Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1917)
THE HERMISTON JERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON: R. H. Reid ofCdfax, Wash., vielt d week with bis brother, J. H. Reid this More Prices W. C. Green, who has been living on the Straw ranch east of town, has moved to the Raley ranch. Friday evening of last week Mrs. Dodd was a delight >1 hostess at a small party. Auctiou bridge was the diversion, four tables being filled. that prevail every day at our Cash Grocery Department and where you can save money by buying groceries for cash Heinx Pickles in bulk Mixed and Sweet, pints.-- --20c quarts . -35c --15c Dills and sour, pints......... quarts..... --25c Morris’ best sugar cured bacon., -.28c -26c hams _. $1.15 Best lard, 5 rounds . ........... 10 pounds compound, $1.90 5 pounds compound, $1 Apricots, 20c Italian prunes, 12c A. F. Drolshagen met with an acci- dent Sunday by which be lost the end of his left thumb. He was trimming photo prints when the knife elipoed. Mrs. Lambert was up from Umati la Thursday in the interest of the Wil- lamette university glee club which will be in that city the evening of March 17. The entertainment is under the auspices of the Umatilla school. A crew started I d Thursday cement- 1 g the joints of the water main be tween the pump house and the raser- voir. From appearances at the begin ning, much of the trouble will be elim Inated, A. F Beisse is in charge of the work. Another shipment new goods just received We sell for cash only—that is why we ■= can sell so cheaply ======= Umatilla Storage & Commission Company Low Price on Shade Trees Free Delivery to all Parts of the City PHONE 411 The Hermiston Herald and when some one is badly in jured or killed the county will Issued Each Saturday by have a nice damage suit. A FRANCIS R. REEVES very few dollars/now would make OREGON the needed repairs. HERMISTON Entered as second-class matter. December 8, 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year .......... .......................................... Six months ......................................... Subscriptions must be paid in advance. $1.50 ADVERTISING RATES] Display One time, 25 cents per inch; two inser tions. 20 cents per inch per insertion; monthly rates, 15 cents per Inch per issue. Readers First insertion, 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion without change of copy, 5 cents per line. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE I "" MERCAN" R E 5 S A 5 5 0 CiAT IO N. GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO LANCHES IN all THE PRINCIPAL CITIES County Officials G. W. Phelps Roscoe 1. Keator C. H Marsh B. E. Anderson H. M. Cockburn R T. Brown Clerk Sheriff J. D. Taylor Grace Gilliam Treasurer C. P. Strain Assessor Surveyor Willard Bradlev I E. Young School Supt J..T. Brown Coroner Ben Burroughs Recorder County court meets the first Wednesday in each month. Circuit Judge District Attorney J udge Commissioners City Officiala ............................... F. C. McKenzie Recorder ......................... C. M. Jensen C. C Salser Chief of Police F A. Phelps Treasurer W Beasley Fire Chief C. O. Wainscott City Physician W J. Warner City Attorney City Surveyor S. R. Oldaker J. D. Watson Councilmen Wm. Kennedy H M. Straw A L Larson F. R. Reeves C.S McNaught School District Officials C. S. McNaught, Chm. Directors i J D Watson F. B. Swayze J H. Young Clerk WEATHER REPORT The following table shows the high and low tem- and nights for th. parature for the High 36 - 37 40 48 Low 23 16 28 nata 7 ... 8...... High ... 52 58 ... 62 so M. D. SCROGGS Co-overative Observer Almost every day teams are tied to trees along the street line. Not always but often damage is thereby done which can only be repaired by time. In most cases hitching horses to trees is pure thoughtlessness for a number of places have» been provided for this very purpose. Often, too, we are sure the very ones hitch ing to trees are trying to grow a little shade at home and would be very angry if some person should tie horses to their trees. We wo ild like to see this prac- tic » stopped and every effort made to help beautify our streets and i ot destroy the little that is being done. Will the highway across Uma tilla county, the survey for which has just been completed, end at that? It will unless every sec tion of the county is a unit. There are more automobiles in the Hermiston country today than ever there were jackrabbits and new ones coming every day. So many new people are mov ing into the Hermiston country it is difficult to keep acquainted with all. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, March 3rd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Karl Schachermeyer of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on March 22nd, 1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09157 for Farm Unit “C” in SW% being fractional part of SEY SW* section 28. township 5 north, range 28 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 4th day of May. 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Mackay, Fred A. Chezik, Emery T. Hancock and Schad- rack C. Nichols, all of Hermiston, Oregon. C. S, DUNN. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office al La Grande, Oregon, March 3rd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Edward C. Beddow, of Hermiston, Oregon, who on March 8th, 1912. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 010241, for Farm Unit “C” of NEW, being the S’» NW'i NEY section 28, township 5 north, range 29 east. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice oí intention to make three-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 3rd day of Little Dick Hitt is confined to the May. 1917. witnesses: William O Claimant house with measles. Sutherland. William O. Whitsett, Hiram J. Still* ings, Edward H. Graham, all of Hermiston, Mrs. Heddington came Friday for a Oregon. C. S. DUNN. Register visit at the Rees home. LOCAL BRIEFS Have You Tried “Black Diamond” Agnew, J. I Circle A Agnew. A. W Hazel-Burr Allen» F. L Allendale Ames. C. F Hardscrabble Barham, J. C “The Locusts” Ba use hard, W. P Mountain View Ranch Briggs, Geo. E Four Sisters | Beisse, August F Germania , Blessing, W. L ................. Tamalpias Bradley. G. W Terrace Park Campbell, Duncan Clover Dale Ranch Canfield, R. C. (Butter Creek) The Ragged Edge Canfield, Mrs. R. C ......Glen Ellen | Casserly, J. J .......... Sunny Slope | Chamberlain. C. C Buckeye Ranch Clarke. Mrs. C. S. ........ Herma Vista J Cressy. Geo. A Pleasant View Davis. E. E.................... ____ Beth-ara bah | Davis, Geo Roselawn Davis. H. C « Shady Nook Farm Dyer, J. S ... Alfalula Ranch | Embry- John T.The Red Feathered Chicken Ranch | Eriksen, E. T.... Summerdale Fowler. F. F Electric Dairy Ranch (. se. W. J ....................... Ridgeview Gei se, H. B South Hill Farm C.aham, Ed. H ....................... Alfadale Gunn. H. M. The Knoll .... Hallhurst | Hall, C. G. and H. E ...... Hannan. W. F ....... . Green Acres Hubbs. E. A .................... Nob Hill Hoisington & Hoisington.... Morningside Hood. C. A............................... ....Fairview Ranch ï Tarryawhile | Hooker, H. A Horning, Mrs. D. W ............... Wabasso Hurlburt, H. G The Happy Home Intlekofer, John Orio Johnson, A. S........... ..................................xawa Four O’Clock Ranch | Jensen, C. M ............ Kellogg, C. W ........ ........... High Gate 1 Lay & Son The Lay Ranch Leathers. W. A....... ........... Buena Vista Leek, John............... .................. South View | Longley, H. J ......... . Blue Ribbon Orchard | Loomis. Geo............. ...................... Loomisville I Macdonald, Chas ..................... Breezy Hill McCully, R. A. The Three Pines | McLallen, W. A ..... Multum in parvo i McNaught, C. S...... Ridgeway Farm McNaught, J. F...................... Highland Farm Monkman, B. G...................... .................. Webak Newport, H. G....................... The Old Homestead Pearson, L. H............... .......... Fairview Farm Pennock, F. B.......................... ........... *..... Woodbine Percey. C. B........................... Meadow Lark Purdy. A. W .............. ......... Coeur d’ Alene Raley Ranch (G. C. Ransier ) Rainbow | Roberts, W. T ....................... .............. Tir Glwys i Root, W. T. & Son ................ . Orchard Home | Reihl. John F.......................... .............. Silver Maple | Savage. B. S............................ .............. Beacon Hill Schachermeyer, Carl........... ............Vindobonna I School District 115............... Minnehaha School ! . Sweet Briar Farm | Sellers, W. T. Shaw, C. H. (Butter Creek) ........The Six Sisters Shutt. T. E ............................ High Valley Shutter. C. L......................... ..North View Home j .................... Tip Top ' Simmons, W. H...................... Sunset | Stewart. R. A.................... Stanyan, C. P. ........ .................... Riverside Stubbs. H E *.......... ....... Pleasant Ridge Home Sullivan. P. P Sweet Spring Ranch Theriault, W. J .................. ..................... Lakeview | Voelker, Alfred E Liberal View | Watson, J. D.......................... .................. West Lawn | TYPHOID Durfey and C R. Wagner, Defendants J. D. Watson ws at Pendleton Mon day to select a new car and went up again Toureday and brought down a Chevrolet. Chae Scotty) Taylor, well known reclamation service man, came home last Saturday after la l’ R Alexander Chas. There is a complete new set of Eppinger and son Eugene of Baker and officers in charge of the Commer- R>y Alexander were Sunday guests al cial club. They are working for, the Dodd home. the good of the entire commun- Mi-s Sybel Ja-ks<a of Utica, Mont . ity and should have the support left Wednesday evening after a ehert of all. So far, it strikes us. they visit at the homes Of her uncles, E. I. | and C. M. Jackson, • have not received this support. To F. L Durfey and Kittie C. Durfey. In the name of the State of Oregon You. F. I. Durfey and Kiltie C Durfey. and each of you are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 19th day of March, 1917, said date being six weeks from the date of the first publication hereof and if you fail to so appear and answer for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in his cemplaint, to-wit: That he have judgment against F L. Durfey and Kittie C Durfey in the sum of $800.00 with interest therein as the plaintill Rev Graham Wednesday purchased e Watson car from Sapper B o*., they having takes it in on Mr son's new Chevrolet. Harry Chapman dav ber of bridges near Hermiston had been for two 191, came home Tues- morning from Portland weeks where he with that are in a dangerous condition grandfather, who is quite sick. his Some Sound Advice 12th, 1916, until paid less the sum $16 00 interest paid: m the further sum of $200.00 attorney a fees and in the further num of $14.00 fire insurance premium and the costs and disbursements of this suit. That the mortgage given by you on Iota I and 2 in block 8. Hermiston, county of Umatilla, state of Oregon, be foreclosed, and that the mortgage given on all the personal property in the said Hermiston hotel be foreclosed and that may obtain herein Said real estate mortgage i recorded in Book 60 page 516 Mortgages of Uma tilla county Oregon, and said chattel mortgag. t ion of the summons herein. Leon W Hehpnan, Attorney for Plaintif, 413-14 Hell tre Date of last i ublication March i* 1917 Briquets PRODUCTS OF THE FAMOUS BLACK DIAMOND MINES They are made in uniform cvbes, dustless, and are abso lutely without waste. Try a load for your next order. them. We think you will like Coal is practically impossible to buy during the present car shortage. Wood We also have a good supply of fine big pine wood, well seasoned. Slabs Our slab wood contains no edgings, all is big block wood. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 " The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW, MGR. Why Hesitate When you can get such a re markable clubbing offer. These days everything is increasing in cost, but that is certainly not the case here NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Oregon. March 3. 1917. Notice is hereby given that William L. McDon- aid of Hermiston. Oregon, who, on August 11. 1911, made Reclamation Homestead Entry No. 09679, for Unit "D‘ in SW1, or NY2 NWY SWY Section 6, Township 4 North, Range 29 east Wil- lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described before W. J. Warner, United Mr. and Mrs. R R. Lewis were down NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION States Commissioner, at his office at Hermiston, from Echo Wednesday. Department of the Interior, U. S. land office at Oregon, on the 4th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Claud L. Upham. La Grande, Oregon, March 3rd. 1917. Mrs. Zeller went to Portland on ac Notice is hereby given that William O. Suther John L. Waller. Herbert A. Me Keen and Henry M. Sommerer, all of Hermiston, Oregon. land of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on January 20th, count of the illness of her sister. C. S. DUNN. Register 1912. made Reclamation Homestead Entry No 010106, for Farm Unit “G” in NEY being S12 SWM Mrs. J. H. Strohm is visiting with NEY sec. 28, township 5north Range 29 East Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to SUMMONS friends iu Walla Walla this week. make three year proof, to establish claim to the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF land above described, before W. J. Warner, U. S. OREGN FOR UMATILLA COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Sapper are now Commissioner, at his office in Hermiston, Oregon, First National Bank of Hermiston, Plaintiff, vs. on the 3rd day of May, 1917. located in the Briggs house on Third Claimant names as witnesses: Edward C. Bed- W. A. Hall and Abbie J. Hall, his wife, G. F. dow, William O. Whitsett, Hiram J. Stillings and Hall and C. E. Newhouse, Defendants. Street. To Abbie J. Hall and C. E. Newhouse, two of Franks. Beddow, all of Hermiston. Oregon. C. S. Dunn. Register. the above named defendants. Tuesday Mrs. Kendler fell and frac In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and tured her right forearm just at t he answer the complaint filed against you in the NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER EXE above entitled matter within six weeks from the wrist. CUTION date of the first publication of this summons, and (Where property is attached) if you fail to answer, plead or otherwise appear Mrs. Martin came up from Irrigon Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an within said time the plaintiff above named for Thursday morning, returning in the execution issued out of the Circuit court, state of want thereof will apply to the above entitled Oregon for Umatilla county, and to me directed court for the relief demanded in the complaint afernoou. and delivered, upon the judgment and decree filed against you in said suit, to-wit: For a judg rendered and entered in said court on the 26th ment and decree in the sum of $2116.90, together day of February, 1917, in favor of Carl Johnson as with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum Nicholas Codd, president of the plaintiff and against John D. Woods, as defend- from Nov. 17, 1915, until paid, and the further Hermiston Light A Power Co ant. for the sum of $317.04 with interest thereon sum of $200 attorneys fees, and costs and dis- at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from January bursements, against the defendant W. A. Hall nere this we ck 16, 19’7, and for $30.72 cost and disbursements, and Abbie J. Hall, and foreclosing a mortgage which said decree, judgment, and order of sale given to secure said sums, upon the south half of Duncan Campbell this week pur has been docketed and enrolled in the office of the the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, of said Circuit court; and whereas by said the east half of the northwest quarter of the chased D. R. Wilson's five passenger clerk judgment, decree and order of sale it was directed southeast quarter, the east half of the southeast that the following described real property in quarter of the southeast quarter, the northwest | Pullman touring ear. Umatilla county. Oregon, to-wit: Southwest quar quarter of the southeast quarter of the southeast ter of the southeast quarter of the southwes quarter, and the southwest quarter of the south- A sister of Sterling Maltoon and quarter of section 23, township North, east quarter, all in section 3, in township 4 north. | little daughter came Friday from Range 29 East of the Willamette Meridian, of range 28 E. W. M., and barring and foreclosing which property was attached on the 9th day the defendants and each and all of them, of all | Pocatello for a visit. of October, 1916, and is now under attach right, title and interest of every nature in and to ; ment, be sold by the Sheriff of Umatilla said lands. This summons is published pursuant to an order B. F. Knspp, of the Umatilla Farm county. Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and ab costs; I will on the 31st day of March, 1917. at of the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of the above Lauds Co., returned Sunday after a the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day entitled court, made on the 2nd day of March. at the front door of the court house in the city ot 1917, and the first publication hereof is made on week with his family in Seattle. Pendleton. Umatilla county. Oregon, sell the the 3rd day of March. 1917. right, title and interest the said John D. Woods (24-30) Raley & Raley. Attorneys for Plaintiff had in and to the above described property on the Mrs Heury W. Collins of Pendie- 9th day of October, A D. 1916, or since then ha: ton, « ame d own Thursday fora short acquired, at public auction to the highest bidder ts no more necessary for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in than Smallpox. Army visit with her sister, Mrs. Dodd sat i tfact ion of said execution and all costs experience has demonstrated Dated thia 24th day of January, A. D. 1917. the almost miraculous effi- Mr. and Mrs. Freu Heath of the Fur- T. D. Taylor. Sheri I1 cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. By A. C. Funk. Deputy Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and nish project, were guests at the Bels 24-28 your family. It Is more vital than house Insurance. » Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have camper home Sunday for turkey dinner. you had Typhoid?’ telling of Typhoid Vaccine, SUMMONS results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stubbs who re- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BCRNCLEY, CAL Umatilla County. sently sold their place here leave the Seymour H. Bell. Plaintiff vs | Summons first of the week lor Portland to visit F U Durfey Kittie C. Mr. and Mti Possibly some day the west end will receive ita just due. We certainly are not now in the way of road work. There area num- We have a surplus of Lombardy Pop lar 8 to 10 ft., and 12 to 14 ft.; Carolina Poplar 8 to 10 ft. and 12 to 14 ft..; black locust 10 to 12 ft. and 12to 16 ft.; Black Walnut 8 to 10 ft. and 10 to 14 ft.: Sil ver Maple 8 to 10 ft.; Oregon Maple 6 to 8 ft. and 8 to 10 feet and 10 to 12 ft. These are all No. 1 trees, well branched tops and first class in every way. We have to clean up a block of land for other uses. Very low whole sale prices. Make up an order with your neighbors and send at once for a hundred or more. Prices given by mail. C. F Lansing, Prop. Quaker Nurseries, Salem, Oregon. -adv25c DIRECTORY OF RANCH NAMES AND OWNERS can often be given by sporting people, especially those wbo have a practical knowledge of stable requirements and proper equipment. Many hr the most critical world doubtless send you to us for harness, because it ii known thaï ours is the best in the country. Shoe and Harness Repairing New line men’s, women’s and child ren’s shoes at right prices. HERMISTON HARNESS STORE 1 1 i | | I | , Regular price $1.00 a year Regular price $1.00 a year Regular price 25c a year and then there is your home paper, The Herald, at $1.50 This makes a total of $3.75, yet we are offering you all four for $1.90, practically 50 per cent be low the regular rate. Again we say, Why Hesitate. Bring or send your subscription, new or renewal, today The HERALD