Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1917)
THE HERMISTON LOCAL BRIEFS NSING YOU fes fs Cole’s Hot Blast to our store A. W. Cobb, a progressive rancher and ardent booster for the neighboring town of Boardman, was transacting business in Hermiston yesterday. Now on Exhibition in Our Window Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Amos and child dren came from La Grande Wi dneeday to visit a week with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Rogers. Mrs J. D. Rice left fur Ontario, Oregon, Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs. K. J. James, and sister, Mrs. E. Hill, both of whom reside in that city. Why Not Mrs. M B Miller, mother of Mrs. F. A. Phelps, arrived from Seattle last week, and will be a guest for some time at the home of her daughter. your Munsing Wear Myrtle Gonzales will be seen in “Mutiny" at the Movie tonight, and next W ednesday evening Dus in Far num will appear in “David Garrick." Mrs. B. M. Rogers returned Wed nesday from Baker, Ore., where she bad been on a visit to her son Louis and family. Comfy Suits for Dad, Mother Quite a number of friends were at the train to bid Mrs. W. H. Skinner good bye when she departed for her future home in Porland the first of the week. , and the r Children CHURCH NOTICES. Post Office Hours Goral < a'very window open week days 8 a.m. to 6 p. an. Huadays and holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. 9:20 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Mail sloes for No. 1. west Mall closes for No. 6, east. Library Hours County Officials ...... O. w. Phelps Roscoe i. Keator ........ C. H. Marsh Circuit Judge ...... District Attorney Judge....................... Commissioners.... B. E. Anderson H. M. Cockburn R. T. Brown Clerk............ ......... Sheriff ......... .. ..... .......C. P. Strain Willard Bradley 1. E. Young ...... J T. Brown Bon Burroughs Surveyor.... . School Supt Coronar Recorder. month METHODIST CHURCH 10 a. m.—Sunday-school Theo Psrks, Supt. Morning service 11 a. m. “Power." 0:30 p. m.—Epworth League. Spec- lai program of music and reading. Mrs. Hanline, president. Choir praotice Monday night at par sonage, Mrs. Akers lesder. 7:30 p. m.—Public worship. Patriot service. Subject, “The Effect of the War on the Allies." Special music. Columbia school house 2:00 p. m. - Sunday school. Frank Waugaman, Supt. 3:00 p. m.—Public worship. Strangers will be welcome to these services. T. A. Graham, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH Hermiston, 8:30 a. m. Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Everybody welcome to these vices. City Officiala Recorder ...... Chief of Police Treasurer -.... Fire Chief....... City Physician City Attorney. City Surveyor. Councilmen ......................... .. ..... F. C. McKenzie ..................................... C.. M. Jensen .................................... C. C. Salser ............................... F. A. Phelps A.. L Larson ................. ............ . ................ .. ......... C. O. Wainscott ..W.. I. Warner .......... .......... ...,™Z........................... 8. ». Oldaker . ................................. J. D. Watson ........................................ K. P. Dodd . .........._ .......................... H. M. Straw ........... ................ .........A. L. Larson . .............. ....... ___.C. S. McNaught ........................_ Frank Woughter , J. D. Watson, Chm. Directors. ......... .................... F. B. Swayze Clerk. bleetrieal. Highway, Industrial Arts, Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering: FOEESTBY, including Logging Engineer- ing: HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart- • BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. tn. F. C. Bruce, Supt. THE SCHOOL OF MUSIO, offers lastre» U m la the principal departments of vocal d Morning service, 11 o’clock. “ The Straight Gate." Prayer meeting Thursday eve., 7:30. Choral union every Tuesday evening at 8:00. Cole’s Original Hot Blast will save you almost $25 THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT, enrolled the fifteen ‘"distinguished institutions'' of higher learning. All cadets will be furnished B. Y. P. U., 6:30 o’clock. Evening service, 7:30 o’clock. subsistence, as well "The Great Heresy." Strangers are always welcome to the REGISTRATION services of this church. 1917. Information Special music. L S. Chapman Registrar, Oregon Pastor Corvallis, Orasta M all transportation OCTOBER K on request. Address, Agricultural College, BEGINS DON’T READ THIS unleu YOU want to buy some good driving gloves. We bought a supply long ago at old prices and will sell at old prices. Shipment will reach us early in October. Best lined gloves and leather gloves ever offered in Hermiston at lowest prices you ever saw. Wait for these, then see if we are not right SAPPER BROS GARAGE and this winter using soft coal or slack Xowridwyst Sat., Oct 6, 17’ Oregon Hardware & Implement Co, A Beautiful Picture Free Mrs. H. A. Hannan of Astoria, Ore For Sale—Ford car, 1915 model, good gon, who has been a guest for a week condition. Will take good milk cow at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. C. in part payment. Inquire at Herald. Rogers, left Wednesday to visit her -adv2tfc mother at La Grande, Oregon. For Sale or Trade—20 acre tract one B. M. Rogers, who is operating the mile northeast of Hermiston; ten acres Harry Straw ranch east of town, is improved, balance partly improved. around again after quite a severe 111 Ed. Maher. -adv2ife ness from a skin disease called “shin For Sale—Eight year old work horse gles.” weight 1250, kind and gentle; also Mrs. Msry Bsker left Wednesday young Jersey cow and 1 registered Jer for her home in Herrin, III , after an sey heifer 12 months old. All good eight months’ visit to her daughter, Stuff. H. J. Rei scam per, Hermiston Mrs. W. M. Lacy, and family at the •sdv2tfc Ore. ranch home four miles north. She For Sale — Spsn of gentle young was accompanied by her son John. mares, weight about 1250 pounds each; The women of the project are plan also set of leather bretching harness. ning a fair “io connection with the Leathers ranch. -adv2tfc Dairy and Hog Show. They will dis Dr. R. G. Gale, office In Hotel Ore- play canned fruit and vegetables and gon. Phone 61. -adv52ufc art and needle work. The premium list will appear next week. For Sale—Bartlett pears, clean and W. B. Knox, warehouse foremsn for wholesome. H. E. Hanby, Phone 186. -adv 49tfc the Independent Wsrehouse and Mill ing Co. of Hay Canyon, Oregon, spent For Sale—A sound, gentle mare, ser- a few days here this week with his weight 1000 pounds, also single har- family at the ranch home two miles ness. H. Pelmulder. adv2-3p northwest of town. Board and room can be secured by Dr. and Mes. Alexander Reid moved calling at former home of Dr. Wains- their household furniture from their oott. Mrs. H. Pelmulder. -adv2-3p former home in Stantield Tuesday, For Sale — Buggy and harness Csn and erenow fairly comfortably situated lab- in the R om Newport residence, which be seen al Hermiston livery stable. in- -adv3tfc the doctor haa rented. Whore trained specialists with modera oratories and adequate equipment give struetion leading to collegiate degrees la the fellowing schools: AGRICULTUBE, with 15 departments; COMMERCE, with 4 departments ; NOW IS YOUR CHANCE—SEE THIS GREAT HEATER. Come in today. I is a perfect hard coal and coke burner. It gives you a big saving in fuel and a steadier, more powerful heat than with any same size base burner. SEE the guaranteed FUEL SAVING DRAFT And the guaranteed ANTI - PUFFING DRAFT. The Cleanest, Most Economical and Most Powerful Heuter ever placed on the market. Write your name and your bid on the Secret Bid Card. Bids will be placed in the Sealed Box which forms a part of our window display. At 4:00 p. m. on Saturday, October 6th, 1917, the seal will be broken and the bid card bearing the highest offer gets this remarkable Cole’s Hot Blast Heater. The Oregon Agricultural College eluding Civil School District Officials TWO ROOM HEATER About thirty five young people, con sisting of members of the Epworth League and their friends spent a social time at the parsonage last Tuesday night. KINGSLEY’S No. 1C east... 9:15 a. m. FOR THE HANDSOME COME bill No. 2, east .. 3:30 p. m. No. 6, east... 5:33 a. m. What Do You Bid Mrs. Geo. H. Root departed Thur- day for Portland for a three weeks’ visit to home folks residing in the Rose City. Your Grocery Na 1. west... 9:55 a. m. Nu. U, went... 7:05 p. B. HERMISTON, OREGON. Mrs J. I. Agnew returned from a short visit to Pend leton yesterday. HOOVERIZE” DIRECTORY HERALD, For Rent—Furnished rooms in mod Miss Lila McMillan, formerly a tele phone operator in this city, arrived ern residence. Inquire at this office. -sdv home from Portland Thursday alter an absence of eight months, during which For Sale— Duroc Jersey sow, ten time she was employed as stenograph- months old; not bred. Box 574, Her er in the offices of s law firm in that miston, Ore. -adv3tfc city. Lost—Checkered mackinaw Sunday R L. Barnard, driver of the City on streets of Hermiston. Finder re Transfer, this week make arrange turn toC. B. Percey. -adv3-ltc ments with P. B. Siscel to establish Wanted—A good fresh cow. Price headquaters for the dray line at bls must be reasonsbfe. Address, J. G. confectionery store, where orders for Camp, Umatilla. •adv3 4c all work will be taken by phone or otherwise. For Sale—Furniture. H A. Frick. -adv3-ltc J. Dubois, who last February pur Wanted—To buy a heavy, aound chased 40 acres of land in the raw four and one-half miles east of town, by horse, young preferred, 1500 pounds or -adv3-lt diligent work now has the place part over. E M Rowe. ly in alfalfa and garden, and also baa L >st—A head real for surgeon’s erected a cosy residence. By next chair between Stanfield and Hermis. season he will be classed smong the ton laat Tuesday. Finder please not big alfalfa reisers of the project, for ify Dr. A Reid of Hermiaton. adv3-ltc then he expects to have most of his Horses for sale. H. A. Frick, adv. 2c ranch seeded. For Sale—The Monkman ranch C. J. Johns, a representative of the called "Weback.” Address al) oom Albers Bros. Milling Co. of Portland, munications to the owner direct, Mrs. put in Monday In the vicinity of Her Sarah Monkman, 369 Field Avenue, miston endeavoring to buy alfalfa bay Detroit, Mich. -advl-tfe tor his concern. From all accounts Fur Sale—Concrete hotel building in bo did not secure much, whether be- cause he did not offer enough per too Richland, Wash., on the Columbis or because the ranchers would rather river. Will sell very reasonable for sell to the local hay balers and chopp cash or will trade for residence or ers. Realising that alfalfa was be- ranch property in Hermiston. For coming a money-making commodity, particulars inquire at this office, -adv the gentleman while here made an Many good positions can be had by 1 offer on a certain forty acre alfalfa boy ambitious young man or young ranch In this neighborhood Shou'd woman in the field of railway or com mercial telegraphy. We want a num ber of ycung men an young worn- n te difference of opinion between the prepare for the telegraph service to • of fill escancies caused by unusual draft. another color when be baa hay to Ing of young men for theSignsI Corps. instead of bay to buy. Prepare io help your country. Write The Ladizs' Aid of the Baptist today for full particulars. The Rail church will serve dinner during the way Telegraph Institute, Portland. Ore stock show on October 26 and 27 in the WITH EACH CAKE OF Woodbury’s Facial Soap AT REGULAR PRICE, 25c Hermiston Drug Co. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon ------------- MANUFACTURERS OF-------------- High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED BOYNTON & LONGHORN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Estimates Furnished Free on Either Concrete or Wood PHONE BOYNTON 253 PHONE LONGHORN 29F3 MILLINERY PATTERN HATS HATS MADE TO ORDER LAST SEASON’S HATS REMODELED Mack’s Variety Store * U come to a fuller realization f Wait for Dr Freeze, the eye specialist. If you CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held in Civic Center ball. headaches Subject, "Unreality.” Everybody cordially invited. Regular visits to Hermis. -advtfe economic and milita ^ PREPARKDNK9M