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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1919)
THE TO VICTORY BOND BUYERS LOCAL BRIEFS Please remember that there will be a payment due on the Victory Bonds each month from now un til November. The first payment was due July 15. Pay it now if you have not already done so. The next payment will be due August 12. Arrange to pay it on or be fore that date. J. A. Pryor, in the employ of the © -W • R & N. at Umatilla, was a business visitor in this city Friday. The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 ORDINANCE NO. 99 N.G. 1 HERMISTON. HERALD, ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 67, entitled “An, Ordinance creating an office of Superintend- ent of the City Water Works, pre scribing his duties, fixing his compensation, fixing charges to be made for the use of water to the inhabitants of the City, pre scribing rules, regulations and rates for the conduct and gov- ernment of the system of wa- viola- ter works, and to punish which tions of this Ordinance,” ordinance is amended hereby by changing the rates of charges to be made for the use of water. IE CITY OF HERMISTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 5 of Gr Lance No. 67 be and the same is reby amended so that Rule 29 of Id Section 5 be made to read as bows: Rule 29. The foregoing provis- ns of these rules must be strictly mplied with and water must be id for by all persons supplied ac- rding to the following schedule of iter rates: Minimum rate $2.00. , The minimum rate entitles the nsumer to 3000 gallons of water. All exceeding 3000 gallons, per ch additional 1000 gallons 25 nts. When two or more consumers are plied with water through the ie meter each user will be re- lired to pay not less than the min- um rate. Section 2. All ordinances and irts of ordinances in conflict here- th are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall I in full force and effect from i and ter its passage by the Council I and proved by the Mayor. Passed the Council this 20th day August, 1919. ttest: C. M. Jensen, City Recorder. Approved by the Mayor this 20th y of August, 1919. J. D. Watson. President of the Council. HERE IS WANT ADS.; Percey Sisters are now receiving I new waists every few days in the latest styles and colors. F. B. Swayze and Mayor F. C. McKenzie returned Thursday morn- ing from their outing at Seaside. / Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boswell were here over Sunday and Monday visit ing with the gentleman's father, R. Boswell. Hari y Todd arrived home the first of the week from Boston. Mass...via Camp Lewis, where he reecived his discharge from the navy. The M. E. Ladies Aid will hold an ice cream social next Wednesday Bartlett Pears 4c per pound al evening. August 27, on the city Hanby’s orchard, Bring your own lawn. • containers. • 4 7tfc Emerald Tilden left Sunday last For Sale— 158 acres of partly im- proved land in Jefferson county; or for a visit of several weeks to re will take good auto in part pay latives and friends in Portland and ment. Call on or write A. L. Luce. Tillamook. M. R. A., Hermiston, Ore. 47-ötp Mrs. C. E. Hughes and son Stan Bartlett Pears 4c per pound at ley arrived the first of the week the Robb Bros, orchard. Bring con from Kansas City, Mo., on a visit tainers. 47-3tc to her aunt. Mrs. F. R. Vose, and To Trade—For improved land family, north of town residents. anywhere on the project, 40 acres Mrs. H. Jacobson returned to her of improved land in Benewah coun- ty, Idaho, two miles from good home near Adams Sunday after hav- town. Some timber; in fine hay, ing passed a pleasant week-end visit grain and fruit belt; requires no ir with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John ’ rigation. Leslie W. Adams. •Her Leek, ranchers north of town. miston, Oregon. 47-4tp Andrew Schilling, uncle of Pro For Sale—On account of going ject Manager Schilling, accompan into other business, I will sell my ied by his wife and little daughter, home place, 20 acres, at a bargain. were welcome visitors at the Schill See me about it. 112 miles north ing home on the West Side Tuesday of Hermiston. R. M. Hood. 47tfc and Wednesday of this week. They For Sale—Good milch cow. Wm. came from Elsmore, Cal., and were Kennedy, R. F. D. 48tfc on a tour of the northwest states. It had been ten years since the gen For Sale—Double buggy harness, tlemen met. only used two months and in first class condition; made to order. J. A. Rowan, on Mathews farm, Her- miston. 48tfc BOARDMAN NEWS HERMISTON, OREGON. SMALLEY Ensilage and Alfalfa Cutters and Blowers We carry these in stock in several sizes; also engine suitable for operating them and the prices are right, too. Nothing in this line as Good as a Smalley ""I SAPPERS’ INC HARDWARE PHONE 192 IMPLEMENTS See us if you are in the market for a car DEALERS FOR FORD DORT The Universal Car Built to Satisfy SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Will Trade—Two bay Percheron colts, well matched, and three Jer- H. H. Weston, living three miles sey cows, fresh In May and June; west, has the high record for raising take hogs or Sheep. Call on or write alfalfa hay, his averaging nearly Geo. Attebury, Stanfield, Ore. 48-2tc three tons to the acre. Unusual Power and Stability A. W. Cobb is having a fertilizing Good Looks and Peppy Performance For Sale—2 % inch Studebaker 48tfc experiment conducted on his ranch wagon, i Frank Auseon. a short distance west of this city. Cows for Sale-—Have just come Mr. Dean of the experiment station FORD TRUCK AND FORDSON TRACTORS fresh. Phone 181, or inquire of F. at Hermiston is directing the work, 48tfc N. Whitney. which consists of spreading over the For Sale—Good pair, bláck chaps: land 100 pounds of sulphur to the long hair and wooly. Phil Lay. 48 acre. : A change in the location of the You will want to read the great TIRES AND TUBES series of articles on building up ade postoffice is to take place soon, an other building now being fitted up quate community life in nearby A LIMITED SUPPLY OF ACCESSORIES towns starting Sept. 13th in The for its reception by L. V. Root. The contract for building the two Country Gentleman. Subscribe now. Ed . H. Gra- wings on our magnificent school has $1.00 for 52 issues. 47tfc been let to a Portland contracting ham. firm at an approximate cost of For Sale—Big type Duroc-Jersey $30.000. 49tfc hogs. Geo. H. Root. Prof Burns has resigned the sup Peaches for Sale. 3 cents a pound erintendency of the local school. He delivered. Leave orders at Herald goes to Estacada. Ore., and in turn Phone Your Orders LIFE ’----------------------------- office or with R. G. Banks in Colum- the principal of that school comes Clean and Sanitary 4 9tfc here to fill the position of superin for all kinds of bia District. FIRE tendent. Mower, rake and spring tooth An auto party consisting of Mr. harrow for sale. F. A. Chezik. 49-2c AUTO and Mrs L.V. Kutzner, A. W. Cobb J. H. YOUNG. AGENT Stand at Siscel’s. Phone 262 For Sale—Small house and 1 acre and W. O. King motored to Hermis Hot and Cold We are ready at any time to go any land, water right all paid, $750. ton last Saturday on a business trip. SHOWER BATHS where or haul anything. Phone 281. C. E. Hensley. 49-4tc They are all Boardman boosters, and failed not to spread the fame of ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wanted-Stock hogs and wean- this fertile domain to our neighbors AND APPLIANCES ing pigs. W. A. Leathers. 45tfc in the project capital. They ad W. B. BEASLEY mitted on their return, however, 203 E. Court St. Weather Report that they noted much Improvement The maximum temperature dur in Hermiston and surrounding ter ing the week'was 99 degrees and ritory since their former visit, and the minimum 45. No rainfall. said that city seemed to be taking on much the same progressive air Dissolution Notice as Boardman. - Tonight. August 23, there will be Notice is hereby given that the Boardman garage firm of Cumins * held a meeting of farmers in Board- B. man to discuss project needs. The Mack has been dissolved. The following list of Chevrolet owners was submitted by Miss Dorothy Briggs, and is about Cumins taking over the business range of subjects will be varied and as complete a list as can be procured. Miss Briggs takes the prize, as announced in our ad. of All bills due the firm are to be paid all ranchers should attend. to him at once, and all outstanding Cumins & Mack have the unique last week: accounts against the firm will be distinction of having baled the very Abe Thom. Herman Bottger, F. B. Pennock. first carload of hay shipped out of paid by him. N. A. Bleakly. Leroy Sullivan, Nestor Seaman, here this season. The total yield Dated August 20, 1919. Win. Frederickson, G, L. Dunning, F. N. Whitney, A. B. Cumins, in the Boardman district this year J. W. Gossage, Frank 'Fowler. J. A. Winters, Sidney Mack. will approximate 148 carloads. Fred Heath, Andrew Copec. E. A. McKinley. , J. C. Ballenger, the local lumber It H. Irwin, H L. Payne. Bernice McCoy, merchant, was transacting business Notice for Publication. C. R. Lisle, W. Tilden. J. W. Waid, Department of the Interior, U. S. in Hermiston Tuesday and Wednes Otis McCarthy, Duncan, P. L. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, day of this week. W McDowell, <1. J. D. Hart. New Madden. A. B. Cumins, well known local July 12, 1919. F. Spinning. J. Dr. Barnes, D. C. Trueman. , Notice is hereby given that Rob garage man, returned Wednesday J. C. Templeton, w. W Spining, W O. Sutherland. ert Kennedy, of Hermiston, Oregon, morning from a short business visit E Wattenburger, Chas. Brierley, W 8. Casady, who, on August 9. 1915. made home to Hermiston. T. O. Yates, Bennett, L. G. Bob Kennedy. C. G. Blayden, local contractor, stead entry. No. 015140, for Lot 10 Charles Hazen, p H. Shaw, Frank Auseon, (SYNEY NW* ). Section 28.Town- was in Hermiston on business the A. G Ford. L. Didier, Edile Johnson, ship 5 N. Range 28 E. Willamette middle of the week. w. B Serivner. Hoskins. George Lambirth, The United States Civil Service Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make three year proof, to es- Commission has announced an ex- tablish claim to the land above de- amination to be held In Hermiston scribed, before W J Warner. V S on September 27 to fill a contem- Commissioner, at Hermiston, Ore plated vacancy In the position of gon. on the 19th day of September. fourth-class postmaster al Board- man Applicants must reside within 1919. wit nesses : the territory supplied by the post- Claimant names Thomas Mackay. William S. Mitch- office Application blanks can be ell. Shedrack C. Nichols. Fred A. secured from our postmaster. The compensation of the post master for Chezik. all of Hermiston. Oregon HUPMOBILE REO United States, Goodrich, Fisk and Firestone Hermiston Auto Co BARBER SHOP INSURANCE Transfer Work LANDBUY J.L.VAUGHAN 10-acre Alfalfa Ranch One and one-half miles east on diagonal road. All in alfalfa, also fine family orchard. This place has a fine 2-story residence containing 7 rooms on ground floor, including bath and fine fixtures. Domestic water tank and gas en gine gives water. Large barn, room for 8 horses and 10 cows. Price $4200 if taken at once. Price includes 2 cows, 2 year- ling calves, 2 heifer calves, 1 horse and 1 colt. 20 acres alongside can be purchased if buyer wants more land. Andrew Pierson The City Transfer WM. SI I AAR LAYS' GARAGE C. S. DUNN, Reegister.