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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1915)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON STATE NEWS ANOTHER AMERICAN VESSEL SUNK BY GERMANS ✓ I c=--=================== Insurance Report Is Issued. OREGON. BIG CHANGES IN ETIQUETTE SEES MOTHER FIRST TIME independence of Woman Compels Man to Abandon Courtesy for Neutral ity— Must Drop Gallantry. Salem.—Investments of all classes "Well, mother, this new order of of insurance companies in Oregon things is making great changes in bonds, their mortgage loans on real etiquette. Do you realise it?” estate and real estate owned total "What do you mean? What new $23,235,063, according to Harvey order?” Wells, state insurance inspector. Fig ures are based on the year 1914. "Why, feminism, the Independence Life and accident insurance com of woman, of course. She has put panies lead all others in the amount herself on the same platform with of their Oregon investments, with a men, and it is up to us to recognize total of $15,924,254. Of this sum. $10,- the fact and respect It,” 015,515 is in mortgages, $2,999,963 in “I hope you do respect it. municipal, school, road and miscelli • “Oh, yes, I try. We must abandon eous bonds, $2,894,000 in interurban courtesy for neutrality, of course. So and street railway bonds, and $14,776 I keep my hat on in elevators, as if in real estate. Fire and marine insurance compan all the woman occupants were men; ies have $2,630,118 invested in bonds, keep to my seat in the street cars; mortgages and real estate; foreign never hold a door open to let even a mutual fire, $25,000; domestic mutual lady pass before me. If she drops fire, $145,650; fraternal benefit $3,- her handkerchief, I don’t pick it up ash s th’ : so S tie 987,640. and miscellaneous companies some any more. In short, if she needs $522,401. any little service I refrain from offer stments in In dlstril ing it. I know she is able to look after >anies have Oregon, thi ++ has? Aa i loans on seemed to herself as well as any man.” al $11,328,- realty, for "You rude boy! You have none of rever, that 718. It is the gallantry of your father before 3, especial- life and ac you, and I can only ask If you are ly, have favored this class of invest not ashamed of yourself!”—Judge. ment. rz.oi ‘ — ?. y os ". : Fraternal benefit societies operat Mysterious Disappearance. ing in Oregon have confined their in vestments for the most part to munici “Queer thing happened on my place pal, school and road bonds, for the re last week." remarked Farmer Hop port shows that of the $3,987,640 in toad. "Thought my hired man had vested, all but $887,884 is in bonds of disappeared.” this character. "And hadn’t he?" Although property owned by local “No. While he was sitting on a American steamship Leelanaw which was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Scotland lodges in the state aggregate several fence a vine grew over him. By heck, j millions, only the property owned and because it had a cargo of flax for Belfast. The crew was saved. we like to never found him." controlled by the general lodge is Miss Tomsyna Carlyle, the student mentioned in the report. This totals whose sight has been almost mirac $115,000 and is credited to the Women IN TIME TO COME. ulously restored, is here pictured tak of Woodcraft. ing a happy look at her mother's face, which for a lifetime of twenty-five Assess Land Grant $5 Per Acre. years she had been deprived of seeing. The almost miraculous restoration Eugene.—The Oregon & California of the sight of Miss Carlyle as she sat lands in Lane county have been plac- on the deck of the steamer "Bear” en ed upon the assessment rolls at valua tions of from $5 to $20, the total ap route from San Pedro to San Fran praisement amounting to $3,350,000, cisco, Cal., Is the topic of much dis by B. F. Keeney, county assessor, dis cussion among scientists. But the girl regarding the recent ruling of the su herself waives aside all technical in preme court of the United States, quiry in the joy of actually seeing which held that the Southern Pacific things for the first time in her life. Railroad company's interest in this Born blind at La Crosse, Wis., the land amounted to $2.50 per acre: “Whether we have a right to assess youngest of nine children, Miss Carlyle these lands only for the amount of the attended a kindergarten and later railroad’s equity of $2.50 per acre, or graduated at the Wisconsin State whether we have a right to assess it School for the Blind. Against many at all, is a matter for the board of protests she entered and took her equalization to determine,” he said. ws diploma from the La Crosse State Nor “This land is assessed at virtually the mal school and for several years has same figure as last year.” been tutoring blind children, making enough money thereby to enter the Salmon Fishing Improves. First Aeronaut—How far did you go University of California. Now she can Astoria.—There was quite an im see and Intends to devote her life to In your airship? provement in the catch of salmon the Second Aeronaut—Not far. I got in blind children who may never be so past few days. This was especially to trouble. A fellow had me arrested fortunate as she now is. true in the section of the river oppo "I am in a new universe,” she de for trespassing on his air. site the city and above Tongue Point, clared, "one In which my eyes are not The first hydroaeroplane made for Vincent Astor having been smashed In its (rial flight, he ordered various where several gill-netters secured in yet able to convey definite impres Succinct Summary. the neighborhood of a ton each, and changes, and the result is the machine here shown, the fir st of Its type. The seats are not on the pontoon, but “Does your husband play poker?” sions to my brain, because my brain catches of 500 to 600 pounds were higher, in the center of the plane, and the wings are in the form of a broken V. common. The upriver seines and traps "He varies,” replied young Mrs. does not yet know just what the pic also made good hauls. Torkins. "Some evenings he plays the tured scenes really mean. Things are IRISH HERO AND FATHER In the lower harbor, however, the game and others he merely keeps put pictured so differently to the blind catch was not so good, indicating that ting in money for his friends to play eye from what they really are. Yes the school of fish which began to en terday I saw some small living thing for." ter the river on Saturday hastened up- coming toward me, and I did not know stream. E what It was until I touched It—then I In Authority. "Your boy said that when he got knew It was a dog.” Day of Rock Roads Ends. to town he was going to tell some o’ Oregon City.—The ultimate solution those city folks where they get off." BURIAL IS STOPPED BY LAW of the rural road-building problem is “Well,” replied Farmer Corntossel. “that’s what he's doin’. He’s conduc Woman Gets Injunction to Prevent In not in the construction of macadam tor on a street car.” or rock roads, County Judge Anderson terment of Her Uncle In Chel said here. sea (Mass.) Cemetery, A Possible Substitute. In the future it will be the policy of | "What have you in the shape of Boston, Mass.—Injunction proceed the Clackamas county court, at least cucumbers this morning?” asked one ings to prevent the burial of her as far as Judge Anderson is concern- | of our newly weds of a trukster at uncle, Arthur G. Norse, at the naval ed, to replace worn-out rock roads Five Points. with bituminous macadam, and the ' cemetery in Chelsea, Mass., because it 71209: • ale 9. “Nothing but bananas, ma’am," was will cause her grief, humiliation and carrying out of this programme has already begun. Next year a bitumin the reply. an irreparable loss it his interment ous road to Portland from Oregon City takes place there, have been begun may be completed. • Appropriate Serving. In the equity session of the superior "They say as dumb as an oyster, civil court of Suffolk county by Helen Polk Prune Yield Normal. don’t they?” V. Pearson of Philadelphia. “Yes.” She asks possession of the body "for Monmouth.—Prune trees in the hills ds & “Do you suppose that is one reason proper burial in a proper ground." Her about Falls City, Monmouth, Dallas why they serve with oysters a wine action is aimed against George Lee of and Airlie are expected to yield nor ¡ | that’s Mumm?” Boston and Georgo Doherty of Somer mally this year. The growers report ville as defendants. w a favorable season for fruit develop tohety ment and claim only in a few in Lee, she says, engaged Doherty, an Quite Celestial. e’TEe. stances the early frosts have injured "Mabel said she had a heavenly undertaker, to bury her uncle's body the fruit. While not as large as last without consulting her. The grave time.” year, the size of the prunes will rank “No wonder. She had a sunburst, has been prepared at the naval ceme well up with the past few years, ac several moonstones, was presented tery. cording to the growers. Many new This photograph shows the battleship Missouri In the west chamber of Judge McLaughlin ordered counsel with a Skye terrier and was the star The return home on short leave oi orchards will bear this fall. the Pedro Miguel locks as the first battleships to pass through the Panama of the occasion.” to complete pleadings for a hearing. the popular Irish Guardsmar hero. canal wero going through. At the right is one of the electric towing mules. Bergt. Michael O'Leary, V. C„ who Sumpter and Auburn Fires Checked. The Great Desideratum. "practically captured an enemy's posi Baker.—That fire in the Sumpter "Did you see where some expert WATCH, GONE YEARS, FOUND Valley and Auburn districts is now tion by himself,” killing eight Ger well under control was reported by mans single-handed and taking two had achieved a seedless apple?" County Fire Warden Palmer, who re "Yes, but life will not be altogether Lost In 1911, Found in 1915 In Feed others prisoners, at Cuinchy, did not Yard With Case Only Slightly turned from Auburn, where he direct pass unobserved. The king sent for worth living until somebody has Dented. ed trenching operations. Mr. Palmer evolved the boneless shad. ” him to Buckingham palace and pinned believes that new fires will hold the the cross on his breast, with the queen only danger to timber In the section Klamath Falls, Ore.—During the and princess warmly congratulating Overlooking Something. through which he was working, as summer of 1911 Clarence Motchen- the sergeant; Cork gave O’Leary an Cassidy (visiting warship)—Ivry bâcher of this city, then a recent those now burning are well safe ovation as he drove through the city time that big gun Is fired, Dinny, sivin graduate from the high school here, guarded. with the lord mayor. We see him here hundred dollars goes up In smoke. lost his seventeen-Jewel gold hunting Pumpkin Show Planned. Conley—Glory be! Why don’t they case Illinois watch and fob while work at his cottage home at Inchigeelah, Junction City.—The seventh annual near Macroom, County Cork, with his use smokeless powder?—Puck. ing in the hay field in the Ezell stock ■ Junction City Pumpkin Show will be father, to whom Sergeant O’Leary is farm, south of this city. held on September 16, 17 and 18. The ! The Difference. showing his cross. show will have ten departments: The watch and fob were found the "Men in the old times strove to Pumpkin, forage, orchard and vine- other day in the feed yard on the Ezell get a lady's glove. ” yard, vegetables, grain and seed, cul farm by one of the workmen. Motch- May Give Bruin Bread Card. inary, flowers and art, industrial "Well?” enbacher's name was on the fob. The authorities of Elberfeld, Ger school exhibits, fancy work and poul "Now they strive not to get the When found the case was slightly many, are confronted with the most mitten.” try. The state exhibitors of poultry dented and three jewels broken. puzzling problem that they have had are invited to compete. B. F. Keeney will judge the poultry exhibits. to solve since the bread card became Naturally. an Institution In Germany—and al) "Women make a great mistake Artesian Well Borings Succeed. because of a show bear that is so fus when they buy these high-heeled LOG DRIVE HEADS FOR SEA Klamath Falls.—Success obtained sy about his food that he will eat shoes.” by B. S. Grigsby, of this city, a few More Than 15,000,000 Feet of Timber nothing but bread. "Well, as a matter of fact, they do weeks ago In obtaining artesian water Break Boom and Go Down Mira- The owner of the animal recently on his ranch near Fort Klamath, north put their feet In it." michi River, N. B. was haled before the lower court and of here, was such that five other wells have since been put down, and more fined and sentenced to prison because An Exception. Chatham, N. B.—Between 15.000,000 likely will follow. The record for get he had shared his weekly portion of "Nobody notices the little things and 20.000,000 feet of logs were drifting Copyright, ting water is on the Grover Neal place. bread with the bear. With two In life.” Underwood I down the Miramichi river and out Into months' incarceration staring him in Underwood "I differ with you. Do you know the Gulf of St. Lawrence as the result Percheron Prizes Up. the face he appealed, alleging that the anything as small as a cinder which Salem.—W. Al Jones, secretary of 26.588 of the breaking of a big boom in the bear was his only means of support can be so much in the public eye?” the state fair, announced that the Per river. Every available craft was en A kind-hearted judge changed the War is not always as supposed by most people. Even the officers of the cheron Society of America had offered gaged in salvage work. The main 13 special premiums for stallions and armies find other things on the field than mere fighting. Pity creeps forth sentence to a fine of 100 marks, and Classified, boom, holding 90,000,000 feet, was in mares exhibited at the meeting, which even from the hardest of hearts The- photograph shows a German officer advised the owner to apply to the Teacher—Children, can any one of opens September 27 and continues six helping a wounded Russian soldier. The soldier had crawled for shelter president of the government in which you tell me if your fathers are mam danger of giving way, and there was a slight break In a smaller boom, but days. The fair board has offered prizes Into a large bole dug by an exploded shell. Here he lay patiently awaiting Elberfeld lies to issue bruin a bread mals or invertebrates? the logs held by the latter were being totaling $622 and a banner each for the end of the day s battle. A German officer passing noted the plight of card just like any regular human be Pupil—Please, Miss Katie, my pop's caught. champion stallion and champion mare the Russian and stopped to minister to his wants ing. a hard-shell Baptis’. in the Percheron exhibit Mrs) Ra. — * te.dr 1 hot mniurtmut \ —otto ========= VINCENT ASTOR’S NEW HYDRO-AEROPLANE - s,... , pur jo FIRST BATTLESHIP THROUGH CANAL "IS samrp Race WIL. KINDNESS ON THE BATTLEFIELD