Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1917)
LOCAL BRIEFS We are displaying a Fine Line of What Do You Bid J. W. Prindle is enjoying a visit to his old home in Circleville, Ohio. Mackinaw Coats, Pants Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith are now sporting s brand new buggy. Contractor H A. Frick arrived home the first of the week from a short busi ness trip to Portland. R. C. Todd was elected school clerk at the election held last Saturday for that purpose. The C. S. McNaught baler was press- inz bay for E. E. Smith last week. A portion of Mr. Smith's hay went to the chopper also. Mrs. M A. Lancaster, president of the Rebeksb Assembly of Oregon, was a guest of the local Rebekah order at its meeting last week. Logger Shirts S. L. Carson, who got so severely hurt in a mixup with bis horse on the steep banka of the Umatilla recently, la well enough to be up around. The B. J. Nation children spent the week end with Grandma Ross while thsir perente took in the sights at the Round-Up. For Men and Boys Mrs. Horning is to erect an 8x14 foot kitchen on the west of herbóme in the near future. She will also put a base- ment under the bouse. We bought these before the rise and are selling at the old price C. E. Swain, a rancher residing four and a half miles west of town, returned Tuesday from a three weeks’ visit to relatives in San Francisco. Hermiston, Oregon Mrs. A. W. Agnew presented her husband with a birthday present Wed nesday, the little bundle containing a six and one-balf pound girl baby. Mr. Agnew was 27 years old Wednesday. CHURCH NOTICES. DIRECTORY METHODIST CHURCH 10 a. m.—Sunday-school "The Significance of the Holy Sacra, Local Train Time Card No. 1. west 9:55 a. m. No. 2, east 3:30 ». m. ment." No. 15, west... 7:05 ». m. No. «. out 5:33 o. m. Communion following morning ser No. 16. east... 9:15 a m. mon. Theo Parks, Supt. Morning service 11 a. m. General delivery window open week days I a.m. to S. ». a. Sundaysand holidays from 9 to 10 a. m. 6:30 p. m.—Epworth Lesgue. Topic, 9:20 "Discouragement and Its Cure." Mall closes for No. 1, west.... Mail closes for No. 6, east 6:00 p. m. Mrs. Hanline, president. . 3:00 p. m. Mall closes for No. 2. east ... 6:00 p. m. Mall closes tor No. IK west. Choir practice Monday night at par nonage, Mrs. Akers leader. Library Hours 7:30 p. m.—Public worship. “Who is to Blame for the Present World War.” County Officials Columbia school house Circuit Judge....... District Attorney. B. E. Anderson H. M. Cockburn ....... R. T. Brown ....... J. D. Taylor Grace Gilliam ..... .. C. P. Strain Willard Bradley ....... I. E. Young ...... .. Brown Clark urveyor.... chool Supt T. A. Graham, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH Hermiston, 10:00 a. m. Everybody welcome to these ser- City Officials Recorder ..... .. Chief of Police ... C. C. Saltar F. A. Phelps A. L. Larson O. Wainscott W. J. Warner Treasurer ...... Fire Chief....... City Physician City Attorney. City Surveyor. Ceunciimen...... The Oregon Agricultural College Where trained specialists with modern lab. S. R. Oldaker struction leading to collegiate degrees la the following schools: AGRICULTURE, with 15 departments; COMMERCE, with 4 departments; ENGINEEEIEG, with • dopartmonto, ta eluding Civil, Eectrical, Highway, Industrial School District Officials Arts. Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering; FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer- BOMB ECONOMICS, with « major depart- MINING, with three depsrtments, inolud- BAPTIST CHURCH THE SCHOOL or MUSIO, offers instrue- Sunday school, 10 a. m. F. C. Bruce, Supt. Morning service, 11 o'clock. "My Partner.” Prayer meeting Thursday eve., 7:30. Choral union every Tuesday evening al 8:00. Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Kendler snd the Misses Dorothy Ross, Eleanor and Marie Caeserly attended the Round- Up Saturday from this neck of the woods. Sspper Bro. received two new Ford car* Thursday from Portland, and they were turned over immediately to At torney Warner of this city and L. W. Compton of Umatilla. Bert Nation’s mother and brother George, arrived from their Nebraska home the latter part of the week, took in the Round-Up with B. J. and wife end are now visiting them at their Butter Creek home. 2:00 p. m. - Sunday school. Frank Waugaman, Supt. The Red Cross society will hold its 3:00 p, m.—Public worship. Strangers will be welcome to these next regular meeting on Thursday, services. and instrumental music. "THE (OUT ABT DEPARTMENT, enrolled the fifteen ‘‘distinguished institutions'' of higher learning, ah cadets win be furnished B. T. P. Ü., 6:30 o’clock. Evening service, 7:30 o’clock. "In Account With God." vubeistonee, as wall as al! transportation and Strangers are always welcome to the subsietenee at the ill weeks' Summer camp AEGISTRATIOM BBBIWB OCTOBBB A services of this church. HIT. Information on request. Aadrosa Special music. L 8. Chapman mogavirur, urog Pastor > Corvallis, Oregon. DON’T READ THIS YOU want to buy some good driving gloves. We bought a supply long ago at old prices and will sell at old prices. Shipment will reach us early in October. Best lined gloves and leather gloves ever offered in Hermiston at lowest prices you ever saw. Wait for these, then see if we are not right SAPPER BROS GARAGE Cole’s Hot Blast TWO ROOM HEATER Now on Exhibition in Our W indow Write your name and your bid on the Secret Bid Card. Bids will be placed in the Sealed Box which forms a part of our window display. At 4:00 p. m. on Saturday, October 6th, 1917, the seal will be broken and the bid card bearing the highest offer gets this remarkable Cole’s Hot Blast Heater. Cole’s Original Hot Blast will save you almost $25 this winter using soft coal or slack Miss Lilly Dunning, whose parents IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF reside in this city, snd Ole Jacobson, a OREGON. FOR UMATILLA COUNTY rancher of the project, were married L. O. White. Plaintiff. | in Pendleton today. J. E. Keefe Jr., and------ ? Summons B. S. KINGSLEY Phone 171 FOR THE HANDSOME October 4, at 2:30 p. m., in the rest room. All members are requested to be present aa there is important business to transact. Keefe, hie wife, defend- I ants. J In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer or other- wiae plead to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in said court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of thia summons and on or before the 29th day of October. 1917, and you are further notified that if you fail to so appear and answer or otherwise plead in thia cause within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In hia complaint herein, to-wit, for judgment against the defend ant, J. E. Keefe Jr. for the sum of $463.05 with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from March 2, 1917, until paid, and for the further sum of $8.00 for extension of abstract and for the further sum of (100.00 attorneys fses, and for plaintiff's coats and disbursements of this suit; and for a further decree declaring the mort gage described in plaintiff's complaint herein up- on the NH of NE% of aection 2. Tp. 3 N. R. 29 E. W. M to be a valid and subsisting lien upon said property and that said mortgage be foreclosed and said property sold as by law required and the proceeds arising from such sale applied to the satisfaction or the amounts due plaintiff, includ ing principal, interest, cost of extension of ab stract, attorney s fees, costs and increased costs, and that the plaintiff may become a purchaser at such foreclosure sale and that the defendants and each of them and all persons claiming under or through them or any of them may be barred and foreclosed from all right, title or interest in and to the said premises, save the statutory right to redeem, and particularly may be barred and fore closed of all equity of redemption, and that In the event said mortgaged promises do not sell for sufficient to pay and aatiafy said demands, any deficiency remaining may forthwith be satisfied from any other property of said mortgagor, J. E. Keefe Jr., and for auch other and further relief as to equity may seem meet. This summons is publishsd pursuant to an order of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 10th day of September, 1917, and the first publi cation of this summons is made on the 15th day of September, 1917. and the last publication thereof shall be made on the 27th day of October, 1917. J. T. Hinkle. Attorney for Plaintiff Marion Leek, a graduale of the Her mitton high school, also of the Belling- ‘ ham normal, left for Pendleton Sun day and took up her duties as teacher STATEMENT in one of the grade schools in that Of the First National Bank of Hermiston, city. county of Umatilla, state of Oregon, showing the Mrs. Chas. Kalter, bookkeeper in the local office of the Hermiston Light & Power Co-, wat called from her duties Monday by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Sprague, who has since recuperated somewhat. Mr». R O. Smith of Seattle it in the city on a month’s viali to her sister, Mrs. F. V. Prime, and family, while her husband ia east on business for a large Seattle manufacturing concern with which he it connected. amount standing to ths credit of every depositor July 1. 1917, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of hia deposit (com mercial deposits), principal or interest, for a per iod of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address of such depositor, and the fact of his dsath, if known: Russell and McCammon, Hermiston, Oregon, amount .0?; R. D. White. Hermiston, Oregon. $3.00; Fred C. Baker, Hermiston, Oregon. ,(0c; J. S. Smith, Hermiston. Oregon, .Me; total $3.61. State of Oregon, I County of Umatilla I “ I. A. L. Larson, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that 1 am the cashier of the Flrat National Bank of Hermiston, county of Umatilla, state of Oregon; that the foregoing statement la a full. true, correct and complete statement. showing the name, last known resi dence er postoffice address, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each de- poaitor as required by the provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregon. 1907, and Chapter 214 of the General Laws of Oregon. 1917. A. L. Larson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July, A. D. 1*17. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bentel left for their home in Colfax, Wash , Wednes- day after patting a pleasant vielt here with the gentleman’s parente, Mr. and W W. J. Warner, Notary Public for Oregon Mre. August Bensel, farmers north- My commission expires Feb. ». 1921. west of thia city. Ernest Hall, a warehouse operator of Pleasanton, Calif., ia here on a vieil to hie brocher, C. H. Hall, the latter being a guest from Montana at the home in this city of hie daughter. Mre. C. H. Young. W. H. Skinner wae transacting business in Portland eeveral daye tbia week. Ho was accompanied to the Rose City by hie daughter Helen who hoida a position as stenographer in a rubber factory in that city, the young lady having been hero for a short visit to her parents. Roy Hord, a business man of Wal- lace, Idaho, passed a few days the first of the wook as a guest in this city of his untie and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Chapman. The young man wae much impressed with the growing qual- ifications of the soil end aleo climatic conditions. Before leaving far La Grande to vieil a brother be intimated that it toe succeeded ia disposing of tois Idaho proper y ho would come here sod permanently locate. Salo—The Monkman rar th munications to the owner direct, Mrs. Sarah Monkman, 369 Field Av ■ is. Detroit, Mich. -advl tie CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services held in Civic Center hall Sunday, 10:45 * m. Subject. "Reality.” Everybody cordially invited. JowracedMyst Sat, Oct 6, 1? Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. AD, Kinds POCKET FLASH LIGHTS EDISON and COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS = AND LATE RECORDS = Hermiston Drug Co. Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates Furnished Free on ALL KINDS OF BUILDING Either Concrete or Wood PHONE BOYNTON 253 PHONE LONGHORN 29F3 Cream season is now here In ear nest and we are ready to serve you in any quan tity. Try us for your next party. Our Candies are always fresh and nice. Our line of box candles is unexcelled. Bulk cae dles handled by us are of the same high grade and purity as the box. P. B. SISCEL Hortes for sale H. A. F. ick. adv 2 For NOW IS YOUR CHANCE—SEE THIS * GREAT HEATER. Come in today. I is a perfect hard coal and coke burner It gives you a big saving in fuel and a steadier, more powerful heat than with any same size base burner. SEE the guaranteed FUEL SAVING DRAFT And the guaranteed ANTI - PUFFING DRAFT. The Cleanest, Most Economical and Most Powerful Heater ever placed on the market. BLACK" MILLINERY PATTERN HATS HATS MADE TO ORDER LAST SEASON’S HATS REMODELED Mack’ s Variety Store ECONOMIC and MIL! PREPARKDNE88