Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1917)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON; OREGON.-- START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Rent a Safety Deposit Box and have a safe depository for your valuable papers HERMISTON! —- - ..- LOCALS— ===== 3 No. 1, west... 9:55 a. m. No. 2, east... 3:30 No. 15, west 7:05 p. m. No. 6, east... 5:33 No. 16. east... 9:15 From $1.00 to $2.00 Per Year Post Office Hour, General delivery window open week days I to 6. p. m. Sundaysand holiday, from 9 t 10 Mail Mail Mail Mail $09195 closes closes closes closes 9:20 a. m. 6:00 p. m. for No. 1. west. for No. 6. east _ for No. 2, east _. for No. 15, west 2:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. or Capital & Surplus $30,000 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 each Saturday. J. Roy Raley was down from Pen dleton Wednesday. R. Alexander was down from Pen dleton Wednesday. Millinery Opening F. W. Kehrli, dairy extension worker, was bere this week, visiting among the dairymen. Ila Smith Dean Announces C. J. Johns, former project resident, was here this week looking after property interests. The Spring showing of an attractive display of Mill nery miwss: To be shown by Miss Ada Prann LODGE DIRECTORY UEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. E. S.. meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Skinner hall. Visiting members welcome. Frances Phelps. W. M.% Dello O. Bushnell. Sec. HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138, A. F. A A. M.. 11 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brethren wel come. R. C. Walber, Secy. C. H. Skinner. W. M. Sat, March 31st When in need of STATIONERY it will be to your interest to bear in mind that The Herald carries the most complete stock PHONE 262 VINEYARD LODGF NO. 206, I. O. O. F., • meets each Saturday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn, Sec. Geo. Strohm, Noble Grand when you need any Draying PROFESSIONAL CARDS We are on the job every min ute and can take care of any order. Baggage work a spec ialty. W. J. WARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston Dray Line OREGON MESMUTON. C. B. PERCEY J. T. HINKLE Attorney at Law HERMISTON. Shoe Repairing OREGON Better than ever now that the machine is installed. To out of town customers sending work we will return it by next mail, paying postage one way. DR. JAS. A. CAMPBELL DENTIST Office Over First Nat). Bank , ■ ' • • Phone ■■ j — J 9 to 12 a. m. H ours :11 to 5 p. m. STOCK MENS’ WORK AND DRESS | SHOES JUST ADDED Try Our “Neolin" Soles a .on ■ ■ Full Soles and Half Soles. Better than leather | C. O. WAINSCOTT Sam Rodgers Physician and Surgeon Hermiston Hours: 10 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 5 P. M. Rea. Phone, Red 398 Office. Main 2 Office in Bank Bldg. Oregon DALE ROTHWELL Phone Your Ordert OPTICAL SPECIALIST for all kinds of Transfer Work Phono 2852 We are ready at any time to go any where or haul anything. Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton, Oregon The City Transfer S. A. Roe, M. D. W. B. BEASLEY Practice limited to ====-====== EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Judd Bldg. Pendleton, Oraron It is Useless E. S. Taylor, district counsel for the reclamation service, was up from Port land this week looking after legal matters for the local office. The University of Oregon library was increased by 9473 volumes last year. The library now owns 67,969 volumes. During the year 92,829 books were loaned. The M. E. church has taken the old Donovan hall for meeting purposes and the building formerly used for a church is being remodeled into a par sonage. Monday at school Edward Hobbs while playing ball was struck on the bead by the ball ard rendered un conscious for several hour«. He was able to be back in school Thursday. H. G. Newport came home Wednes day after a week in various points looking up prospective contracts. He says the outlook is good for work throughout the Northwest. i 1 -=-=-=-=-============ WILL OPEN . In New Location MONDAY MORNING To send your cream out of town when we are paying Portland prices right here. To do so means the loss of express and at the same time you help build up the other fellow instead of patronizing a local insti tution. East room of brick building, where we will welcome all our old customers and any new ones caring to take ad vantage of our exception ally low prices on every thing in our line. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY OUR GROCERIES ARE FRESH OUR MEATS BEST TO BE HAD Wednesday there were Hermiston house trsck. ware loaded or being alfalfa hay. The five lumber or fuel for use in ton country. 19 cars on the Of these 14 loaded with others were the Hermis- J. T. Hinkle has leased the west eighty of his Butter Creek ranch to Marion F. Marks, a young wheat far mer of the Cold Springs country. Mr. Marks will move onto the place today and begin his spring work. Leathers. —adv tfc Sale or trade, 8 year old mare. H. -advtfc J. Belscamper. Wanted, man to do seeding. F. H. -advtfc Bone. For sale—Buggy and harness for advtfc $20. T. A. Graham. Eight first clase fresh milk cows for -adtfc Leathers. sale. For Sale—400-egg Mandy Lee in cubator; Al condition. Ed H. Graham. -advtfc Wanted—Mower and hay rake, also some pigs. Ray W. Uprague, city. -advtfc Lost, Monday in town, right band gauntlet glove. Leave at Herald office. -ady26c Furnished rooms, including house keeping, for rent. Glasson place. -advtfc Ila Smith Dean announces the spring opening of millinery at the drug store Saturday, March 31. Miss Ada Prann -adv26c will be in charge. For sale at a bargain, four room house on Main street. Plastered throughout, water inside, electric -advtfc lights. Geo A. Cressy. Are You Going to Build a Silo? Do you want to take advantage of the O. W. R. & N. Company’s Free Seed Corn Proposition and man to help fill silo properly in the fall? Come in and see me and I will get the corn for you in time for early planting. R. A. Brownson A FEW BBLS. OF RED CROWN GASOLINE which we quote you at 25c per gallon. below the market on this staple necessity. This is SPRING DRY GOODS arriving in limited quantities. We expect to have a fairly complete stock soon in the early spring merchandise such as ginghams, printed voiles, garberdines, organdies, tub silks and shadow stripes, all suitable for spring wear. A new shipment of celebrated Holeproof silk and fiber hosiery just in. Ribbon department is fairly complete. Warner’s corsets in the good models and all sizes. HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS at the regular prices, 10 and 15 cents. Hermiston Produce & Supply Company Best of Good Service' “The Movie” is Dow at Hermiston Auditorium TWO GOOD SHOWS EACH WEEK Wednesday and Saturday Evenings E. E. McMillen and Chester Brad ford, of Byroo, Wash., came in Friday Good family horse, buggy and har of last week and remained a few days Mr. McMillen was one of the pioneers ness, $80. Enquire Herald office.-ad27p here and is now in the mercantile For Sale—Five milk cows fresh in a business at Byron. -advtflp few days. W. J. Emry. J Pelmulder this week purchased Fine Jersey bull for sale or will the Whipple place where he is now trade for good fresh cow. T. H. Had- living. He intends as soon as possible dox. -advtfc to make extensive changes in the For Sale—Light team and driving place and also move the bouse further harness. Will sell together or separ back. ate. T. H. Donaldson, 8 miles north- O. P. Burris of The Dalles, who, -advtfc east of town with a Mr. Bonney, has purchased “The Immigrant” at The Movie land here, was up the first of the week looking after improvement work. Mr. Wednesday evening with Valeska Bonney will move here in about a Surratt taking the lead. Remember •adv month. Each has 20 acres. the show tonight. Horses to trade for cows. Market * Grocery GARDEN SEEDS are now in order and we can give you a wide range of varieties in D. M. Ferry’s Detroit. C. C. Morse San Francisco, Geo. Sterrett’s Walla Walla, in packages, and Portland Seed Co. bulk seeds. WE HAVE SOME CHOICE WINESAP APPLES at $1 for C grade, $1.25 for fancy, $1.50 for ex. fancy; also few culls 50c box,'purchaser to furnish containers. Library Hours of Hermiston YOU WILL SOON NEED RUBBER BOOTS to keep your feet dry when irrigating. We han- the Ball brand, best grade, the kind that lasts several seasons, at old prices, $4.50 for knee lengths. Wanted —Mao with team to move on ranch. House, well, plenty of shade W T and small fruit. advtfe Umatilla. See the new line of Overlands, $665 f. o. b. Toledo, O. If interested write and we will mail you Overland books and prices. E. J. Hepburn, Dealer, •adv27p Pendleton, Ore. CHURCH NOTICES. METHODIST CHURCH Morning service 11 ». m. 10 a. m.— Sunday-school Theo Parks, Sup’. 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League. Mrs. Paul S. Jones, president. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. Choir practice Friday, 7:30 p. m. Columbia school house Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching services Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Strangers will be welcome to these services. T. A. Graham, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs Mumms, Supt. Morning service, 11 o'clock. “The Great Commission." Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 o’clock. . “A Great Conflict.” Prayer meeting Thursday eve., 7:30. To all who mourn and need comfort —to *11 who are tired and need rest— to all who are friendless and want friendship—to all who are lonely and want companionship—to all who are homeless and want sheltering love— to all who pray and to all who do not, but ought—to all who err and need a Sivior, and to “whosoever will”-this church opens wide its doors, and in the name of Jesus the Lord, saya “Wei come.” L. S. Chapman Special music. CATHOLIC CHURCH Hermiston, 8:00 a. m Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Everybody welcome to these ser Thoroughbred White Wyandotte ________ White Wyandotte vices. cockreis for sale. eggs, 81 for 15. Leave word at barber CHRISTIAN SCIENCE -ad*-tf-c shop. Services held in Civic Center hall. Day old chicks 10c. Leghorns from O. A. C. cockerels out of “Oregonia” who laid 1000 eggs in fiv years. Rhode Is and Reda from Vibert cockerels My breeding bene paid a net profit 50c each in month of January. Your eggs incubated 5c each ic lots of 50 or more. Start an incubator every Monday. F. C. Park. -adv26c Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Subject, “Substance.” Sunday, March 18. at 2:30 p. m. Mr Paul Stark Seely, member of the board of lectureship of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientists, will lecture on Christian Science at the Hermision auditorium. Everybody cordially invited. Phone Main 34 IRRIGATION MADE EASY BY THE USE OF HANNA’S PATENT PORTABLE CANVASS DAM, Cheap, efficient and reliable will check the water in any reasonable dich. Can be placed or taken up by a ten year old boy. Sent to any address C. O. D. by parcel post. If money accompanies the order postage will be prepaid. Made in ten different widths: 116 inches wide, $4; 108 inches, $3.75; 100 inches, $3.50; 92 inches, $3.25; 72 inches, $3; 60 inches, $2.75; 52 inches, $2.50; 46 inches, $2.25; 40 inches, $2; 130 inches, extra heavy, $5. Be sure and order wide enough. Address GEO. W. HANNA. VALE. OREGON NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. spective tracts of real property, to-wit : FIKST TRACT: The N. 12 of the SE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- % of the NE. 1 of the NE. % of Section gon, for Umatilla County. 5, Township 4 North. Range 29 East of the The First National Bank of Seattle, a corporation, and Maxwell Land & Irriga- Willamette Meridian, containing 5 aerea in Hon Co., a corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. more or lesa according to government sur- In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corpor vey. ation; First National Bank of Hermiston, a Umatilla County, State of Oregon. SECOND TRACT: The NE. U of the corporation; Alfred 8. Johnson and Emma Johnson, his wife, Anna E. Hansom, a single NW. 1 of the NW. 1 of Section 4, Town ship 4 North, Range 29 East of the Wil- woman ; Edward S. Keller and Jane Doe Keller, his wife ; Charles A. Keller, a single lamette Meridian, containing 11.81 acres more or less according to government sur man. Defendants. By virtue of an execution, Judgment, or vey In Umatilla County, State of Oregon. der, decree- and order of sale issued out of " ' THIRD TRACT: S 19 of the HE. ' the above entitled court In the above en of the NE. 1 of the NW. 1 of Section I titled cause to me directed and dated the and that fractional part of the NE. 14 of 6th day of March, 1917, upon a judg the BE. 14 of the NW. Y of said Section ment and decree rendered and entered in 4 lying N. of the N. boundary of the IT. M. said court on January 26th, 1917, in favor R. S. Canal "A” all lu T. 4 N. It. 29 E. W. of the plaintiffs and against the defendant, M. containing 5.52 acres more or less ne- Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a corpor cording to government survey. In Umatilla ation, on plaintiffs’ first cause of suit, (or County. State of Oregon. the sum of $666.66 with interest thereon at FOURTH TRACT ; The N. W of the RE, the rate of 7 per cent per annum from De 1 of the NE. % of the NW. Ya of Section cember 22, 1910, and the further sum of 4, Township 4 North Range 29 East of the 150.00 attorney's fees, and against said de Willamette Meridian, containing 5 acres fendant Anthony Wayne Fruit Company, a NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said corporation on plaintiffs’ second cause of suit for the sum of 31386.54 with interest execution, judgment, order, decree and or thereon from December 22, 1910, at the der of sale and In compliance with the com rate of 7 per cent per annum, and the fur mand of said writ, I will, on the 7th day of 1917, at 2 o'clock P. M. at the ther sum of $100.00 attorney's fees and April, door of Hie County Court House In against said defendant Anthony Wayne front Pendleton, County, State of Ore Fruit Company, a, corporation, on plain gon. make Umatilla separate sales In the order In riffs’ third cause of suit for the sum of $736 which said tracts have been hereinabove with interest thereon from December 22. described, at public auction, subject to re 1910. at the rale of 7 per cent per annum demption to the highest bidder or bidders and the further sum of $75 attorney's fees; for cash In hand, all the right, title and In and against said defendant, Anthony Wayne terest which the above named defendanta or Fruit Company, a corporation on plaintiffs' either of them had on the 22nd day of De- fourth cause of suit for the sum of $666.66 cember, 1910, the date of the mortgage, with interest thereon from December 22, herein foreclosed or since that date had In 1910, st the rate of 7 per cent per annum and to the above described respective tracts and the further sum of $50.00 attorney’s of property or the said above described fees, and against all of the defendants above property or any part thereof, to satisfy sail named that said defendants and each and execution, judgment, order, and decree, in- ail of them be forever barred and foreclosed tereats, coats and accruing costs. from any and all right, title, interest, equi Dated March 6.1917. ty and equity of redemption to the land T. D TAYLOR. described In said four respective causes of Sheriff of Umatilla County. State of suit and hereinafter described as First Oregon. Tract, Second Tract. Third Tract and By A. C. Funk, Dep. Fourth Tract, respectively, and the said writ, commanding me to make respective First issue March 10, 1917. sales of the four following described re Last issue April 7.1917. Everybody Wants Fresh, Hot “Butter-Kist” Pop Corn It’s real pop corn at last! The best you ever tasted. Nothing but the big, fluffy, white flakes of the best corn grown; ------------— crisp, crackling, clean. Popped in a wonderful machine that automatically removes all burnt grains or “bachelors,’’ and that butters every kernel just right. All without a touch of the hand. Come in and see it work Only best quality creamery butter used. You’ll like "Butter-Kist"—a big. generous bag for 5c. at HITT’S CONFECTIONERY