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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919)
I ' I THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON MIIHHIHIIIliillllHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII*. (HERMISTON = ========= LOCAL® FISK NON-SKID TIRES Reduced in Price ■ - = 'llllHIIIIHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIi: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barlow 1 of Umatilla, on Tuesday, July 1. 1919, a seven pound baby girl. What tastes as good as a cold glass of Lemonade on a hot day? Mies Ruth Akers returned to her home in Wasco Sunday after a two weeks’ visit here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Schimke vis- ! 'ted last Saturday with friends in | Echo, where they formerly resided.i I Monday Miss Nida Patrick left for Dayton, Wash., to spend the bal- dll As I ’s : % “s. Hs . jo When Time to Re-tire get our New Price on Fisk Non-Skid. They will surely interest you as our guaran tee with every tire is “satisfaction,” and if an adjust ment becomes necessary, we make the adjustment ourselves, I lance of the summer with her father y. C. H. Rheberger, of the auto re- pairing firm of Rheberger & Me Millan, is in Tacoma attending the unto races at the speedway. ; alfare Mrs. F. A. Chezik left Monday on a visit to relativen in the states of Montana and Not th Dakota. She will be away six or seven weeks. s Oregon Hardware & Implement Co 17 rreuooaneouuunt I S. R. Oldaker departed Sunday night for Montana, to be gone for a time attending to engineering work he has secured in that state. Tuesday, July 8th Portland left Dr. Freeze, the well in the Rose known eye specialist. with her sis- "T88PP of Portland, will pay and family. his regular visit to Hermiston and may be consulted free at Oregon Hotel Parlors all day. Each case i Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc carefully examined and lenses are Kenzie on Thursday, June 26. 1919, ground to suit each individual need an eight pound daughter. Mr. Mc- or taste. Good results assured Kenzie is an employee of the O.-W. Fifth year of practice in Hermiston; R. & N. at Umatilla. Your sixteenth year in Oregon, eyes are safe under the care of Dr. Mrs. N. C. Nelson, who had been Freeze. At Echo July 7th. 41-2tc visiting for ten days in this city with her daughter, Mrs. G. Phelps. NOTICE returned to her Home in Weston on Stated Communication of Queen Friday of last week. Esther Chapter, O. E. S„ Tuesday night, Leonard Soneson has gone to By Order of W. M. Portland, where he has taken the old position in a flour mill in that city held by him before entering the service when the war was at its height. Rose B. Richter of Monday fer her home City after a short visit I ter, Mrs. W. J. Bault, project ranchers. i Lemons and Oranges PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 171 SPECIAL Saturday only on SUGAR Best Cane Sugar 100 pounds Seeded Raisins, 15 ounce packages, 15c We have a nice lot of stone jars with lids for 25 cents per gallon. Get one for your pickles this fall for they are better than a keg and just as cheap and are good forever. We now have Coupon Books two sizes $5.00 and Sio.oo You save 25 cents on a $5.00 book and 50 cents en a $10.00 book by buying them and paying cash. It helps you and helps us too, as it saves us the bookkeeping. They are good for meat and grocer ies or anything we carry in this store. CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY Challis & Challis, Props SUMMER THOTS Ice Cream Freezers Electric W ash Machines Iceless Queen Cooler Fireless Cookers Fly Swatters Mail Boxes Toledo Cooker for Fruit and Meat Canning (See these and other fruit canners on hand) SAPPERS INC. NOTHING CHEAP BUT THF PRICE HARDWARE Phone 192 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennings Thursday night, June 26 Wanted—To trade 20 acres un 1919, a nine pound baby girl—and improved, with water on it, for good that's the reason for the pleasant automobile. L. Hammer, 34tc smile on the countenance of W. J. G. F. Elliott will do your vul- these days. canizing on tires, tubes, rubber boots—anything. Gates’ half sole, Mrs. Ross Newport and son Mar tires and tubes. 36-tfc. shall have gone on a summer vaca For Sale—One wardrobe, walnut tion journey to Detroit. Michigan, for a couple of months. On the way finish, with one large linen drawer. 38tfc east the intention is to make short Phone 288, Mrs. Haneline, Feed your hogs Corn. Wheat, stops at Omaha and Chicago. Whole Barley, Rolled Barley, and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mattoon ar Ground Barley, Mill Feed and Mid rived home Saturday evening of last dlings. W. A. Leathers, Phone 581. week from an overland auto jour- For Baled Alfalfa by bale or car ney to Lewiston, Idaho, after a loads see Leathers. Phone 581. 40 pleasant visit of two weeks at that O. K. Scratch Food, Wheat, Corn, place with the gentleman's mother Cracked Corn, Oyster Shell or and sister. Ground Bone for your chickens. W. A. Leathers, near depot. Mrs. F. M. Bryant and daughter If you want a sack or a ton ' of I Florence went to La Grande last Rolled Oats, Rolled Barley, Mill I Saturday to make a short visit with | friends in that thriving city at the Feed or Ground Barley, phone 581. Open regular business hours, in I head of the Grand Ronde valley on cluding Saturday evening. Daily de- the other side of the Blue moun livery service. W. A. Leathers. 40 tains. For Sale—Two Holstein cows and one grade Jersey cow, just fresh. James Smith, formerly clerk in Hitt’s Confectionery emporium, ar P. E. Hayden, on Boone ranch. 42-2tp rived Sunday from Portland, where For Sale—Cabinet Grafanola, new. he has been since leaving here early in the spring. "Alabama,” by which Cheap for quick sale., Roy G. At- briquet he is known among hls tebury. Hermiston, Ore. 42-ltp friends, likes this climate and has Gentle driving mare and single concluded to stay indefinitely. harness for sale cheap. T. H. Gai- ther, Hermiston. 4 2tfc Henry Notz departed Friday for Can you realize that the quan Baker, Ore . where he is to be mar- tity of actual reading matter in just vied to Miss Josephine Hanekamp. one copy of the Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Notz on their return Post will make a »1.50 or $2 book here from their honeymoon trip will if published in standard book form. take up their residence in the home 52 copies only »2. Ed. H. Graham. on the West Side that the gentle- Phone 581. 40tfc man recently purchased. Parties having goods they wish stored can store them in Leathers’ A delightful afternoon was passed warehouse. Phone 581. 41tfc by the members of the Ladies Altar Special Spring Chicken Dinner Society Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs C. H Young Ae will be served at the Hotel Hermis ter ness the the tramsaeti om of society resolved bil-IsoD-noez: sed"%s eventns from6 to cents. A regular itself into | meat dinner will also be served a social function, during which the Price 60 cents. 40-4te | Hostess served a dainty luncheon. For .Sale—Set of heavy work E. W Mack of the Hermiston harness with collars. W. Tho- | Drus Co. went to Pendleton the first mas, at Pioneer Barber Shop. 41-2c of the week, where he met and plac- Have good pasture for 5 or 6 ed a large order for Christmas head of stock. Jasper Templeton goods for fall delivery. These will (A Wonder) Fly Traps J Va $10.50 per sack Oil Stoves : WANT ADS J IMPLEMENTS R. R. 1. Hermiston. 41-1tp consist mostly Of ivory articles that make nice presents, but there will For Sale—One first class work also be plenty of toys for the young home 9 years old. weight 1200 lbs; folks In the shipment. gentie, double or single. Inquire of F. J. Prann. Mis O P. Brigham and daughter departed Wednesday for Spokane to join Mr. Brigham, who Is In the rail way service there. Annually they r*»d ■ couple of months in Sp- kane at this time of year, and It will be that length of time before they return again to their ranch home here. While away they will wake • little visit to relatives in Tekoa. Wash, 41-2te For Sale- Electric iron, child's bed. 200 egg incubator, Will ac cept note for Incubator. Mrs. C. E McLane. 42-ltp Car of mixed feed just received Everything In the feed line. Lea- thers. 42-lte ! Add 40 To Your Profits FEED your stock appetizing green nutriment the year round — BUILD A SILO. We are the exclusive agents for the most prac tical silo on the market today. THE BALLARD SILO This silo will not blow over, shrink up or fall down. It is air tight, double wall, eight inch air | space. Ensilage will not freeze, dry out, sour or mold. The Ballard Silo has been on the market for 25 years and has stood the test in every way. We have many designs to choose from and plans are fur nished free. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 " The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW. MGR. Something New and Delicious TO BE SERVED AT THE HERMISTON DRUG STORE FOUNTAIN NEXT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. Aside from the regular menu of all popular Fruit and Caramel Sundaes and refresh ing drinks, we will serve a number of delightful new Sundaes including Honolulu Girl, Liberty Sundae. Airship Nut Sundae, Sammy Sundae. Soul Kiss, Sleepy Hollow Sundae and Merry Widow Sundae, and the drinks will also include some special thirst quenchers. We Specialize with Hazelwood Ice Cream and are serving five of these delicious creams Vanilla, Strawberry, French Nugat and Maple Nut Call in and give us an opportunity to serve you. HERMISTON DRUG STORE PHELPS CASH GROCERY The Monopole Store Phone 413 “MONOPOLE” goods are first-class in every respect Our Guarantee baek of Every Purchase Royal Bakery Goods from Portland Cakes, Doughnuts, Rolls, etc., Wed’s and Saturday’s Afternoon Delivery to Any Part of City Fresh Vegetables Tuesdays and Friday The more properly and regularly Wanted—Your subscription " all refuse of the household is harm- The Saturday Evening Post, $2.09 Early Transparent Apple*. Sc per s disposed of the better for the The Ladies Home Journal. $1 pound at orchard Furnish own con nome one* and comfort of the The Country Gentleman, $1.00. tainers. Maurice D Sc rogge 42tfc |H. Graham, Hermiston. Ore. 35