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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
C Ni, THE HERMISTON lodge directory HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Notice of Sheriffs Sale Under Ex- TEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. S.. OUE,second Tuesday evening of each month . sharp in Masonic hall. Visiting members at8:00- Emma S. Johnson, W. M. ecution • Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court. State of Oregon for 1 matilla County, and to'me directed “ewSTON LODGE NO. 138, A.F.& A M. HFRM., in Masonic Hall on First and Third and delivered, upon the judgment A - met) "___ eelt month Visitin, prat. and decree rendered and entered in tn _ A. W. Prann, W. M. cw. welcome. Kellogg. Secy. said Court on the 14th day of Octo ber. 1920, in favor of Sue D. Hughes ------- AND-------- .nMFYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F. as Plaintiff and against W. L. Balch VINEL each Monday evening in Odd Fellow. sa.Visiting members cordially invited., and Nellie A. Balch, his wife as De w R. Longhorn. Sec. — —Yers- — •• fendant, for the sum of »520.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 12 PROFESSIONAL cards per cent per annum from May 11, Durine the present period of economic readjustment taking place throughout the world, a 1917, the further sum of »100.00 at torney's fees, and for »29.85 cost and reaction from the abnornal conditions brought about by the world war, we feel that a frank disbursements, which said decreed statement of the attitude and policy of the J. C. Penney Co. is of vital interest to the buying VETERINARY SURGEON judgment, and order of sale has been public cf Hermiston and Umatilla County, Oregon. Hermiston, Ore. docked and enrolled in the office of House Phone 21 the Clerk of said Circuit Court; and WE NEVER HOLD SPECIAL SALES, nor use comparative prices, nor do ‘we contemplate any whereas by said judgment, decree such practice in the future. However, the willingness of many manufacturers to accept lower pri- I. H. Van Winkle and order of sale it was directed dr R. G. GALE ces prompts us to make this statement. whose appointment as Attorney Gen that the following described real While we avoid so called SPECIAL SALES and comparative prices, we wish to assure you that eral, has been announced by the Gov Office—Gladys Ave. near First St. property in Umatilla County, Oregon, on every line of merchandise that shows a price reduction, our prices have been adjusted to con- ernor, upon the retirement of George to-wit: Office Hours: form with to-days replacement costs. Phone 641 M. Brown to become Justice, of the luto 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. The north half of the northwest ----------- Supreme Court, has announced him- Should future market conditions bring lower price levels you will find readjustments here that quarter of the southeast quarter of self as a candidate for election to will positively safeguard your interests. DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS section twenty-five (25), township that office at the general election on five (5), north Our entire staff of expert buyers are taking advantage of every market decline and a daily bul . Physician and Surgeon of range twenty- the 2nd of next month. The office eight (28), east letin advises us of their market observations. Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted of the Willamette Office over First National Bank is to be filled by the people at the Meridian, all in We in turn in your local store are here to pass on to you the opportunities presented in the ad Umatilla County, OFFICE PHONE, 92 next election. vantage gained by these merchandising specialists in New York, St. Paul, and St. Louis. Oregon, be sold by the Sheriff of RESIDENCE PHONE. 595 Mr. Van Winkle has been First As Umatilla County, Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:80 p. m. The unprecedented volume done by our local store at PENDLETON during the past year'is un Oregon, to satisfy Day or night calls answered promptly sistant Attorney General during the judgment and all costs; mistakable evidence of the appreciation of the service this rapidly growing institution is able to ren entire incumbancy of Judge Brown, I will on the 22nd day of Novem- der to the people of PENDLETON AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. (since the first Monday in January, ber A. D., 1920, at the hour of two DR. W. W. ILLSLEY But we are not content to stand still. Our every effort will be bent to show improved service 1915) having accepted the position o’clock in the afternoon of said day Office over First National Bank to the entire population of PENDLETON AND SURROUNDING TERRITORY. at the urgent request of the latter. at the front door of the Court House Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Before buying your winter supply of blankets, bedding, clothing, ready-to wear Por men, wo He held the same position under At in the City of Pendleton, Umatilla Call» answered at all houra men or children, shoes, underwear, hoisery, in fact anything to wear for any member of the family, torney General A. M. Crawford, from County, Oregon, sell the right, title Residence phone 711 Office phone 551, we Invite you to visit our store and inspect the large and complete stock, and ask that you comparo February, 1904 until July 1, 1913, and interest the said W. L. Balch and prices and quality with any quoted you from home or abroad. when he resigned to go Into private Nettie A. Bolch, his wife, had in and The following list of merchandise shows plainly what you may expect in new price levels on r f practice. During these many years to the described property on the 11th DENTTSTR" anything you need. । of service he has had a wide experi- day of May, A. D., 1914, or since Hermiston, Oregon enee in construing and interpreting then has acquired, at public auction Office, Bark Bldg. PAY DAY AND UNDERHILL the laws, especially of the State, and to the highest bidder for cash in Office Hours Office Phone, 93 Residence Phone Standard Union made bib Overalls, a pair..................................... ............ 1.98 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. in advising and guiding the various hand, the proceeds to be applied in Indigo Blue, Stifel Stripe, Bib Overalls ............................................................. ... ............ state officers, boards and commis satisfaction of said execution and all 1.49 sions, and in the conduct and trial of costs. MEN’S PAY DAY WORK SHIRTS state cases in the state and federal Dated this 20th day of October, Standard Grade Blue or Gray Chambra ............................................................................ ...... 1.19 Optometrist and Optician courts. In assisting members and D, 1920. 36 Inch Percales, attractive patterns in light and dark grounds, yard ................. .. ....... 33c committees of the legislature in the W. R. Taylor, Sheriff. Glasses ground to fit your eyes drafting of laws and in passing upon 27 Inch Dress Ginghams, Amoskeag, Red Seal and Toile Du Nord, fast color, yard By A. C. Funk, Deputy. 33c Fifteen years experience at your service the validity of proposed legislation, This is no special sale price, but our every day prices justified by to-day's market conditions. 6-5tc. American Nat. Bank Bldg. perhaps no one has had as much ex- MEN’S CLOTHING AT NEW QUOTATIONS D y.l perience as he has while First Assis- Not the least of the good news of price reductions comes from the men's clothing section. Kendleton, Oregon tana Attorney General, through all Smartly and honestly tailored from fabrics of the same dependable quality that has always Identified : these years. It was on account of PENNY Clothes. We want you to see the suits we are offering at this experience and ability and his well kown stand for law enforcement $22.50 24.75 27.50 32.50 37.50 42.50 Get Your that caused Attorney General Brown to seek his aid when first elected, and to retain him to this date. * Governor Olcott in this instance EVERY MORNING followed his usual rule of promotion From Your Pendleton, Oregon - Opposite Hotel Pendleton of an experienced official which has heretofore met with the overwhelm ing approval of the people. Mr. Van Winkle may well be expected to con tinue the policy of law enforcement PENDLETON BAKING CO. and careful attention to public inter- are put into their laying quarters or rough, unthrifty, individuáis Seasonal Farm Pointers ■ ests which has characterized the ad Farm Mechanics, O. A. C.—All ma they will be unnecessarily retarted should be avoided. If It Is necessary ministration of his predecessor. In chinery should be thoroughly« over- The pullets should start laying be- to take such cattle with a bunch bet fact, he has been a very considerable hauled before being put away for the fore the cold weather begins because ter sell them to the local butcher at part of it. winter. All repair work should be cold weather will decrease their pro- once for whatever they will bring Mr. Van Winkle is a native Oregon done in the winter so that when the ductiveness. than keep them longer and Invest lan, having been born and reared on time comes to use the machinery it Animal Husbandry, O. A. C.—The good feed in t beni.” WEST a farm in Linn county, and will be SIDE will not be necessary to stop import eastern Oregon experiment station “Breed is immaterial so long as It fifty years old. He is also Dean of ant work to fix them. has demonstrated that steers fatten is beef breed.” the College of Law of Willamette Un Horticulture, O. A. C.—Orchardists ed on alfalfa hay and ensilage made iversity and Its many graduates who Republican Candidate for who have not been able to get their practically twice the gain made by NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION are practicing in all parts of the state cover crops in as yet should do so as those fattened on hay alone in the us SHERIFF Department of the Interior, U. S. and the northwest will be glad to soon as possible. It must get Its ual manner. This gain was made know of his promotion. He is, and Strict enforcement of the law growth in the fall to be worth any without any advance In cost per day Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, October 9th, 1920. • has always been a Republican. and a Fair Deal for Everybody. thing to the grower. Cover crops of fattening. Details of this experi Notice is hereby given that Ed- should be planted in labe August or ment may be obtained in bulletin No. No nominations can now be made ward E. Shaw, of Hermiston, Ore- early In September, but will do fairly 174, just issued. for this office, because the vacancy gon, who, on Nov. 17, 1917. made well if planted now, especially if the occured too late, and each voter will Homestead Entry, No. 018253, for winter is mild. The best combina have to write on his or her ballot 1000 Pound Steers Best N1, Section 14, Township 5 North, “We do not buy fat steers for feed Range 29 East, Willamette Merid tion for eastern Oregon is 30 pounds the name of the person for whom he hairy vetch with one bushel grey ing at the experiment station,” says ian, has filed notice of intention to or she wishes to vote for this office oats per acre, drilled in. Spring E. L. Potter, head of annimal husban make three-year proof, to establish and mark an "X” before it the same claim to the land above described, "RED-I-FIT" vetch, 40 pounds to one bushel of dry at O. A. C., “But we want them before W. J. Warner, United States as the names which are printed on grey oats, drilled In, are best for In good flesh. The thinner they are Commissioner, .at his office, at Her- FORD ACCELERATORS the ballot. the longer it takes to finish them and miston, Oregon, on the 16th day of western Oregon. The pressure of the foot goes direct by Pd Adv. November, 1920. rod to the patented crank lever which Poultry, O. A. C.—Proper atten- the less we can afford to pay.” Claimant names as witnesses: operates the carburetor sensitively and “A steer to be finished in 120 days tion to the housing of chickens at accurately, independently from hand O. Sutherland, William this time will pay big dividends to of winter feeding should weigh about O. William throttle; closes automatically. Durable Whitesett, Frank H. Donaldson, the poultryman. The pullets which a thousand pounds at the begin and different. Will outlast the car. We and Fred E. Earnhart, all of Her- install while you wait. are to produce the winter crop of ning. The younger he is the better, miston, Oregon. eggs are about ready to begin laying, providing be is up to weight. C. 8. Dunn, .. “Dairy-bred stuff, high flanked. 6-5t if kept in small quarters before they Register. LOWER PRICES The J. C. Penney Company Policy J. A. PEED . I is D . PRIME Dr. Dale Rothwell FRESH BREAD J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Local Dealer Morrison & Son S Garage Zoeth Houser GuaranteeWork Quick Service Reasonable Charges Phone Your Orders for all kinds of ' Umatilla County Herd Law—Vote YES 322 Transfer Work Stand at Siscers. Phone 262 we are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. S. A. Miller The City Transfer Republican nominee for Repre sentative, Umatilla county. Your support appreciated. Pd Adv W. B. BEASLEY Umatilla County Farmers who are interested In the passage of a just and equitable herd law, desire to call attention of all farmers and voters of Umatilla County generally, to the Umatilla County Herd Law which will be found upon the ballot November 2. A herd law was enacted by the 1919 legislature. Much objection was raised to it. Later the Attorney General of Oregon, In a written opinion, held it was unconstitutional. We desire to say THAT THE HERD LAW WHICH IS TO BE VOTED UPON NOVEMBER 2. IS NOT THE HERD LAW WHICH WAS HELD UNCONSTITUTION AL. It is a law initiated in Umatilla County by Umatilla County Farmers and Taxpayers to be ap plied to Umatilla County alone. It has no criminal feature, that is to say: nobody will be arrested, fined or jailed for its violation. It will be similar in its practical operation to the herd law that has been for many years In operation in the irrigated section of Western Umatillaa County. ONE OF THE BEST BARBER SHOPS In Eastern Oregon SHOWER BATHS WM. SHAAR F or SHERIFF Regular Democratic Nominee ′ W. R. TAYLOR If elected will strive to give the people an economi cal and efficient administra tion. __________________ Paid Adv, HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER PHONE 152 Hollis Percey, Prop. fïÎÏÏÏHÏiÏÏiifïiïiïlÎîllÏÏl^^ TRANSFER LONG AND : SHORT HAULS J.L.VAUGHANs EELECTRIC FIXTURES = = AND APPLIANCES = PHONE 192 OTTs TIRE SHOP iÑlUillllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH Don't wait until it is too late to have your winter plumbing done. Put your order in now and have your home ready for the cold spell. I. E. l-tie Putnam, 5th and Main Sts. It will however, have the effect of extending the practical benefits of that law to the rest of Umatil- la County. If you are directly interested In a just and fair herd law you will favor this law. If you are di- rectly interested we ask you to support this law upon the ground that It Is desired by those who are most interested. Vote 322 X YES. Endorsed and recommended by the following farmers and taxpayers: M. 8. Watts, Athena. Oregon. Marion Jack, Pendleton, Oregon. E. P Jensen. Freewater, Oregon. K. G. Warner. Pilot Rock, Oregon. J. F. McNaught. Hermiston. Oregon. Carl Engdahl, Helix. Oregon. R. E. Bean. Milton. Oregon. J. A. Guderian, Pilot Rock, Oregon. D. J. Kirk. Milton. Oregon. George Strand, Pendleton, Oregon. J. F. Slover, Freewater, Oregon. G. L. Dunning, Stanfield. Oregon. Herbert Boylen. Hr . Pilot Rock, Oregon. A. R. Coppock, Athena, Oregon. Pd. Adv. I A