Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1919)
THE HERM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON- — — — - The local post of the American Legion has cancelled the dances that were to have been given this I »«tied Each Saturday by month by that organization until M. D. O’CONNELL some future date, when the weathei | HERMISTON OREGON is more agreeable and fuel more plentiful. The Hermiston Herald A GOOD BARN Entered as second-class matter, December 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES Feed is expensive nowadays. Every possible ounce of it must be converted into beef or milk or working energy for the teams. Stock lacking the protection of a good barn con sumes most of their feed in fighting the cold—or lacking the cool refuge of a properly insulated barn during the heat of summer, becomes indisposed and loses weight. 1 Feed converted into animal heat doesn’t make beef or milk or money. The essentials of a good tarn are good materials, proper ventilation, sanitation and insulation. Let us figure with you. It’s our business. We know how. There is no obligation to buy. We have a number of different designs to choose from and will consider it a favor in being able to quote you prices. One year .......................... —............................................. Six months ............ —.............. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES Display—One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser- tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly rates, 15 cents per inch per issue. Readers—First insertion, 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy. | Scents perline. RAPS NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. F. A. BROWNSON, MGR. Phone No. Ill Bring Your Building Problems to Us—We are no Further Away Than Your Telephone =5 peons We wish to announce that we carry a full and complete line of High Grade Pianos, Vic- tor, Edison and Columbia Talk- Ing machines, new sheet music and records, banjos, ukaleles, guitars, mandolina — in fact anything in music. Terms to sulit the purchaser. Write for catalogs, or Phono 524. The Times-Record of Valley City. North Dakota, takes the Non-Par- tisan League to task for having been the cause of the soaring of taxes in that state this year to dou ble and treble what they were in 1918. The paper gained facts from the auditor’s books to back up his statement, and cites any number of farmers and other property holders that have been hard hit under the regime of the League. One instance is stated of a man named William Olson, who paid $147.12 in taxes in the auditor’s books to back up its taxes on the same property totaled $475.95, an increase of over 2 2 0 per cent. It seems that a merry war is be ing waged in North Dakota this year between the League and those opposed to it. It is pointed out that things have happened in North Da kota during the past 12 months that have tended to weaken the strength of the Non-Partisan League mater ially, and it Is fully predicted that the organization is now sure to dwindle from the zenith of fame it had reached something like a year ago. People generally are coming now to buying tires on a cost per mil basis. The average car owner to day wants the best tire he can get for the money. THE HERMISTON AUTO CO. are agents for the Good rich. Goodyear, and U. S. Tires. The best tires on the market, price con sidered. AUCTIONEER—I will cry sales anywhere in the country. Personal property a specialty. Write me for dates and terms or call at Herald office. Give me a trial. G. L. Ben nett, Hermiston, Oregon. 13tfc Automobile Owners Notice: To privent your radia tors from freezing use Johnson's Freeze Proof. Will not harm any metal. Put up in 7 pound packages, $2.25, and for sale by Hermiston Auto Co. A trial will convince. Dr. Freeze makes regular visits to Her miston. Consult him free and be assured of good eye service. = = = = 5 = = = = sign that you are going to move. If you dream of smelling smoke, It is a sign you are asleep and had better wake up. To see a paper hanger paper over a flue hole indicates im pending loss. It is worse luck to look in a dark closet with a match than to see the new moon over your left shoulder. If you can see your shadow from an oil lamp while fill ing a gasoline stove, it indicates a crowd of people are coming to your house. When the wind moans it is extremely bad luck to burn trash near the house. If you smell gas or gasoline and look for it with a light, t foretells that you are about to tart on a long journey. Even if your house and furniture are cover ed by insurance, it is extremely bad tuck to have them burn on Friday the thirteenth. Repairing Phone Main 33 Plain and Decorated Ivory Toilet Articles A large assortment to select from MAKE YOUR SELECTION FOR CHRISTMAS NOH Hermiston Drug Store FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE Leases, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., Etc. Butter Wrappers TisSofice Dewey Payne are the leaders of the sides. The quota for our community is $100. The pupils of Miss Riggs' room are testing against Miss Con- don's tor honors. The receipts of this sale goes to fight the white plague—consumption. The high school expects to con duct a lyceum course for this win ter If the fuel situation Is relieved Get useful Calendar at Sappers'. , t H. M. STRAW. MGR. (WANT ADS. For Sale—Big type hogs. Geo. H. Root. ATLANTIC SHOES Duroc-Jersey 49tfc Fire Insurance in three strong companies. See Edile M. Johnson at Dodd’s office. 3tfc Hand Painted and Tinted Chinaware cause of lack of fuel and the ex treme cold weather. The pupils of the upper grades I and the students of the high school i were entertained on last Friday morning by a beautiful piano duet by Misses Laura Phipps and Paul ine Voelker, which was greatly en joyed. Carl Myers was kicked on the arm | by a horse Wednesday evening. It | is now known how badly he is in jured. The Red Cross committee has turned the sale of Red Cross Christ mas seals over to the school. In the | high school they have chosen sides, and the side selling the highest | number will ke entertained by the losers. Reinhart Buhmann and Completed Prices Furnished on application " The Yard of Best Quality ” HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Bamboo Fruit Baskets, Sand wich and Cake Trays and Flower Pots, all of which came direct from Japan. Look at our plan book of photographs of resi- dence houses, barns, garages and outbuildings. Plue prints and specifications free of charge. 36 Have Xmas photos made at Ward's when in Pendleton. We will pay your fare. 4tfc STEINWAY For Sale—A 3 in 1 building, coal shed, chicken house and toilet; KNABE also some chicken wire. Call at this office, or phone 251. 9tfc BALDWIN Straw for Sale for covering or feed. C. V. Wilson Ranch, one mile HAMILTON west of town. ll-3tc Warren’s Music House Spices and Extracts for the House HOWARD wife—in fact everything in the Watkins line. Mail your orders, or ELLINGTON call at my home, one door east of Tum-a-Lum lumber yard in Hermis HOEART M. CABLE ton. Ore., and make your selections. W. A. Mikesell. lltfc CONWAY For Sale—Two Duroc Jersey red registered boars, farrowed Aug. 3. SCHUBERT M. Carl Gallaher. lltfc For Sale—Howard Heater in good A small payment down puts 1 2tfc Get useful Calendar at Sappers’. condition. M. D. Seroggs. a fine piano in your house Buyer of all kinds of live stock. A. L. Steiner. Stanfield, Ore. ll-22p «llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKHIItlllllt For Sale—1 % dozen pullets and 1 year old hens. M. D. Seroggs. 1 2tfc Straw for sale for land covering. There was very little school Wed Floyd Ames. 12-4tp nesday, for the fan could not be YOU ARE ¡NV1TED TO COME IN AND LOOK OVER started which circulates the warm A bargain in a windmill and air on account of the power being tank. Inquire at Miles’ barber OUR NICE ASSORTMENT OF ===== shut off. shop. 13-ltc The school busses have not been Lost— Between section house and «ble to run since the heavy snow drug store or meat market a $3 gold fall on Tuesday night and Wednes piece wore as a charm on a neck day. chain. Please return to the section The Parent - Teachers meeting hopse and receive reward. Joe scheduled for Thursday evening had Stewart. 13-1tc to be postponed on account of lack For Sale—A stack of alfalfa straw of fuel and the difficulty for people (from hulling) at my ranch three to get in from the country. It was found necessary to close miles west of Hermiston. J. D. Wat- * i3.ltc The Movie theatre indefinitely be son. Tuning and WHY NOT OWN ONE LIKE IT? Inland Empire Lumber Company Ladies—Switches made from comb ings. Work guaranteed. Mrs. Lon Jeffries, Stanfield, Oregon, 52tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The American Boy, $2 per year. Ed. H. Graham. Itfc Fire Insurance, Notary Public and typewriting and stenographic work. See Edite M. Johnson at Dodd’s FORD OWNERS—We have a few office. 3tfc radiator covers just received. Come Wanted—Your subscription for and look them over. HERMISTON The Saturday Evening Post, $2.00; AUTO CO. (The new garage.) The Ladies Home Journal, $1.75; = The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. A Few Reminders A carck in your chimney is a sure H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 35tfc. WARREN’S f Music House f Pendleton, Oregon $1.50 1.00 See This House See Bennett for auctioneering. 13 The Hermiston Auto Co. announce that they have a Ford Specialty Ma- chinist. Good work guaranteed and prices charged are only those allow ed by the Ford Service Schedule no matter how much time is spent in making the repairs. For Sale A FULL LINE OF ‘ LADIES SHOES All sizes. Real dressy ones and made for comfort Full Line of Girls and Boys and Small Children’s Shoes The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently well known and proven to need no comment. Send your orders by mail or ex press and we will prepay them back to you on short notice. A full line of men and boys’ guaranteed All-Leather Shoes— both work and dress—that will be sold to you if you investigate when in need of foot wear. The Famous "Florshelm” you all well know. We invite you to call in any time and look over our new store The Oak Tan Shoe Store Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon ------------- MANUFACTURERS OF-------------- High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED CONFECTIONERY One Fairbanks-Morse dynamo. 60 volt. 20 amp.; one Dayton switch- board with volt meter and ammeter and auto circuit breaker, with one rheostat for same. See Rinhart Buhmann. Hermiston. Ore. 12tfc BARBER SHOP Clean and Sanitary Jnntain All Popult ICE Hot and Cold SHOWER BATHS esse**** WM. SHAAR Drinks