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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1917)
THE HERMISTON PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR WAR BREAD Composed of rye, graham, corn and straight flour, complying with government segulations and suggestions. War Bread is furnished the 0. W. R. & N. Ry. diners altogether by the Royal Bakery of Portland. $1.50 -.. $3.00 .... $1.20 .. . $2.35 5 pounds Lard, best qua ity 10 pounds Lard, best quality 5 pounds Compound 10 pounds Compound Shoe White Polish, Shinola Polish, Gilt Edge Liquid Polish Phelps Cash Grocery Free Delivery to all Parts of the City PHONE 413 HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON LODGE DIRECTORY toons, and short articles of local interest to be sent to brothers, ESTHER chapter No. .101.0 ESg sweethearts and friends in the Q ueen meets second Tuesday evening of each monte at 8:00 sharp in Skinner halt Visiting member camps and at the front Make welcome. Frances Phelps, W. m . them as local in tone as possible Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. and they will be much appreci LI ERM ESTON LODGE NO. 138, A. V &A. M, ated by the boys. No need to £ meets in Masonic Hall on First. Tuesday evening at each month. Visiting brethren wel- aim at permanency, as the boys C. H Skinner. W. M. will probably not be able to pre R. G Walter. Secy. serve them after they have en VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I O. OE The home and outbuildings when it V meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows joyed their contents. hall. Visiting members cordially invited. _ J can be done as cheap if not. cheaper W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm. Noble grand The aeroplane that zig-zaged NOW’ / | ‘ ) : • , As around Hermiston Butte a week IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ago last Tuesday evening, then OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Business conditions indicate that winked its tail light at George Carl Johnson. VS. Plaintiff. ) (Summons. building material will be used ex- all Rayhill as he drew down on it John D. Woods, Defendant ) To Jehn D. Woods, the above named defendant. i tensively for some time to come, and with a pair of binoculars, and In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com- afterwards slanted off out of plaint filed against you in the above entitled ac, while we think that it can’t go much tion within six weeks from the date of the first sight in a southwesterly direc publication of this summons; and you will tare higher, we don’t look for lower prices notice that if you fail to appear and answer or tion, reappeared again last Sat plead within that time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for for a long time. urday evening in tne form of the relief demanded in plaintiff’s complaint, to, wit: fof a judgment against you for the sum of Venus parading as the evening $49.36 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 Per We have a large stock of all build cent per annum from the 1st day of January, 1914, star after having remained hid for the further sum of $124.83 with interest there- on at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 1st ing material on hand and can furnish den for nearly a fortnight in a day of January, 1915, for the further sum of $47. ( with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent everything in that line. per annum from the ist day of January. 1916, for cloud-laden sky. the further sum of $65.92 with interest thereon the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the -tn Mute evidence in the way of at day of August. 1916, and for the costs and dis bursements of this action; and for a decree ad Wood Briquettes Coal farm buildings and dairy barns judging the same to be a lien upon the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the South being erected in the country west quarter of Sec. 23. Twp. 4 N. of Range 29 E. W. M., in Umatilla county, Oregon, together show that the district surround of with the water rights thereto; and foreclosing the same and directing that the said premises and ing Hermiston is advancing a water right thereto be sold in accordance with the law and the practice of the above entitled court great deal more rapidly than the and the proceeds applied to the payment of the Phone Main 33 and expenses of this action and the satis city—and yet we have seen only costs faction of the plaintiff’s said judgment. • The Yard of Best Quality ” This summons is published pursuant to an one or two with civic pride order of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge the above entitled court, made and entered on H. M. STRAW. MGR. enough to turn a hand toward re of the 3rd day of December, 1917, directing, that publication thereof be made once each week for pairing the side walks that the six weeks consecutively in the Hermiston Herald the first publication thereof is made purs- city engineer designated with and ant to such order on the 8th day of December, 1917. DOCTORS Fred E. Schmidt, Pendleton, Ore. notices over a week ago as need Attorney for Plaintiff oisington ‘* ing the replacement of a board (Dec. 8, 17-Jan. 19, 18) Main and Court Streets or plank here and there. Adjusts SPINE, RIBS, HIPS or INJTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA So far the Administration has Umatilla Farm Lands Company, a I I NATURE THEN CURES not placed farm implements in corporation. Plaintiff, Summons We pasteurize our Fourteen years in Pendleton Miltimore. Defendant the list of preferential merchan Chas. products To Chas. Miltimore, defendant: Do not confuse OSTEOPATHY with Chiro- In the name of the State of Oregon, you are dises, and if this is not done the hereby commanded to appear and answer the com practic or Magnetic Healing. We use most sani plaint filed against you in the above entitled prices on this line of goods are cause on or before 12th day of January, 1918, tary methods is six weeks after the 1st day of Decem liable to go even higher than at which ber, 1917, the date for the first publication of summons, and if you fail to so apppar and present. Farmers should consid this We will test your answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief prayed for in its complaint, to-wit: er this possibility and lay in all the cows free The foreclosure of that certain contract dated the day of July, 1916, between plaintiff and de implements that will be needed 3rd fendant, and wherein and whereby the said plain We will treat you did agree to convey to said defendant the for the next season's campaign. tiff southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the square. quarter (SEU SEY NEY) and the Remember the pressure is not yet northeast west half of the southeast quarter of the north- quarter (W%2 SEY NE%) and the northeast removed. Another year’s stren east quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast HERMISTON CREAMERY (NEY SW% NE%) and the east half of uous work is before us, if no quarter the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter COMPANY the northeast quarter (E12 SE% SW% NEY) * more, and we should all profit by of all in section thirty-three (33), township five (5) of tange twenty-nine (29) E. W. M., Uma both the successes and the fail- North tilla county, state of Oregon, containing 45 acres more or less according to the government survey ures of the past year. thereof, such conveyance to be made upon the Why wait until spring to build or remodel Inland Empire Lumber Company The Hermiston Herald Issued Each Saturday by M. D. O’CONNELL OREGON HERMISTON Entered as second-class matter, December ». 1906, al the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon EDITORIAL At present it appears that the principal task this winter will be to make one lump of coal do the work that two formerly did. From the number of dairy barns being built recently by Hermiston valley ranchers it is evident that they have come to the conclusion that the more comfortable the quarters lor their dairy cows the larger will be the output of cream. Congress opened Monday. How about your pledge? Are A profitable employment for you keeping it? If not you are the girls is the making of handy a slacker, and do not properly little scrap books of jokes, car- belong to the Hoover army. H What We Do =====-= Market & Grocery Your Friends Value Gifts From If You are THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE "Hooverizing" IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS More Highly Than Others Because they know that "Quality in para mount in this store. “QUALITY” endures —a constant reminder of the gifts donor, making an indelible impression on the mind of the recipient, instead of offering only the usual monetary delight. Insure high and lasting appreciation of your gift by having it come from Pendle ton’s greatest department store, where it pays to trade. Here is a partial list of the many useful and acceptable gifts we have here for your choosing. For Mother, Daughter, Wife, Sister, Niece, Aunt or Woman Friend Silk Underwear.......................................................................... to $7.50 Sult...............................................................................................15.00 to 65.00 Dress ....................................................................... ................. 12.50 to 50.00 Furs................................................................................................. to 75.00 Sult Case............?........................................................................ 1.00 to 40.00 Trunk ....... ............................. 5.00 to 65.00 Hand Bag........................................................................................1.00 to 35.00 Jewelry, such as beauty pins, bar pins, belt buckles, i hat pins, collar and cuff buttons, etc............,.............. 25c to 5.06 ..1.50 to 3.50 ...1.50 to 5.00 1 ' Gloves . ........................ ... 5c to 5.00 Laces.................... ....le to 3.50 Ribbons ....................... ......... 6c to 7.50 FmbroldsriM.............. 7.50 to 15.00 Silk Dress Patterns . 2.50 to 10.00 Wool Dress Pattsrns .1.00 to 10.00 Umbrella .......... .4.00 to 10.00 Shoes ......... .1.00 to 2.00 Silk Petticoat.............. to 20.00 Auto Cap............ 1.00 to 2.00 Silk Waist.................. to 15.00 Bath Rug............ . 1 50 to 6.00 Bath Robe. ........... 8.00 to 20.00 Auto Gloves,... 25c to 5.00 Indian Robe........... 10.00 to 12.50 Box of Candy.. Blankets...................1.00 to 20.00 Hot point electrical appliances. .5.00 to 16.00 Fancy Comforter.. .6.00 to 25.00 Sweater . * For Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Cousin, Nephew or Male Friend >16 to $35 T. P. W. Sult ...15 t 65 An Overcoat. A Leather Wind Coat.8.50 to 20 ......... 1 to 40 Suit Case 2Sc to 3.50 Ties......... .. .1 to 3.50 Reefers Gloves, dress, work1.50 to 6.50 Gloves, Wool ......... »Se to »1 Suspend srs.................. to 92 Scarf Pin.............................. 50c to 4 Cuff Links.......... . to 3.50 Armlets............................. Sc to SOc Collars...................................... »Oe Handkerchiefs........... 15c to $1.50 Trunks................................... 5 t 65 Shirts. ... Sox ........... 20c to 2.50 Underwear .. ............................ Mackinaw.......... A Nice Suit............. to $11.50 Handkerchiefs Overcoat ................................ to 15 Suspenders . ... .......................................... 75 to 15 Ties................. 5 t 20 .10c tO 50c .25c to 50c 25c to 50c For Girls 65c to $6.50 3 65 to 15 4.50 to 10 ..25c to 1 2.75 to 4.50 W. R. Walpole was in Hermiston the first of the week on business. Thanksgiving was spent in being grateful for a good steady rain. Ralph Walpole and Fred Davis went to Hermiston Saturday to see about a foot ball game aa there had been some misunderstanding as to when Irrigon and Hermiston were to meet. Mr. Flik of Boardman has contract ed to level and seed to alfalla five acres for L. M. Davis west of town. L. A. Doble has been busy leveling several tracts of land this fall. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Caldwell had as Thanksgiving guests Mrs Sarsb Miner and sister from Scio, Ore., Mrs EUen Towser of Pendleton, Mrs. Molla, Mr. and Mrs. Csrl Caldwell and child. ran of this place and W W. Caldwell of Hermiston. Bruce Rider and Fred Davia killed a number of dogs that were known to bare been exposed to the mad dog of 50c to $1.50 Gloves Umbrella Ribbons. .1.95 to 15 Furs ... Hat pins beauty pins,& 25c to 2.50 PENDLE TON'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR UMATILLA COUNTY A. L. Larson, Plaintiff, ! I ■ ' 25 with his family at this place. There is to be a renerai rally of everyone next Sunday to move the church, the ladies providing a chicken dinner for the workers. Earl Caldwell was down and look dinner at his father’s Sunday to meet his three aunts that are visiting there Mr. and Mrs. Dsvis snd daughter were in Hermiston Saturday Mrs. J. C. Cabbage reported that they were visited by s dog that had rabies. It appears that everyone will have to get away with all the dogs to Why not buy Shoe Repairing where you can Buy the Cheapest ter of section 31, township 5 north, range 29 ass. of the Willamette Meridian; and for the sale os said property, and for an order foreclosing you and each of you from any and all interest therein. This summons Is published pursuant to an order of six weeks consecutively in the Hermiston Her. ald, and the first publication thereof is mad, pursuant to such order on the 27th day of October 1917. Raley A Rale,. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRES SHOES JUST ADDED A FEW ITEMS Cream of Wheat........... Sam Rodgers Orogen Hermiston Peanut butter, lb.......... Country Club Coffee, lb AUSEON’S M. & R. brand lemon and vanilla extract— 16 ox............ #1 95 4 oz................. 8 oz.............. 1 00 2 os................ Barber Sho ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS Our Aim I* To Please the Public Tickets and get the largest loaf in town for 9 cents. BATHS IN CONNECTION BUTTER-NUT, 18 oz. loaf. CREAM OF WHEAT, 22 oz. loaf Frank J. Auseon, Propri Hermiston Phone Your Orders DIRECTORY for all kinds of Transfer Work No. 1. Stand at Siacel'a. Phone 262 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer west. Post Office Hours Mail closes for No. 1. west. W. B. BEASLEY For the Sweet Tooth County Officials No matter how big the cavity We are told Mr. B. Smith has two cooks and it was hinted that wo may Col expect lo hear the wedding bella ring- log soon. We congratulate Mr Smith ber, 1917 and condole with the young girls that had hones in that direction for them, G & DUNN. Register selves, but cheer up girls there is many a Osh in the sea as good ss has NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ever been caught, so look around and If you wait you may catch a larger is hereby given that s W. Hustend one and possibly a bettor. Al least of Notice Echo, Oregon, who on relieve it If you will just step In and make s careful selection from our magnificent line of Candies and Confections Officials Our box candies are a dream of beauty and lusciousness. Not made Homestead Entry No. tu Mr. Fred Davis expects to ranch it near Boardman this winter and baa quit school for good. Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than lost or how badly It hurts, we can made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 08707 for Unit "A" in SEW or NY NEY SEL Li T» g N n M * W M L. «1—, “e Mrs. Ellen Townsend of Station, Ore., took dinner at the home of Mrs. Carl Caldwell Sunday last. Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying poetage one way. Buy A Dollars Worth of Bread A. C. Crawford and Lil Summons .. lian L. Crawford, the First National Bank of Hermiston, a corpora tion. and F. B. Swayze, trustee, defendants. To A. C. Crawford and Lillian L. Crawford, de. fondant* above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com- L, M. Davis sold a couple of hogs plaint in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of that weighed 551 pounds dressed last this summons; and you will take notice, that if fail to appear and answer or plead within week. They were shipped to Pen- you that time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief dleton. prayed for In plaintiff’s complaint, to-wit: For a judgment against you for the sum of Mrs. Lane and children were dinner $1000.00, with interest thereon at ths rate of ten guests at Lee Graybeal's Sunday. per cent per annum from the 22nd day of Novem ber. 1811. until paid, and for the further sum of Mr. G. Samson spent Thanksgiving $100.00 attorneys fees, snd for plaintiff's costs and Garters.............. Bath Robes . . .. Hat ..................... Smoking Jacket. For Boys School Dress; Coat............. . Fancy Dress Stockings... . SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE payment of certain moneys stated and set forth in said contract, and are more particularly des cribed in the complaint of this suit, and the fur ther relief: (1) That the amount due the plain tiff under the terms of this contract be ascertain ed and that said defendant be required to pay the amount so fixed, with interest and costs and all sum- expended by said plaintiff for taxes and asset ay ents, together with interest thereon. That defendant be required to improve the property as per the terms of said contract, all the within to be fixed by the court in its interloctuary decree. (2) That in the event of the failure of the de fendant to make said payments within a time so fixed by this court, and improve the property as per the said contract, a final decree be entered herein barring and foreclosing the said defend ant, and all parties claiming through or under them, or either thereof, of all right and equity in and to the aforesaid described real property and in and to said contract. (3) And for such other and further relief as the court may deem just in the premises, together with the costs and dis bursements of this suit. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above en titled court, and said order was made and dated the 26th day of Nov., 1917, and thedateof the first publication of this summons is the 1st day of December, 1917. Chas. J. Swindells, Attorney for Plaintiff Postoffice address, 826 N. W. Bank Bldg., Port- land, Oregon. ot. Date of first publication December 1, 1917. Date of last publication January 12,1918. “ih 26, Tp. SN.,R. 27 E. W. M., a made Ad. H. E. No. 013892 for Dec. 2, 1914, P. B. SISCEL DUNN.