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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1920)
No. 24 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERMISTON HERALD I Wanted—To dispose of the follow Ford Touring, 1917 model, $300; Stude baker Six, seven passenger car $550. Hermiston Auto Co. 22tfc Lumber ready cut for all kinds of irrigation boxes. See Correll. 15tfc AUCTIONEER—I will cry sales anywhere in the country. Personal property a specialty. Write me for dates and terms or call at Herald office. Give me a trial. G. L. Ben- nett, Hermiston, Oregon. 16tfc Ten acre tract close in for sale cheap. Liberty bonds accepted. Box 104, Glasgow, Mont. 20-7tp For Sale—Big Type Duroc Jersey boar, farrowed June 1, 1919; can be registered. Inquire of F. N. Whit ney, or phone 181. 17-tfc For Sale—Splendid team with harness; 2 5 h. p. Avery tractor or 16 h. p. portable engine; four incu- bators, different sizes; 500 lb Sharp- less separator. C. W. LaBarre. 23tfc Eggs for Hatching—White Leg horn, Oregon and Oak Park strains, 90c per doz. F. M. Guiwits. 23-2tc For Sale—75 good locust fence posts. Call 251. 23tfc Fire Insurance in three strong companies. See Edile M. Johnson at Dodd’s office. 3tfc Saturday, February 28, 1920 WATCH WINTER FEED OF COW ing used cars at a sacrifice: Very Easy to Have Grain Ration So High That It Won’t Pay for Itself in Milk. SURE RETURNS FOR FARMERS Bull Associations Now in Successful Operation in 21 States—More Milk Produced. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) , The feeding of cows for milk will need to be watched more closely than ever this winter. With cows such as they run. It Is very easy to have the grain ration so high that It will not pay for itself In milk or cream. A very successful eastern dairyman feeds his cows only alfalfa hay and silage with a very little oilmeal, limit ing the silage to 25 pounds a day to the cow and 20 pounds a day to the heifer, thus getting them to eat more alfalfa. He admits that dairymen feeding grain will beat him in amount of milk produced, but says that his business Is turned at a greater profit. Doubtless true—and he is also putting ail his cows into advanced registry. “A bull association would be a pay- Ing enterprise for our county, but the farmers here simply won’t- pull to gether on any proposition.” This is the usual answer a repre sentative from the United States de partment of agriculture gets when he goes into a new community and asks the individual farmers about the feas ibility of organizing a bull association. BETTER BREEDING BIG HELP But 55 bull associations have been or ganized in 21 states and are success Most Economical Way Furnished to Obtain Large-Producing Cows— fully operating. A specialist from the Use Best Heifers. dairy division recently returned from a two months’ trip in Kansas, Okla by the United States Depart homa, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee (Prepared ment of Agriculture.) and Mississippi. In those states he In dairying - large production and profit go hand In hand. Breeding fur nishes the most economical way to obtain large-producing cows. The pure- Pruning and grafting by the re bred bull, with generations of high- producing ancestors back of him, must liable and experienced J. A. Rowan. he used for breeding, and only the Drop him a card. Grafting a speci best heifers from the best cows should alty. Satisfaction guaranteed. 21tfc be chosen to be the dams of the next Ford car in good condition for sale generation. cheap. Inquire at this office or see Harry Kelley. 17tfc ms. Only Purebred Sires of Known Breed ing Value Should Be Used In Bull Associations. assisted in the initial steps for the or ganization of 14 more bull associa tions. The first bull association was or ganized in Michigan in 1908. Since then 20 other states have taken up this work. Not a single farmer has ever lost a dollar by belonging. Bet ter bulls are obtained for less money. Better dairy offspring results. More milk is produced for the same money. The investment for the individual farmer is small and the returns are sure. FEEDING CORN OR MOLASSES Both Are Rich in Heat-Producing Ele ments and Relatively Low in Protein. ___ Corn and molasses are about the same in composition.. Both are rich In carbohydrates, or heat-producing elements and relatively low in protein. Molasses Is not quite as valuable as a feed as corn, but when the price of corn is $35 or $40 per ton, as it is in some places, and molasses $25 or $30, the latter is cheaper feed. The dairy cow may be fed three to five pounds of molasses daily. More than this tends to lessen the digestibility of the other feeds in the ration. Molasses is very palatable to the animal and will al ways produce a sleek coat when fed. It can often be used to make unpala table roughage most toothsome. There Is difficulty always in feeding mo lasses. It may be put in the drinking water or diluted slightly with water and sprinkled on the roughage or the grain portion of the ration. — The Herald prints letter heads. The Herald prints calling cards.. WANT ADS, For Sale—Team of mares, weight about 2700 lbs. Good workers. With of without harness. F. L. Jewett, Hermiston. 22tfc For Sale—1 Mandy Lee incubator. See Ed. Graham, Phone 581, Her miston. 23tfc 160 acres Yellow Pine timber in Central Oregon, certified cruise 3,350,000 feet; will exchange, for good land near Hermiston. R. O. Horning. 22tfc For Sale—Big type Duroc-Jersey hogs. Geo. H. Root.' 49tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The American Boy, $2 per year. Ed. H. Graham. itfc Fire Insurance, Notary Public and typewriting and stenographic work. See Edite M. Johnson at Dodd’s office. 3tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The Saturday Evening Post, $2.00; The Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 35tfc. Spices and Extracts for the House wife—in fact everything in the Watkins line. Mail your orders, or call at my home, one door east of Tum-a-Lum lumber yard* in Hermis ton. Ore., and make your selections. W. A. Mikesell. lltfc Chiquita Chimes. No. 371,177, made average of 34 pounds of but ter per month, official test, as heifer. This cow has just dropped her third calf, a heifer. She is a splendid individual with good blood lines in her pedigree. Cow with calf, which is sired by Rosaire’s Lad of Hermiston, for sale. May be seen at my place in east city limits of Hermiston. J. W. Campbell. 22 For 1920 Plant Only the o 9 Best Our Seed Catalog and Plant er's Guide Is the standard reference wers of the Northwest, listing our complete lines of • Seeds, Trees, Plants, Fertilizers,Poultry and Bee Supplies, Sprays and Sprayers, Dairy Supplies and Equipment. Your Nome should be on our Mailing List. Ask for Catalog No. H20 PIONEER B S New house for sale—Part cash, bal arber hop ance easy payments—like rent. No commission, no bonus. See Cor E. MILES. PROP. rell. 15tfc For Sale—171 acres joining Co lumbia school and Columbia Park; ten acres in alfalfa. Finest location in east, end of project. Call on or BATHS IN CONNECTION write A. R. Fisher, Hermiston, Ore. 19tfc For Sale—Cream separator, capa city 750 lbs. practically new; also 1 top buggy. O. O. Felthouse. 18tfc lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllll J; L. VAUGHANS See Bennett for autioneering. 16tfc f For Sale—20 acres in Columbia = ELECTRIC FIXTURES = District, partly improved and clear = AND APPLIANCES = ed, 3 room house and barn; also = Phone 139 = team, harness and colt. Paul Miller, = 203 E. Court St. Pendieton, Ore. = Hermiston. 19tfc iTnilllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflfir For Schweizer’s imported high grade exclusive dress materials and embroideries for spring and summer see Mrs. Burgess. 22tfc For Sale—My home ranch—best VETERINARY SURGEON improved ten acres on the project. Hermiston. Ore. Alfalfa and fruit of all kinds. J. J. House Phone 283 Casserly. 22tfc Wanted—Good renter, with help, for 60 acres alfalfa—some grain. Chiropractic Relieves Where Other Methode Fai I use the Latest Painlees Methods * Will sell equipment. J. J. Cass erly. 22tfc Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA For Sale—A quantity of cedar CHIROPRACTOR drop boxes and turnout boxes; can Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy be bought for what lumber In them is worth; all ready made up. H. E. House Address 70S E. Webb SU Hanby. . 22tfc Office 103 W. Webb SU Phone 583 Pendleton. Ore. Do you want a good second hand car cheap? If you do It will be worth LODGE DIRECTORY your while to see the Hermiston Auto Co. 22tfc ueen ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s ., Wanted—To demonstrate to the Q meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp In Mack's hall. Visitine members skeptical the merits of the new welcome. Emma S. Johnson. W. M. Overland Four. Hermiston Auto Co. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. 22tfc LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M . For Rent—Will rent large‘35-ton - HERMISTON 1 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday hay press by the ton for entire sea evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel- son 1920. Machine nearly new. C. W. Kellogg. Secy. A. W. Prann, W. M. Sappers’ Inc. 22tfc For Sale—White Wyandotte cock VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F... " meets each Monday evening In Odd Fellows $5. White Leghorn cockerels >2.50. hall Visiting members cordially Invitad. Wm. F. Hoskins, Stanfield. 22-4tc W. X. Longhorn, Sec. W. 8. Casady. N. G J. A. PEED