Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, June 12, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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R aising F ine Hogs in th e N o rth w est
Some Ideas on the Best W ay to Breed and. Produce the Farm ­
ers’ M ortgage Lifters.
g rain is very good, hut much b e tte r re ­
su lts are «cured if it is tl. ethed. E x ­
perim ents ,ondu<* ed a t the Oregon ex­
perim ent station sumo yeai . since
showed plain!, th at the w aste of feed­
ing sh eaf grain am ounted to a g reat
deal in ire than the to s t e f th r siting. In
some places ¡he hog« are llowcd to run
in the field o f uncut grain, or t i “ hog
it d o w n ” as it is called.
T here is of course no exp ins'. to this
method, the w aste ;s com paratively
small, and the indications are th a t the
practice is one th at may w ill >e ex­
tended. Thi re 's ro t su fficien t con­
clusive evidence on the subject a t
hand, however, to urquali ed
mend the practice, but it i i suggested
th a t grow ers try it on a small scale, es
pecially in tho dry farm ing sections,
and on grain th at is ti o short to liar
vest bv the usual methods. ,
when so fit. O f all the supplem ents
which may be used skim milk and ta n k ­
age are the best. I t is hard tc sa., which
is th e b e tte r, not c insiderim ; price.
Ten pounds o f milk per day per pig
should be about rig h t. I f ta n k a g e is
used about one-half pound per day
per pig would give about the same re­
<e • • •
su its as th e ten pounds of skim milk,
although p< rliap.i a trifle more gram
and E. L. POTTER.
would be used by th e tan k ag e hogs;
FTER th e grow ing period th e pig fa y one h a lf pound more g rain per
j should be p u t on a full ratio n an day.
fa tte n e d fo r m arket as rap id ly as
On this basis one pound o f tan k ag e
possible. This fa tte n in g period wi and one pound of grain would be equal
la s t about (>0 days, and nt the end of to 20 pounds o f skim milk. In ex p eri­
th is tim e th e pigs should weiegh about m ents at th e Oregon ex perim ent sta
'2 0 0 pounds, which is the most snlnld t i o n , w h< i ■ pigs w ei• e
w eight in th is state. A fte r this w eight practically the same
th e gains are slower anil more expen taiiied. Also from th e stan d p o in t of
give, and the price per pound rceeivi the chemical n u trie u .s contained the
Carl Stanley, Manager
fo r the anim al will be less, lienee the tw o would be alrout op.inl. T ankage
To vow to in v e g tic it« thewr p ro p e rtie s if
O. Kirke Drury, Asst. Mgr.
to ta l p ro fit to th e grow er will be less. will cost in toil lots about 24c per you a re in te re ted. 30 a rre a n J in high s ta te
As pigs are ord in arily
handled the pound. Cu th is
milk of c u ltiv a tio n , n e ar K elso. W ash in g to n . C lear
FIRE and element proof
grow ing season will come a t the tim e would be
o rtli a little less nan 20c of e n cu m b ra n ce s, building* all fenced, on auto
hotel with every modcru
o f the best p asture, mid by th e time per hundred pounds, r -oughly, about m obile ro a d , ru ra l delivery, telephone, sm all
a n d equip­
they arc reaedy to fa tte n the pa tu res 14c p er gallon. W lr re these supple o rc h a rd b e arin g , good condition. O nly $100
ment. Central location. Two
will be short and dry and will lu rn ish m ents must be purchased th ey may be p e r a cre, $ 1 ,000 cash, balan ce on easy pay
beautiful dining rooms. New
bu t little feed.
purchased on this basis. In m o 't eases, m ents.
buffet. Sample rooms. Rates
The fa tte n in g pigs do not need much however, the skiin milk will be a home
57 a c re s n e a r K alam a, W ash in g to n .
no higher than those in in­
exercise, so it is well to pu t them in product and would nth irwis be largely seres good tilla b le laud. 10 a c re s in c u ltiv a ­
ferior establishments. A u t o
C om paratively small pens and
feed w asted, but th e tan k ag e must be pu.'
tion. G ood 5 -room bungalow , ru n n in g stre a m ;
busses meet all trains. Send
g ram , supplem ented w ith skim i
m ain c o u n try road. F o r $3,000. Sm ail pay
fo r
tan k ag e, m iddlings or some sim ilar
Grain Feeding.
ruent. B alan c e easy term s.
feed. A little rich, green a lfa lfa pas
In com paring th e feeding of grain
100 a c re s in C lackam as C ounty, O regon.
tu re, such as is found in many places
alone w ith grain supplem ented w ith 90 a cres good tilla b le laud, b a la n ce rough
in E astern Jlregon anil E astern Wash
skim milk or tan k ag e, t. e resu lts are
rnd tro u t s tre a m ru n n in g th ro u g h the place.
ington, will be very sa tisfacto ry , but
in fav o r of th e supplem en.s. E x p eri­ Oood fi room fram e 1» »use, out b u ild in g s. 60
the p astu res o f W csfern Oregon and
m ents a t th e Oregon experim ent sta fr u it tre e s b earin g . 10 a cres in c u ltiv a tio n .
Wests rn W ashington, especially tliost
tion, v.uere grain fred in g has been Ideal sto ck ra n c h . $25 an acre, $ 1 ,500 cash,
found in th e la tte r end of the season
com pared w ith grain mid ski: i milk, balanco 4 y e ars, 6 p e r 'c e r t in te re s t.
when the pigs are reaoy to fa tte n , are
h a re fhinvn th a t 100 pounds o f skim
Now, 5» r. R eader, w e have m any p ro p o s i­
of little value except -or g io * lug pigs
milk have saved from 20 to 50 pounds tio n s of sasa.l and la rg e acreage, v a ca n t p ro p ­
and stock hogs. R ape properly eulti
f g rain , more commonly about 30 to e rty iu th e city, a n d w ell im proved. A il c sh
vated, however, will f u n u .h a g o o d
40 pounds. One hundred pounds of a t a sp b a rg a in , o r on e x tre m e ly easy
p astu re late in the season.
tan k ag e have saved rliont 400 pounds term s. W e have done over $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 b u s in e s s
Wheat and Barley.
of grain. A dollar inveseted in tank sin ce the 15 th of M arch by o u r force of
The grains th a t are used for fa tte n age at 14c per pound, t r in skim milk salesm en a n d le g itim a te d ia lin g s O u r re fe r
ing are largely w heat and barley. at 2Cc p< r hundred pounds will thus c n ees a re th e e d ito r of th is pap er. We so lic it Y O U W A N T T H E B E S T S P R A Y E R
Y ou want lo save timw,
l*ound for pound these tw o are about usually save from $1.50 to #2.00, and a sh a re of y o u r p a t r . n a j « and c o rre sp o n d
temper, trouble a-id t ie » .
n some cases even more. It must be encc.
equal. The one chosen should there
- — r
Y- ti want to raise fruit that
S [<-4|h-;^<Sw f a bling» the highest pri«.».
fore depend upon the m arket price. In n ii ilerstood th a t this saving upplies only
You w art to knvw ali about
some places and in some y ears a little w here lim ited ¡m o u n ts of such feeds
L,- w ' ”» »prayer before you buy.
br e i s more you ought to
Corn may be used. Corn also has about
C atalo g u e s?
—^ ¿ ¿a k n e w . Do You W art To
th e same value ns w heat, pound for thesee supplem ental feeds were to tak e
432 C ham he of C o 3 u ce .ee .
is a cmrav co.
Kh w Thc, Cre
pound, the preference, if any, being for th e place e f the en tire am ount of grain
Mar.iiiacuirers 182 Morrison St.. Portland, Ore.
th e corn, i. it is prop, rly supploinente 1. o such sav in g would resu lt; instead
None of these feeds should be f e I alone, tlie pigs would probably go o ff feed
b u t supplem ented w ith a small am ount and th e resu lts woul 1 be en tirely tin
of some such feed a . skim milk or ta n k ­ a t i s f a c t o r '. The rdnsun for th is is
age. The pigs will eat mote, will g o th a t g rain , as w heat or barley, supple
o ff feud less readily, will gain fa ste r m ented as m entioned, m akes a well bal-
and tak e less feed pete pound o f gain nerd ratio n . I t is ap p etizin g and
suited to th e p ig ’s d igestive system,
cd co n tain s th e proper am ount of the
Siaeo “ T IM E S ARE H A R D ,” now is th e tim e Mr yon to
n u trim en ts which the pig need«. G rain
p ro fit on yonr oi.l bn,„11,- o f freig h t bill- th a t vou have
alone, or skim milk or tan k ag e alone,
I taps regnrut «I as nothing more than w asto paper.
will not meet nil of these requirem ents.
Do you know th a t the fre ig h t and express charges th a t vou
T here aro o th er feeds which may be
ra y ¡.re many tim es m error, due to oversight on the p a rt o f 'th e
used as a supplem ent to w heat or b ar
clerk ,n assessing ¡ro p er charges, c r to errors in classification,
ley w ith good effect. The best of
« lig h ts , etc., and th a t which you pay to the tran sp o rtatio n com
these is m iddlings.
W here middling« in excess of w hat actually belongs to them for their services
are fed from one fo urth to one th ird
under th eir legally published ta r if f rates am ounts to considerable
of the ratio n should be of th is feed.
money th a t you m ight count ns profit? in the conduct of vonr
business? It is a fact th a t unless business concerns, however
When fed in th is way good re s u lt! ran
small, employ . Xpert rate and tra ffic men to loo; a fte r th eir tran s
he o x p ect.u , and it will be found th a t
porta»,on a fla ir s th ey lose anni,ally a large am ount of monev th at
th e m iddlings w ill save much m ere Ilian
th e ir own w eight in grain. W hen used
in th is w ay m iddlings will be worth
We can g reatly benefit you and your business as a mem ber of
from ♦ti.Ofl to »2.00 per ton more than
tin s association our s ta f f o f tr a ffic experts are the best Hint
w heat, b arley or rorn, m«1 may be pur
money can produce, and w e arc saving m erchants throughout the
country thousands of dollars yearly in overcharges found on e -
penso bills Winch were erroneously charged bv the railroads and
Tankage Not Advised.
express companies. A m em bership in th is association entitles you
Making the M ortgage to secure
As to using more than one of these
to these savings, to g eth er w ith such fu rth e r services as quòta-
a number of Notes or Bonds supplements pt once, we would not rec­
tion of rates routing of freig h t to receive lowest rates, collection
of $100, $500 and $1,000 each. ommend the purchase o f tankage when
o f loss and dam age claims. I n t e r s t a te Commerce Com plaints, and
many other services beneficial to m erchants.
The form of the bond and skim milk is abundant, and not ordm
The eost of m em bership is only »10.00 for the firs t y e a r ’s
mortgage is, so far as possible, arily when middlings arc cheap.* Both
service; the second y ear s service ilocs not cost vou an y th in g in
identical with the small loon middlings and skim milk may be fed to
as we tak e »7 50 to cover the second y e a r 's service " fro m
where the note and mortgage advantage to hogs of any age, but es
found in the expense bills only, and we fa rth e r
are assigned to the purchaser. pecially to sows suckling young pigs
g u aran tee to refund to you under our co n tract more th a n tho
and to greeting pig» from one to four
am ount of cash th a t you originally pay for the mem bership.
We have at present several months old. Shorts may be used in
very attractive issues of such place of middlings if o f similar eom
Let us have your application today.
bonds, m aturing from 1 to 10 position. Seme shorts are about the
years, netting 7 per cent. Let same as middlings, while in other cases
us tell you about them.
they are the same as bran.
Bran is a bulky feed and eontains
Jarab Farta
Joha Darla
411-415 Panama Buildinf. Portland, Oregon.
F. K Sir »•
J. B Patrick
not recommended, and its value for
dairy cows makes the price too high to
— »hsrship Is ths skovs rsmed Assodati«« to rcesivs
ju stify iU use for pigs. A lfalfa, veteh
s s
« - » « e t . „ 4 I « r i o « U se-
w»in cheek far $10.00 ta covar ■ etnie rah ip fa«.
or «lover hay, which is eepeeially valna
Ibis for stock hegs in winter, has little
value tor fattening hogs, and its nse
. N in e
for this purpose is not recommended.
The same vxay be said of kale and roots.
Oats are very good for pregnant
807 Second Avenue
. Addreaa.
sows, hut have too much bulk for the
J best results with other stock. Sheaf
« • •
#> T his if th e fo u rth of a series of
articles by tw o men w ‘II inform ed ;
*■ upon w hat th e hog can do fo r the $
N orthw est.
Means Money”
Hotel Benson
G. S. Smith & Company
We Make Large
Loans Upon
Improved City
and Farm