Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1917)
THE HERMISTON There are Many Advantages in De positing Your Money in a Strong Bank Where Government Supervision, Integrity of Manage- ment, and ample assets guarantee safety and legitimate returns. The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 LODGE DIRECTORY * ueen ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s ., meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hail. Visiting members welcome. Frances Phelps, W. M.W Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. Q LJERMISTON LODGE NO. 138. A. F. A A. M.. 1 * meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel come. R. C. Walber, Secy. C. H. Skinner. W. M. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F., • meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm, Noble Grand PROFESSIONAL CARDS Phone Your Orders for all kinds of Transfer Work Phone 2852 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. The City Transfer W. B. BEASLEY W. J. WARNER HERMISTON, OREGON J. T. HINKLE Shoe Repairing Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of I town customers sending work we | will return It by next mail, paying postage one way. HERALD, HERMISTON, HERMISTON ===== ======= LOCA L8 We are now Showing the ---- — Chief of Police Clarence Salser went | to Portland Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. T. Hinkle returned the first | of the week from a visit to the parent al home at Bubl, Idaho. Miss Elizabeth Straw is spending the week at the Four Sisters ranch with her friends, the Misses Briggs. THE NEW GORDON HAT New Price Miss Werdna Isabelle of Hood River | is a guest this week at the home of her erandparents, Mr. and Mrs B F. Strohm. Mrs D W. Horning, who has been in Minneapolis, Mion., the past six weeks, being called there by the deaih of her busband, returned Monday. E. O. Comegys, who is painting the new home of L A. Stone on the west side, expects to have the interior and exterior work all completed the latter part of this month. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green, who operate a ranch a mile south of this city, are enjoying a visit from their son, L. L. Green, who csme recently from St Joe, Idaho. $3.50 Quality the Best - Now is the time to try out the Union All Suits—the most prac tical garment for Men, at......... Tom Jensen came home from Port- land and Astoria Tuesday where be bad been on business since the middle of last week. Dr. E. W. Barnes, whoowns aud re- sides with his family on the old Emery place near this city, returned Monday morning from a short business trip to Portland. OREGON. $3.00 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Grown on the Project Hermiston Produce & Supply Company Phone Main 34 “Best of Good Service” “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" D. H. Prindle, a well known local Mrs. E. P. Dodd and daughter Isa rancher, is al the Brietenbusch hot will be the film feature at the local belle returned from Pendleton Sunday, springs in the Cascades taking treat Movie house next Wednesday evening, and this (Saturday ) evening Jane where they had been since July 4 as ment for a bad case of rheumatism. I Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather • Gray, the well known movie actress, guests at the home of the lady’s par DENTIST James Winslow, a local rancher, put will be screened in "The Test.” ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander. Hermiston. Oregon the first peaches of the season on the Hermiston Oregon Office Hours: Office, Bank Bldg. J. L Stork, who recently returned W. J. Emery, who recently sold his market the first of the week. They 8 to 5; Sundays & eve J Office Phone, 93 Residence Phone 32 nings by appointment. ranch to Dr. Barnes, departed early retailed at Kingsley’s store at five from a trip to California, has taken over the blacksmith shop he formerly in the week with his family for Idaho cents. owned in this city, and is again al his to take up residence in that state, C. O. WAINSCOTT W. R. Longhorn found a lady’s coat old stand doing work and greeting the accompanying Harry Gelse went also, Physician and Surgeon the latter part of last week on the the Emery family, all of whom went diagonal road near the Drake farm many customer friends that call daily., Hours: 10 to 12 A. M„ 2 to 5 P. M. H. S. Ewing, a Heppner rancher overland by auto. Res. Phone, Red 398 Office, Main 2 and has lef. it at this office to await an well known among ola-timers here, Office in Bank Bldg. J. W. Tabor, a merchant of Wallace, owner. was in Hermiston on business Wednes Idaho, who owns a ranch six miles Mrs. Rhoda Johnson and daughter day. Mr. Ewing was formerly an northeast of town, is a guest this week Leona are here from Pendleton ou a editor, having owned and operated the of his brother, J. H. Tabor, who is visit to Mrs. J. H. Young and family, i Practice limited to Buckley ( Wash.) Banner from 1890 to operating the place. The farm is a Mrs. Johnson being the mother of Mrs. EYE, EAR. NOSE 1900. big one, consisting of 160 acres, 40 of Young. AND THROAT HUNTING or FISHING Mrs. H. T. Fraser and son Hugh and which is in commercial orchard of Pendleton, Oregon Judd Bldg. H. L. Chapman arrived home Sun Mrs. C. S McNaught, daughter Nancy apples, peaches and pears and 60 in EQUIPMENT day from a business visit to Portland and son Joe are enjoying the ocean alfalfa. DALE ROTHWELL and early in the week departed for breezes at North Beach this week, OPTICAL SPECIALIST Miss Elda Clements, who holds a Pendleton, where he accepted a having left Tuesday for a two weeks’ caricai position In the office of the mechanical position in one of the many outing al this famous spot on the sea- treasur of Benton county at Prosser. garages in that city. shore. welcome week-end Wash., was Father O'Rourke was up from Hepp Mayor and Mrs. McKenzie and son visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. ner a couple of days the first of the George went to Portland Monday and B. F. Knapp, in this city. The young week on a visit to Fathers Butler and Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. while there thev will have the little lady left Sunday laat to resume her Killean. Accompanying him were his American National Bank Building fellow examined and operated upon, if Pendleton. Oregon duties Monday after having enjoyed niece, Miss Peggy O’Rourke, and her necessary, for a mastoid growth in her annual summer vacation of two friend, Miss June Kinefick, of Port First Class the right ear, from which be baa weeks, which she passed visiting rela land. suffered for some time. tives in Washington, Oregon and Mon A letter from Dr. J. A. Campbell, tana. former dentist of this city, io R. C Would like to buy a few young tur Tables Rev. T. A. Graham, pastor of th • Walber states that be has been ap keys. Geo. C. Coe, Stanfield, Ore. ALWAYS ON THS JOS Methodist church, accompanied by pointed first lieutenant in the dental -ad44-ltp LONG AND SHORT LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED Mrs. Graham and children, left by auto reserve corps, and expects ere long to For sale cheap— Oil stove oven, and ZSUTTEFF BLACKLEG "us Tuesday morning for Portland and be on hi* way with the rest to join w wo a fresh, reliable; sewing machine. H. A. Frick.-ad43lfc HAULS Tacoma to viali their two eldest sous the allies in France. preferred by H western stock- For Sale or Trade—Fifteen acres in residing respectively in the above & A Wi protect where otnsr Rev. G L. Hall and wife of Marsh- 5 — vaccines fail. Address A. P. Price, cities. This Is Mr. Graham’s annual field, Ore., who stopped off here the Pendleton. ? Write for booklet and testimonials. Hermiston Transfer Company Box 253, Pendleton, Ore. -adlmp vacation time and during the three 10-dose pkg. Blackleg Pilis, $1.00 first of the week to visit the gentle 50-dose pkg. Blacklog Pilis, $4.00 Office. Cor. Main and Second Sts. weeks he Is away the local pulpit will Wanted — Single buggy and harness, Use any injector, but Cutter ’ s simplest at ------------ - man’s mother and aisters while on Phone 152 Rea.. 29F2 The superiority of Cutter products is due to over 15 be filled each Sunday by speakers years of specializing in VACCINES AND SERUMS their return journey after attending Must be in good condition and cheap. ONLY. INSIST ON CUTTER’S. If unobtainable, from adjoining towns. During his ab order direct. . . -adv44p the Northern Baptist convention at R. M. Hood. sence there will be no evening service. Cleveland, Ohio, left for their home A few bred gilts at 16c per pound. The dance given In the Auditor'urn Wednesday. Some of my customers pay for their THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN laat Friday evening under the man E. M. Rowe, a rancher residing gilts out of the first litter. H. J. Still- ADVERTISING BY THE agement of Tom Marxen was a very three and one-half miles north of Her ings. is now at •ad43tf nice affair and was thoroughly enjoyed miston, was in town Tuesday patroniz Hermiston Auditorium MÉRICAN RES5 55CIATION For Sale—1100 lb. horse, set of good by the thirty odd couple in attend ing local merchants and attending to work harness, farm wagon; 860 takes ance. Excellent music was furnished other business matters. During his at all if taken by Morday. Inquire GENERAL OFFICES • 4 TWO GOOD SHOWS by the Hermiston orchestra. These stay he found time locali at The Herald NEW YORK AND CHICAGO -adv44c Reading Room. affairs being, as they are, conducted office and advance bis subscription to EACH WEEK RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Lost—A ladies summer coat, gray in an orderly and aensible manner, the paper a year. with large black and white checked give needed recreation to the younger Dr. F. V. Prime, the local dentist, Wednesday and Saturday folks of the community that like to scarcely has time for any recreation collar and cuffs, Finder please leave -adv44c indulge occasionally in tripping the theae days, so busy is be with patients at this office. Evenings light fantastic. Good pasture for cows and horses. needing their molars examined, pol HERMISTON. OREGON V. PRIME STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS SHOES JUST ADDED Try Our “Neolin” Solas Sam Rodgers HITT S. A. ROE, M. D y Can fit you out in what ever you may need in the - way of ===== Complete line of Base Ball and other Sport- ing Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Auto Truck Billiard and Pool DI If If DLALA • I B I A ■ AEE mens because, they. The CutterLaboratory,Borkeley,California.. “The Movie THE HERALD PRINTING STATIONERY Says Uncle Sam—“Save the Nation’s Crops.” NOW is the time to Act. You have already-read the food warnings order your Turn-A-Lum $ilo Now. Il utilizes the full food value of corn, hay and grain crops - it gives you June pastures the year ’round. Buy Now-Pay Later JMA-LUM [ Buy your TUM-A-LUM SUJO now—before the final fall rush and get in on lower prices this sommer. Erect it at your convenience and have it ready this fail. No interest before October 1. ished, pulled or adjusted. The trite' old saying, "keep busy to be happy," applies in the doctor’s case along with a few of the rest of us who have to forego our annual summer vacation in order to keep up with ever increas- ing business in this lively town. We Sell for Cash There is a possibility of a change in man agement at any time and we positively will NOT OPEN NEW ACCOUNTS after July I. Even were no change in view, market con- ditiona warrant this step. All present accounts that are paid by July 10 will re çoive discount of 5 per cent CITY TUM-A-LUM SILOS are BUILDINGS (Not Barrels) See Brownson About It | Market & Grocery E. J. Drake, phone 404. -advtfc Buffet, library table, dining table, ladles desk, oil heater, range, Rayo lamp and other household furniture -adv for sale. F. R. Reeves. Those having left second hand school books at The Herald to be sold are re- i quested to call at once and secure | same or the money If books were dis. -adv | posed of. For Sale—1« ft. Detroit launch on ! Lake Lane. Four horse power marine | engine. All in good running condi- lion Best cash offer. Inquire at gate house or of Thos. Hawthorne, I Irrigon, Ore Walt for Dr. Freeze, the eye specialist, if you need glasses or have any other eye troubles headaches. Regular visitato Hermis- ton, Stanfield and Echo each month. -advife Watch for dates. The government needs farmers as well as fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon A California Railroad Co. grant lands. Title revested in United Slates. Large copyrighted map showing land by sec tions and description of soil, clireate, rainfall, elevations, temperature, ate , by counties Postpaid tl. Grant Lands Co., Box 610, Port- land, Oregon. -advlc NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER EXE CUTION Notice is berebp given that by virtue of ah execution issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county and to me delivered and directed, upon a judgment and de- cree rendered and entered in said court on the 14th day of June, 1917, in favor of Frank W. Kettenbach and against Mary F. Skinner, in a suit therein pending wherein the said Frank W. Kettenbach was plaintiff and Mary E. Skinner and C. H. Skinner, her husband, were defend ants, for the sum of $600.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Novem ber 1, 1916, and the further sum of $600.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from November 1, 1916, the further sum of $7,600.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 ir cent per annum from November 1, 1916, until ay 31,1917, and at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from May 31, 1917; the further sum of $676.14 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from August 1, 1916; the further sum of $157.53 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from January 1,1917; and the further sum of $118,04 with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 1, 1917; and for the further sum of $750.00 attorney’s fees and $22.80 costs and disburse ments, which said decree, judgment and order of sale have been 4 iy docketed and enrolled in the office of the clerk of said court, and in and by which said judgment, decree and order of sale it was directed that the hereinafter described real property in Umatilla county, Oregon, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of section 10, the Southwest Quarter of the South west Quarter, and the East Half of the South west Quarter of section 3, all in township 4 north, range 28 east of the Willamette Meridian, contain ing 160 acres more or less, according to the United States government survey, together with the rents and incomes thereon and all the rights (in* eluding water rights or shares of stork or water of any ditch or irrigation company) thereto or to the said Mary E. Skinner and C. H. Skinner, her husband, belonging at the date of said mortgage or thereafter, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing, be sold by the sheriff of Umatilla county. Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and costs. Therefore 1 will on the 16th day of July, 1917, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court house in the city of Pendleton, Umatilla county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the right, title and interest which the said defend ants Mary E. Skinner and C. H. Skinner, her hus band, or each of them, had in and to the above described premises on the 1st day of November. 1914, or since then have acquired or now have, the proceeds of said sale to be applied in satisfac tion of said execution and all costs. Dated this 14th day of June, 191 4. 39-43 _____I ____ 5775852869505 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT - - ? B8+8 OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF UMATILLA W. G. Drowiey. Plaintiff, ) Summons for pub- vs. - lication in fore- W. T. Schlosser, Defendant. I closure of tax Hen To W. T. Schlosser, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby notified that W. G. Drowiey. the holder of certificate of delinquency numbered 1383 issued on the 7th day of April, 1917, by the tax collector of the county of Umatilla, state of Oregon, for the amount of four and sixty-three hundredths ($4.63) dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1913, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated In said county and state, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: West half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of section 8, township 4 north of range 28 east of W. M. You are further notified that said W. G. Drowiey has paid taxes on said premises for prior or, subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as fol- Rate of Tsx Receipt interest Date paid Number Amt. April 9. 1917 1691 $1.73 15 percent 1914 16 per cent April 9, 1917 1590 2.15 __________ 1916 April 9. 1917 4068 1.27 15 per cent 1916 Said W. T. Schlosser, aa the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons above named are hereby notified that W.G. Drow- ley will apply to the circuit court of the county and state aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described and mentioned in said certificate. And you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of the summens -dnalua of the day of said first publicatio 8 is action or pay the amount due o- gether with costs and accrued re of your failure to do so, a deci Ml foreclosing the lien of said tax st the land and premises above n- moni Is published by order of il- bert W. Phelps, judge of the ( he state of Oregon for the count} id said order was made and dated this 29th day of May. 1917. and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 9th day of June. 1917. All process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the state of Oregon, at the address hereafter men tioned. Stephen A. Lowell, Address, Pendleton, Ore. Attorney for Plaintiff Hermiston Ice Cream Is made under the most sanitary conditions. It is pure, wholesome and high in food value Made in all popular flavors Special orders given prompt attention HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY