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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1919)
No. 49 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERMISTON HERALD Saturday, August 23, 1919 th I mi Nexi Time—Buy FISK CORD TIRES They are the tough tread tires and a marvel in their re sistance to wear INCREASE IN DAIRY PROFITS Dairy Bull Association* Have Done Good Work and Show Big In crease in Incomes. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Scrub dairy bulls are doomed. The bull association sounds their death knell, but it replaces them with bull- of better breeding. In June, 1916, there were 44 dairy bull associations and several have been organized since then. They are doing excellent work Without exception they show an in- creased Income without an increased cost. The New Windsor (Maryland) Bull association has furnished production records of dams and daughters for three successive years. Each year the daughters have produced more milk and butter fat than their dams, which TIRES—EXCESS MILEAGE Oregon Hardware & Implement Company AGENTS I A Good Holstein Bull. demonstrates thnt the bulls were well The Fiddler’s Bill. American Clipper Ships. selected. Of the 21 daughters of as Tn the days of the famous clipper The world contains a great many sociation bulls for which the 1018 re< ships, the American vessel was sec people who are busy paying the fid- ords are available, 16 excelled their ond to none, writes Frederick A. Col- dier. For some reason or another dams in butter-fat production, and 15 lins in Boys' Life. No other country they have neglected opportunities and excelled their dams In production of could build ships at once so stanch now they are trying to redeem the both milk and butter fat. IN and so speedy. Records were estab time. Some are Just plain fools and The average yearly production of CAR lished which have never been sur- they know It. Others are too dense the dams was 5.5G0 pounds of I milk passed by sailing craft, and. even with to know they don't know and it's im and 219 pounds of butter fat. The the use of steam, were not bettered possible to tell them. Others are Just average yearly production of the 2 for nearly half a century. In 1852, the mediocre people who have mussed daughters was 6,523 pounds, of milk Sovereign of the Seas sailed 436 miles things up and now they are trying to Baled or Chopped and 263 pounds of butter fat. In mill in a single day. The Lightning crossed I Iron them out. But It's all the same. production the daughters excelled and the Atlantic In 13 days and 20 hours, It's the present trying to correct the their dams by 963 pounds or 17 per and the James. Blaine of 2,500 tons, follies that are past. We call It pay cent, and In butter-fat production by made the voyage froto Boston to Liver ing the fiddler. It’s like going to a 44 pounds, or 20 per cent. These are pool In 12 days and 0 hours. Although country dance, and then when you not as large gains as some other bull We are always in the market for America led the way with the first have had all the fun you have to dig loose hay delivered at the mill associations have given, but are well trans-Atlantic steamship, she al down and pay the tiddler. A good worth while. . . _ . GET OUR PRICES lowed the sovereignty of the seas to many people have to pay the fiddler Because of cooperative ownership slip gradually from her. At the be because they got the notion they were the hulls cost the farmers no more ginning of the war most of her ton garter tliun other folks. than would have been paid for scrubs nage was afloat on the Great Lakes or It coats no more to feed the daugh- engaged In coastwise traffic and her ters than to feed the dams, and I' Mystery of Colonial Day*. deep-sea fleet was very small. 1.-—- ------ -* --- costs much less to feed the bulls be Tn 1676. on June 12. the settlement cause there were not so many of them of Hadley, Mass., was attacked by a “Well Enough. The Increased production, therefor« When the in- Unless an Individual Is placed in force of TOO Indians. was all net profit. some exceptional environment, he sel- habitants were in the greatest danger, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT dom works up to anything like his a mysterious Englishman suddenly ap Quotation* for Author*. full capacity. Human beings are nat peared and led a counterattack Most up to date restaurant in Eastern Oregon “The press is open and my book I« urally drawn In the direction of ease. against the Indians, who were defeated Try our 35 eent dinner | fairly set a-going. . . . The proof They do not court effort. A man will and driven off. The stranger, who had sheets amuse me finely at breakfast. I do ■ piece of work just well enough to never been seen before In the village, HOHBACH’S cannot help hoping for some applause •get by" with It but only the excep was said to he General Goffe, one of Pendleton You will be kind enough lo communi- tional man will do a piece of work any the judges who had condemned Charles : Bakery. Confectionery, Restaurant cate to me all that you hear, and to better than the minimum of result re- I to death, and who had fled to the conceal from me all censure. I wouk! It was supposed quired. Because of this universal hu- colonies for refuge. not, however, dislike to hear impartial man tendency, a man seldom reaches that he had been living concealed nt corrections: perhaps Mr. Gray may sa the higher levels of efficiency of which the house of a clergyman In Hadley. he is capable. He never reaches any- After the conflict he disappeared and VETERINARY SURGEON ; something to you »f It.”- ames Bos | well to William J. Temple (1767). hing like his best. He does his work was never heard of afterward. Office Phone 464 House Phone 283 "well enough." and lets It go at that — Subscribe for The Herald. Office In old Reading Room BUTTER WRAPPEi S—We sell them all printed W. E. Towne. Alfalfa Hay WE SELL LOTS Alfalfa Hay Alfalfa Meal C.S.McNAUCHT CO. French Restaurant J. A. PEED