Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1919)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON: : HERMISTON BEST PRICES to be found anywhere in SPRAY LOCALS= •o*-9*GG**SSS® Mr. and Mrs. Eli Winesett motored | to Pendleton last Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Allen was a Stanfield visitor Tuesday at‘the home near this city of her friend, Mrs. C. Helms. Look Creme blue indigo, heavy- weight, cut extra large over Shoes Extra heavy gray, stripes on Now is the time to prepere for Spraying your Orchard with Lime Sulphur We have the genuine Lime Sulphur in the dry form which should be used for the dormant spray. The dry Lime Sulphur is exactly the same as the Liquid Lime Sulphur spray only in a dry form, which makes it much more easy and cleaner to handle and so long as it is kept in a dry place it will not deteriorate in killing value. Dry Lime Sulphurcan be mixed either with warm or cold water and after being so mixed can be used in any way in which you have been accustomed to use the liquid, and if used according to directions may be mixed with Arsenate of Lead for summer spraying. Our dry Lime Sulphur had to pass the requirements of the U. S. patent office before it could be offered for sale as a dry Lime Sulphur. Substitutes for dry Lime Sulphur do not contain lime but are mixed with salt and are not sold as dry Lime Sulphur, have not the same killing qualities and cannot be used as our dry lime sulphur. Mrs. H. Hitt returned Monday from a short visit with friends In Pendleton. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Hiatt, on Monday, Feb. 10, 1919, a ten and one-half pound son. Miss Virginia Todd visited over Sunday at the parental home in this in the week. F. L. Jewett, rancher four miles north of town, was transacting busi ness in this city Tuesday. We also have the dry Arsenate of Lead and Black Leaf. Oregon Hardware & Implement Co Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson re turned Wednesday on 1 7 from a short visit to Pendleton. Bargain stripes, good weight Counter $2.00 Buy now while they last at KING CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY We have again inaugurated a free delivery to any part of the city We make one de livery in the forenoon of each week day. Why not order your grocer ies when ordering your meat and have both delivered at the same time DON’T FORGET THE PHONE—NO. 131 \ MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE Rural Route Carrier J. A. Reeves is taking his annual vacation, E. J. Watson substituting for him. Latest Spring styles in Ladies and Misses Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Doherty re- ready to wear and made to measure turned Monday from a visit of a garments. World Star underwear, couple of days to friends in Pendle- hosiery, and measures taken for Bar- ton. cley and Standard corsets. Phone 22. 43, Mrs. A. S. Johnson. A. E. Robb, traveling salesman for a well known eastern calendar New Garage house, visited with relatives over F. E. and S. M. Caldwell have opened up and are now operating a Sunday In this city. garage and auto repair shop in the Miss Gertrude Simmons, chief building one door west of the Far- operator in the local telephone of mers’ Exchange. They extend an fice, was a Pendleton visitor Wed invitation to all car owners to call on them and become acquainted. adv nesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Lay and son Notice For the convenience of those that Phillip have arrived from Tacoma to again take up their residence in owe Dr. Illsley, they can pay E. P. Illsley and he will receipt for the this section. 22-ltp same. Ed. Jackson has received notifica For Sale • tion from the county court of his ap Thirty acres choice land in Fourth pointment to the position of road Unit, all in alfalfa; 3 acres new seed- supervisor, taking the place of W. A. .ng. Will sell for part cash. In Leathers. quire of owner, J. C. Mathison. 22-fc The Altar Society had a delight- We invite the auto owners of this ful time at the home of Mrs. C. Hahn vicinity to come in and ask our ex last Wednesday afternoon. There pert, Mr. James Brown, regarding was a large attendance, and a déli their machine troubles. His expert clous luncheon was served. advice is free, and you will find he knows and can make recommenda- R. C. Canfield at his home on the tions that will eliminate your trou- project came down with the flu last bles. Sappers’ Inc. 20-2tc Saturday. The disease seems to be in a mild form and he hopes to be Dr. Freeze makes reg- out in a week or ten days. ular visite to Hermis- ton. Consult him free An operation was performed tod be assured of good Monday in St. Anthony’s hospital, of good eye service. 13 Pendleton, on Mrs. M. S. Kern, wife of the president of the Inland Em pire Lumber Co. of this city. -- - —‘-Y A Real Garage, With - Real Equipment. Blue Caro, per 51b can 50c Blue Caro, per 101b can $1.00 Red Karo, per 5 lb can________________ Red Karo, per 10 lb can__________________ Crisco, 3 lb can_________________________ Buckwheat Flour, per package____________ Graham Flour, per package_______________ Whole Wheat Flour, per package_________ 55c 1.05 .1.10 ..1.00 .. 65c No Rub Laundry Help, per package_____________ ..65c 25 We have several reliable White Soaps, 4 bars for 25c TRY OUR 30C COFFEE If you want Quality Goods buy our Monopole Line FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Royal Bakery Goods from Portland PHELPS CASH GROCERY Phone 413 Remember the Old Stand WANT ADS Mrs. F. A. Phelps was a Sunday guest at the home of her daughter. Mis. C. M. Voyen, in Boardman. The Send your washing to the Model latter lady accompanied her parent laundry at The Dalles, Oregon, home Monday for a short vielt here. through P. B S see), local agent. Bas ket leaves Tuesday morning and re Mr. and Mrs. George C. Ellison turns Saturday of each week. -adv49tfc and children left Sunday last to Wanted—Your subsciption for The make their home in Western Oregon Saturday Evening Post, $2 00; The Ladies Home Journal, $1 75; The -i. For a time they will visit in Port Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H. land and Eugene. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 3tfc Stock For Sale—Early Maturing, Easily Fed type Duroc Jersey bogs. Geo H. Root, Hermiston, Ore. 12tfc Mrs. A. C. Harnack and Mrs. J. C. Mathison departed Tuesday even ing for Seattle on a two weeks visit to relatives and friends in Portland, Seattle and Everett. Half of my farm for sale on very easy terms. Come and see. C. W. La Bar. re. 9ifc. Hatching Egis— White Leghorn, 82 Mammoth Bronze Pigs for sale. 85 up, also 1 fine registered Poland China brood sow, 1 O I. C brood sow, 1 reg istered O. I C. boar. L. Hammer 21tfc G. U Eennett and family will come here next week from Echo to reside on one of the Frank Beddow ranches in the east end. which they have leased for this season. L. H. Pearson, a former resident of the project, came, over from Ta- coma. Wash., Wednesday and passed a " roupie couple or of days “ays here nere looking after business matters connected with his large ranch east of town Feed, Flour, Coal And a Few Little Things FARMERS’ EXCHANGE The Boys to Please You and Fit Your Pocketbook setting: 88 for 100. Turkey $5 setting For Sale—Bay horse 7 years old, about R Alexander of Pendleton has 1400 pounds. A. N Raymond. 22-tfc. been hobnobbing with legislative Wanted—Good horse about 1200 politicians at Salem this week, pounds Price must be right. A P. while in the capital city on a visit to Ayres, Boardman, Ore. 22-tfc Representative and Mrs. E P Dodd, Perfectly running, partly new, 1918 the lady being his daughter. Ford car for sale. Phone 73. 22 tie ; We are again delivering Ford Cars on about six to ten days notice, and if you have a car in mind would ask you to come in and get prices and terms. A car is necessary to keep up with the other fellow in development, and the way we sell them you cannot afford to not own one at this time. NEXT WEEK’S SPECIALS For Sale—One good, fresh Jersey cow, four years old. M. B. Murchie. 20-tfc I | | Weaned pigs for sale at the Tom Stewart place in Columbia District. 20-tfc. Money Saved and Pleasures Gained by the Users of Gates Half Soi« Tires Bring your worn tires in for an examination on Wednes- day, Feb. 19, at Sappers’ Inc. Garage, Hermiston, Ore., by G. W. Bradley. For Sale—2 bred gilts. 1 sow. 6 COME AND GET YOUR SERVICE Attorney J. T. Hinkle has been passing most of the week In Salem ”158. Theo. Parks, R. F D 1. 21-4tp I looking after Irrigation legislation Ford 5 passenger touring car for In the legislature. Joe knows the sale, $275 cash. For Sale—White Leghorn hens. | Phone 281. C. E game, having been a member of the Hensley Good laying strain. Mrs. Z. Pumph- | 22-tfc house for two terms, and a year ago 22-ltp. | was president of the Oregon Irriga For Sale—-Good Studebaker wa- tion Congress. gon. E P Shaw. Wanted—To trade 20 acres unim- 22-4tc. Auto Truck proved, with water on it. for good For Sale—Alfalfa seed; no dod- G. W Bradley, ex-county treasur automobile. L. Hammer. 22-tfc der. N. B. Whitford. 21-tfc. er. was here Wednesday making ar- Sewing Machines sold, rented and rangements to give a demonstration For Sale Cheap—Sewing machine. repaired. Phone 281. C. E. Hensley. of Gates Half Sole Tires at Sappers' Inquire at Jewelry Store. 22-tfc 22-tfc. Garage Wednesday of next week Ue is distributor for these tires, and Furnitur* of four room house for Wanted—Feed eutter. 10 or 1 explains further In an ad elsewhere sale, and house can be rented In- Inch, hand or power. Inquire at I in this issue. quire at this office. 22-tfc. Farmers' Exchange. ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT HAULS