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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1919)
T he H ermiston H erald HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1919 VOL. XIII NO. 22 « 3016 TRADE COSTLY TO AN IDAHO CREAMERY Pioneer Visits Tobacco Revenue Bill INSTRUCTIVE PROGRAM FOR DAIRY-IRRIGATION SCHOOL J. A. Yeager, county sealer of The pending tobacco revenue bill weights and measures with head will no doubt be passed before the quarters at Pendleton, passed Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of this middle of February and it is obliga week in Hermiston testing scales in tory on all dealers in cigars, tobacco the various business establishments, and cigarettes to ascertain the date of and at the same time renewing old I the passage of the act and inventory friendships. The gentleman was one their stock before commencing busi- A special dispatch from Boise, A good program has been arrang of the pioneer residents of this pro Strike Fiasco Over Tickets on Sale Idaho, to the Oregonian last Sunday : liess on the next day thereafter. ed for the Dairy-Irrigation School to ject, and is still owner of considera- Preparations are under way for All of the 30,000 sympathetic be held In this city Monday and says that the Jensen Creamery com Arrangements have been made to ble land several miles east of town strikers that have been out in Seat Tuesday of next week. and every pany, the largest creamery company the Father and Son banquet which | have the inventory blanks in the tle the past three weeks returned to farmer and citizen of Hermiston of the Northwest, through its attor will be held at Mack’s Hall, Friday, hands of postmasters in most places, work Tuesday, and since then busi Attending Meeting ney James H. Hawley, "entered a Feb. 21, at 7 p. m. Tickets for the should take advantage of this op W. R. Longhorn, secretary of the and they may be obtained there. In ness in that city has about reached portunity to gain expert knowledge plea of guilty Saturday in the Unit event are on sale by the merchants local I. O. O. F. lodge, is in Pendle case dealers do not receive an inven normal again. Butte. Montana, is of the subjects to be talked on by bo ed States District Court to an indict and are going fast. The menu pre ton today attending a board meet ment returned February 24, 1917, pared by the ladles of the Civic Club tory blank in time, they should list their still in the throes of a crippling Ing in attendance. Here is the pro ing of the county executive commit looks good to a hungry boy and to charging, "Combination in restraint 1 stock and write to Milton A. Miller, strike, and Camp Lewis infantry men gram: tee of the order, he being one of the with machine guns have been rushed February 17— an ordinary man. Music by the to obtain of interstate trade and 1 vice presidents that constitute the | Collector Internal Revenue, Portland, there. 10 a. ni. Building up the Herd. monopoly thereof.” Judge Dietrich I school orchestra and the Hermiston executive board. The business to be Ore., for proper blank. -.1----- 11 a. m. Silos and Silage. imposed a fine of »7500, which was j male quartet will add to the plea- sure of the evening. Mr. Hinkle, in transacted is, among other things, 2 p. m. Economical Use of Water. Filed Two Suits paid. the making of arrangements for the On Monday of this week two suits W. L. Powers, O. A. C. Coming Home February 17 is the date set for the his characteristic manner, will act as holding of the annual convention of Walter Beasley, electrical engi were filed in the circuit court at 2:40 p. m. Preparation of the trial of the managers of the other toast master, and he will call on the order a year hence and design companies indicted at the same time, some of the returned soldier boys to ating a place for its holding. It is neer on the battleship North Dakota, Pendleton by the Western Land & Land for Irrigation, R. W. Allen. is now in Cuba on his way home, ac uigation Co., one action being 3:30 p. m. The Organization of being tell what they think of their dads the remaining companies Mr. Longhorn’s intention to make an cording to a letter received from him against George Pullen and the other Reclamation Projects, J. T. Hinkle com- when away from home. You will the Henningsen Produce effort to have Hermiston designated by his parents in this city the first against S. C. May and Iza Jessup for 7'45 p. m. Illustrated Lecture - pany, a corporation of Butte; Schal- want to be there to enjoy the even as the place for the convention. of the week. When the big boat money alleged to be due on irrigation ing. The Civic Club will use the Irrigation Practice. linger Produce Company, a corpora reaches its destination in the United assessments. W. G. Drowlcy of Van 8:30 p. m. Illustrated tion of Spokane; the Hazelwood net proceeds for some good purpose. States Mr. Beasley will receive his couver, Wash., and W. S. Levens of Dairy Herd Management. MENU—7:30 P. M. Company, a corporation of Portland; discharge papers and immediately re Baker, Oregon, arc the attorneys re February 18— Salmon Loaf Meat Loaf Klock Produce Company, a corpora- presenting the above company. turn to Hermiston. Tomato Sauce Scalloped Potatoes 10 a. m. Care and Handling of SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE toin of Seattle. Winter Salad (Cabbage) the Dairy Herd. The indictment was one of the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simmons very 1 Baked Apples 11 a. m. Herd Record Keeping. Vegetables most far-reaching ever returned by pleasantly entertained in honor of | 2 p. m. Irrigation of Special Parkerhouse Rolls a Federal grand jury in Idaho. The Pickles O. Hammer last Thursday evening. Crops. W. L. Powers. Butter gathering of evidence against the Jelly- Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lou The work room will be open 2:40 p. in. Operation and Main Pumpkin Pie Apple Pie defendant companies began in 1915, (By Frances Hinkle) Brownell of Umatilla, Miss Gertrude Thursday afternoons hereafter. A tenante of Reclamation Projects, M Cheese Coffee when the government sleuth, Leon The W. S. S. and thrift stamp con Simmons, Miss Mary O'Rourke and shipment of refugee garments has D. Scroggs. Boone, of the Department of Justice, test was closed last Wednesday after- Wm. Sanders of Hermiston, Mr. and been received, which we are urged to 3:30 p. m. Measurement of Irri was placed on the case, which took Mrs. Frank Beddow and Ed. Beddow. noon with the Golds winning. The complete as soon as possible. Those gation Water, W. L. Powers. him over seven Western states. amount sold by the Golds was »3,800 Masters Russell and Wesley Bless who find it inconvenient to come to 7:45 p. in. Practical Results of Ir The specific charges were : The and by the Purples »2,400. Friday ing and William and James Wauga- the room to sew are asked to take ligation Experiments, H. K. Dean. payment temporarily of high prices evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. man took dinner with George Bed- 8:30 p. m. Drainage of Irrigation work home. Those having the black In order to control the market; the Voelker gave the Golds a reception. dow, Jr., last Saturday. pinafores at home are asked to fin Lands, W. L. Powers. issuance of false weights and tests A talk on navy life and experi There are eight little Poland- Closing Remarks, W. L. Powers ish them and bring them in. and daugh- Dr. Hoisington, wife competitors; attempted bri- ences overseas by Herbert Sullivan to injure China pigs out on the ranch of Mr. Miss Lorene Parker, home demon callers in ter, of Pendleton, were bery; improper use of imployes of and Mrs. John McElroy that are fast Friday morning of last week was stration agent for Umatilla county, this district Sunday. Get Ready very much enjoyed, Mr. Sullivan competitors; preventing storage for acquiring knowledge of the "food It will not be long now until time will be In Hermiston on Tuesday to Leo Clark now has a phone in having been a former student of the perishables; giving of short weight value of milk.” These little piggies for lime sulphur and arsenate of give demonstrations and talks to the Hermiston high school. influencing legislation against com have everything cheated when it his home. lead spraying. Every grower should ladies as an additional feature. Miss Parker and Mr. Gunn of Pen petitors; apportionment of territory comes to nosing out a good thing. Mrs. F. P. Phipps was a guest at get his requirements on hand in The afternoon meeting, which will dleton gave a talk to the classes on after a false showing of competition; One day recently the family cow the H. J. Ott home last Thursday. be hold at 2.30, will be a demonstra- plenty of time. economic subjects one day recently. using coercion in the fixing of prices failed to give the usual quota of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Felthouse were tion In the manufacture and use of A program will be given next for raw materials, and charging ex- milk, and from that time the milk Pendleton visitors Thursday. a homo made fireless cooker. At Friday morning by the Purples. cessive and unwarranted prices to flow kept dwindling. It was hard the evening meeting Miss Parker County Commissioner Dunning The. first semester will close next consumers. to find a reason for this, but it came i will give a talk on the conservation was here Tuesday going over some of week and examinations will be held a few days ago when Mrs. McElroy of clothing. An exhibit of patching our roads. Monday and Tuesday. had occasion to visit the barnyard Drolshagen Discharged and mending will be shown. Mrs. John Lucus and little son of The band, orchestra and glee club A. F. Drolshagen will soon be on lot. for there before her astonished California arrived one day this week Irrigation on the experiment sta are working faithfully and each hope his way back to Hermiston from eyes were the eight piggies taking Join The Club tion farm at Corvallis last year gave army duty, according to a letter re turns getting their dinner from the to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. to give concerts by spring. gains In crop yields of 50 to 100 perl Owing to « desire on the part of W. Hannan. ceived from him Tuesday by Post four teats of old bossie as she placid cent some of the residents of the Project O. Hammer will finish pruning the master Young, in which he asks that ly lay chewing her quid and playing Alfalfa unirrigated yielded 4.475 for late books not to be found on the his mail be held here until his re- mother to the bunch of swine. The Ft. Wayne Fruit Co. orchard this tons an acre, while that Irrigated Library shelves, a Readers' Club has E. turn. Tony shows his disappoint- mystery of where the cow’s milk was week and will begin on the SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE with two six-inch acre-Inches—1 been formed through the efforts of ment in not getting across the big going to was solved, but the joke was Robb orchard Monday. Hay hauling is going on in full acre-inches—produced tons the Library Board, to be handled 7.31 pond in the following excerpts tak so good that the McElroys have de W. L. Blessing and family took 6 through the circulating department swing in Butter Creek. Both baled per acre. en from his letter to Mr. Young: cided to let the pigs continue to o’clock dinner on Sunday at the Ott and chopped hay is being loaded at Potatoes yielded 127 bushels with of the library. The Club Is open to “Didn’t get a chance to go over double shoot the turn and get home. Westland. There are now two out irrigation and with three inches, anyone wishing to Join, the member- the pond to help smash the Hinden- meals from their own and their Mr. and Mrs. Jene Skoubo have re blowers Instead of one. H. Moore depth of irrigation yielded 183 bush- ship fee being the purchase price of burger line and you can’t imagine adopted mammy. ... - - —lone book. »1.50. Each person sub- turned home from a visit to Port installed the second blower and is els an acre. Beets yielded 11.4 25 how disappointed we all were in fail land. expecting to ship about 150 carloads tons without water and with nine scribing for one book Is entitled to ing to get over on the other side. Ten Days in Guard House A meeting of the Neighborhood of hay. Jess Richards is shipping inches of irrigation during the sea- read all the others In the club list, One of the boys just home, who Club will be held at 2:30 p. m. Wed "When the flu broke out in our about 80 carloads and has about 50 son the yield was increased to 21- Owing to the fact that all the books camp we were under orders to leave answered the draft and was then dis nesday, the 19th, at the home of Mrs. arc late and In much demand, they more to ship. 125 tons. within three days and when the appointed in not getting to “go R. A. Stuart. A good attendance is will be Issued as 7-day books, with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Nation left Beans yielded 16.3 bushels under armistice was signed we were all across” and get into the scrap, tells desired. a fine of 1 cent a day over that Sunday for Prosser. Wash., where rainfall farming and 24.2 bushels ready to leave at a moment’s notice; his woes In this shape: “They time. inches they will look into the new irriga with one irrigation of 3 1 Dr. J. L. StUlings and family of had everything packed ready to go. took me from cool Spokane and sent When all the books have exchang Inches Greenmount, Ky.. arrived last Satur tion project near Rattlesnake butte depth, equivalent to a 31 ed hands among club members, they “As I understand the jack rabbits me down south where it is summer Ellens- rainfall. day to visit his brother. J. H. Still Then they intend to go to are to go on the library shelves as are very bad out there now, all winter and hell all summer; took ings, and possibly make this their burg. Wash., to visit some relatives the permanent property of the Her- 1 guess that which we missed by not me from a comfortable home and bil home. The Dr. has just received of Mrs. Nation. miston Library, to be circulated on getting across to fight the Germans leted me in a leaky tent; took my shipping Geo. Wurster finished his honorable discharge from the the regular cards to the public at we can make up by cleaning up on clothes away from .me and gave me medical reserve corps at Camp. his baled hay this week. 1 He is ex- that pest.” large. By this plan, members of red-hot khaki; took away my good pecting his brother John home soon. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Chickamagua, Ga. the club will be enabled to read the name and gave me 4 94; took me Mrs. N. B. Stephens was called to "G. R. Roberts of Reith is here latest books, carefully chosen along from a good job and set me to dig Years Ago R. D. Miller was In Seattle last of the Salem Tuesday on account the best lines. About 25 books will A. C. Hunt, who in 1905 was act ging ditches; they made me go to spending a few days at the Wauga- illness of her mother, Mrs. S. J. week on busines. 1 ing as a railroad detective for the bed when I wasn’t sleepy and get man home. Mrs. Rudolph Schachermeyer was be put on the Readers’ Club shelf for Leo Clark’s smiling countenance Basey, who has been bedfast for over circulation on Saturday, and mem- O.-W. R. & N. in the yards at Uma- up when I was; made me go to in Pendleton last week. six weeks with stomach trouble. rapidly sent In tilla, and who is now traveling re church on Sunday whether I wanted can now be seen at the steering Lotys Davis has recovered from berships are being Friday, Feb. 7th, near 11 o'clock, for a second list. presentative for the Pacific North to or not. In church the preacher wheel of a Grant Six. her recent attack of pneumonia and The school bus was out of commis a fine big boy was born to Mr. and Father Butler Is to be especially west Farm Trio, with headquarters said: ‘Let us all turn to No. 494— is at school again. sion a couple of days this week, leav Mrs. Wheatly. commended for his interest In the in Spokane, was renewing old ac- ‘Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Foot- The Harnack family were Sunday J. W. Messener has been working Club, as he has pure hased and given quaintances in that town a day or sore?’—and I got ten days in the ing the children to walk. We have on the low line ditch preparatory guests at the Mathison home. so the latter part of last week. He guard house for yelling: ‘Helf, a very good attendance at school and to turning in the water. Jack Waller and family and guest, to their shelves an expensive set of several new pupils started this week. took occasion to run to this city, and yes!’ ” Mrs. Cockran, called on Mrs. Davis five books, Frank H. Simmond’s Poor old Butter Creek, the water R. Gillbrath has purchased 80 History of the World War, an auth was surprised to see a flourishing and Lotys on Sunday. is running full length of It this week acres of the McMillan tract of land oritative work recommended by town and a well Improved country Again Superintendent Recent word from E. F. Hancock, for the first time in nearly a year surrounding, and made the remark R. G. Dykstra of the Umatilla and O. O. Felthouse is already at and we have had so much rainfall a former resident, states that he Is Theodore Roosevelt and others, and that it looked like “a paying propos- schools has been reelected for a con work Improving It for him. message we can't possibly see where we will in New York city doing provost duty so up to the minute that each copy W. Rhoads received Is being sent as printed directly from | ion right from the grass roots, all sideration of »1500. for the school for Uncle 8am. get any more this year. from Pendleton Wednesday bearing the presses. the talk in the early nineties that year 1919-20. Mr. Dykstra hails Mrs. A. E. Bensel of North Ridge Some people on Butter Creek have Memberships arc being accepted it was only fit for jackrabbits and from Polk County. Ore., where he is the sad news of his father’s death, been very busy the past entertained at dinner on Friday of coyotes to the contrary notwith- well known in the educational world and left here Thursday to attend the making statements. A handsome last week. The guests were Mes- by Mrs. J. T. Hinkle or by the libra funeral. Deceased was 76 years old. standing.” His high standards and excellent dames Prime, Voelker. Gunn. Bod rian. Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. Sommerer reward will be given to the first per quality of work has brought com son making a statement containing kin. Davis, Misses Cressy and Davis. Secures Agency Weather Report ment from the leading educators of have been selected to solicit for the any truth. Mr. Smith of Lane Lake ha Father and Son Banquet to be held The maximum temperature during Ed. H. Graham has secured the fine cently purchased a few very the state. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Mr. and the past week was 55 degrees, min- agency for the distribution of the Mr. Dykstra, who is a graduate of next Friday evening, and Mrs. Wau- Mrs. Clarence Berry are visiting on Leghorn chickens. imum 27 and precipitation .43 of an the Oregon Normal School. Weiser gaman and Mrs McKeen have been J. R. Watkins remedies in Umatilla the Creek. Inch. county. He expects to have his college. Weiser. Idaho. 1907. Student placed on the kitchen committee. I. D. Basey has installed a gas and Adds Line of Stationery stock In and everything in readiness Pacific University. Forest Grove. P. B. Siscel, proprietor of Siscel ’ s oil station at Westland. New Fire Department Strychnine Here Confectionery Store on Main street, to "hit the trail" over the county Oregon 1901, Oregon Normal. 1917. " the council sanctions the pay- Col. J. F. McNaught, who has ! believing In a little expansion in about the first of the month, Ha Taught school in Morrow county for ment when a committee of the Her- charge of the distribution of rodent Lincoln’s birthday was fitting business now that the war is over, contract with the above concern miston Volunteer Fire Department three years. Polk county seven years. the poisen among the farmers of this 1 ly observed in this city Wednes- haa installed a line of stationery, call» upon him to make at least tour ...a, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ He has always made good in wait on the members at the next re- Mr. Siscel extends a cordial Invita-1 trips a year over the entire county. kular meeting, this city will have school room, and his reelection is part of the country, advises The day. only an additional honor. Herald that he has received a ship- • I ill be services in the Bap- tion to all to come in and inspect 1 - , this a paid fire department consisting of _________ ___________ I ment of strychine, and that any of m. the new writing tablets, envelopes. The road bond election, ′ 15 members instead of the prescht . county has been set by the colini y Volunteer organization. their guest over Saturday last C. G. pests on their places can secure -1........................ A cordial Invi- ries that go to make up a complete I court tor Maren 1 " * adv. tion notices have been posted. of Boardman. the gentleman quantity desired at cost price paid deliver the sermon, A cordial invi " .Yesterday was Saint Valen- Rlayden • tation la extended to all. stationery avoca. being the father of Mirs. Gorham. by the county by calling on him. tation is extended " COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES HIGH SCHOOL NOTES RED CROSS PIGGIES LEARN FOOD VALUE OF GOOD MILK THIS DOUDLY PROVES VALUE OF IRRIGATION BUTTER CREEK ITEMS RIVERTON-ON-UMATILLA ». ... Mr X r. Gorham had - “ne ramener". — tine’s Day. « CTte"waän"a"x.M.nMev: cTnlves.”F.X.™TN"Ts "mmeems . anee- : ie ■■ <