Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1919)
THE HERALD, HERMISTON HERMISTON, OREGON The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL HERMISTON OREGON Entered as second-class matter, December 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year Six months $1.50 1.00 ................. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. advertising rates Display— One time. 25 cents per inch; two inser- tions, 20 cents per inch per insertion, monthly rates. 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers— Firs t insertion. 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without ebanite of copy. Scents perline. BOARDMAN NEWS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE E. P. Dodd was here Saturday looking after the interest of the • own. J. P. Hayden called on Gibbon’s & Cramer last week in the interest of Lang & Co. The ball game at Arlington last Sunday resulted in a score of five to six in Arlington’s favor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phelps were here Sunday visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Carl Voyen. Mrs. Mulky's little baby has ful ly recovered from the effect of meas- 'es. The Grange met last week at the home of Mrs. Johnson. The commencement exercises will i e held on May 29. The Baccalaur eate sermon will be given on Sun day, May 24. We are expecting Rev. F. E. Faucett, the minister from tan field. A number of young people attend- ■d the dance at Umatilla last Satur- day night. i Mrs. Crawford’s brother and sis- •er are here from Missouri and Arkansas and expect to spend the summer. May day, held on Tuesday of this week, was a decided success. A. E. Bates returned from Hep- ner on Saturday. W. M. Miles at- | ended the confectionery and pool hall while Mr. Bates was away Mr. and Mrs. Broyles are visitors | nt the home of Mr. Weston. They ' may locate here. Mr. Cramer bought two fine hogs . from Mr. McHugh last week. A large crowd of rooters went to Arlington Sunday to the ball game. Everyone is interested in the Road Bond issue. . Plans are being made to complete the school house. It can not be properly ventilated as it stands, and it is necessary to have class rooms. | The auditorium was partitioned off | for class rooms, but the thin wall ; does not prevent the noise in one SAVE MONEY On All Buildings No Lumber is lower now than it will be for several years, and is al- ready NOW advancing. Secretary of the Navy says—“The man who rays he will build a house as soon as wages goes down, is inviting panic, disaster and calamity. For I tell you and it is the truest thing I could say that wages in the United States are never going back to the old level.” BUILD NOW COEAEZt Don’t Wait ,8 Prices will not drop Don’t wait—Ask us about Partial Payment Plans Ask to see our special plan books on homes illustrated with fire places, bookcases, cupboards, medicine cabinets. Ironing boards, pedista 1 arches, linen cases, stairways,breakfast room sets, etc. Our Architectual Departmene gathers pictures and designs new and improved buildings on the farm. It’s worth while to plan out all buildings on paper, then we can readily tell you the exact cost of all material necessary for the build ings no Extras to pay for complete blueprinted plans. Every piece of material shown with simple working instructions. Our pictures, plans, details cost estimates of what other farmers have built succe fully in eastern Washington and Oregon are "at your service." room from being carried through give it up on account of her . Prof. Burns and Sidney s into the other rooms. We ask for went to Hermiston Wednesa,,” the support of each one in the com- business. munity . Mr. Thomas, our barber, was at Some Good Land Trad.. his place of business as usual, on 640 acres wheat and stock, Saturday and Sunday. with buildings, water and fene. Plans are being made for a new hotel. Won’t be long till we can | 112.50 per acre, to trade for In . in z. .7. | town property this , locality boast of hotel service. Boardman vas "way over the . 160 acres irrigated farm top,” in the last Liberty Loan drive. Bend with 65 acres In 1 cultivar or e s ibscribed who had not in- buildings, fences, water right up on 108 acres, balance $20 ve ted in either of the others. acre, irrigated part, $65 per acre Mis. J. F. Gorham it Hermiston pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. trade for a smaller tract here 0a er’s family requires lower altitud. Blayden. Five 10-acre tracts on Uma Mr. end Mrs. Murchie of Hermis project to trade for town probe ton were visitors at the home of Owner cannot improve and w Harry Murchie on Sunday. consider non-irrigated or dry ta Robert Bradley and Chat Atter- ing land. Also a 20 acre tract tl berry returned home last week after can be traded for horses or const, a long adventure into Montana. lion outfit. Miss Gleam Dunton has been See E. P. Dood working for Mr. Ballenger after school hours. Mrs. Burns, who has John Young writes fire ins» been doing his bookkeeping, had to ance. His company pays the claim. Here you can buy Nearly every needful household article that is usedin the family kitchen. Come in and see our choice line of Alu minum ware. Here you will also find the best of underwear, a fine line of millinery, and toilet articles of every descrip tion to choose from. We have Angorian knittihg and cro chet cotton, buttons in all sizes, fancy and plain chinware, etc. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiin I OAK TAN SHOE SHOP : : : WHERE HIGH CLASS WORK SAVES YOU MONEY. WHERE EFFICIENCY REGULATES THE PRICE AND MAKES ECONOMICAL ANY WORK DONE HERE. WHERE SHOES CAN BE MADE TO YOUR ORDER BY SKILLED WORKMEN We carry one of the BEST LINES OF MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHOES ON THE MARKET $1.00 to $3 00 saved as we are not asking war time profits Extra Fine and Farcy Dress Shoes in all Color« for Young Meo. / Absolutely Guaranteed To OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS we pay postage one way and return shoes by next mail. We positively have the most complete finishing and repairing machinery in Eastern Oregon. SAM ROGERS, PROP Hermiston, Oregon iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimi J.L. VAUGHAN LIFE 1---------------------------------- INSURANCE fire AUTO I J- H. YOUNG, AGENT ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Phone 139 203 E. Court St. Pendleton, Oro. FREE COMPLETE PLANS FOR Machine Sheds Houses Cabinet Work Barn I log sheds " Tum-A-Lum Silo*" I’n y Sheds Garages Self Feeders Water Trougs Septic Tanks Fence Pergolas Store Fixtures Granaries Elevators Corn Cribs Hay Derricks Milk Houses Packing Sheds Root Cellars Smoke Houses Green Houses Chick Sheds Warehouses TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY AUTOMOBILE SERVICE 948 i mTTii Notice to Public THE Co. Of Pendleton All kinds of Automobile and Gas Engine Repair Work. Has opened an agency with Dr. Peed in Her miston. and “r yod shoulders above the average ALL WORK GUARANTEED CIVE US A TRIAL Big Increase in Fisk Sales Due to Fisk Durability and Value MPTORTSTSspdex are buying tires on the basis of actual results, —for Fisk visible va sakis leading to a great demand for Fisk Tires and Barber Shops is given our special atten tion, and we do not charge 20 per cent extra for ex press. ill teli “ño" superfor ere is always one Product that stands out head " Fik dealers iathis community have a message for you. Next time — Buy Fisk Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. HERMISTONORE . Pendleton FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE Leases, Deeds, Mortgages, Etc., Etc —== E FISK CORD TIDES Th * f.