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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1918)
HERMISTON THE HERALD, ; HERMISTON: 2 FOOD WAR WILL WIN THE Don’t waste it-Eat more of these Beans pink, red or white, lb Corn, 2 cans Tomatoes, solid pack, 2 cans 35c 35c Potatoes, 100 pounds, $1.50 We have a supply and will serve you. B. S. KINGLEY CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY = LOCALS- 5 25c Bob White Soap, 5 bars 23c Crystal White Soap, 4 bars . ............ 9c All hand Soaps, 10c bars 17c Canned Tomatoes, per can 20c Tomatoes, solid pack, per can 32c Golden Rod Cream Oats, large package 65c Golden Rod Oats, 9 lb. sack 32c Golden Rod Pancake Flour, package Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, Golden Egg ncod- 25c les, 10c size, now 3 for Bulk Macaroni, pound Sauerkraut, in bulk, pound A Cut Price in All Groceries for CASH. Get our prices before you buy as I am cleaning up my grocery stock and can save you money on the stock I have on hand. Full Line of Fresh and Cured Meats AND WILL GIVE A REDUCTION IN PRICE FOR CASH Round, Sirloin and T bone steaks, pound 22 l-2c Boiling Beef, Plates and Flanks, pound 13c Pork Chops, trimmed 35c Pork Roast, trimmed, pound 30c Pork, not tr immed, pound 25c and 30c Beef in quarters, front quarter, pound 13c Hind quarters beef, first class steer and heifer,lb. 15c Don’t forget that you can save one cent on a loaf of bread. Butter Nut is the best and you can al ways get it at the City Market for 9 cents a loaf.* New Year Suggestions THERMOS BOTTLES AUTO OR BUGGY ROBES DRIVING GLOVES FLASH LIGHTS SPOT LIGHTS FOOT WARMERS (we always have the bricks for these on hand) AUTO TIRES TIRE CARRIERS LUNCH BOXES And many other useful articles We have • stock of all of these on hand SAPPER BROS. GARAGE STON, OREGON. Methodist at the on next The Ladies Aid of the church wiU hold a silver tea home of Mrs. B. F. Sorohm Wednesday afternoon. The annual meeting of the local volunteer fire department will be held Dr. Alender Reid was called to Pen- next Monday night, at which time the dleton last Saturday on professional election of officers will take place. business. F. L Allen arrived home the latter part of last week from Portland,where he has been visiting for some time. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mrs. Frank Rider, wife of a well This last month the school contrib known Irrigon rancher, was here Monday doing some shopping with our uted $22 to the Children of America’s merchants. Army of Relief Fund. Last Friday, January 4, the debate Mrs. Howard Chamberlain went to Irrigon Monday, where she spent the between Hermiston and Stanfield was day visiting with her husband’s sister, held at Hermiston. The goddess luck seemed to be in this city, for Hermis- Mrs. J. N. Smith. ton easily won over Stanfield, and the Mrs. Gao Stewart left this we k for final debate with Milton will be held Prin eville co jin her husband, wh> is January 25 As yet we do not know e nployed by the New port Construction where it will be held. Co. at that place. A double header in basket ball will Rev. Jones, pastor of the Episcopal be played at Stanfield January 11- church at Baker City, was a dinner The high school boys and girls versus guest at the Mumma home while in Stanfield’s high school teams. Che ciCy on business Thursday of last The census report shows an increase week. in the enrollment of the school, both J. A. Murray, district manager for grade and high, for the last three che Pacific Telephone and Telegraph years, the number for 1915 being 244, Co., wich headquarters in Pendleton, for 1916, 260 and 1917, 262. was a business visitor to Hermiston As there were no longer any boys in Monday. high school who took any interest in Charles Skinner made a business The Movie, the girls have taken it trip to Lewiston, Idaho, the first of the over and are doing the operating and week, and while there combined busi managing as well as the ushering. ness with pleasure by visiting rela- lives. R. Alexander and Attorney J. R. Raley were up from Pendleton Tues day in attendance at the annual stock holders meeting of the First National b ink of this city. Send your washing to the Model William Hilton, a Portland business man, stopped off here a day the latter laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, part of last week while on his way to through P. B. Sisee], local agent. Bas Pendleton and visited with his niece, ket leaves Tuesday morning and re turns Friday of each week. -adv49tfc Miss Bessie McPherson. OREGON HARDWARE & " IMPLEMENT CO. Friends That Never Fail OTHER’S love for the little one 1 never fails. The constant, steady heat of this remarkable heater is a never failing friend when economy and even heat day and night are a necessity. It pays to investigate. M Cole’sOriginal Hot Blast BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. USES ANY FUEL It Saves and Serves You Can Easily Do It With This Great Fuel ,() Saving Heater. Act (NOW! This Winter? WANT ADS J For Sale—A span of mules at a bar Mesdames F. Stewart, C. Conner and M. R. Lane were down from Stanfield gain for quick sale, also yearling Jer -adv4tfc Friday of last week, passing the day as sey heifer. C. B. Percey. guests at the home of Mrs. A. Reid For Sale:—As I am going to leave in this city. Hermiston I offer my 67 acre ranch for Mrs. J. C. Cooney of Condon, Ore sale cheap; 36 acres in alfalfa, 5 acres gon, is here on a week’s visit to her orchard and good set of buildings; or daughter, Mrs. J. Kennedy. On her will sell 37 acres with the buildings, return to Condon Mrs. Kennedy will orchard and 15 acres in alfalfa. C. H. Skinner adv.6-tfc accompany her mother to the parental home to remain a week or ten days. ALL PRICES ON GROCERIES IN THIS AD STRICTLY CASH E C. A. White, who with bis family came here from Scotts Mills, Ore., last summer and engaged in ranching northwest of town, was stricken with paralysis Thursday, and is reported to be in a feeble condition at this writing. J. T. Embry returned Sunday from Lewiston, Idaho, after a three weeks absence. While visiting there he had the pleasure of attending the wedding of bis son Clay to Miss Mary Almira Smith, a popular young 1 idy of the above city. A. D. Smith, Westland, will receive bids till January 21, for the school house, outbuildings and fence, located near the mouth of Butter creek, deliv ery of same to be made when the new 15-3tc building is completed. Wait for Dr. Freeze, the eye specialist, if you need glasses or have any other eye troubles headaches. Regular visitato Hermis- ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. Watch for dates. Edison Week • _ _________ COME IN AND HEAR NEW RECORDS Phonographs all Prices and Terms Good machine for $36.00 including 12 records Hermiston Drug Co. ------------------------ -—....--- ----------1--------------------------- . -------- I -------- -pa 7 -advtfe For Sale—Roselawn Farm, one and one-quarter miles southwest of Her- Mrs G, P. Challis, mother of R. C. and Leslie Challis and Mrs. H. L. miston. One of the finest orchard- Deck, underwent an operation in St alfalfa tracts on the project. Mrs. 13tfc. Anthony’s hospital, Pendleton, Thurs Geo. Davis. day. Her daughter and Mrs. R. C. Far Sale—Thoroughbred white Pekin Challis accompanied her on the the ducks, Henry Sommerer. adv. 12tfc trip from here to Pendleton Wednes Want to buy No. 1 alfalfa to bale. day. Leathers. 16tfc Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parker and fam I have a few boxea of cull apples. ily returned to their home in Voll- mer, Idaho, Monday after enjoying Good sound apples except for packing the holidays visiting with Mr. and defects, at 1 cent per pound, purchaser Mrs. S. D. Thomas and family on the to furnish bis own box or sacks. Thos 16tfc diagonal road east of town, Mrs. Campbell. Thomas being the mother of Mrs. Weaned pigs for sale. A. P. Gar- Parker. ner. 16-2tc The Altar Society met at the home For Sale—3 work horses, harness, of Mrs. Cbas. Hahn Wednesday after- wagon with rack, fresno, plow, mower; noon. It bad previously decided to do power concrete mixer; bouse moving work for the Red Cross, and up to equipment; b. h. goods, including date two sweaters are finished and heater. H. A. Frick. 16tfc work begun on another. After a busi For Sale — One of the best located im ness meeting it wss decided to meet proved 6 acres in town. See W. L January 23 at the home of Mrs. C. A. F ear son. 16-2tc I Keller. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. I buy any kind of livestock. A. L. -ime- , Stanfield. “an@ea. Phone 83. 17-20p 1--- Steimer, Mr. and Mrs E. E. Smith and family For Sale—First class Wioesap apples leave Tuesday next for their new home in Stockson, Calif., after a residence at 2 cents per pound. J. S. Dyer. 17tfc here of seven years. For a number of Four foot slab wood at 86.50 per years Mr. Smith bas held a position as cord, while it lasts. R. A. Stewart. clerk in the store of B. S. Kinsgley, 17-ltp during which time be lived on the A Snap — One or both of the Lois ranch he sold recently to Bert Nation. After looking around a bit after arri Smith bouses for sale at cost if sold val in California, it is possible Mr. within the next two weeks. Write at once to Lois Smith, Echo, Ore. 17 Itp | Smith will enter business. For Sale—160 quarts of canned fruits The Baptist Ladies Aid met Wed- and pickles. E. E. Smith. 17-ltc I nesday at the Ridgeway avenue home of Mrs. M. D. O'Connell, the hostesses For Sale—Ten stands bees and some being Mesdames Bensel, Shotwell and supplies, also some shoals. H. J. O'Connell. A dainty three-course Belscamper. 17tfe luncheon was served, consisting of pud- ding a la mode, cheese straw and par- For Sale—One bronze turkey gobbler. vue waters, and planitia wafers with W. A. Mikesell. 17-tfc I poculum of coffee. There were fifty ladies present, and all enjoyed a pleas ant afternoon indulging in social cor- verse. Phone Your Orders On her return from a lengthy visit to the old home in Michigan recently, Mrs. Geo. Davis was accompanied by her cince. Miss Olive Bracken, who will remain for a month or two. On the homeward trip over the Rocky mountains Mrs. Davis says they were delayed considerably on account of bad weather conditions demoralizing train service, and were both surprised and delighted at finding such fine weather on their arrival here. „Catitea, ” See This Heater At Our Store No. 114 for all kinds of Transfer Work First Class Tailoring Done by JACK WHITE Hermiston’s Up’-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE “Boss Mechanic” Overalls and Coats Warranted not to rip, and fast colors $1.75 EACH Mack’s Variety Store The Hermiston Honey Co. Is now prepared to take orders for BEE SUPPLIES FOR FUTURE DELIVERY Order now and avoid the rush GEO. R. SHAFER, PROPRIETOR where or haul anything. LEGAL BLANKS FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFICE