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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1918)
4 THE H ermiston H erald , VOL. HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31. 1918 XII PROJECT MANAGER NEWELL IS TO BE TRANSFERRED YANKEES RESTING BETWEEN FIGHTS —2 The startling news was given to the oublie this week that H. D. Newell, Project manager of the Umatilla pro- ect had been transferred by the director of the Reclamation Service lo anew position in the eastern states The news is confirmed by Mr. Newell and be and his family expect to leave Hermiston about October 1st. Mr Newell has been in the Recia nation Service since 1903. He spent tT0 years on the Malheur project and in August, 1906, came to the Umatilla project, and on J une 1, 1908, he be- came project manager, succeeding John T. Whistler. Mr. Newell is the last of the original squad of engineers who were here in NO. 50 FIFTH ANNUAL FIELD DAY AT EXPERIMENTAL FARM BRITISH CONTINUE STEADY ADVANCE HOUSE ADOPTS MANPOWER BILL Germans Fight Desperately But Appear Confused as English Smash On. Changes of Only Minor Nat Made in War 0 men ure. The fifth annual field day at the Ex periment Farm will be on Saturday, September 7, al 2 o'clock in the after noon. A number of brief talks on vital subjects to the proj ct farmers haa been arranged. R. W. Allen, demon lion agriculturist, will talk on “Observation on Land Development,” touching on the problems he has met this ter and the points to be con- future development. “What side the Future Has in Store for Hermiston from the Dairy Standpoint and how to Attain II," is the subject M. S. Sbrock, county agricultural agent, has chosen. Professor of Irrigation W. L. Powers from Corvallis will discuss “Irrigation investigations and Prae- tices.” ,—(; The balance of the afternoon will be used In going over the field expert- ments, taking up their plans and re- suits lo date. The experiments which will receive special attention are bor der and frequency irrigation, corn va- riety, alfalfa variety,and pasture grass tests, lysimeter Investigation* and orchard cultural treatment. Washington.—The new manpower With the British Army In France.— bill, extending the selective draft to Field Marshal Haig's fighting armies all men between the ages of 18 and 45 have achieved further victories. They years, was passed by the house with delivered blow after blow to the stag Only minor changes in the draft of the gering enemy, who in some places, Here is a detachment of the American troops that did such brilliant war department. the building of this project Hu join euch as the Thiepval salient, was re fighting on the west front, converting the Hun offensive Into I a Hun disaster On the first roll call only two nega ed the company at Pendleton in which ported to be in a sta e of great con and retreat. Thes are resting by the roadside, smoking, joking and light- tive votes were cast—by Representa fusion. hearted, and ready to jump into the fight again. were John H. Lewis, now state engin- Uve London, of New York, the social Some of the heaviest fighting of the eer, E. I. Davis, Al. Sears, Williams ist, and Representative Gordon, of war is going on around the Bapaume and Huber and later Jim Griffin and Ohio, democrat. The final vote was — w. R. Saxon, the latter now deceased. section of the battle front, for the Ger announced as 336 to 2, mans are loath to part with the town, The first work on the Umatilla pro The final vote was preceded by which has great strategic value. ject had been done by J. G. Camp, now three days’ debate, during which the HAL CORRESPONDENCE With the battle front widened by a SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCI of Irrigon, under direction of D. W. chief contention was an amendment Ross, then of an Idaho project, but surprise attack in the north so that If you are interested in these sub- to defer the calling of youths from 18 Jene Shoybo was a Boardman visitor this was chiefly west of the Umatilla it now extends all the way to the The third hay harvest is now at its to 20 years until older men had been jects you can noi afford to miss this op portunity to secure, the information river. The former named group* river Scarpe, the British have made Sunday. height. summoned. Little Gertrude Gentry from Bold- that will be given upon them. under John T. Whistler and later ■teady progress eastward. An attempt in the house to insert J. C. Mathison is a recent victim of In many localities the 1 retreating man was a guest at the Frank Beddow under Mr. Newell did all the engineer the auto bug and is Dow sporting a a work or fight amendment by which Germans have left strong, posts of home last week. ' , { ing work of this project and most of those exempted from military service classy car machine guns supported by single Geo. Beddow is having an additional the west extension. on occupational grounds would be re “field guns in an effort to delay the Mrs. A. E. Bensel, Mr. T. J. Mor- quired to remain at their civil tasks, The new work outlined by the de- advancing British. These field guns room built on his home. row and Mrs. E. E. Davis were in failed. 52 to 91. Ranchers are busy cutting their partment for Mr. Newell is under the have had no effect. Umatilla Tuesday afternoon. directed The amendment third crop of hay. . new plans of preparation by the gov- The attack south of the Scarpe was Mr. and Mrs Beisse and children against strikes and was characterised ernment for developments after the delivered in cooperation with tanks. Jack Gorham, hay buyer for W. A. As the cooler nights of August ap visited Sunday afternoon at Betharaba by officials of the American Federa war? The United States has already proach and school days come close the These steel monsters rolled through Leathers, was a county scat visitor tion of Labor as conscription of labor ranch. commenced to prepare for the re- : y folks who have been to the mountain the rain and shot their way through. Wednesday. The house reversed its action In construction period and great plane Mr and Mrs. Fischer have returned Mr Thos. Mackay was not well the German first lines almost before voting to include members of congress and seashore are gathering home are afoot—for reclamation of arid and from Portland, where they attended enough to return home lau week as in the draft. By a rising vole, 89 to again fat, brown and battle scarred. the Germans realized that they were ; swamp lands, and it is to the drainage being attacked, ths — he expec.ed to do. Dr. and Mrs. Prime accompanied by 6)1 the G. A. R. encampment. 143. it defeated an amendment by Rep department Mr. Newell is at present Mrs. Prime’s mother, arrived several k is continu The German Stanfield Madam Belscamper was a Gladys Miller was the guest of Edna resentative Gregs, of Texas, which assigned. __ Ing along many . of the battle visitor last Wednesday. Harnack in Hermiston on Sunday. would make members of congress, daysago from Hidaway, and Mrs. H F. The departure of Mr. and Mrs. front. The British are overwhelming state legislatures and federal and state Knapp and three children returned Mr. and Mrs. O. Jacobson, who have The Bensel children of North Hill Newell from Hermiston will be the the enemy’s rear guards in heavy Thursday. been employed on the Leathers ranch, were guests of -Lotys Davis Tuesday executive officers liable to draft. cause of regrets from many citizens of fighting. Mrs. F. B. Swayze and Miss Dori* have moved to Hermiston. afternoon. the town and community. Besides bis and Master Frank and Mrs. H. M. official duties Mr. Newell has been Straw and two little daughters return- -Mr. and Mrs. Martin from Stanfield identified with various organizations ed a few days ago from Seaside and of the town from which his services Mr* C. 8. McNaught and two child- Sunday. will be missed, and socially and in rea will be home early next week. Raymond Brassfield was a Umatilla charitable acts Mrs. Newell has made Mayor and Mrs. McKenzie and two visitor Sunday. a host of friends. sons have returned from Newport Washington,—Announcing that more Harry Murchip» returned to Board where the mayor gained several While no official appointment of a With the French Army in France — than 1,500,000 American soldiers have c. F. Aines and Herbert Strohm i pounds from fat clams. successor to Mr. Newell has yet been Fighting in water- up to their waists man Saturday after spending several have bought the McNaught alfalfa embarked for foreign shores. General made, indications are that H. M. Schil In the marshes along the Avre and days on bis ranch in this section. Mrs. H. G. Newport who is now at March reiterated his belief the pres seed huiler and are now at work ling will be the new project manager. charging the crews of machine guns Glen Akers from Wasco spent a few threshing alfalfa seed on Strohm’s enee of 4,000,000 troops of the United Newport, a guest of the family of H. who served their weapons until killed, days visiting his family the latter part land on the west side of the river States in France by next summer R. Newport, will be home next week. Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Fraser are the troops of the third French army of the week. under the Western Land project. Mr. would enable the allies to carry out took two of the strongest defenses of John and Wm. Graham left Wednes Strohm has about 100 acres of good any campaign they may adopt for the now in Portland and are expected Roye. They also captured 600 prison day for Elgin, Oregon. They will seed ano many others in that locality defeat of Germany and the end of the home during the coming weea •rs and took important booty, includ drive O. W. Thompson’s cattle there. have varying amounts. Later they General March Impressed the news ing a large number of machine guns. will move the machine to Hermiston W. A. Leathers returned last Satur paper men who met him in the con The first attack was on the village and handle the crops in this vicinity. Eight of Hermiston's most famous of Fresnoy, two and a half miles north day from Portland. It is estimated that they may thresh as ference with the absolute confidence bear and deer hunters all armed to the of Roye, where the Germans had re- American officer* have in their men as acre much as thirty tons of seed. Leo Clark is leveling his ten teeth departed early Friday morning a result of the initial tests on the stored the old fortifications of 1914 17. tract and seeding to alfalfa. for the haunts of bruin io the fast- reinforced them with wire and in battlefield* of France. »esses of the Blue mountains far and Dan Ransier and son who have been There has beer no increase in- the “These officer* are now telling me stalled many machine gun nests. After confined to their beds with smallpox, away beyond Ukiah. The party con price of hay since the late rains. interesting things which have not yet a short artillery preparation the allied of Ray Challis, Levi Reeder, are reported as much improved. However there has been no decrease. come over in official reports. One of French infantry stormed the position, George Corse, William Mikesell, Mr. Heath and Esther from the Fur ficer reported specifically that In one The market I* around 825 for baled rushing the concrets blockhouses and George Ellison, Jack Mason, Clark nish project were callers in this dis engagement of the first American di f. o. b. cars Hermiston. Other localities that have not been Prindle and Ike Phelps. They have killing the gunner* at their pieces. vision the men captured 68 German Prisoners say the garrison had or trict Monday. Henry Means of Umatilla was in selling much hay are looking to the vowed to come back with a few deer guns and brought them In at the rear Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Sapper were town Wednesday looking for carpen Hermiston market for information as and plenty of bear, and if you doubt it ders to hold out at any cost. The French attacked from the north and dinner guests at the home of bis ters to commence work on the recon of our truck* On the same occasion just wait and see. to prices. Hermiston has been the south simultaneously and with such mother, Mrs. Anna Sapper, Sunday. struction of his hotel recently damaged they took 3500 prisoner*. most active market this fall through "Another officer reported that the a dash that the enemy, although by fire. He states that the first floor The ladies of the Neighborhood club and some of the interior walls and the second division, which he was with, out the Northwest and because it aware of the impending attack, was handle* hay baled, chopped and in overwhelmed. Four hundred prison i met Wednesday afternoon on the Som- roof were the only parts badly dam- captured 10 complete German batteries, meal and is steady and active it has | merer lawn and a new park board ers, including 16 officers, were cap aged and that the building will be which they brought In and presented become a sort of market regulator. committee was appointed, Mrs. Walter renovated and repaired and ‘ made to General Pershing." tured in the town. It also establishes the market as to Lloyd, Mrs. Henry Ott, Mrs. C. A. belter than ever. quality. ____ Kellar and Mrs Frank Beddow. The GERMANS TIRED OF WAR The executive board of the new BRITISH AHEAD IN THE AIR next meeting will be held Wednesday, Buy War Savings Stamps Immédiat organization of West End people Sept. 25, on the Sommerer lawn and No Complaints Here Prisoner* Taken by Americans Say The Hermiston District named the Umatilla River Irrigation Gain Superiority on Battle Front and I every member is urged to attend. Complaints of discourtesy on the New Teuton Offensive Unlikely- Raid Rhine Provinces Often. League have been busy gathering Mr. and Mrs. T. w. Sapper were part of O. W. R. A N. employe* made With the American Army on the io the next for data and preparing letter* to the de- London—British air fighting on the to the government was the occasion Veals.—German soldiers believe that must be injecte partment at Washington and members western front during the last week Columbia district visitor* Monday. for sending out J. 8. Mill* to speak to of Congress. provides a striking indication of the Mr. and Mrs. W. Felthouse left Sun the men all along the line. Thursday Germany I» not planning any more of One committee is assisting Mr. difficulty now confronting Germany in day for Portland, where they will visit be addressed the employes at the local rensives because of the manpower ly. About fit Shortage, according to one of a party Newell in collecting all data possible the air. __ railway station, in which he asked of seven of a German palmi raptured expressed on reservoir sites on the Umatilla In the battle area enemy scouts are Miss Ethel Graham is visiting with that they co-operate with Federal by the Americans east of Fismes. The have ignor river. Survey* have been made by compelled to operate in Urge forma Manager O'Brien in bis endeavor to prisoner Mid the German soldiers no relatives in Hermiston. We trus the Furnish project, the Western tion* *t a much greater height than operate the lines io the interest of the longer had any enthusiasm for war w. Thompson and family left yellow Ci O. Land and Paradise projects and other* formerly. Wednesday for Elgin, Oregon, where government and the public. He assur- I Moat of those with whom he came progressi and these are being compiled along Severe air fighting has occurred be ed them before leaving that no com in contact believed the war would end quents be with other information to be submitted tween Albert and th* Amien* Roye they will make tbeir future home. plaint* had come from Hermiston peo- to the Untied Stales Reclamation Ser- road, resulting, according to latest re The Misses Marion and Dorothy pie, and that be only spoke to them soon. . a M diately, 4 Plenty of Germans, he added, would vice. The matter has been taken up port*, in the destruction of 82 enemy Brigg* were charming hostesses to according to instructions. The pe desert and surrender If given the °P with Secretary Lane with the hope machines and the driving down of 21 about twenty-five young people Thurs- their moi portunity. Many of them are con: that » complete survey and investiga- airplanes out of control Twenty six day evening honoring Miss Ruth Stap- Big Show September 7 i stantly watching for a chance to give boys in i tion will be ordered. Another com- British machines have been reported Uh from Walla Walla, who is a guest corp*. A "Fatty" Arbuckle will be at The I themselves up. mittee is gathering crop statistics to missing. of Miss Clarice Watson. Dancing and Ing will • Movie this evening, when he will be made available when needed by Coupled with a virtual cessation of games were the diversion of the even France. your slam * whirl in "The Rough House," which | Austrians Face Americans In ing after which delicious refreshment* the department. raids on London the Increasing num should delight all. Th* drama part With the American Army in France leave your It is believed by the new organiza- her of bombing raids Into Germany, of were served. carrier. 1 of the show will feature House Peters tion that a survey may be obtained which there were 21 during the past Mr. and Mrs. w. Cassidy and Mar- and Louise Huff Io "The Lonesome ' —Austrian troops have been Identi per capita this fall and it is urging all possible week, must be demoralizing, showing ion were Stanfield visitors Thursday. fied opposite the position of a certain i your share at Chap." Saturday evening September haste upon the department. Prelimin- Germany that she is unable adequately American unit. H «• not, War Savi M. S. Shrock was a project visitor 7, * masterpiece pitriotic play entitled whether they are in the line, but they ary investigations make a good show to protect her air frontier. “ Joan the Woman," in which Gerald- inz for storage facilities and it is be- Sunday. are known definitely to be lyips in For thorough business, high school B. 8. Kingsley lieved that when all possible sites are M D. Scroags and H. D. Newell ine Farrar takes the leadin: role as ver, Oregon, a fe Joao of Arc, will be staged in two and college courses send your son to investigated there will be found ample | sUBSCRIUE FOR re MKMALD Mt. Angel College, Si. Benedict, Ore. I were Columbia district visitors Tues- Morage foe all the lands under the — Address Rev. E. R. Meier. __ adv day. Umatilla river watershed. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES RIVERTON-ON-UMATILLA COME HOME AGAIN FROM SUMMER OUTINGS FRENCH TAKE TWO PAPALFALFA SEED NOW “IS BEING THRESHED SOLDIERS STAND WAR TEST WELL IF YOU DOUBT IT JUST WAIT AND SEE HAY STANDS STILL SINCE RAIN FELL TO REBUILD HOTEL DAMAGED DY FIRE ALL THE WATER FOR ALL THE LAND known