Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, August 14, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Home and Farm Magazine Section Editorial Page
Suggestions From Our Associate Editors, Allowing For an Interchange of Views, W ritten by Men of Experience on Topics With
W hich They A ie Fully Acquainted—Hints Along Lines of Progressive Farm Thought.
Advertisers in this local­
<s> ity who wish to fully cover
<s> all sections of Oregon and
W ashington and a portion
<?> of Idaho will apply to local
<s> publishers for rates.
General advertisers may
<•> address C. L. Burton, Ad­
<•> vertising Manager of Farm
<» Co., Publishers
Oregon - Washington - Idaho
Farmer, 411 Panama Build­
ing, Portland, Oregon, for
<s> rates and information.
The publishers will rxcept
<s> business from no advertiser
<•> whose reliability can be
<5» questioned.
<S> <?><?>
<j> <i> ,-s> <s>
his am bition. Encourage it. I f the
Boy would ra th e r play w ith tools than
eat, stan d b y him. P itch your own
notions to th e winds, and help him
develop his in d iv id u ality in its own
n atu ral direction. The bent of your
Boy w ill reveal itse lf in one w ay or
“ My own Boy w anted one o f tw o
things, and th e desire came out in
a queer way. G ettin g o ff a tra in
and w alking p ast thu pow erful loco­
m otive behind which we had been
trav elin g sw iftly , my Bov pulled
a t my arm and pointed to the cab of
tho engine, say in g : 'U p th ere is
w here ! w ant to be, p a p a ;' then ho
added, ‘ or behind th e guns in the
navy. ’
“ I had a lto g eth er d ifferen t plans
and desires fo r my B o y ’s fu tu re,
b u t thence on, I dismissed them ,
never m entioned them to him, and
w illingly helped him to a realiza­
tion o f his d esire. I am glad th a t I
did, for he is not a m isfit, and has
made good.
“ H istory is rep lete w ith eases
w here the fa th e r has attem p ted to
tak e a Boy aw ay from n atu re and
m ake a m isfit of him, and naturo
has alw ays won out . . .
wise for you to find ou t which way
n atu re is leading your Boy in tho
m a tte r of life work, then cheerfully
acquiesce, and help tho Boy on his
way. ’ ’
1U A R E w rapped up in your
Boy. W h at is he to becom ef
H ere is a helpful artic le by
K enneth H. W ayne from his book
“ B uilding Your B oy,” republishefd
by perm ission of A. C. MeCIurg &
Co., publisher.*.
I t is well worth reading:
“ Then th ere comes th e question
of the life-w ork of your Boy. It is
here th a t some o f the g reatest b lu n ­
ders of p aren ts are made. These
blunders are needless because heed­
* ‘ The n atu re of th e Boy has d e ­
cided, or is deci lit"’, the place in
life th a t lie can fill w ith the g re a t­
est : atisfai t on to him self and oth
ers. The nntural bent tow ard th is
or th a t occupation is m thp Boy.
As his fa th e r, it is your business to
fin d th a t bent in his early life.
W hen you have found it, fo ster it in
every leg itim ate way. N ever op
pose it by Irv in g to make som ething
else of hint.
“ N ature has put w ithin vour Boy
th e em bryonic q ualities of th e en
gin er, the carp en ter, the black
sm ith, th e physician, th e law yer,
tho m erchant, the preacher, th e
teacher, the farm er—some one o f
th e many occupations of men in
life. These q u alities you are to d is­
cover and aid in th e ir realization.
T hey may run ath w art your plans
fo r him, and counter your d earest
w ishes; hut if you are wise, and
have garnered an y th in g worth while
out of your experience in the
•world, yon will not atte m p t to
force your Boy into some sphere o f
life-w ork for which it is ap p aren t
he has no n atu ral bent, no ap titu d e,
no earnest desire or th o u g h t or en ­
thusiasm .
“ You may sincerely desire a re ­
production o f yourself in your Boy,
so fa r as occupation is concerned, a
desire to make him an o th er YOU;
and happy a re you if n atu re in the
Boy is w ith you in it. B ut the
blunder of all blunders will be tho
e ffo rt to m ake him u m erchant, or a
law yer, or a preacher, if n atu re has
o u tfitte d him for a farm er, a me-
1 chanic, or an artist.
“ Study his orig in ality , his in itia ­
tiv e. Recognize tho personal pecu­
lia ritie s of your Boy in these m at-
' tors, then cheerfully guide and aid
his developm ent along his own
f “ I t you do not, and yon push him
or persuade him in to some oth er
i place, perchance because it an ­
guishes your soul to see th e sm ut
o f tho shop on him, you will see
him as a square man n a round hole,
or a round man in a square hole— a
m isfit for life, a sadly p ath etie,
spoiled life. In the w retchedness of
d issatisfied existence, the fre t and
c h afin g o f it, in its failu re of suc­
cess, your Boy will pay the p en alty
o f your heedless, needless blunder
o f try in g to d efeat a natu ral law.
These thing s have th e ir priee, and
th e priee m ust be paid.
AM UEL is a wise and success­
fu l man. He says th a t w hen­
ever he-buys a made in O regon
chair, suit, calen d ar or cake of soap
lie is saving money for his own
The same th in g is true of W ash­
ington people buying W ashington-
m ade goods.
“ I f each o f us used a 5-eent eako
o f soap a week, and nothing b u t
th e made-in Oregon brand, th a t
would mean $2,000,1100 saved a n ­
nually to Oregon and a made in-
Oregon in d u s try ,’’ he explained
recently in th e courso o f an im ­
prom ptu sermon on the business
righteousness o f fostering Oregon
“ And look a t this su it I w e a r,’ ’
Ito invited.
“ The wool in it came from the
back o f an Oregon sheep and when
th e grow er got the money for the
wool lie was provided with m eans
to grow more sheep and increase
th u s an in d u stry fo r which O re -’
g o n ’s n atu ral ad v an tag es are u n ­
“ When the woolen mill o p erato r
received the money for his work
lie w as helped to pay employes and
thus sustain th e m an u factu rin g
branch of an im p o rtan t industry.
When the tailo r received his priee
it m eans more money d istrib u ted
among w orking people, and all of
them spent th e ir money rig h t here
am ong us again.
“ I make it a study to buy all the
fu rnishings fo r my house, all the
statio n ery , ad v ertisin g calendars
and o th er made in-Oregon supplies
fo r my office, if possible.
“ E very t me I keep a dollar in
Oregon I pu t it in the w ay o f
coming back to me again. E v ery
tim e I send a dollar out of Oregon
I bid it farew ell forever.
“ I f we of Oregon co n tract a
h ab it of sending our money aw ay
wo will find th a t we m ust continue
sending money aw ay as fa s t as
the com m odities we buy are used.
" I f we of Oregon make it a
h a b it and a system to spend onr
money in th is sta te for made in-
Oregon articles, we stim n latt every
branch of in d u stry , th e money re ­
m ains where wc can in v ite it baek
into onr own bu sin tss again, and
to g eth er we work to r ard a develop­
m ent w h ire we can send out com­
m odities and get b re k th e money
o f o th er d is tric t» .”
“ If your Boy has a natural taste
and aptitude for mnsie, do not spoil
a successful carehr in this direction
by trying to make him drop it for
the tools of a mechanic. It is safer,
.,*nd far more sane, to let him follow
Mr. Samuel if manager of the
Oregon Life Insurance Company.
He quoted from an article he con­
tributed to the Chamber of Com­
merce bulletin to clinch his asser­
“ No other s ta te i the U nion is
so n a tu ra lly fitte d fo r self suste-
naneo. N ot only can O regonians
liv e w ith o u t help from an y other
section, b u t th ey c ar live more
h ealth fu lly , more com fortably and
a g re a te r num ber o f y ears th a n the
in h a b ita n ts of an y o th er state.
“ T his is not a m ere assertion. It
is proved by governm ent statistics.
The fa c t th a t o th er countries p u r­
chase our cereals, tim ber, fru its,
fish, etc., m ust not bo construed as
a desire to be helpful to us. The
su p erio rity of our products is the
only fa c to r th a t creates th e de­
m and fo r them.
“ One thing, how ever, m ust be re­
m em bered— up to th is tim e nature
has done p ractically ev ery th in g for
Oregon. M an has done b u t little .
We have not developed as rap id ly
as w could have by converting
n a tu r e ’s g ifts of raw m aterial into
th e fin b u e d product. We have ex­
p o rted raw m aterials, leaving to
o thers the b en efits o f developing
forces of m anufacturing.
“ Such m an u facto ries as have
been sta rte d hero have not been as
loyally supported as they should be.
E v en m an u factu rers and house
and store room owners, blind
to th e ir personal in terest, th o u g h t­
lessly send aw ay fo r things th a t
are produced a t least as good in
O regon as anyw here else.
“ O regon w ill ev en tu a lly come
into h er own when selfishness and
thoughtlessness is frow ned down
anil lo y alty to th e comm onwealth
made tho keynote an d rally of O re­
gon women and O regon men, and
when all unite, as is done elsewhere,
fo r th e b etterm en t of conditions in
Oregon. ’ ’
Oregon and W ashington people
should tak e Mr. ¡Samuel’s advice to
h e a rt and follow it.
How easy it would be to build up
tw o big, prosperous sta te s if wc did
act upon th is suggestion!
clean up the entrance to the system ,
and do more to p revent tuberculosis
than has been done w ith the mil­
lions of dollars spent in open a ir
sanitarium s, and all other measure* *
w hich tr e a t results only.
A large per cent of all tu b ercu lar
infection tak es place through di»- ,
eased or ill kept m ouths; and w h at
is tru e o f tuberculosis, is tru e o f
all other infectious diseases.
K eep vour mouth clean and go to
seo a d e n tist once in a while.
--------- » ---------
ERE are a few valnable hint»
fo r use in sum mer w eather:
B athe at least once daily.
B ath in g helps th e skin to breatbeu I
L earn to swim.
B ew are of dogs and cats; th e y
may be su fferin g from rabies.
Bo sure your icecream and ice­
cream soda is clean and prepared ia
a cleanly manner.
C onvert your bock y ard into a
vegetable or flow er garden.
L et th e stom ach rest betw eea
E xercise before going to bod.
wounds, scratches and
bruises heal very rapidly. T hey
should be thoroughly cleansed w ith
hot w ater and tied op in a d e a a
(boiled) ra g or sterilized bandage.
The b est tonic ia sunlight an d
should bo tak en frequently every
Germs o f tetan n s or lockjaw arw
carried in d irt, especially h o n e m a ­
S tab le m anure is a m ighty poor
ornam ent around barns and r e »
D irt is more th an undesirable; it
is a m enaee to health.
To clean up the city means tw
clean out disease.
W arfare on d irt never ends; it
is a life and death b a ttle , incessant
and aggressive.
D o n ’t boast—d o n ’t hedge—don
recite— w rite the sim ple tru th — i t h
tho m ost persuasive!
N FEC T IO N S for w h i c h
------- ♦-------
m outh is p a rtly responsible in­
clude tonsilitis, deafness (through
in fectio n of the eu stachian tubes),
ca ia rrb , colds, b ronchitis, stom atitis,
ERE are a few weapons with
c a ta rrh of the stom ach, diarrhea,
which to fig h t diseases. Best s f
dyspepsia, indigestion, infective en-
all they are cheap and w ithi^.
d o card itits, enlarged glands, iritis,
the reach o f all:
gout, headaches, septic infection of
th e jo in ts, nephritis, pneum onia, per­
T oothbrush
nicious anem ia, tu b ercu lar glands,
N ailbrush
general tuberculosis, ulcer of the
stom ach, cancer of th e stomaen, py­
W ash tu b
orrhea, L u d w ig ’s angina, and V in­
Scrub board
cent ’s angina.
F ly sw a tte r
Needless to say th a t the victim of
Covered garbage ran
an y o f these diseases is in danger
R ake
him self, and endangering anyone
n ear him when he coughs, sneezes
Scrub brush
or expectorates. Even the b reath
W ash boiler
o f one su fferin g from an infectious
S eptic t&nk
disease is laden w ith poisonous
Clean milk bottles.
germ s, w hich may be taken up by
Open windows
your system and cause disease.
A foul b reath is a signal of n.xn-
B a th tu b
g er and indicates an unhealthy con­
Covered manure bin
ditio n of the teeth and gums,
--------- * ---------
w hich alw ays leads to disease and
decay. B oth decay and disease may
Ho who finds ha has goods to » i t
be prev en ted by thorough cleanli­
And goes and whisper» it down a
P y o rrh ea is an infectious disease
Is not 1 a p t to eotlar the
of th e gums and m em brane su r­
As th e one who «limb» a tree
rounding th e roots of th e teeth,
w hich causes the teeth to loosen and
• • •
fin a lly to come out. This disease
An ad vertisem ent is an fn v ita tia a
is so common th a t it is generally b e­
to call, and buyers look upon ad­
lieved th a t the teeth should be lost
vertiser» as progrcaaive people w te
w ith old age.
w ant th e ir basin« u
I t has been said th a t pyorrhea is
e e e
a more subtle and dangerous d is­
A good advertisem ent is not new-
ease th an tuberculosis, because it
essarily w itty —nor sm art—nor fw
m ay exist, doing its deadly work
m iliar—nor spectacular; i t should
fo r y ears w ithout being detected by
be a tru th fu l, straightforw aw ^
e ith er physician or d en tist. By th is
businesslike atory of your p r o p « »
inflam m ation or infection, the v ita l­
• • •
ity r f th e m em brane lining the
A dvertise in yoor leading tow n—*
m outh is so lowered as to invite any
this one—and do the bosiness.
in fectio n s disease.
In a recent in v estig rtio n , it wag
--------♦------- -
learned h at 16 2 3 per cent of all
Consul A lfred A. V inslow, of
those who die in th e G overnm ent
paraíso, sta te s th a t f Ir ly good r i d i ^
H ospital a t V ienna, die of cancer;
horses in Chile sell aa high as $100 O.
and 40 per cent of th e cancer ia of
H. gold, and the poorer grades as low
the stomach.
a $40. Coaab horses are valued a t $10$
In the fight against taberculosis.
» Í .00