIA AT BOARDMAN reau thought the price should be re cherished by those of us who remain. come early and get a seat. "Y9 duced. The club promised to cooper- partions to handle your needs. Shop shows at nigh, t, 7 and • and matinee Resolved: That our charter be Enterprising Boardman citisene ate in this matter. early and look over their sto cks be In draped in mourning for a period of subject of tremendous importance Mr. Bensel, of the Hermiston high at 2:30. ____ are negotiating to establish a ferry of fore you send away for anything. If 30 days, that a copy of these resolu- these days; the duty it these reconstruction reconstruction “ I y ou don’t see what you want, ask "Cross the Columbia river at that school, stated that the boys were in the individual and of the community I — 1. You all know atout the great rush sity. crossing over to the Washing- need of a “gym.” and asked the co- tions be sent to hie bereaved parents, t the country and to humanity at | them to send for it. they will onl.r be in the post office during Christmas ton side. The terry will serve a large operation of the club to try to get the a copy to the Herald and that they be this critical time too glad to accomodate you. shopping. Postmaste," Skinner asks number of stock men who would school board to purchase the Audi spread upon the minutes of the lodge Herbsman çomblne» the fire and en- | as a tribute to the memory of our de torium for that purpose A commit- bring their cattle and sheep to Board- orgy of a dozen men. He turns loose Mrs. A. G. Rix and children return- all to mail their parkaa es eery • ' tee was appointed to look Into the parted brother. a machine gun fire on hie audiences | ed to Union, Oregon after spending so doing they will reach their desti- man for winter feeding. G. W Corse, and every shot goes home. The earn | several days here with Mr. Rix. Mrs nation on time, and if the 8e "" The nearest ferry to Boardman matter. B. J. Nation, made a very good estness of the man, the powerful con | Rix and children expect to return before Christmas they will "" J. F. McNaught now is at Umatilla or Arlington. 20 opened if you Inscribe "Not • W 8. Casady. talk about the bridge conditions, trol the 201h of this month and will Committee. opened until Christmas" on the P terry at Boardman is apparent. and informed us that the attorney "tuiXe a US event, omaxe ime piace their future home age. Remember, shop early, .3" opinion that the general gave the V L Geo. Rand was up from Irrigon the week that no thinking citizen can I They will occupy the Ed Graham ■ mail your parcels early. „ Take the kids to see “Huckleberry county was not responsible for the | afford to miss. I residence. j Wednesday on business. “in" Saturday.” repairs of the bridges. Columbia Farm Bureau to Meet Tebersy 4 of his subject the. remarkaleabout tree:ohi 1