Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1917)
MAN A FEW ITEMS That will serve as a guide to everything we handle No Rub laundry help, package________ _____ Money refunded if not satisfactory Half pound Hershey’s 23c Pure Cider Vinegar, per gallon 30c Bulk Coal Oil, 5 gals____ ____ 90c 6 Boxes Matches 35c Citrus Powder Corn Starch. 3 pkgs Gloss Starch, 3 pkgs 27c 27c Fairbanks Dandy Soap, 6 bars ___ 1 ROYAL BREAD Shoe White Polish, Shinola Polish. Gilt Edge Liquid Polish Phelps Cash Grocery Free Delivery to all Parts of the City PHONE 413 The Hermiston Herald I AND HIS WEIGHT. Inclined to Be Stout If you are inclined to be fleshy bere are the foods you should avoid, accord ing to an article in the American Mag- azine. The author says: “Overeating is not necessarily glut- tony, or anything approaching it A small meal made up of certain feeds will furnish more fuel—and more fat to the body than one twice as large and less discreetly chosen. Foods vary vastly in fuel, value; for instance, one pound of olive oil will stand sponsor for more surplus flesh than forty-five pounds of the lettuce on which you are likely to eat It “The stout person must learn that he has both friends and enemies at the table. His enemies are sugar, bread, cereal, desserts, butter, cream, olive oil, bacon, cocoa and rich sauces. Among his best friends are lean meats, unsweetened fruits and green foods. Yet, alas, most plump people seem stricken with an ardent love for their enemies. This may be good Scripture, but It Is mighty poor dietetics. “Between forty and flfty a man who allows his weight to remain high is running more danger of an early de mise than be would run if be contract ed typhoid fever. What is more, if he were stricken with that disease bis chance of recovery would be 10 per cent less than normal. A man who is thinner than the average, on the other band, has less danger of dying in this decade than a man who tips the scales at the normal figure. “When a man is In his twenties a de ficiency of twenty pounds in weight makes him 12 per cent more liable to fall before the scythe of the implacable reaper. A slight surplus of flesh seems to assist one in escaping diseases that cause death in this period—principally tuberculosis and typhoid fever. "A man in his fifties who is twenty pounds over normal weight has a 15 per cent mortality handicap to face. Should be be forty pounds over weight his chances of dying are increased 45 per cent thereby." DIRECTORY OF RANGH NAMES AND OWNERS Barham, J. c ‘The Movie” Friday, Oct. 12 The Millinery Store of Quality- way to freedom. Building Material of All Kinds South Hill Ranch Mountain View Ranch _Four Sisters Briggs, Geo. E ___ ------------- Germania Bleesing. W. L_______________-------- Tamalp iss Bradley. G. W___________________ Terrace Park Campbell. Duncan . .................... Clover Dale Ranch Canfield, R. G (Butter Creek) The Ragged Edge ____ Glen Ellen Canfield, Mrs. R. C .... Sunny Slope Casserly. J. J------- Buckeye Ranch Chamberlain. C. C ...Herma Vista Clarke. Mrs. C. S. - Cressy. Geo. A...... ...... Beth-arabah Davis. E. E.............. ........ .... Roselawn Davis. Goo............. Shady Nook Farm Davis. B. C ---------- . AIfalula Ranch Dyer, J. S------------------ Embry. John T. The Red Feathered Chicken Ranch Eriksen, E. T.........................-........... Summerdale . Electric Dairy Ranch ......... ...... ... Ridgeview Giese. ........................ Alfadale Czaham, Ed. H The Knoll Gunn. H. M................-..... ................ Hallhurst Hall. C. G. and H. E------ ................. ......... . Groen Acres Hannan. W. F------------- Hobbs. E. A-----------........ .......................... Nob Hill Hoisington & Hoisington . ................ .Morningside Hood. C. A------------------- ........... ..Fairview Ranch .. Tarryawhile Hooker, H. A ........................... Wabasso Horning, Mrs. D. W .... . Ths Happy Home Hurlburt. H. G------ ............... Orio Intlekofer, John---- Johnson. A. S . ...Four O'Clock Ranch Jensen, C. M — ..................... High Gate Kellogg. C. W .......... The Lay Ranch Lay & Son ....... ...... ... ...... Buena Vista Leathers. W. A ................ South View Leek. John....... Blue Ribbon Orchard Longley, H. J ... A friend OF NEWSPAPERS The newspapers of the west Issued Each Saturday by have a good friend in Senator M. D. O’CONNELL ........ .. Chas. L. McNary of Oregon. HERMISTON .......... Breezy Hill OREGON Macdonald, Chas Publishers have brought up the . The Three Pines McCully. R. A----- Maltum In parvo McLallen. W. A Entered as second-class matter, December subject of receiving pay for ad Ridgeway Farm MeNaught, C. 3 5. 1906, st the postoffice st Hermiston, Oregon vertising the present government Highland Farm MeNaught, J. F Webak Monkman, B. G bond issue. The commodity for The Old Homestead SUBSCRIPTION RATES Newport, H. G - , sale by the publisher is advertis ........ Fairview Farm One year . .......... $1.50 ........ ................................ Pennock. F. B-—........ —....... ........... ___ Woodbine Six months ................................................... .76 ing space and from this he makes Percey. C. B...... «............... — ........ Meadow Lark Subscriptions must bo paid In advance. his living. Purdy. A. W............. —........... .... Coeur d' Alene Raley Ranch (G. C. Ransier) ................. Rainbow Without thousands of news ..... ..... ...Tir Glwys ADVERTISING RATES Roberts. W. T............. — Cutting Retort. Display—One time, 26 cents per inch; two inser papers the government would be Root, George H.. —---- ---------- ...... Orchard Home tions, 20 cents per inch per Insertion; monthly helpless in disseminating news ............ Silver Maple The late Charles Frohman was one Reihl. John F................. rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. ........... Beacon Hill Readers—First insertion, 10 cents per line; each relative to darft numbers, Red of those people who sometimes rap Savage, B. S................ -......... .......... Vindobonna subsequent insertion without change of copy, out a retort that in cooler moments Schachermeyer, Carl. . . . . . . . 6 cents per line. Cross activities, etc. This always they would wish unsaid. Of one of School District 116.............. Minnehaha School Sweet Briar Farm will be run by the papers free of these Mrs. Patrick Campbell was the Seller,“”" . ...... The Six Sisters victim. During a rehearsal It appears shav.F: E . High Valley BLAZING THE WRONG TRAIL charge and as a matter of news. Frohman made a constructive criticism shutter, c. L._____ ............ ..North View Home Thousands of columns of news which nettled the actress very much. .... Tip Top One of the leading farm jour and editorials will be run on the Going to the footlights, Mrs. Patrick Stewart R A Sunset .... ............... ........ Stanyan, C. P...................................... .............. Riverside Campbell said: nals of the south is authority for bond issve free of charge. Pleasant Ridge Home "Mr. Frohman, I want you to know I Stubbs, H. E- - the statement that in the rural . Sweet Spring Ranch The steel manufacturer is paid that I am an artist.” Sullivan, P. P...—.. ........ ............ Lakeview high schools of North Carolina for his product, the farmer is Frohman, with a solemn face, in-Theriault. .... .. ....... Liberal View , ., „ . Voelker. Alfred E seven thausand childern are also paid for his product, the stantly replied: Watson) J. D . .. ........ .........West Lawn "TIP studying Latin, while only seven munition manufacturer is paid, “Madam. I will keep your secret.” hundred are studyingagriculture. the railroad is paid, the ship p. . .. IN the CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Morocco and the Moors. OREGON, FOR UMATILLA COUNTY The significance of these fig owners are paid, and the money Five centuries ago Ferdinand «nd Plaintin, ] I ures are not grasped until we to foot all these bills comes Isabella drove the Moor from Spain, and in Morocco they sought a new em learn that of the pupils attending through the assistance of the pa pire. The gradual conquest of north Keefe, hie wife, defend- I high school in this country not pers in floating the bonds, and Africa by European powers has driven In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer or other* more tnan one per cent ever the publishers figure that the the true Mohammedan—the religious wise plead to the complaint filed against you in fanatic— southward or westward to the the above entitled suit in said court within six reaches the college or university. only commodity they have for practically unknown interior, or to Mo- weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and on or before the 29th day of 1917, and you are further notiñed that if When we assimilate the further sale should be paid for when it rocco. Egypt. Tripoli, Tunisia and Al October, you to so appear and answer or otherwise geria have all co tributed from their plead fail is used. in this cause within said time, the plaintiff fact that the high schools do not populations to the peopling of Mo for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in his complaint and ean not. impart a working Senator McNary has in no un rocco. herein, to-wit, for judgment against the defend ant, J. E. Keefe Jr. for the sum of $463.05 with knowledge of the Latin language certain manner pointed out that interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per Between Friends. annum from March until paid, and for the we begin to appreciate the utter the publisher ia as justly entitled Jimson— I'd get married if 1 could further sum of 98.00 2, for 1917, extension of abstract and the further sum of 9100.00 attorneys fees, and foolishness of an educational to payment for his advertising And a sensible girl. Jobson—1 know a for for plaintiff's costs and disbursements of this girl, but 1 don't think she wants suit; and for a further deeree declaring the mort- system that forces upon children space as any other industry for nice to marne At logg+ ghe refuged me I on gage in plaintiff s complaint co marry — lease aoe re rusco me. the described of NE% of section 2, Tp. 3 N herein R .29 up- g the study of a dead language its product, and if provision is Jimson — By George! She must be a W. M. to be a valid and subsisting lien upon said from which not one in 7,000 will made for paying the publishers sensible property and that sold said, be foreclosed _ ” girl. Introduce me, will * you? and said property aa mortgage, by law required and the proceeds arising from such sale applied to the ever benefit. for future advertising it will be — Boston Transcript. satisfaction of the amounts due plaintiff, includ ing principal, interest, cost of extension of ab- The above figures may vary largely due to Senator McNary’s Indirect Taxation. »tract, attorney’s fees, costs and increased costs, pa. _ v. ... wpe. .and that the plaintiff may become a purchaser at effort. He emphasized particu in other states—we hope they do. Brinker I es, your W ire S clothes such foreclosure sale and that the defendants and bave coat me a good bit of money.each of them and all persons eläiminä under or larly that the rurrl press which But they serve to call forcibly to —. . -, ... , .. , . Jthrough them or any of them may be barred and Tinker—My wife a clothes! What do foreclosed from all right, title or interest in ana reaches the mass of the people our attention a glaring fault in you mean? Brinker—Why, every time I to the said premises, save the statutory right to the school system of the United should not be expected to do all your wife gets a new gown my wife closed of all equity of redemption, and that in the must have one Just as expensive.— St. event said mortgaged premises do not sell for this work gratis. States. r ... sufficient to pay and satisfy said demands, any Louis Post-Dispatch. I deficiency remaining may forthwith be satisfied And what is the conclusion? ___________ _______ from any other property of said mortgagor, J K ■-■-J.. — --------- ________________________________ Keefe Jr., and for such other and further relief Why, that we are wedded in our u to equity may seem meet. This summons is published pursuant to an order SOCIAL schools to a fossilized, petrified of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps judge at the above entitled court, made and entered on the and antiquated system that or 10th day of September, 1917, and the first publi cation of this summons la made on the 16th day of is now at dain that in order to acquire an September, 1917. and the lut publication thereof shall be made on the 27th day of October, 1917 Hermiston Auditorium “education” one must be conver J. T. Hinkle. Attorney for Plaintiff sant with a language that is so everlastingly dead it has not I • n THE AUDITORIUM TWO GOOD SHOWS spoken on earth in a thousand EACH WEEK years. And this while the cry ing. burning needs of the hour Wednesday and Saturday tveryeeey hikm are sidetracked as of minor im Evenings portance. The day of the antiquarian, the dreamer, the mummy, is past --------------------------------------------- COME TO-------------------------------------------------- in this country. The age de Is made under the most mands action, and the mind that sanitary conditions. It is not trained to it in capital let is pure, wholesome and ters is doomed to be left at the high in food value starting wire. Made in all popular flavors For thf latest style Hats and Materials, ^ll ¡finds of tror^ given Special orders given our prompt attention. prompt attention An exchange says that ever since men began to print things HERMISTON CREAMERY PERCEY SISTERS that other people did not like COMPANY there haa been more or less con troversy concerning the function of the newspaper. The grafter has always declared that the Shoe Repairing newspaper is a public nuisance, Better than ever now that the HERMISTON HOTEL machine is installed. To out of the tyrant has contended that it is town customers sending work we arrayed against the interests of I CHICKEN TUNNER- will return It by next mail, paying the state and the man with half- baked theories of life has con STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED tended that the press is the agent - 50 CENTS of the devel in overthrowing the community. Despite opposition, MHS. F. Ie. DURFEY. PROPRIETOR Sam Rodgers however, the press has won its DANCE Lumber ................... Circle A ........... Hazel-Burr ........... Allendale ... Hardscrabble ._ “The Locusts” Hermiston Ice Cream Flume Stock Suitable for All Flume Construction See Us First Before Starting Construction Work and You Will Find We Have Just what You Need . Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 " The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW. MGR. First Class Tailoring Done by JACK WHITE Hermiston’s Up-to-Date Cleaning and Pressing PROMPTLY AND NEATLY DONE ft « « V, Hermiston Herald Makes Clubbing Arrangement With / The Oregon Farmer - Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its leaden MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are in terested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other branches of farming. All of these naturally wish to keep in dose touch with ag ricultural activities throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agricultural interests of this state. We have, therefore, made a special dubbing with THE OREGON FAR- MR whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber t THE OREGON will entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with aonPaper at the same rate as for this paper arrangement FARMER, be offer This applies to all those who renew er extend their subscriptions as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested di- rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but send your order in now. THE OREGON Paper which is to the FARMER is the one farm devoting itself exclusively farming activities and interests of pou/trymen; and it has the backbone tO at- and beneficial measures.” Weare confident TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE The Hermiston Herald, one year_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1.50 THE HERALD, Hermiston, Oregon Butter Wrappers % »