Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, May 22, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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    » M fc’v y ^ * ^**1F **T2gS
Marvels of Everyday Science
Competent Scientists Apply Their Skill to Problems of Agriculture, Huuskeeping, Schools, business and Governmental Activities.
tion com paratively clean, simple, and in o verturn and keeps th e head above
w ater under any circum stances.
many wavs efficient.
“ A UTOM ATIC fla g m a n ’ ’ for ! electric propulsion, is g re a te r flex ib ility
grade crossings—<in ap-’ of control and th e possibility of m anip­
p a ra tu s th a t in ad d itio n to ringing u latio n from th e bridge.
* • •
a loud gong a t the approach of a train ,
E lectricity From Coal Mine.
w aives a red disk by day am i a red lig h t
In the production of coal of com m er­
by n ig h t— has been devised. I t is oper
ated by a sm all m otor, which receives cial sizes, the Lehigh Coal & N av ig atio n
its energy from storage b a tte rie s, lig h t­ Company, w hich owns larg e deposits in
ing circuits or tro lley circuits.
On the M auch Chunk and T am aqua regions
steam roads th e track is insulated and o f P en n sy lv an ia tu rn s annually enough
bonded for the desired distance aw ay coal refuso to m ain tain a 125,000 hp
from th e signal and is charged w ith electric p lan t in continuous operation.
cu rren t from a small b a tte ry . The trSin The culm has no m ark etab le value b e ­
on en terin g the block com pletes the cir cause it would no t b ring enough-to pay
eu it and operates a relay which con­ for its tra n sp o rta tio n
nects the m otor w ith the pow er circuit. utilize this refuse fuel from the break ers
W hen the tra in leaves th e block th c ir­ and w asheries and have it perform some
cu it is opened and the m otor discon­ comm ercial and economic service in ­
nected. S everal hundred of the “ flag stead of dum ping it on a heap to m ar
m e n ’ ’ are in service on th e lines of the the I eau ty of th e scenery in th a t p o r­
E tectrie
R ailw ay, of Los tion of P en n sy lv an ia know n as the
“ S w itzerland of A m erica,” the Lehigh
A ngeles.
• • •
N avig atio n E lectric Company has e re c t­
ed a huge g en eratin g sta tio n a t the
Water-proof Case For Bell.
The accom panying p ictu re shows a mines. This p la n t will have an ultim ate
bell w itu its w orking p a rts protected cap acity o f 125,000 hp and transm ission
lines have alread y been designed to
bv a w aterproof m etal case.
carry th e e lec tricity geirerated a t 110,-
000 volts to d is ta n t p arts. In th e pres
ent sta te of th e a rt, th e whole sta te of
New Jersey and the im mense cities of
Philadelphia and New Y ork are w ithin
comm ercial electric transm ission dis
tance. Fuel being th e larg est single
item of expense in the generatio n of
elec tricity from steam , it will be .evi­
dent th a t th e immense sta tio n a t lla u to
will be able to m an u factu re elec tricity
for considerably less th an it is being
turned out in th e g reat m ajo rity of
w ater power p lan ts th roughout the
• • •
A [ railw ay
life preserver is made of block cork
covered w ith cotton drill and has under-
arpi strap s arranged so th a t the b o d y ’*
W hen a tra in is derailed it is the job w eight is curried from ru st prouf burr*
of th e w recking crew to p u t the line on top.
• • •
back into service in th e q u ickest possi­
ble time. E very m inute counts and to
Chinese Wheelbarrow H auls Load.
reduce the period of a tie-up the New
A burrow w ith a wheel as big as th a t
l u r k C entral has placed in service a
specially designed, self-propelled w reck­ used on a wagon is used in some p art*
ing car, capable o f picking up a load of China, and loads o f eonsiderabl*
o f 100 tons and sw inging it clear of the w eight are hauled upon it. The box of
tracks. Fortner w reckers depended upon
locom otives to haul them to the scene
of an accident, b a t by pro v id ing the
new ap p aratu s w ith its own motive
power an h o u r’s delay is elim inated. It
is possible to run the w recker either
from a th ird rail or from sto rage bat
Thus if th e th ird rail power
were shut o ff fo r some reason the
w recker could still reach its destination
by run n in g on electric cu rren t from its
own b atteries. T here is a cab a t each
end, from w hich is controlled not only
th e corresponding boom, b u t also the
propelling m echanism of th e car itself.
Thus th e w recker can be operated equal
ly well in eith e r directio n from either
end, and no tim e need be w asted in
tu rn in g it. All m<
ag ere controlled
by air atui no heavy levers are required.
bed of the barrow is divided, so th a t (lie
• • •
wheel occupies th e central space, the
load being piled or fasten ed on e ith er
Life Preserver That F its the Neck.
side. Such well balanced loads as th a t
A cork life p reserv er which fits
shown in the illu stratio n are not uncom­
around the neck ra th e r th a n under the
arm s and is designed to support even mon.
• * *
Reaching Railroad Wrecks.
Street Farrier.
On the streets of P aris is seen a p o rt­
able sm ithy which does a p ro fitab l*
business during the w inter. The fa rrie r
tak es his tools w ith him on his tours
through the streets, and finds his cus­
tom ers in drivers who fin d th a t a horse
has east a shoe or th a t w eather condi­
tions call for sharpened calks.
Insulator For Phone Line.
The S cien tific A m erican in d e scrib in g '
an insulator, invented by O. C. Meuse-
bach of San A ntonio, Texas, says: The
more p a rticu lar purpose of th e in v en to r i
A peculiar appearance is given to the
is to provide an in su lato r su itab le for
bell by the hood which shelters the
use upon telephone and teleg rap h lines,
m etal tap p er and its arm.
Electric Driven Ships.
» » •
F ire Engine a« H eater.
Coal driven and oil driven ships are
to be follow ed, it seems, by ships op
e rated b y electricity . The fireb o ats of
Chicago a r both propelled and steered
through the crowded Chicago riv er by
e i.e tr ie ity ; there is th e new electric
driven U nited S ta te s n av y collier J u p i­
ter. ami tli • ship T vneinount, recently
com pleted in England and destined to
ply the w aters of the g re a t lakes of
N orth A m erica, is one of the largest
vessels of th is type. The ad v an tag e of
W hen the reg u lar h eatin g p lant of a
M ississippi railw ay statio n w as put out
of commission by reason of dam age to
the boiler, an old fire engine was cou­
pled to the h eating coils of th e sta tio n ,
and a com fortable tem p eratu re m ain­
tain ed w ithout d iffic u lty . P ipes were
run from the boiler of the fire engine
to the m ains in the basem ent of th*
statio n and steam was sen t to all ra d i­
ators u n til the regular boiler w as in
commission again.
well as upon lines for general service
various kinds, a special o bject being
im prove the insulation of th e line and
the same tim e to render th e co n stru c­
Health and Sanitation
The care of teeth is one o f the ♦
«• most im portant featu res of a per-
s o n 's daily life. For th a t reason <$>
Dr. J o n e s ’ rem arks are well w orth ♦
• .................................... .... : ..................
an unconscious person Las recently been
placed on th e marked. The advantage
claim ed for th e new life saving device
is th a t it. d o ts not p erm it th e body to
m any weeks each y e a r ow ing to the
im passable conditions of th e roads. T hat
h ealth is prom oted as well as com fort
and w ealth b y good roads should give
the argum ent fo r th e ir construction i r ­
resistib le force so th a t th e ir building
shall n o t cease u n til th e whole country
is lined w ith them .
• • •
/l-i A R U LE, it is well to dry clean
“ th e scalp as much as possible; and
it is su rp risin g how d e a n tlie hair and
scalp can be kept ju s t by thorough and
regular b rushing and currying alone.
The most im p o rtan t d etail about the
w ashing of th e h air is th a t it should
be rubbed or brushed un til thoroughly
dry. I f th is is done, in th e short h air
of men there is no o bjection to w elting
it daily or even tw o or th ree tim es a
day if desired. The risk of le a \in g it
not p erfectly dry is th a t the n atu ral oil
o f th e hair, when mixed w ith w ater,
rap id ly decompopses or fe r m e n ts , w ith
th e production of the all too fam iliar
and none too-pleasai.t «onr or h alf rancid
smell of badly k ep t hair. T his condition
both irrita te s th e scalp and fu rn ishes a
fine culture medium fo r germ s which
thereupon p ro m p tly sweep in and give
rise to the comm onest form o f d an d ru ff
or scaliness o f th e head.
tity , o ften causes the p a tie n t to disliko
The secret of success in giving milk
and eggs to those who would ra th e r not
ta k e them is to prepare them h i d iffe r
ent w ays. F o r a delicate stonftirh the
w hite of an egg, well b eate n , added to
hot or cold m ilk, sw eetened to ta s te , will
often prove tem pting, when even th*
sight o f the yolk w ith milk is unpleas­
ant. A t a tim e a little of the yolk may
he tin 1. the w hite of th e egg being
added la s t, and not stirre d into tho
milk, but le ft on the top of the glass fo r
ornam ent.
• • •
■THE m orning cold b a tk is not a elean-
■ sing b a th , b u t a stim u la tin g b ath.
Follow ing th e plunge into the cold w at r
should come a lively rub. I f tin- a f t e r ­
glow is not good, the cold b ath does
no good.
p u ts th e fe a tu re in th e foreground and
w an ts modern im proved roads in th a t
s ta te because th ey p revent disease.
They do th is because th ey affo rd
d rainage. A good road can never re
m ain a good road unless it is well
drained. The ‘roadbed m ust not have
any stan d in g w ater eith er on its su r­
face or below th e surface. I t m ust have
d rainage, and the g u tte rs beside the
roads must Lave slope and be k ep t free
H E first process o f digestion is per from o bstruction, so th a t all surplus
form ed in the ad m ix tu re of the food w ater can escape quickly and easily.
substance w ith a fluid secreted by
An old fashioned, ill d rain ed road,
th e su liv arv glands during m astication. w ith its freq u en t pools of stan d in g
T his firs t step in th e conversion of w ater on th e road or by th e roadside,
food in to flesh and blood, is a most w ith its d itches filled w ith weeds, brush
im p o rtan t one, and th e pleasures a t­ and all sorts of trash , is a breeding place
ten d in g th e sense of ta s te are doubtless of insect life. M osquitoes, flies and
given to insure a proper perform ance o th er insects, such as chinch bugs and
of th is in itia to ry process of a tran s grass hoppers, m ultip ly th ere in profit
form ation.
sioa. i t is these insects which eith er
I f food is not well m asticated, the carry disease or are o f th e kind which
cxjiert repa rer of all kind*
■tomach cannot perform successfully the destroy the fa r m e rs ' crops. F o r these
of strin g ed instrum ents.
second stag* o f digest.on. and th e dis reasons well b u ilt, w ell-drained high
My price is one h alf the custom ary
astro u s effe c ts of mal assim ilation w Jl w ays are a double b en efit since th ey
*oon be ap p aren t, a ffe c tin g in some de give th e farm er th * in estim ab le advan­
gree the whole body.
Gold M e la l a t th e W o rld ’s F air.
tag e o f easy com m unication w ith his
M any dyspeptics, and persons su ffer m ark et a t all tim es o f th e y ear and by
H E use of milk and eggs as a diet |
in g from nervous condition* are really im proving the d rain ag e check th e b reed ­
or an aid in build in g up a p a tie n t is
rth St., Portland, Oregon.
v ictim s of mal n u tritio n duo to careless ing of h arm fu l insects,
o ften a tria l f ir th e nurse. M any pa
h a b its o f m asticatio n or th e in ab ility to
Good roads m ean, th erefo re, not onlv tien t* will ta k e m il': slig h tly warm, or
properly prepare th e ir food for rceep a g re a t sav in g o f tim e an d lab o r for even hot, and d ig est it readily, when
tio n by the stom ach.
th e farm er, b u t th e im provem ent in the cold m ilk causes d —‘re 4?. I t is an ex­
• • •
hygienic conditions of th e farm in g com ­ cellen t idea to rln ss th e m onth w ith to' correspond w ith you in relatio n t*
HE influence of good roads on pub m unity. li e is brought n earer to h i s ' cold cool, or hot w ater, as p referred, be­ anv condition p e rtain in g to dental work.
T w enty y e a r s ’ practic'd in Oregon.
lie h ealth is a p o in t in their fa v o r! m ark et, th e h au lin g cap acity of his I fore ac l n ite r d rin k in g milk. The tu-to
th a t has nut received much a t ten I team s is g re a tly increased, and ha is { le ft in the m onth o f m any persons a fte r j
tio n . The K ansas s ta te b ?ard of health no longer muT.oned on his farm fo r! * drink of m ii.., t ; ecially a small qu n j 245J Washington bt., Portland, Orego*
WANTEo—Old Violins
W e w ill be P le a s e d