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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, Uncle Sam to Have Largest Building Owned By Any Government in World “THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE” Smartness Can Be Worked Into Youngster’s Clothes. _________ —________ Mothers Are Inclined to Err on Side of Simplicity in Avoiding Overdressing of the Little One. SEATTLE TRY ===== THE " J e * “ •====================== SEATTLE’S LARGEST Only three blocke from Depote and Docks. Op- posite City Hall Park and Court House. THE FINEST DOLLAR ROOM IN AMERICA With detached bath, 1 person. $1.00 $1.50 2 persons, $1.50 $2.00 With private bath. 1 person. $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 2 persons. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 ■ “When in Seattle Try the Frye” BEAUTIFUL RUGS Arel made from your OLD CAR PETS. Rag Rugs woven all sizes. Mail orders receive prompt and care ful attention. Send for booklet NORTHWEST RUG CO. E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or. The new Department of the Interior building, the largest building owned by the United States government, with the possible exception of the capitol, is being rapidly pushed to completion. It is said to be larger than any build Ing owned by any foreign government It is exceeded in floor space only by the Woolworth building, in New York, having 18 acres under its roof. Ths building Is locsted west of the State, War and Navy building and is s part of the general plan of improvement of the capital’s Mall. We will pay highest cash prices for HOP WIRE Galvanized and Black SCRAP IRON Cast, Wrought, Er, WOOL AND MOHAIR CHINESE ARE BEGINNING TO Communicate with us and make these extra dol DRUGS BY MAIL PAY ATTENTION TO HYGIENE As a Result, Country Will Soon Be Greatest Market for Proprietary Medicines, Says Uncle Sam. We Pay the Postage. If in need of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Arch Supports, Shoulder Braces, TRUSSES, Elastic Stockings, Abdominal Supporters, Suspensory Bandages for Men. and all other Rubber Goods of every description, send to the China will soon be the greatest mar ket in the world for proprietary medi cines, according to a bulletin issued by LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Uncle Sam's bureau of foreign and Truss Experts Third and Yamhill, Portland, Or. domestic commerce of the department of commerce, to call the attention of American manufacturers to the advan DEVELOPING and tages of getting a good foothold In the PRINTING for market at once. For a little Boosting among your friends with “Hygiene is practically unknown Kodaks. Send for information as to how you can secure credits and have Your work done FREE of among the Chinese,” the report states, Charge. Write today, or send us for trial a roll of film or negatives to be printed and receive 40 per "and the sickness and suffering to cent off. which the masses are subject on ac PHOTO CRAFT SHOP, Pittock Block. P. O. Box 725. Portland, Oregon count of the lack of efficient native remedies or treatment is probably greater than In any other country. This Is especially true of all varieties Bought, Sold, Rented and Repaired of skin diseases, against which no na WALKER ELECTRIC WORKS Burnside, cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. tive salves or blood tonics seem ef fective.” Ten years ago the proprietary medi “C. B.” MINERS & CO. cine trade In China was hardly UNIVERSAL REPAIR and MACHINE SHOP worth mentioning, although foreigners AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND REBUILDING. had been laboring for 20 years or a. i. cm . FIFTH AND nu» sn. PORTLAND, mmi ’ more to develop It, but immense strides have been made since then and ample FRED P. GORIN, Patent Attorney. profits have been realized. The trade, Organizer and Developer. Patenta eecured or Fee Refunded. FREE, Toy X-Ray Plate; shows every however, is still In Its Infancy. bone in your body right through your clothin*. Through judicious and persistent ad Suites 701. 701A. 701B. 701C. Central bldg., Seattle vertising the natives are gradually be STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, ing educated to the necessity of pay salesmanship, Engliab branches, at an accredited ing some intelligent attention to their school: write, or phone Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed positions. Behnke-Walker ailments and are responding remark Business College, 167 4th Street near Morrison, ably well. For this reason it is not Portland, Oregon. difficult to introduce a good article at a reasonable price, if supported by the LOGGED-OFF LANDS cheap: famous Fruit and Hay Belt. Hood River Valley; level, irrigated; right kind of advertising. FREE YOU ELECTRIC MOTORS terms. Box 185, Hood River, Oregon. OIL YIELD NEVER GETS LESS Just Plain Caks. “Ma, have you any conspicuously For Fifty Years the Supply Has Shown saccharine combinations for gastrono Steady Increase, Uncle Sam’s mical enjoyment at supper?” "No, Figures Show. Betsy; all we got extra for supper is some candy and cake.”—Baltimore Included in the industrial and com American mercial statistics recently issued by An Observation on Thrift. Uncle Sam through the department of “What a beautiful engagement commerce, and covering the activities ring!” exclaimed Maude. * of the year 1916, Is the statement that “It’s great,” replied Mayme. “Only the petroleum yield of the United you want to look out and not wed one of these boys who save up and buy States last year was 292,300,000 bar engagement jewelry that they could rels, an increase over the previous n’t pay the personal property tax on year of 11,000,000 barrels. During the If we was to marry ’em.”—Washing last five years with each successive ton Star. year there has been an increase In the yield of petroleum In the United Cause and Effect. States, and an Increase in the world “That young fellow evidently thinks yield, unless there has been a check he is a big gun. What makes him act to the production In Russia during the so?” period of the war. "Maybe it is because he is going to This continual Increase in the yield be fired.”—Exchange. of stored oils is one of the greatest marvels of nature. At a rough calcu The Latest Hobo—Just a’dime, please, mister. lation the quantity of oil that has Me pal’s stranded two miles up in de flowed from the subterranean reser air in his airyplane, an’ ain't got voirs during the last twenty years enough gasoline t’ come down.— Bos would, if flooded Into a surface basin, constitute a lake more than 100 miles ton Transcript long, ten miles wide and forty feet in Destination. uniform depth. There is talk contin "Where does this car go?” ually to the effect that we shall Inevit "There’s only one place I can men tion for certain,” replied the strike ably use up this vast stored supply breaker, “and that's the repair shop.” before many more decades pass, and In answer to this prophecy the world —Washington Star. yield continues to Increase year by A Departed Jest year Instead of decreasing. New oil "Remember the old boarding house fields are continually being located. jokes about hash?” "Yes. They flourished in the time when people could afford meat and po 9444444444474% tatoes on the same day.”—Washing : Ì “Human Torpedo” Enlists : : ton Star. o ¡ FORD CARS in U. S. Marine Corps. : 5 — : I “Got any use for a profession- : i : ’ Every Ford Car should carry one ex- : : al dynamiter?" was the startling tra tira it save changing on the road. « query addressed to Sergeant THE TWIN RIM ; ; Enk of the United States Ma- ' i ri ne corps recruiting station In : I Chicago by Robert S. Phillips. ■ i “I am a human torpedo,” he ; ¡ added. "I can blow up anything ■ « from a tin can to a battleship.” explained that things HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, : '1 I had Phillips been quiet in his line for WOOL ANO MOHAIR. : I some time, as engineering oper- We want all you have. Write for prices and shipping tags •1 ations have been practically sus- THE N. F. NORTON Co. Portland, Ore; Seattle, * : ’ pended during the war. He said :1 that he had heard that the "sol- ' I diers of the sea” were always : « first on the spot, and that they : i would probably offer the best : [ field for bis talents. : i He was accepted and sent to ; [ Charleston, 3. C, for training ' i and detail to a mine planting : [ company. P. N. U. No. 22, 1917 . L. Douglas name and the retail price is sta tom of all shoes at the factory. The value the wearer protected against high prices for infe retail prices are the same everywhere. They cosi Francisco than they do in New York. They are on the more HOTEL lars. $$$$$$$$$$$ Write or call .'ALASKA BAG & METAL CO. —it Phone Main 8232. 173 Front, bet. Morrison & Yamhill. Portland. Or. $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 AKSPWSS. The Beat Known Shoes in the World. WHEN IN I OREGON. SLIP SHOWS STYLE W. L. DOUGLAS New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 Per Day. HERMISTON, : % i ; 1 • i : ‘ ■ ‘ ; % ' ‘ : I • > . : ■ ’ . I ; • . i ; ‘ • ■ ; I • ■ ; I ■ ■ : J i hmananammanmaans It is not an easy matter to work style or smartness into the youngster’s everyday clothes. One Is so afraid f overdressing the little one, and, of course. It Is far better to err on the side of simplicity. It is, therefore, welcome delight that the mother or woman with small chil dren to dress feels when she pomes across such a smart little slip as this to be made from a lightweight linen or chambray. The whole chic of the frock centers in the crossed straps, which, with their contrasting stitching and oddly looped NORMALSCHOOLSGROW Amount Spent in Training Teach ers Shows Great Increase. Appropriations 500 Per Cent Larger Than They Were 25 Years Ago, Reaching $12,683,656 In 1915. Public appropriations for schools for the year 1915 total $12,683,656, as compared with $2,212,952 a quarter of a century ago—an increase for public appropriations for state normal schools of over 500 per cent In the last 25 years, according to figures compiled by Uncle Sam. “A public normal school Is a peculiar school,” says a government expert. “It is equally true that the peculiar work of such a school cannot be delegated to any other school. No other school can prepare teachers so well for their work as the school which makes such prepa ration its sole business.” The number of public schools in the United States by states, according to the Educational Directory of the bu reau of education for 1915-16, Is as fol lows: Alabama ................ 9 Arizona ................. 2 Arkansas ................ 2 California .............. 8 Colorado ............... 1 Connecticut ........ 5 Dist. of Col.......... 2 "Florida ............... 0 Georgia ................... 3 Idaho ..................... 2 Illinois ................... 6 Indiana ................. 3 Iowa ...................... 1 Kansas ................. 3 Kentucky .............. 4 Louisiana .............. 2 Maine .................... 7 Maryland ............. 5 Massachusetts ... S Michigan ............. 5 Minnesota ............ 6 Mississippi ....... 1 Missouri .................. 7 Montana ................. 1 Nebraska ............... 4 New Hampshire.. 2 New Jersey........... 6 New Mexico .... 3 New York.............. 22 North Carolina... 7 North Dakota ... 4 Ohio ......................... 6 Oklahoma ............. 7 Oregon .................... 1 Pennsylvania ....... 13 Rhode Island........ 1 South Carolina... 2 South Dakota.... 4 Tennessee ................4 Texas ...................... 5 ‘Utah ...................... 0 Vermont ................ 2 Virginia ................. 6 West Virginia.... 7 Wisconsin ............... 9 ‘Wyoming .............. 0 •Florida, Utah and Wyoming have nor mal departments In connection with their state universities. Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska and New York each have from 100 to 200 teacher-training high schools. Wisconsin has about 30 coun ty normal schools and about 30 teach er-training high schools. Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, Vermont and Vir ginia also have teacher-training in high schools or county normals. HOME GARDENING IS URGED Uncle Sam’s Expert Saye Work Should Be Directed Through Schools by Teacher* Employed by City. That home gardening, directed by the school, is the most effective way for bringing boys and girls into closer relationship with the affairs of life, is asserted by C. D. Jarvis in a bulle tin on “Gardening in Elementary City Schools,” issued by the bureau of ed ucation of the department of the in terior. Mr. Jarvis declares: “In or about almost any city there may be found an abundance of land that may be used for productive gar dening by school children. Within the limits of many cities there Is sufficient land, If Intensely cultivated, to supply the people with all the vegetables and a large proportion of the fruits and flowers needed. This unused land should be brought under cultivation.” In order that the best use may be made of this land for educational and productive purposes, it Is suggested that trained and experienced teachers of gardening should be employed in every city. "Such teachers would instruct the children directly and the parents In directly,” declares Mr. Jarvis, “with the result that in a few years a gener ation of capable gardeners would be developed. But the development of strong-bodied, efficient and contented citizens is the real purpose and the main result of this work. With a com mon knowledge of the principles and possibilities of crop production, the wage-earner of the future will not need to measure his income solely by the size of his pay envelope. He will con sider, also, the productive capabilities of his garden plat and the extent to which it will reduce the coat of living. He will see the advantages of a svbur- ban home, contrasted with the crowd ed and unwholesome tenement." are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. of experienced men, all working with an honest can not supply you with the kind you want, take no other make, write tor interesting booklet explaining how to get shoes of the highest standard of quality for ths price, by return inali, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. They’re All Alike. “To elevate the stage," said Augus tus Thomas, at the Players’ club in New York, “to elevate the stage would be an easy enough job if there weren’t so many people like the new Shake speare club, “I said to the treasurer of this or- ganization: “ T understand your new Shake speare club is a grea’ success.’ “ ‘Great success? You bet your sweet life it’s a great success,’ he answered warmly. ‘Why, we accumu lated enough in fines for non-attend ance during the first month to take us all to a box party at the musical comedy of ‘Back Up, Bettina.’ ’’— Washington Star. BEWARE or SUBSTITUTES Beys’ Shoes ST Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 A $2.00 esident • W. L. Douglas Shoe Co., 185 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR You can Bring Back Color and . Lustre with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it’s done so naturally, so even ly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home Is mussy and troublesome. X Cures While You Walk. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug Allen’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for not, store the ready-to-use preparation, im sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Bold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Don’t accept any proved by the addition of other ingre substitute. Trial package FREE. Address dients, called “Wyeth’s Sage and Sul Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. phur Compound." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw Mother’s Definition. this through your hair, taking one “Ma, what is ‘leisure’?” “Leisure is the spare time a wo small strand at a time. By morning man has in which to do some other all gray hair disappears, and, after an kind of work, my dear.”—Boston other application or two, your hair be comes beautifully darkened, glossy Transcript. and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, is a sign of old age, and as we all de sire a youthful and attractive appear ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready-to-use pre paration is a delightful toilet requisite and not a medicine. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention Try this yourself then pass of disease. It along to others. Laugh When People Step On Your Feet Smart Frock for Youngster. ends, suggest suspenders. For this reason this may be found a useful model for the small boy’s smock, slightly shortened to be worn over bloomers or little straight pants. Aside from the bretelles, the frock is simple enough. The inserted panel at the front gives an unusual line without much extra trouble. Sleeves are raglan, and' the collar a plain lay- down affair of contrasting material, probably pique. This slip can open at one side of the front panel from the shoulder down ; just enough to allow the garment to be slipped over the head. The strap arrangement can be repeated in the back, without the wedge-shaped panel, however. SILKS FOR OUTING SKIRTS New Designs for Sports Wear Have Hugo Disk* In Plain or Broken Stripe Color*. If there Is anything more luxurious than a satin-soft silk sports skirt one cannot guess what It can be. The very sensation of playing golf and tennis in a shimmering silk skirt must convey a suggestion of well-being. New sports silks for these skirts have huge disks in plain or broken stripe colors and the skirt is smartest when plaited or gathered, below a fitted yoke, a broad sash of the material going twice around and knotting below one hip. Very fetching Is a pattern of Roman striped disks on a wedgewood blue ground; another pattern shows green disks on a pale tan ground—this in light shantung weave. Sports silks In the soft La Jerz weave, which will not stretch like ordinary jersey silk, have rose pink dots on a white ground, and one may buy plain rose La Jerz for trimmings and coat. Of course, there are many other colorings, but the rose hue seems to be loveliest of all. Copper-colored blouses are gain ing ground so fast that the fashionable mustard shade 1* beginning to look a bit green with jealousy. The cop- per-hued blouses are of lustrous silk, like soiree and faille matinee, or of satin meteor. They are simply made, hem-stitchings or rows of machine stitching In self-colored sewing silk giving a dainty finish. Waists for Maids. Frocks for children continue to show a normal or high waistline for spring and summer, and sheer fabrics are largely featured for girls under six years, although, of course, sturdy tailored models are shown. The ward robe of every little miss must contain a number of these dresses for play. Smock and middy blouses show promise of being extremely popular, and the little suspender dresses, with skirt and shoulder straps of colored fabric, blouse or guimpe of white, are also approved. This type of frock is very sensible, as the little guimpe may be laundered much more easily than an entire frock, and with this part of the garment fresh, a skirt of dark linen may be worn several days, whereas ordinarily a fresh dress would be required at least once a day. Some of the cleverest little suits—coat and skirt affairs—for girls of no more than six years are being shown this season. It works! Sure They Will. Thomas—Do you think the fighting Ouch !?!?!! This kind of rough nations will cede any territory? Pete — Why, they’re all planting talk will be heard less Lere In town if people troubled with corns will follow acres by the millions.—Exchange. the simple advice of this Cincinnati Point of View. authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied “Don’t you think it Is unprincipled to a tender, aching corn or hardened to raise the price on foodstuffs?” callous stops soreness at once, and “Yes, on everything but potatoes. soon the corn or callous dries up and I’ve planted them."—Exchange. lifts right off without pain. He says freezone dries Immediately Its Use. and never inflames or even Irritates "There are lots of atmosphere in the surrounding skin. A small bottle this play.” of freezone will cost very little at any “I hope there’s enough to raise the drug store, but will positively remove wind.”—Baltimore American. every hard or soft corn or callous from one’s feet Millions of American women will welcome this announce SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS ment since the inauguration cf the high heels. If your druggist doesn’t And Prevents Falling Hair Do Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. have freezone tell him to order a small bottle for you. On retiring, gently rub spots of dandruff and Itching with Cuticura A Nocturnal Job. “To Instil a spirit of brotherly love Ointment. Next morning shampoo intsead of savage militarism into the with Cuticura Soap and hot water hearts of the Germans will be a very using plenty of Soap. Cultivate the hard job,” said a Sacramento fruit use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for every-day toilet purposes. grower just back from Germany. Free sample each by mail with “The militaristic German will mis understand the preachers of brotherly Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. love as Wash White misunderstood — Adv. the missionary. “A missionary was sent south to a A Handy Signal. very godless region of chicken thieves and boozers, and, finding there was Visitor—So this is the deaf and no church, he got permission to use dumb ward. How do you call people an old henhouse. to dinner? I suppose you don't ring “He said to an old colored man who a bell. was always loafing around the hotel: Superintendent—No. We have a man “ ‘Washington, you go down bright who walks thru the ward wringing and early tomorrow morning and clean his hands.—Boston Transcript. out that henhouse back of Sinnickson’s barn.' "The old man frowned. MANY OREGON WOMEN “ 'But sho'ly, pawson, sho'ly,' he SAY THE SAME. said, ‘yo’ don’ clean out a henhouse In de daytime!”’—Washington Star. Portland, Oregon.—" My daughter’s Forced Confession. health was very poor after her first Finally she took three He—Yes, I suppose you and the baby came. rest of the women at your afternoon bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription and her health was greatly parties are as harmless as kittens— improved. She has three children. just sit there holding hands. Has always depended on this wonder She—Oh, John, who told you we ful medicine to help her through.” — were playing bridge? — Baltimore M rs . I sabel B ertrand . 86 Texas St., Portland, Oregon. American. Lents, Oregon. — "I used Doctor Mixed. Pierce’s Favorite "Remember this, my son: If you Prescription be want to make a hit you must strike fore my baby out for yourself.” came and I believe “You’re mixed In your baseball talk, it saved my life, pa. If you strike out you can't make as I was in very a hit.”—Boston Transcript poor health.” — MRS. O. H. Pow- Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and ers , Lents, Ore disappear with Doctor Pierce’s (Golden gon. Medical Discovery. In tablets orliquid. NOTE : Dr. Pierce receives, daily, many letters like the above from all Fronti over the world. “I heard the boya say, 8am, that you were bragging to them about going to The mighty restorative power of Dr. the front.” "Yea, air, I’ve just got a Favorite Prescription speedily kb as a hotel bellboy.”—Baltimore Pierce's causes all womanly troubles to dis American. appear—compels the organs to prop erly perform their natural functions, corrects displacements, overcomes irregularities, removes pain and misery at certain times and brings back health and strength to nervous, irrita ble and exhausted women. What Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Pre In our file or reports, covering a period of wenty years, literally thou scription has done for thousands it sands of physicians tell how success will do for yon. Get it this very day ful the Resinol treatment is for ecze from any medicine dealer, in either ma and similar skin troubles. The first liquid or tablet form. use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap usually stops the itching and Doctor Pierce’s pellets are unequaled burning, and they soon clear away all as a Liver Pili. ftrnnllcut. aurtcut to trace of the unsightly eruption. No take. One ttnv. Sugar-coated Pellet a Cure Sick Headache, Bilious other treatment for the skin now be Qpee. Headache, Dizziness, Constipation, Indi- fore the public can show such a record gestion. Bilious Attacks, and all de- of professional approval. Sold by all rangements of the Liver, Stomach and druggists. Bowels. a Doctors Prescribe It for the Skin