Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1917)
Miss Everette Kingsley, who is tak ing a course le domestic science in the Oregon Agricultural college, was a Thanksgiving holiday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Kingsley, in this city. The young Mayor McKenzie was on the sick lady returned to the college Sunday to list a few days this week. resume her studies. The annual meeting of the Farmers’ The membership in the Honor Exchange will be held today. Guard was materially increased this Keep Warm wearing our wool sox, overshoes and caps Mesdames Phillips, Yates and Preig- netz of Stanfield, were guests of Mrs. A. Reid in this city Wednesday. Mackinaws I WANT ADS H. J. Stillings returi ad ■ a ly in the week from a business trip to Soldier, Idaho, where he has ranch property. Mrs. J. F. Morfltt has accepted a position as assistant to Dr. F. V. Prime in the dental parlors operated by him in this city. Mackinaw pants and shirts, warm lined mittens and gloves for your Send your washing to the Mode) laundry at The Dalles. Oregon, through P. B. Siscel, local agent. Bas ket leaves Tuesday morning and re turns Friday of each week. -adv49tfc Edward Comegys has accepted a posi For Sale—One gentle farm horse, tion as clerk in the Oregon Hardware buggy and harness, cheap if takes & Implement Co. store, taking the within next couple of weeks; light place of Wm. McDonald, resigned. wagon and harness. J. T. Embry. -advlOtfc Mrs. F. B. Swayze was a delightful hostess to the members of the By House for Rent—Furniture in same weekly club at her home in this city for sale. Bert Hiatt, Hermiston, Ore Tuesday afternoon. -advl2-ltp Winter Work It looks like snow, and you will need leggings, bootees, dri-foot and many other necessities we have at Ed Hitt has passed the physics For Sale—Dress form and stand, al examination for the aviation corps, and most new, size 38, adjustable in length. left today with Bert Hiatt and Car) Inquire at Herald office. adv. 12 2tp Voyen for Portland. Perce y Sisters Millinery Store is sell Mr. and Mrs. G. Course arrived home ing the remainder of their ladies’ and Saturday evening from Pendleton, children’s bats at cost. adv 12-2tc where they bad been during Thanks For Sale—A span of mules at a bar giving. gain for quick sale, also yearling Jer Dr. M. S. Kern, president of the In sey heifer. C. B. Percey. -adv4tfc land Empire Lumber Co., was up from For Sala or Trade — One ten months the county seat a couple of days this old Jersey bulicali for a bred heifer. week. Akers’ ranch, 41 miles east of Her- Mrs. Wes Loyd and son of Waits -ad11-2tp W. H. Skinner left Monday night on burg, Wn., and her father H. E. Boyn- miston. business trip to Portland. What is nicer at this time of year ton of Sunnyside, Wn., visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Boynton Tuesday than a Christmas gift to a relative or Me. 9281. friend of the Ladies' Home Journal, of this week. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF the Country Gentleman or the Satur Dr. DeQuer will give his lecture THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK day Evening Poet. Either Journal or ‘The Growth of Civilization,” next at Hermiston, in the State of Oregon, at the close Poet $1.50 per year, Country Gentle Thursday evening, at Mack ’ s hall at of business, November 20, 1917. man $1 per year. See Ed. H. Graham, 7:30, instead of Wednesday as stated RESOURCES agent. -adv12-13 elsewhere in these columns. Loans and discounts................ . $146,240.06 Six h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine Overdrafts, sseursd..................... Mrs. G. E. Joerndt of Seattle, who Unsecured.......... 25.67 25.67 fórrale. Practically aa good as new. has passed a very pleasant month ’ s U. S. bonds to secure circulation (par J. D. Watson. -adv4tfc valu«).»................................................ 6,250.00 visit here with her sister, Mrs. Jack Liberty Loan bonds, unpledged, 8% per For Sale:—As I am going to leave Waller and family, returned to her ... 18,045.00 home on the Sound Wednesday. Hermiston I offer my 87 acre ranch for Securities other than U. 8. beads (not In saie cheap; 35 acres in alfalfa, 5 acres cludine stock) owned unpledged...... 1,3548.97 ' Rev. T. A. Graham returned yester orchard and good set of buildings; or Stock of Federal Reserve bank (W per day morning from Hood River, Where cant of subscription)....... 900.00 ...... ......... | he bad been the past two days in at will sell 17 acres with the buildings, Furniture and fixtures............................... ... orchard and 15 acres In alfalfa. tendance at a district meeting of the Real estate owned other than banking - C. H. Skinner adv.6 tfc house......... ......... i Methodist church. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve For Sale—Thoroughbred white Pekin Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kingsley return bank............... ........ .................................. .. 11,372,89 i ducks. Henry Sommerer. adv. 12tfe Items with Federal Reserve bank la pro- ed to their home in Culver, Ore., Sun csss of collection (not available as re- For Sale—Weaned pigs, buggy, driv day after pleasantly visiting here on serve........-----------.......... . ..... 235.24 ' Thanksgiving and the days following ing harness. W. J. Warner. -advl2tfc Cash In vault and net amounts duo from i with the gentleman's parents, Mr. and national banka 16,882.43 For Sale or Trade—Good farm horse. Total item 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18... 16.617.67 Mrs. B. S. Kingsley. Any offer takes him. August F. Beisse. KINGSLEY’S Notice of Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Farmers Exchange will be held Saturday, Dec ember 8, at 1:30 p. m. All members are urged to be present. adv. 11-12. H. J. Stillings, Pr sident. SHAAR’S Tonsorial Parlors Shower and Plain BATHS Scientific Tonsorial Treatment WE ENDEAVOR TO PLEASE Wm/Shaar, Prop. Steamer J. N. Teal LEAVES UMATILLA ====== 8 a. m. = — FOR PORTLAND Nov. 14, 20, 26, and Dec. 2 Stock Trip» Nov 20 and Dec. 2 Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Stand at SiacoT». Phone 262 We are ready at anv time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer.. ....... 312.50 i Inlerest earned but not collect. ed (approximate) 3,000.00 On account of lack of time to catch -adl2-2tp up with the work of checking and For Sale—One used Ford touring posting each day's business, the First car, a bargain. One new runabout. Total ............. $210,269.89 i National Bank has given notice that Neither will last long. Sapper Bros. hereafter the institution will close one 12 It LIABILITIES hour earlier, at 3 p. m. instead of 4 Capital stock paid In...... _ ____.... 25,000.00 | P- m. For Sale Cheap—About 4500 lath Surplus fund...... .............._ ____ . 5,000.00 boxes in any quantity desired, some Undivided profits ........................ 6,846.31 Two good picture shows are billed used one year and some not at all. Lass current expenses. Interest for the Movie next week, when Alice and taxes paid................ 2,916.07 3,948.24 About 320 rods of second-hand barb Brady will be seen In film in "Darkest Interest and discount collected wire. About 70 rods of second-hand Russia” on Wednesday evening, and «00.00 rabbit wire of different widths. Alfalfa Circulating notes outstanding___ ..... ... 5,950.00 1 the following Saturday Gail Kane and hay delivered. Highland Farm, phone Demand deposits: , Carlyle Blackwell will be picturized 187. Individual deposits subject to check___ 1 -adv12-1tc “On Dangerous Ground.” Certificates of deposit due In less than K Another Bargain—About 25 thor days (other than for money borrowed) 16,166.27 James Eddie, a well known Fourth Certified chocks ......... ... ................. ........... 42.67 oughbred S. C. R. I. Reds just beginn Cashier's chocks outstanding.................. 267.01 unit rancher, while in town on busi- ing to lay. at 753 each. They are the Total demand deposits .....155.925.71 nera the first of the week, said that the famous Harrison strain from Chicago Time deposits (payable after 30 days, or people of Umatilla are showing a good and the best layers ever brought to the spirit in improving the river road by project. Geo. H. Root. Certificates of deposits (other than for -adv12-1tc it near the _ 14,445.94 widening and grading For Sale—Well drill and two seta of grayel pit east of that city. 14,445.94 tools for M00, or will trade for good A family reunion was enjoyed at the used Ford and cash. Enquire at Her. Total $210,269.89 home of Mr and Mrs. W. S. Boynton aid office. State Of Oregon -dv12-15 County of Umatilla on Thanksgiving day, plates being Holsum and Tip-Top bread. The laid for 15 people. Those of the family from out of town were Mr. and Mrs two leaders. For sale at B. S. Kings, A. L. LAMON. Cashier. -adv Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day W. L Boynton and daughter of Pen ley’s. dleton and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Boyn Percey Sisters Millinery Store will K. P. DODD. Notary Public. My commisalon expires June Mt IMI ton of Moscow, Idaho. hay a new line of embroidery goods Correct— Attest: For the relief of starving Armenians on display the first of next week, such W. B. BEASLEY F. B. SWAYZE. CHAS. E. OPEL. J. A. RALEY, Directors. SPECIALS and Belgiana, all the pupils, old and as pillow cases, towels and other use. young, in the local school have pledged ful articles. adv 12-2tc themselves to give various sums, from For Sale—Pigs of all ages and sizes. five cents up, monthly to help along H. J. Stillings. -adv9tfc the fund being raised by charity in the United States to succor these war For Sale—Barred Rocks and cocker- sufferers. els, O. A. C. strain. Phone 4082. Upon receipt of a telegraph message stating that their father was critically ill at the family home in Beardsley, Minn., Mrs. W. T. Roberts and Wil- Ham McDonald left Wednesday night la order to reach the bedside of their parent as quickly as possible. A sis ter, Mrs. F. Toner, of Burke, Idaho, joined them at Spokane. Warm Driving Gloves, pair 75c Leather and Hair Gloves, lined, with gauntlet $2.00 Leather and Cloth Gloves, lined, with gauntlet . 2.60 All Leather Gloves, lined, unlined, with gauntlet 4.00 Bert Hiatt and William McDonald Foot Warmers for buggy or auto.......... .. . 2.25 went to The Dalles and passed the physical examination for the aviation Charcoal bricks for these always in stock. Lap Rober, warm and waterproof . 7.75 ....... .... corps Tuesday of this week Mr. Hiatt will go to Vancouver today to Thermos Bottles, pint _ _____________ 1.50 take the final examination and re SAPPER BROS. GARAGE Have you your winter chains? IMPLEMENT CO. Harold McKeen is now operating the week by the addition of several patriot jitney business formerly handled by ic young Indies. The Guard is pro gressing with the preparation of Ed. Hitt. Christmas parcels to be sent to local Remember the date of the Catholic soldier boys now stationed in France Bazaar, December 15, to be given at and elsewhere. the Electric Light office. Buy Kingsley’s Weather conditions during the week closing Thursday evening have been somewhat erratic, combining a little rain, some c ld and a small quantity of sunshine. The maximum tempera ture for that time was 54 degrees and the minimum 22. The rainfall for the seven days totaled one-third of an inch. OREGON HARDWARE & oeive hie aviation outfit. adv.9tfc For Sale—Second hand Ford run about, 9195 00; bench emery grinder; good kitchen table, $2.75; good spring cot, «150; good bioyele; Maxwell auto running and overhauled, $60.00. Sap per Bros. -advl0-3tc Walt for Dr. Freeze, the eye specialist. If you ' ' any other eye troubles —VP. headaches. Regular visits to Hermit- | ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. Watch for dates. -ad rife Mrs. Hiatt Everybody’s Attention has been called to the remarkable fuel saving secured with Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heaters. Coal prices are soaring—why be a slave to an extravagant heating plant or stove that is a demon for fuel Join now in the great army of satisfied users who have found relief from high fuel bills an with the great fuel savin^^ COLE’S Origina Hot Blast and bright. Heat Uses any ail Burns cheapest coal clean Everybody is searching for a way to save J and food. Here’s your opportunity 2 . cut your coal bills square in half and s gain a perfectly heated home as % welt investigate now. Our Store ) is Fuel Savers No. 112 Edison Week COME IN AND HEAR NEW RECORDS Phonographs all Prices and Terms Good machine for $36.00 including 12 records Hermiston Drug Co. First Class Tailoring Done by JACK WHITE Hermiston’s Up-to-Date TAILOR Cleaningand Pressing PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE “Boss Mechanic” Overalls and Coats $1.75 EACH 7 Mack’ s Variety St Holsteins, with registered Holstein bull, and parential home in Dayton, Wash , and bul; also young stock consisting of heifers housekeeping, they are offering their bouse for reet and furniture for sale. Were it not for his father's critical Illness Mr McDonald would be here to engine. Wm. Kennedy, Hermiston, Oregon, go with Mr. Hiatt. 4th unit -advote D legal blan FOR SALE AT THE HERALD OFFI