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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1918)
T he HERMISTON H erald VOL. XII HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1918 NO. 4 ixth Annual Dairy and Hog Show Rules of Entry—Live Stock Class 13 Champion bull applications for entry must “sinaccordance with instructions on be made on printed same. These forms, “Canea, to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Her- "it. Show Association on or before October 17, at which 1 AU "Ies close. In all cases the right is reserved to reject en- " swept conditionally any entry or application for entry. It > AU stock entries must be on the grounds by 8 a. m. rii. , To be eligible for competition animals must be the bona party of exhibitors. tt In all contests of registered stock, the papers of regis- must be filed with the secretary not later than 9 a. m„ lit ,5. Each exhibitor shall be in charge of his entry during the of judging and demonstration under the authority of the àt Exhibitors will at all times give the necessary and per- mention to whatever they may have on exhibition and at the of the show must take entire charge of their property and re- same promptly. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for sequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occa- I by, or arising from, any animal exhibited by him and shall nify the association against all legal or other proceedings in re- thereto. The Hermiston Dairy Show will take every precau- ■ its power for the safe preservation of all stock and articles on ition, and all property of every character entered for competi- rdisplay, or for any other purpose, or being anywhere on the ds, shall be subject to the control of the Hermiston Dairy Association, but in no case will the Hermiston Dairy Show ition be responsible in any way for any loss, damage or injury character to any such property while the same is on the ds or at any other time or place. If the property owners or i interested in property desire protection against loss, damage m from fire or other cause, they must make their arrangements or. No officer, trustee, superintendent or employe of the Her- i Dairy Show Association has authority to change or suspend Cattle—Division A REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE Class 1 I bull, 2 years old and over Class 23 Champion cow or heifer________ $10.00 _ 5.00 Class 3 bull calf, 3 months old and under one year First__________ _ _ 6.00 Second 3.00 Class4 ipion bull 5.00 Class 5 cow, 3 years old and over First ________________________ 10.00 Second 5.00 Class 6 heifer, 2 years old and under 3 First 10.00 Second 5.00 Class 7 heifer, 1 year old and under 2 years First 10.00 Second 5.00 First____ _______________________ _ Second Class 9 ipion cow or heifer _ miston, Oregon, on or before October 16, 1918. Rule 2. All entries must show the breed, registered name and number of cow. if same is registered, together with actual age and $10.00 5.00 date of last calving. Rule 3 All cows entered in the contest must be on the ground, not later than 5 p. m. October 17, 1918, and shall be milked clean in the presence of the test supervisor not later than 7 p. m. of that day. Rule 4. Cows shall not be milked to exceed more than throe times during 24 hours of the testing period, at the owners option; but at such times and place, as shall be designated by the test super- 10.00 5.00 Yi except sop. . that 5 Cows may be fed and handled at the option of the owner, no cod imen ts or drugs may be fed, and only pure water Class 1 1 1 year old and under 2 First Second a and ehrovetout Class 12 3 months old and under 1 year ="eRtl.A"""Khe supervisor or the tent shanib each milking and shall at once take entire charge of the milk yields esaen cow“ana exercise such precautions as shall positivelyr secure l“miik from beine in any way changed, and proceed to take fair 6.00 3.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 Division D—Corn CORN Class 48 Best 12 ears any variety held corn First__________ $3.00 Second $2.00 Class 49 Best corn on stalks. Any variety field corn, Ex- hibit of 12 stalks First $3.00 Second $2.00 Class 30 Best boar, 1 year and over $6.00 First_________________________ 3.00 Second _______________________ Class 31 Best boar, under 1 year and over 4 months 6.00 First ______________________________ 3.00 Second _ _____ ________________ ____ Class 32 5.00 Champion boar, any age____ Class 33 Best sow, 1 year and over 6.00 First _______ __________ 3.00 Second ________________ Class 34 Best sow, under 1 year and over 4 months 6.00 First______________________ ______ 3.00 Second ___________________________ Class 35 Champion sow, any age__________ 5.00 TEAM HITCHING CONTEST Boy 18 years or under who can harness and hitch 2 horses to wagon in least time, using ordinary farm harness with breeching and ordinary farm wagon. Each boy to furnish his own outfit. First prize______________________________ $5.00 STUDENTS’ STOCK JUDGING CONTEST Team of four students from any school to place class of 5 dairy cows and class of 5 hogs. Eighty points allowed on perfect placing and 20 points on written reasons. $7.00 F irst prize__________________________ 3.00 Second prize.._________________ ... CANNING TEAM CONTEST Team of three from any school. Two teams working at same time; leader to explain steps while working First prize____________________________ $6.00 Second prize____________________________ 3.00 Ladies’ Fair In connection with Dairy and Hog Show HOME ECONOMY First Second ERMISTON, ORE, OCTOBER 18 AND IQ, 1918 PRESIDENT wusoI I om"ANOTHER CARUDADOF. CHILD WELFARE CAM i NDMA SPRAGUE REGISTERED JERSEYS PAIGN TO START HERE GRATEFULLY RESPONDS courtesy PASSES AT 82 YEARS UnniLIULLI — Lane gratifying resolution through tbe of the very ------------- | signed by yourself and many oth er * Lucy Lord G' Sprague, wire of the can Sprague, died at her e north of town Tuesday after- o’clock, aged 82 vean. She from Berea, Ohio, with her .0 years ago. She is survived oe children, R. C. and O. W auf this place and Mrs. Flora . of Chicago, who were at her In The Herald of September 21st that letter the following of communica-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twserton,oet. 1, 1918 “ U" of a lovable character and tec' services were hold from the eta Friday afternoon at 20‘clock ena.) the Rev. Gallaher, and Hermiston, in approval ap- my rejection of the recent pesca < on- was ference proposed by Austrie. Nay I sienea 126 not express to you, and through you before being mailed. It was sent to to your fellow citizens who joined with the Secretary of the Interior Franklin you in the resolutions, my very warm K Lane with the request that he band and grateful appreciation? Sincer els it to the President. In response to yours. Woodrow W il son o. then death came. Her grand Nprague and family of Spo- tions have been received from wash- no nephews, Myron and Car- ington: The Secretary of the Interior unt of this place, were also and Secretary s we gave the text of * letter of provai to President Wilson, which by of Hermiston’s citizens i toy "rien..” her relatives citizens of afternoon, at My dear Mr. Reihl—This Cabinet meeting I - . presented Uauucv ----- petition tret manager for the Choctaw Safes Co, " Kansas Cl.,. Mo., "as‘ vindor to dis city Tuesday in company with «’• brother. J. C. Ballenger, head of the __ _ Boardman Lumber Co. the Which you Sen. gentleman is to me He seemed very much gratified ject while visiting view land indeed. Cordially your», President of mothers, babies and young children. Mothers bring your baby to be weighed and measured. Ask the at- tendants what you should feed them If they are under weight. Get a list of available literature for help in car The Child Welfare campaign starts In accordance with a decision arriy- ing for children Decrease the Infant nd at during * meeting of the local in Hermiston at the Hog and Dairy death rate by learning the needs of Jersey Breeders’ Association held in Show with the weighing and measur- the child, for the nation of tomorrow this city Friday evening of last week, ing of all children between the ages depends upon the babies of today. George A. Cressy departed Monday of 6 months and six years. A local Mra. Lay Honored morning for the Willamette valley for committee haa been appointed br the Mr». Lay, wbo is leaving shortly for the purpose of purchasing another ear county chairman to look after thia load of cows and heifers of the ad work for the Hermiston district, and Tacoma, was given • farewell party vanced registered Jersey class. He In connection with tbia rood exhibits last Wednesday afternoon at the home was instructed to exert special care In showing the daily ration of children of of Mrs. Jack Waller by the members of the Neighborhood club. A pleasant tbe selection of as choice, or even a certain will be shown. better lot, of cattle as was in the last This movement for better babies afternoon was spent with interesting diversions and the guest was present- car brought in. comes directly from the Children’s ed with a piece of china as a token of After arrival here the cattle will be Bureau of the U. S. Department Labor remembrance. auctioned Off IB the same manner as and the Woman's Committee Of Coun- Mra Lay will be remembered as the was the former carload, the sale to cil of Defense. It is to safeguard first president of the club and one who served us faithfully under all circum- take place during one Of the two days | against malnutrition among our child- stances. Many expressions of regret at of the Dairy and Hog Show. reo which form two-thirds of our popu- the departure of Mra. Lay wore made —— — ~ lation. This work will be followed up not only by the Club members, but she Dairy and Hog Show, October 18-19. ! by permanent work fur the protection will bo missed by the project in general. ages Looking Over the Country R. O. Ballenger, formerly 4 $1.00 $ .50 Best loaf war bread 1.00 .50 Best cake________ .50 Best cookies (6 on plate) .................. 1.00 Best 5 jars canned fruit (2 or more 1.50 1.00 varieties)____ -_____________ Best 5 jars canned vegetables (2 or 1.00 2.50 more varieties)____ __________ Best 5 glasses jelly (2 or more vari- 1.00 1.50 ties)_____________ -__________ Best general collection canneti goods 5.00 .3.00 by one individual____________ All baking must conform to the government's food regulations. Horse»—Division C War bread, 20 per cent substitutes—barley, corn flour, corn meal. Class 42 Best brood mare under 5 years old Cake, 20 per cent substitutes, and sugarless 15.00 First ____________________ cookies the same. 3.00 Second __________________ DOMESTIC ART Class 43 Beat Piece of Knitting Best brood mare over 5 years old $1.50 First ____ --- 5.00 First__ ....______________ 1.00 Second _________ 3.00 Second ------ ------- - ----------- Milking Contest—Rule» Governing Class 10 and over 3.00 $6.00 Class 36 Grand Champion Boar__________ Ribbon Class 37 Ribbon Grand Champion Sow___________ Class 38 Best Three Fat Barrows................ „110.00 Class 39 5.00 Best Fat Barrow________________ Class 40 Best Sow and Litter farrowed under 10 weeks. 1000 (Sow must be registered) Class 41 5.00 Best Fitted Swine_________________________ Rule 1. All entries must be made upon blanks furnished and the same must be filed with Hermiston Dairy Show Association. Her- 5.00 5.00 SPECIAL PREMIUMS SPECIAL PREMIUMS $10.00 Best Fitted Dairy Animal REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE bull calf, First Second 5.00 Second best heifer sired by Rosaire’s Lad of Hermiston_______________ One breeding season Best heifer sired by Merry Adelaide's St. Mawes - One share stock Second best heifer sired by Merry Adelaide's St. Mawes_______________ One breeding season Grand Champion Heifer from all four blocks .Ribbon 6.00 3.00 5.00 Best suckling colt sired by Young Milton First,. One breeding season Second -_____ Single service REGISTERED POLAND CHINA Second best heifer sired by Blossom's Lad--------- One breeding season Best heifer sired by Rosaire’s Lad of Hermiston - One share of stock Class 8 10.00 Class 26 Champion boar, any age_____ 5.00 Class 27 Best sow, 1 year and over First ___________ 6.00 Second _______ ________ 3.00 Special Feature» Class 28 Best sow, under 1 year and over 4 months MILK TESTING CONTEST First____________________ 6.00 Team _____ of three students from any school. Award, Second ___________________________ 3.00 a Babcock tester donated by H. J. Stillings. The tester to be sold to highest bidder by the winning Class 29 team and proceeds donated to Red Cross. Champion sow, any age_____ _______ 5.00 Second best heifer sired by Hermiston St. Mawes _______________ One breeding season Best heifer sired by Blossom’s Lad____________ One share stock heifer, 3 months old and under one year . Class 24 Best boar, 1 year and over First _ _____ __________________ Second Class 25 Best boar, under 1 year and over 4 months First Second The following premiums are offered by the Jersey Breeders’ Association: Best heifer sired by Hermiston St. Mawes______ ___________ One share stock 10.00 5.00 Class 44 Best suckling colt First..... ...................... Second Class 45 Best colt 1 year old and under 2 years First __________________________ Second Class 46 Best draft team any age First ______________ Second _ Class 47 Swine—Division B REGISTERED DUROC JERSEY SPECIAL PREMIUMS Class 2 : bull, 1 year old and under 2 First____ ______ bull, Rules of State Fair contest to govern, by which an age and lactation handicap are used, giving cows of all ages equal chance. First $25.00 Second 20 00 Third 15.00 Fourth 10 00 Fifth . 5.00 Class 19 Best cow 3 years old and over First____________________ $8.00 Second . 4.00 Class 20 Best heifer 2 years old and under 3 First ______________________ 8.00 Second 4.00 Class 21 Best heifer 1 year old and under 2 First ______________________ 8.00 Second ______________ 4.00 Class 22 Best heifer calf, 6 months old and under 1 year First -- 5.00 Second 2.50 tills 1. In the absence of competition, the judges will award or second premiums as they see fit. tule 8. Boar tusks must be removed. bull, 2 years old First Second Class 14 Best cow 3 years old and over First_________________ 1000 Second 5.00 Class 15 Best heifer, 2 years old and under 3 First 10.00 Second 5.00 Class 16 Best heifer, 1 year old and under 2 First ______________________ 10.00 Second 5.00 Class 17 Best heifer calf, 3 months old and under 1 year First 6.00 Second 3.00 Class 18 Champion cow or heifer____ 5.00 GRADE COWS mle. First _______________________________________ Second________ _______________________ samples of the product of each cow for the purpose of determining by means of the Babcock method the exact contents thereof in butterfat. Rule 7. Owners or assistants must be on hand to bring stock into ring for judging, otherwise premium money will be forfeited. 5.00 in Boar Anai 1 looking over t’ae pro” relatives "ith." to purchasing and localin F K Lane in this or Morrow county perm nen"2. i $ I